2021年7月31日 星期六

I need to go to sleep


Babaji: Right

Sailor moon !!! WAit ... Keanu ! did you read that unicorn? Who are you? Blue little kid define yet? 藍色小男孩是哪一組的人?

 I remember that.....

That unicorn guy is kiss the pink hair ...George, next to Aria? 

He is First grade

I don't want to watch it anymore....now....Period.

 You know, I am a type of person doing experiment things all the time.

Like I use my life to bet on medicine. 

There is not a day I didn't do that in MLS, Library studies. So nick asked me how come I don't rest for a while in Woodbridge.

Today was my first day period. 2 oclock something.

I went to bath, I check my period since that time, you know what the blood did?

Its at the top.

then I wait

Top darker again

then I wait

Top pass the pads, dirty the pants, I throw it all out.

That is not period !!! My first day.

Never mind. 

I feel discomfert too. Not Pain....its discomfer.

I saw that much, I think its about the period. You don't bothers yourself to deal that every month now? Smell, trash can, and brings it to the outside dump? 

If I were a guy, it will really bothers me.

But if I am a girl, and I lost my period...and one day if if if if if if if fi fif ....

It will become.....

10:36 Apen? Aspirin? or Apren? Cooking guy, like Ryoya? Pain killer....Period and cooking? Eben, sounds....too.

 She does not cook last video, she thought was funny, and???

How is the YouTube Cpanel making money per views all that, money coming in every weeks on statistcs more important? Don't you feel heart warming, life is God intended to become...landing here.

Not Thailand, they do sex forienger. Europe! 

Taiwan says those things for Taiwan Local? 

oh ~those American girls in the middle west to become something, just born baby and makes population counts on education try out!

7:46 Adam Davis might watching it ... He is a computer person ....this girl...all girls...I am telling you as I am God. I will tell you....they do not understand Self Ruined in life behind flat kneel before me called Judgement Day that day was....how far is gazillion moutain range ....will be.

 Look at her face...

Life has no hope, because the brain are dummy to be happy.

Life cannot be sort, so its her parents faults.

English cannot be well perfect, because she is an AMerican, everyone learns English.

Well....That is too bad.

Life don't born perfect, til that day you have kids, Hailey, Adam says a lot of kids. 

That is... rewarding means.

I told you before.....something in life is very very cruel when the book Thinking and Grow Riches tell you a lesson, you define your purpose well...

What was one of those words....

Those are ghost doing like Hailey is doing...they drift.

Every girls blanketing out all doing that, the TVdefines them DEAD

I hate my bathroom camera. My room too. I didn't say that is the standard if I flush the entire sink water down like I lower the standard means in Chinese 放水 and putting on the sheet to draw bars.

I coming back and forth, not laying down. 

These birds....on the roof...Didn't I say I was busy????

I am on 3:52 Adam & Hailey, no, I dont finish whatever those stupid talks things Eben does. I answer most of it. the rest they show up like they meant the years to rolls, tell me....in plain words you practice you saying, better be really something you want to say right.

 I see...

Adam, is to investigate her why she is a vegan.

She has a motive doing that...most human in America is not all that....pure.

What is your reason Haliey to be truly vegan? 

That is eggs? You mean vegetarian.

No...American police does those things, why you become a vegetarian, how strict you really meant your words, your look, your smile, you fake, your tried to lie, try to remember?

You breaking apart yet, Hailey?

That is a real thing they investigate. Why are you that diet really? starting when? 


Wish, Well, prayers? Hope? 一鳴驚人 I think that is what it is.

Its the lotto mentality.


THis guy I used to hear his name...coaches are dummy....don't talk to me about coaches really. We are different. Stupid people cannot get through school, so later regret, to go through outside school to write books, they need coaches. My sport has coaches. That is the word meant. Sport coach, not writing stupid more books not PHD to say one more time coaches That is the final sign.

 shut UP

He says Jay Abraham? Those are Bible name...marketing ?

 Why don't you just say Finance groups looking at us all chaos, they about to kill each other.

Every single time, I have to come out and say something?

Say something

Say something

Say something...

Eben was saying What? Believe in you? like his shirt? Moses? top down....do you mean, My name to your name....string down? That is not my department, Eben. You went to Metaphysics fine.

 Bible has only 2 sides.

My side | Eben side

Eben says mother? Like...Catholics? You know .....I don't know how they want to propose things with ETthat Saturn...lookiing stuffs.

 I don’t know....

Sailor Saturn, ask, don't ask...Like Tim Cook says Artificial Dye or Dust.... But if you don't ask, we leave it there? 

Inner Senshi vs. Outer Senshi


Private Researcher

Public Company


Governmental Secrecy

Hospital-Research Complex

University, Acadmia.

4 ??? This is so insane !!! 

4 In Chemistry is to stablize ...that's say Square means.

Was Eben tried to say Dad and Mom like Adam and Eve stories? like 9 generation after? Because they way I used to read Bible turn that page after "Sin started to begin" children born that page, after Adam and Eve....I read so many this RNA mother stuffs how science define old age Women born a son, and this son, what, with his whom...there are 2 brothers...etc....there is a whole stair case..I just say 9 generation...the way I read the beginning of the family. I killing too soar in my hands...when you give those order all the time, really.

 oh...I was not finishing listening, that is why I comment before.

I always think if you just sort that with ET we all will be dead and sue eternity.....people believe the science are fake? 

I really think that is a huge leap, quantum leap, if everyone everyone on this planet, to believe, you cannot, NEVER sue us eternity ....on this science defined 1900 with chemistry, physics, or biology, I do things too perfect? I heard that.

TOO perfect...so not tearing apart biology....that is what you saying.

So you mean I am in chemistry department, you can tear apart that? 

What? Saturn Sailor was too perfect too???

Which department you want to sues? Congress...which Congress are on this?

I say, if we entire scientists, biology, chemistry, physics, including Elon Musk, and some Pixies. If all of us failed with ET, we will be sue eternity, and die eternity in Hell, might be, yes.

Sue and die. 


Not possible! Why don't they believe me? 

Eben, says Vertical? Chemistry, no, towards the right, and come back. Its ... a ways to say molecules in moles to calculate, but say compound is stock room, we purchase in solid matter more, to label "What compound do they got in the stock room for this chemical compound?"

 Maybe Eben tried to understand that? 

Toward the right.

Not vertical....

Biology? I would think you buy one of those children Encyclopedia...see how evolutionary progress really become a sequence of events or motions of life they tried to engrain into people's mind.

I went to shower bathing....what Lalla say behavior? Psychology department?

 Really? ...

I didn't say anything, after that Saturn...

Does ET have a behavior science like at night they hit the wall? That kind?

Do you talk to Rockefeller before she fade away before me really? 

Or John Jacob Astor? They are real women does real women does thing to raise a family.

Was she her son was music related? 

oh ~ 

Psychology department...what doesn't Fire department just says the word Let it be Fire, not Let it be Light? One of those stupid joke they hang a chinese Symbol word 火  on their wall....

No, I haven't had any time to think ....did you try to ask ET if they live on the astrol belt before? One of those stupidest thing, you could inquire if they partner in you? 4 Sailors? These foundamental science cannot possible be wrong, or else, we will all be wipe out! Seriously!

 To ask ET first? You guys look horrible ~~~~ Same that way Chemistry department, you throw beakers to break?

I thought I say to Duke University, Dry ice ....

Of course you can ask ET that! 

What? If ET proves us wrong, our 1900 science wrong? No, they won't.

No, I say NO!!!!!!

What If ET proves us wrong? We will all be sue and die. YES! 

Wait... Classify, whom is 1900 groups? Can you, could you, will you?

金木水火土 always have to be together, I feel....this is right? You don't just to from the Top down, from down to Top like I Ching. Do you know how I add Pinterests Photo? From below. I add so many frames from the left, I add photo from below, all the way scrolling up, you guys want to try that?



In Chemistry, we have chemical reaction. I heard the part on Lalla, you were saying future what to be? 

We are using in the biology, so chemistry, is free zone?

Molecule, compound, reaction, dissociation/ precipitation, say equilibrium reach. Double arrow.

You cannot possible first forward reaction going that way, and return immediately. It takes at least a second and back? So there is 2 arrows sequence.

I didn't hear anything on chemistry ....de...okay, they exist too. 

Just about the same.

Chinese using Chinese words in Biology? My tapes must be useful! 

They? They are real guys in the science that talks and argues. Yes. Current stage?

 They argue all the time.

Those people killing each other in real life time, that is why they have to be science groups. People whom are to be in the science groups....you know why in the science groups?

Its to research or lab.

Occasionally make sense of something, like Sailor Moon.

They actually working serious. Practical science!! 

CERN is physics. I just gonna tell you coming here today Taiwan.

Me and Lee is on the Biology cells part.


The down below 4?

Its chaotic never ceases. How many books can they be, printing at it. 4 of the sailors...its a fun thing to do. 

They understand me and Lee, and drag CERN in it. CERN is famous because of the movie. Da Vinci Code.

I usually just chill until they finish killing each other. Only 4 roles for all that private, public, hospital, research, combine institution called 1900 science?  Right governmental secrecy included might be.

Whatever.... those things to make 4. 

Do you know why we define cell? Because there is a microscope first developed, to magnified so large, we can see cells.

That is how we come about science?


Eben says what? Developmental? Does Apple tell Medical Center one of the biggest thing of that Sailor Moon was that Science groups are taking over that entire Sailor Moon Comic Books series.

 Maybe that is not on the War Strategic, only to do with what I and Lee work at?

Its 1900 science one day I gonna hear 2200 tell me, they are still on 1900 science in public education.... 

You know....I really really hope that is not the case, in that few hundred of a school public sectors could be this retarded evovled....but I see they never gonna improves so Steve Jobs meant Demo Crash.

Whatever...That was Eben Day 2? 

oh ! My memory fade.

⭐️W two Worlds Casts, are you educators?

 They are all not speaking English, or Chinese right people, in my family

in my family

in my family

in my family....

你們講中文還是講英文?? 韓文?你們是做什麼的?教育者嗎? 我找誰? 他們通通都不會講話呀!

Dr. Bing Shen



My brother Age, = you? Does Ryoya calling you? To be honest, Korean and Japanese are next to each other = something

You can just beat the crap of each other.


You all don't like Tim Cook. What if He is working every single day? Do you know what he is working on ? You want to compete with him, because he started on my profile do briefing? or you want to compete with Eben Pagan?

 There is something funny, about, you think you = me?

So Tim Cook and Eben Pagan become a garbage? 

Where is 430?

And you all think SMCH don't talk right? 

They all work longer than I am, see more real scenario in life. Your attitude, should try to really go to them and say something.

I did say something directly to them.

Directly typing it.

You all have a very big issues just trying on your word documents as if Apple sent it to Tim Cook.

You ever think of that? 

You are so scared if you try, but if you did try, don't you feel better next monday? 

You have a better settlement of nervous wreck? To confront people through an interface? 

I am not asking you to do it in person yet!! 

I didn't see real human yet. We are on the same lines? 

So build up your vocabulary. There is a podcast. 

Nick has an accountant, Shamia husband. Promo. 

He does podcase. Accountant like Dennis.

That is in Canada.

Do you all trying to network some net-worth human, average, normal friends, normal association, or even Simon Cowell? Syco or Sony.

I can just go to both them company, it does not hurt me, will it hurt you, if you talking is not Simon?

You need a focus point to "fall in love"? really? 

Well... 2014 I met Simon on Camera. that was it! 

My outside beef CEO noodles gone. We are looking at, whom are going to open that. 

Seriously. This place are so tiny and small. Whom will replace Simon, that stuffs....gossips!

I have no idea what you all did, whomever this Ivy League if you are not State School ....Do you know a lot of people are in Law school, in Meds school, in Science Department, a lot? You show up talking to Commander in Chef, who are you? So say it, present it, practice in America.....EVERY SINGLEDAY!

 I know it is hard to make it to Law, or Julliard

But I am saying, this entire world, really....not that few should ever show up in front of these people. I am hosting a dinner party before the Queen?

Did you make it to the Queen guest kitchen list, including room evacuation vaccume that cleaning supply lists company she has to pay to? 

You thought activities made in life, to increase Tesla said " human potential" are fake? 

You don't just tell me you are in law school, in business school, in dental school. 

Not this time.

If I am educating, none sense, yes, I play with you.

Not when I have to work, don't ever open your mouth, if I were you!

If Eben is not with Lalla, and you girls don't have a landing page to profile? She is a coach ! She can speak a straight forward sentence out, no or yes? on your one page profile listing things for Elon Musk to see it ? I list it one page.

 If just one of them are here, I cannot leave Taiwan. I actually born here, live here, grow up here. Speak the language here.

What is wrong I cannot stay where I am to stay? 

Here is known, a strategic postion. Island.

Not to you all born in America.

We are taught here. The entire Asia map, you don't use!

⭐️⭐️ I am listening to Eben, a little bit, 2021, this May Day 2 with Lalla online....I just need few seconds frames. Where are these not dead American European girls UB says? Whats? All you care about if Eben still with Lalla? That kind of Today? My other Medical Center God know What Numbers coming in, or Commander in Chef, even one still is One person I can get? to slaguhter the entire City, YES! So I am so busy....to remember....They might care about where Eben is. So I check...what did I see few seconds?

 Why don't I just meant Lalla dead yet....

This is so important about my life, if Eben was here, or on my email, or on my Line, or on everyone nose business. He has that tendency....He looks a bit like that.

I am not sure.

UB you all are given a Prince William profile to go gluey....

Did I say I am done with all of your 16 years ago? I am busy....This is so ridiculous, all you care about if Eben meant he was on his email? 

So what? I lie about to Eben, he lies to about me?

okay~~~can you all girls think a real thing in Business world, in Eben's world...what if that is true?

That is true?

Thats is true, they play girls and lies to them? and die....? 

I really just .... don't think you have a life. I told you nick used to join some seminar to do self-improving. He is trying his best, to improve. In one human life, you all care just "love"? Do you polish your presentation skill? 

Last time, I report to SMCH a monk coming to my house.

I say to him, after he came second time, you want to learn English? 

yeah..you write, you get on, on Monday, and speak in front of the stage, you have 3 days.

I don't know if he did it or not.

What do you girls thinking and guys lazy thinking??? Just stay in America and be happy a whole life time. Eben there, then, find him in America!!!!

Commander-in-Chef 總司令 got told yesterday my time, I think they might already here. So I really don't care about life, anymore! 偶然發現的一天!


No I don't care about UB

Did I say, why i am here? In Taiwan?

I explain to Apple, so they told the Medical Center

    My entire class best friends are all second generation of their native country

    Smallville, Anna told them Comet, go home, to study langauge 2018, now 2021

    Anna asked report may be 6 months to 1 years

    They might not hear a lot of those things Tim Cook practice so often now, on....all things smooth to talk among them? To describe some short ways to say facts? Shortening their brain space, what is a briefing means? 

You cannot think, why I am in Taiwan?

No, I don't care about this ever!

You girls low IQ wants to use TV all the times. This is the time, you promise Heaven & Earth what you give 5000% loyalty best.... truly.

 Its not like the life you live, cannot give a chance through money, you all need.

Life meant to be beautiful.

That Sacred Precepts, all kinds of skillful coming in because of I exist here in Taiwan.

I will kill it all, to host new people here with their promises to live in Harmony and Peace

If you all need a Law to rule!

No one ever begging you all to join Flower Thousand bones. Sent to North Korea or South Pole. Far away from it all like Tony!

 Lots of things meants you been living...right!

We slaughter 20 years 方方her school

 When she gonna moves it to say it... loud!

Lower IQ girls we will kill every single years, All Masscred! 

From now on

清海無上師的為人~我還是有點記得的! 她不會讓你們進去來傷害我! 這很清楚~她可能會每一個人都找到講清楚~她不會給你們錢的! 不可能



This is the continuiation from the Flower Thousand Bones

I know that. I speak in Chinese, saying I know SMCH her personality, no. She might just tell them in each of them, no. Not this time, coming in to harm me. Its very clear. 

Someone is saying something to you all...you are not listening...or else before I talk to you today, what time was that?

you would do 5000% to get to SMCH way before here. If that Flower Thousand Bones was the only Life Time meant everything in the World EVEREVER the only thing in life.

I would just tell you.


Its finished.

She didn't get your 5000% becuase you cannot tell we talk about it 2018-2019 and 

Eben or Simon, or Director or City Bank

or anyone you identify to try out...

Today? me? 

don't bother it.

They are dead. There is no motivation to really cherish one thing in life.

There is really one thing in life, matter

Go to Heaven, never hell.

You all choose hell.

Go down there, yourself. 

Calling hospital ....打電話醫院 !我有事情找你們!


你們驗定過提拿跟試管嬰兒的事情! 我第一時間知道~我只能先丟開人~太危險了! 

現在我在看過去嗎 ?

你們 ....要每一個驗! 太恐怖的講法了! 



-------------------------------------------------- 這是一條線叫做死!

銀子開場 (10:50)



歌兒? 大娘? 她媽媽唱歌呀 !

這又是誰不要誰的情況~唉! 這世界上當年~我出生的時候我的媽怎麼會叫我們全部學音樂

而她們並沒有學任何東西? 這種規劃~叫做我故意不知道的意思?

那找他們救救你們呀 ! 是誰變出來這種東西呀 ! 找軍人吧 ?應該是知道~這饒邦的爸... 他腦袋有那種他不想活了嗎 的那種思考邏輯嗎 ?


那如果你們結婚別人不要你們的未來~怎麼辦? 你們現在叫做假的結婚~都是有爹娘的人呀 !



奇怪~這方方的表親死了沒? 還沒~那他是男的?

我記得我聽到是誰? 她表哥呀 ! 




堂好像是我們呀 ! 不會變成怡君了吧 ?



其實我很痛恨電視! 我直接說~只要看到殘廢一堆女人,而且直接講



直接~連查都不用查! 只需要看第一集! 






就是這樣! 重點就不用知道了! 死了~身心死了! 沒有未來!

她自己應該要知道為什麼她比較好一點,情況!是軍方控制的 !不代表她的未來她不是已經覺得死了! 那是 幾年前! 

她喜歡她們,她喜歡家人朋友,跟我們沒有關係! 她的那些人呀 ! 問她珍惜誰? 都是這些照片講話呀 ! 不是這樣~死了! 

我的東西~我叫人處死了,你方方認為的未來~還是軍人覺得的未來 ...最好自己 Command out loud ! or else....

Its ...just a choice you didn't make in life.

你們是不是不在意我講過了 什麼叫做公主小妹? 2007


那個故事 ....叫做 2007 



Hank 在緹娜那邊! 


我曾經告訴過你們.... 那查了沒有? 是考試還是真的去找了四個男孩子~後面變成 這種什麼考試 (31:06)

只有軍人才會變出那種東西 ! 我並不知道! 我不會贊同那種事情,那是瘋子! 

我叫你們纏男孩子沒有叫你們去幹嘛 ! 只是去講話 !!!!

你們先開口有問題嗎 ? 有這麼可恥嗎 ?

但是不是 2007 年呀 ! 那人呢? 

有沒有全部台灣搜呀 !

你們都跟什麼女孩子做你們同輩的朋友? 那如果以後搶男朋友、比美呢?


What if one day, you compete with your girl's side friends. Girls....what kinds of girls you want them to be your friends? So one day, killing each other, for boyfriends? 

That is her school, or Irene, those low education girls, just look at their face.

They gonna kill each other.

What kind of girls you hang out with? 

What kind of girls, if you choose your life be in your life, right now, before, in the future?

Killing each other? or helping each other? 

Trying to educate each other? Steal each other stuffs? 


 I really hate this TV, what is her clothes, in 2010 China Expo, someone is behind ....

為什麼我會開始聽到中國 2010 那個你們穿了什麼衣服在照片的上面? 我不想在看電視了! 真的很沒有意義! 哪種人你們要做朋友的廢話朋友! 

哪種女人做朋友呀 !

'方方生日是不是九月 ? Isn't her birthday in Sep? Is that Tina's class?

Irene is one year before me.....

They are in the same school?

Can they just get their people work on this? 



你們滾了沒? 我不想這種東西!



Director in City Bank, Tina. 

Where is he? He has 2 or 3 brothers including him guys from Taiwan?


You all just fallen in love?

是嗎?   Sponsors from City of Bank? That is if you make it, to talk to them, with money, and in English!!!!! 自己翻譯!

Isn't Director and Charlie, already met me Stuffs?

256 lights 4x4?

 That was 2013/2014 ! 

oh ~ I see what it means now!

How about this, Tawian 找台灣的軍人來!!!

41:00 This is all you are saying

I repeat

This is all you are saying 41:00

This is all you are saying 41:00

This is all you are saying 41:00

This is all you are saying 41:00

This is all you are saying 41:00

This is all you are saying 41:00

 看完了! 懂了沒有? 我是講廢話嗎 ?

 If I used to be...with Eben.

I used to be watching Eben video....was only 5 mins, he cut it in pieces himself.

5 mins and do it.

Not entire series of TV, you are ....low IQ kids, very low IQ girls, so everyone knows that.

Science girls don't just doing this to pretend life is to jokes.

One day...

That one day is already pass....Good luck!


烈火如歌第一集 ~看了一開始! 小鬼小和尚~聽說洛陽~這叫做洛陽!!! 但是這是假的! 她死了! 後面全部都是假的!




那我講的所謂 Self in, and Self-out (The Law of One)


做人之前??? 做人之後?


What is Self-in, Self-out, someone categorize Ego-Complex (The Law of One)

Being Constantly Selfish!! only for your solely purpose.

這跟修仙 跟 修魔道 有什麼關係! 


我是做了什麼事情,我不是修觀音法門! 這個法門跟魔道有什麼關係???

你們不知道成魔的人應該是長什麼樣子? 走火入魔?

那如果修魔道沒有到走火入魔? 你是說殺人如麻還是殺人如魔??


你們聽說過靈修,三十年了 30 years pass, 觀音法門/ 一貫道,是嗎?都是各修各的,是嗎?不是玲瑯滿目、不予世俗實事求事?好呀!


國外以前很久的以前,叫做 Mystery School. Many sects or cults, are lineage 法門的意思

你們連掌門人=lineage holder 

都搶不到 = cannot get that position even










我直接打 too

I have to go to sleep, 小鬼小和尚~回答我~為什麼洛克菲勒早我 30 分鐘去睡覺??還是一個小時~你們在幹嘛 ? 我要去睡覺了!

 Babaji: right

Female leadership, I said last time already, Organic Chemistry... groups.


His name is Wallace Huo 霍建華!!!!!  I don't know anything about anyone near by, next by, or you whom called you guys? Commander-in-Chef, might be all guys on the Top, because no period, for real.

They can jump, leap, bounce WHOLE lIFE!!!!!!

How many times I keep saying that, if your body is pain free whole life, whole life WHOLE LIFE!!!!!

What is that can be achieve in ONE LIFE TIME!!!!!!!

Medical Center called Commander-in-Chef, I know that, I was walking to the Jason Super Market down...and getting wireless...what my mother said about Stock Room UB, I had a supervisor name Jason. Correct. I used to say that story. Can... I quit doing this writing my resume?

You social with people, that is why you hear about thing in real life!

Nick is better at that. Can some people handle his Skype. I help him a little bit.

I need those people whom really care about English.

Not every one does that whatsoever reason. Asking him, if he wants to keep doing that, improving, but audio cannot be found by Tony, those junks things, I mean it!!

Its at ....Costa Rica? Where you all gonna ship them to?

No, I do not care.

I mean, if you don't mind he nick continue to grow more language, I am still talking to him. You need to find out if his English improves after we met. We always talk in English, he speaks fine. But how is last 8 years. My English becomes very dense and Heavy, can he understand it? at all ?

Do you want to evaluate his 90s time, he learn English, word by word, phrase by phrase? He did very good.

That is why I give him that. I hope he continues, because I know in America, that is big deal.

Canada...where is Canada?  


清海無上師 電視台的你們呀 ! 講中文這次! SMTV, your Master is looking at that page, becuase there will be Userbility test 使用者的測試 real human going to call her, when they see that.



你們做網頁!找人際關係~是要你們可以真正的去溝通~講話~中英文! 這蒙古的小孩講中文嗎 ?我記得她說英文!


子歇~你師父是不是找你們下面幹嗎?去受邀請去英國? 應該沒有到那種狀態吧!



SMTV, do you know why your Master become a Master? I am so tired of this.

 She is your Master. I don't need a Master right now. Now. That does not mean, I just drift away from her. 

Occasionally I talk to her, HI ! 



仙劍雲之凡? Simon Lauren, Me, 19 Annita, them Keanu, vs. Ola Mat and Their buddies Magic groups?

 I am watching YouTube.

I thought I finish talking about that in  2019 The End.

小鬼小和尚 ~ 你們在哪呀 ? 孤兒院就叫做沒有爸媽的地方! 老和尚在修建寺廟~你們尿尿草地的地方大概!

 以前唐太宗最有名就是什麼? 修建寺廟! 但是當我在小鬼的時候看課本,會以為他去修建你們寺廟的屋頂! 你們知道什麼是屋頂嗎 ? 廟宇呀 ! 就是有很多雕龍刻鳳的東西! 

屋頂! 有磚瓦! 你們的舍利弗大師兄的媽媽一天到晚都在講她的爸爸,的什麼一個磚瓦的故事! 


瓦片是所謂你們在中國哪裡? 下雨下雪?

以前加拿大下雪~他們蓋的屋頂都長得比較好看~新的房子! 加拿大是所謂環境保育的國家! 立法的! 

你們中國小鬼小和尚住~是想畫龍點睛嗎 ?



以前有個洛陽! 知道! 


I am going out, ADD. (No, you just say, from your work force, you are not MD, No, I am not to go and becoming MD 7 years)

 When you are in your work field, you observes a lot of problems.

A lot.

A lot of troubles, you lists of them, and tell them. I know some facts

I was too mad that year...2 years

Too mad...

you have no ideas, how mad when I get like that....I will just say things like all that.

I can tell you why, I decide to call the medical center, its for 老人痴呆症! Alziemer, they have studies in America. One day.... there is a reason why I called them. I am not in America, but some fact or research are real. That can be real in life, I ask them questions. One day.

 Its real.

Whatever I say to you, that impaired video, are very real.

I didn't have data. i told them facts, in my works, because anyone should just do that, in any field, you are Commander-in-Chef or not.

You tell them. You make a video and Web 2.0 tell them.

That is in my work area, I encounter these...These are what I observe! 

I have a load of problems, a load !!! They might just records it, but they can tell me something, I can do something about it.

I just told you, you don't go inside any system for no reason at all....MD, You want a better face to go inside those mental people at?

 There are a lot of things in there, yes. You line up, you see all kind of people in the same lines next by you, whom coming out. I am the only black hair, Thank God, not blonde? 

I remember what I told you, I told you, you better know something....I describe it to you. You better to become knowing of some area of life, because of you are MD, if you are being selected and picked to go intern. You don't got thrown in there!

Can I just say something that is not for the hospital records to prove me clear? I don't know what's wrong with you keeping your own faces? I never talk about mirror for looooooong time.

 You hear me when I started to talk about song, Mirror Mirror?

I always know, yes~ But, can I use my own face, living my own life?

You think if you switch a face, or blame people all around to see real face?

What's wrong with the face I got? 

I know my own face issues, but I don't go and blame someone else? 

I actually don't care about other people's face. Do you care about the "face"? oh like Facebook?

That is the reason?


Are you gambling MD, to get Russian to notice you, MD paper? This is called 密醫? The story of a very hidden secret doctor, price very very high, and he demands it.


Are you testing them, or will you tell me how to test others? Or???? Its all on the tests for real? All of this?

 That is very very inhuman ....

We were talking behind, that Apple or whatever Russian meant, not Eben Pagan at all...so one day, what they come up with , was....I end up with Medical Board after, to call UB 2020 on my friends. Why they are in Bible 2021, that 2019 you can just tell me about it?

 The Time things in the Bible, I cannot read.

Eben didn't say, he says straight line? But I say it was 梯形! 

I don't care....2021! 

I found out 梯形! I went to see Eben video, I comment on his video, that is one straight line, lots of his art behind, I can see. I have no idea if he knows or not. 

Same thing with Apple on that Loving Hut Hot Chocolate drink box ! The ingredient or the nutrition box. Do you know you don't give a min to think what I suppose to explain? Do you know what happened that time?

It was 10 years ago, I did chemistry. Orgo or longer for General chemistry.

I look at this box, and try to tell you basic thing, not numbers or %

I talk my way out of your sense, I keep looking at you, Apple

I keep looking....loooking..looking myself through IPad, as I was talking.

Suddently what did I say?

Did I stop hoovering, that explaination without terms and condition?

Called "Artificial Dye"  and "dust"

Few years pass...

i told my mother...what she wants to know what I was doing behind her back. I start to tell her one account to another account. Including that....She did what behind me?

I assume assume assume, you testing them. I assume. Do you know what it means I can only assume too many things?

 So I called UN from YouTube, use UN words.

I then had a crisis with Sailor moon 3 body behind with Russian.

I know everyone got mix up. So I know the difference. I step in. I did everything! That is the real story behind...they got mix up. I cannot let it happen. So we all destroy194 country monitor. By photo and singing. Correct! 

But you don't put people in the hospital for any of these reason.

No! You MD have to be very very sure. NO! Of course not!

The Hospital has a TV, and an OP separate entire floor, with gym in it, play ground, to go watching movie, listening songs/TV or painting, or some go cooking, there is one Annca going in, to use....I never seen. Kararoke!

 I have not touched TV, KTV, Song, those with wire things, but PC.

Big moniter, TV yes, I have at nick's house. Its flat.

Not classroom.

I have not been into classroom long time. 

I have two room.

First room, no need to pay

Second room, my mother needs to pay.

I have 3 roommates, 佳佳 + SHE, her. Short hair, used to acting in the TV drama here in Taiwan, looks like a guy, has white rise under bed, so I call the cleaner to clean that out. 

They give me things to eat. Meat instant noodles and a snack has a eggs in it. 佳佳 borrow my stuffs Make-up or she gives me things to eat? I forget. Too long ago. They all did something.

One day that SHE left, another girl looks like my sister in it. She likes...that looks like my brother's guy. Annca knows whom he is. That guy.

I don't like that guy. 

I really don't! 

That TV one day has ANNA in English called Vampire movie.

I came out the hospital, I told everyone, There is a....a lot of movie, including OP classroom, except that TV I cannot leave. OP that floor, I stand up, from the last row, in the dark, I got out.


OP classroom, is like a free period. You just go in, and start running. People wants to get in-line whatever the class they know, they go there. 

I go to painting class, they have calligraphy. I think she is also in it, she plays calligraphy. I do those kingdom garden does painting, everyone does it. But one day, I hand in, to the MD doctor, he looked at me and say, you did this? I say yes. 

They are not supposed to paint it?

I know that. But I don't know what he did after that. No one ask me that before. He just shows up that day happening to be there.  

My entire life...I have not really used it Kararoke KTV. I know what that is....Do you know what it is to feel, my entire life, never use something? 

So after I got off the hospital, all I ever did was going in KTV. I went to different places on the location map KTV. I told Annca. With John Jacob guy. I have no ideas where they both decide what to do with their life. But I tell them a lot of stuffs.

But in order to go to KTV, there are scenario, ....they are all different.

You gonna test them too? I know too.

I know all the details what I did too. I was by myself. I did go by bus, or by taxi. I told my parents I went to KTV. I talked to Taxi driver. I went to hair salon shop near by...I walk a lot....

There was a lot of years, I do a lot of a lot of things....to be honest, to say I forget about that 佳佳! 

I did all that KTV, ready

So I go to YouTube, making video.

The time, was KTV more accurate! I always do something before forcing it to be on YouTube.

I sort local really.

No, I? never rehersal....its every where I go...to be honest, you open your eyes and see, got the taxi, talk. See the sign, grab. Saw the structure call ..like the police station between my high school and that Kararoke place. I take Taxi home! 

You test every little this thing? My life?


 No accent.

I check it. I talk normal! 

No, I didn't tell Annca about this. I tell public about this, I did send a link or something to Annca, and pretend to talk to Annca on the YouTube? 2018 ?

 But I didn't tell him this...

I say~~The magazine guy got jail. 

This guy has an accent. I have no accent! 

He has no accent.

That 張信昌! 我有去留言呀 ! I left a message too. I called the Jail too. 

I have every other things need convinence to call jail, but not for him.  張信昌呀 !

Technocally if we are mental, we can just talk our role play looking like ideas from the magazine. Lynn left, and one day, comes back to the hospital with lots of magazine. I told Annca one photo? a red dress with his father

 In Lynn's magazine.

We were just ...looking at the magazine. My hair was black. Annca saw, I had blonde hair with Lynn and 佳佳, My mother provides them a meal to get together, once. Only once.

I didn't tell them, my hair was blonde. But when Annca, was saying, what, I say, that girl, Number 1. That one. Its a blonde hair. No I never told Annca I was a blonde. I didn't.

I don't even know if I look like the photo when I was in the hospital. Because my eye liners was probably thicker inside.

I change the YouTube video title on impaired

 …. ….it’s 16 years. I never go testing people in my life to say that’s …very inhuman.

I work as a tutor.

I don’t do quiz or asking them a question. I only explain 

That’s very inhuman 

I don’t kill you for …that? No. But …

Tim Cook knows we move the fight ground trajectory …so is 194 country on the map UN seats

 We move it away from the main outlet of noisy…

So I don’t know what happened. 

⭐️⭐️No they were testing, yesterday. Someone reacts it …they went to call other university might be ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 And other university call whom? Harvard

That’s what I said to ?

You know how I used to go to bank in Buffalo, NY? Before all of here …

 I walk in Bank when I have cars.

Technically a free society meant …I have a choice not reading books life anymore life

 But if it’s a book I open to read = that ?


Without any textbook, I still = all I remember 


I told court it’s after I got initiates I lean not to read books, stay away human, wood life, retired with him, no TV, but I work from home. I have precepts in mind what to follow, yes !

Not reading not writing, typing yes !

Under a free society, I actually don’t need to tell them this …organize. They suppose to list it. 

No, no one knows how I feel about it. They need to find someone like me feel the way I feel, if for a long time, not reading book, and read I pick comic books for kids before to say Korean eating shows? I am ET? I painting too ? Paint evidence?

No, you never put me to hospital to observe that …ever …it’s a democracy…. If it’s China, yes. They can force. 

But are you sure China does that ? 

No, that? Sailor moon 16th ?

 ….Annca told me he is going to Japan.


She what? Transform to princess ? Which inscent ending ?

You just hope that’s a nothing to do with us books.

Does your MD wants to live a real life? A real life? You don’t see anything ….you don’t tell anything …you don’t op classroom….lots of things.

 I don’t know. I keep asking someone.

You don’t think they are being tested ? That’s …. Very inhumane 

There are gazillions things…maybe Taiwan they still trying to sort it out

 People whom cannot talk ….like one younger guy, High school.

He loves TV.

My mother keeps coming in.

He glues in front of that TV. He is next to TV. Too far to see.

He told me…”I reserved the TV Monday or what day on hospital time, watch”

It’s reserved, if they recorded like he says. 

I called 3 medical center, one CBS, police keyword in Youtube “police”, and where another place.

 But for impaired video. It was 3 medical center + 2 cancer place

One Boston I call them for my doctor, yes.

I didn’t really medical to help me.

I call american police 

I say to Medical Board, you are on tests. I test you. I did

 One day, I say, do you know where I was to them all?

You cannot go, but you better found out and go, you are not UB those MD average, make it. Good luck. 

You should never going in there, ever. Ever. But only by intern. 

I don’t think you can jail or hospitalize a person if she is an evil ? You only jail if crime, you only hospitalized if I am mental to say every facts is witness on magazine, hospital enter records, and their mental whom different floor drawing ? Says that? They are mental !!

 Did I tell America a lot of things before ?

I did !

Gazillions things.

There are gazillion things happening in that hospital, gazillions. Gazillions. I don’t know Annca, I met others people in there. Annca only we sit down talk.

 We have an OP classroom activity. From all different floor. They are not just me talk they look mental. Real, see, you can see on the face. They are.

One thing he Annca remember was a girl yell out in front of all of us. She says, someone is really really evil. I was glueing kingdom garden papers scissor stuffs on the very first seat. Annca went to ask that girl if she meant him. I ask Annca after, he told me that.

Is this enough ?

I can tell you one magazine, because I show to Annca, I call Annca, I say that guy got jail, it’s on the television. He was in the magazine, exactly the same guy. I didn’t call police !

 That’s one magazine.

I say 2 magazine 

I will explain to hospital now

 I might be alone sent to a vaccine place for kid, next next to 大安健身中心

I went in to draw and paint 

And for summer they sent me to a places I ask the metro, they say, that place does not exist so I left. I never told the vaccine reasons why. You know how I get out? Well…things you do to get off. Not saying it.

This year 2021 I told her snoopy that story, that vaccine place. She says the dog is pink.

I cannot talk to her anymore

佳佳 say eat medicine….she is a patient 

No, I have no ideas. The doctor might heard, yes. I believe that. I told her snoopy specifically call doctor.

I can tell Boston what I think or suspect under a healthy norm a speculation can happen in thoughts to my doctor 邱 in that mental hospital.

2017, I sign a signature, it was not on paper 

But sports around the world enters here called 世博 something in August just happened to near my brothers birthday. Everyone got hit.

I found my way arguing with my mother so much, they let me out from so much weeks to just 3 or 4 weeks. The magazine I told her. And a singer behind her. I did told her.

I also tell another doctor straight forward I marry to Keanu.

It was on the magazine fading background.

There was 2 magazine. One guy got jailed on the news I told Annca.

I only knew Annca really.

These two girls Lynn and 佳佳, how do we sit together?

I told Annca, that guy emporor name/s mother like my brother looking guy they speak Taiwanese accent . Lynn next sit next to Annca.

Then, Lynn has to move out, she got sick flu. I move in that room next day. Next next to Annca, I move to the main area of activities. My mother pays the money including the food. She keeps ordering congee …the lady for tell me to eat but I was gaining weight !! I am not hungry ! I took medicine like they tell me, but I keep telling them I have reaction too drowsy, so they cut it off one medicine. I can at least functioning in life.

Now, that’s what they should records things by medicine, by heard Lynn moving out a facts date time.

Annca build a line group called Capital hotel. I hate that, credit card in America, Hank with kid walking in front, I swam I freezes I look ..,it’s capital ….

And 何家慶 looks like John Jacob shocks me at night.

My brother his age.

A lot of this things keep happening. I explain to Annca go to that real estate. I told that guy 何家慶 watch Annca, and find the guy on the road 信義路

Just do it.

I sent them all other enough garbage on the phone. A lot garbage.

Porn, I sing….whatever, it’s garbage. It’s real, just say close enough we are normal. 

We communicate.

So, one day I show off Annca…I had enough line groups, I say crystal was in my book !! Sailor moon 16th

In the line group, where Lynn + 佳佳 was. I copy image to that crystal I grabs to Annca, not psycho !!

Annca saw, he cut me off. I am gone

I don’t really know.

I left. I told my mother that magazine Annca is a vampire and he is impaired.

I don’t want to raise a man. That was it.

2 or 3 years later….Tim Cook should hear what I did after that. He joins my Twitter, I shows to Annca phone. We finish talking.

Then, Eben came about, I told Annca I might leave, so I call him again 2021.

佳佳 find out someone is a psycho sailor moon 16th books.

I forget I forget I forget ….2017.

She, I think might hire a private detector…she wants to know if Anna did that or Annca did that

Because I now told her you should stay away from Annca.

I didn’t really say why.

 I say you go sell to emperor you call Annca I talked to him 2 years ago. I am about to leave.

So, the rest you want to read the phone yourself ?

I told you I cannot shut that things off …it’s not like anyone all can try?

 It’s not working !!

You need more than an hour? Okay, you have eternity


No, they wish. That movie was out long ago. Plus …it was 100 years 英法戰爭 it’s in your textbook, at least mine.

 That was a real history event = treaty was signed 

And also…you like French people?

I don’t really, not really, it’s called French police.

Tell England? Why you don’t call President Xi first you all so young looking uniform ?

 He might be went to school before really made it as his career says he was a list things he does ?


廣東?no, leave it, walk around uniform like we have clothes on. Enjoy land not do anything. Station only. Until…I finish my things.

 You see Taiwan, I heard news pretending I was studious…because you remembered how studying time was or a news archive meant. 

I only do things in my own interests like that Boston University doctor…

Fears is when you use it right to write things about, right? 

I am telling China, I slaughter this entire island called Taiwan for real. It’s by when done, if China interfere, I will move in 廣東 only this coastline right across Taiwan where the pirates events strangest most cruel some event heard along with ….airplane suddenly drop outside 新竹 black box. It’s a sea channel to go to south Sea. Where is India, why say 南亞

 Never mind.

If China refuse to let go this one island, I say 廣東沿海 only.

How you kill each other, don’t bother me. I am stepping on land & sea, in between. Like you all wished to become …me.

Taoist …1-4. I heard Babaji at 5th dimension not 5th worlds? SMCH sticky notes yellow says ! I lent you power, you will return one day. Iron man. Fire !


Increase Earth internal volumn, one hour, switch terrestrial


Living Master theory was to through her….but find me God. But what if you just need to be busy with what you exactly you have and never think of God me find me quest me low??

 It’s the future!! 

All annihilation, Reptilian methods !

Babaji align, they align, it was 2012 Galatic alignment.

All order retrieve to 2012, follow only i Anna, for now, until every decree clear through me regent.

Fire !! Destroyed all commanding order otherwise, but only through me, all wars, starts on my commands.


I am regent of the New World Order, you have one hour.

All order retrieve to my command. I am the commander-in-chef, New World Order.

Except this Earth

All fire, annihilate, kills, robs, efface, atlantis, sign Simon Cowell, SMCH voice methods. 

Debts to be repay 


You know, people rebels to trash Thy Self, all the time, Simon, you agree? That one day one day your farewell court paper to write will by gay shooting events on Victoria Secrets to name - gravity. Russian says that, gravity



                        Future !

Began !

🎶🎶🎶🎶🎼🎼🎶🎶🎶 歲月不饒人、銀河在兩邊…..無限🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

It’s called lottery, not police. I am sure the police got called, but…. When they observed the outcome of new invention trying to steal each other’s favor

 Company is they work for 

ET is never they heard of

But TYG, the You Generation I say was favored Lauren and Andrew, really ?

I never call police….

I went to lotto in the end, everyone knows that does not help !! They might have to take all the million dollars back ……

What’s an obligation if I met a stranger or a guest on the road talking like me? Really? Like all of you?

 Aqauntaint to the heart …..🎶🎶🎶🎶🎼🎼🎼🎶

Eben, you don’t remember 430, a bundle always means ….2014

 I always know how I go alone….alone into a bundle


ADD bow as low as low as low like Death to Simon Cowell to start ….begins…

Again and again staring 19…26 is always out…..it’s a blonde.

It’s when I want, how I want, exactly I wanted ….humanity….it’s humility in all of you to say humanity. Humanitarian.


Great !

Life so upheaval if only so,some accompany just lifting up a little to own the bundle….agree?

It’s life never ending karma to replenish, re-filled the same attitude starting 2014, agree?

It’s to outbounce law?

You all really doing it out weight law or out bound law, not just bouncing at it?


If the court room found out, it’s just I don’t have time to write them my own favor to only survive laws with all the bundle I never want …they will give me at least an hour to begin.

I am telling you.

Tape, records Lalla every pieces of mouth so loud laughing like she has a great time, all the time milltary, I will make it so perfect, that india will all die eternity

 Go to work 

Medical board …what’s this NLP things again, one day, table, my report. I fed up.

 You MD loves New Age pieces of every paper can be collects as long as I have a superficiality and money? Willing to learn ? Not 7 years Taiwan re-start at freshman Jason after 2 years military ? So USA was 7 years ? 3 US MLE?

So garbage to keep hearing this while I am on the middle of I keep dying scenario waking up by seeing flowers in my hands …it’s a gift…Kail is a high priest. It means go dying culture probably somewhere I left …I left …I left !!

I keep dying touching my headband so his brother, sister show up ….

What an I dressing now?

My face 


Where I cannot see?

Why is this head banding is so important like necklace…so disgusting things …to die, I don’t need it craps. 

I am


Royal family always meant it, they are a bundle, when they need to be …5 mins

We have 5 mins ….


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🎶 I am…the header band girl. We keep seeing each other. Same royal whom’s problematic, I meant exactly I said that you will remember what it means Gods and “go to hell” “ love only ocean” every single time…it’s just as clear as the holding flower to gift you, to say, all the time, every time⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🎶

 What it means God grace upon a soil really meant in the end of all that I say, cup of water, for instance. That was not in English.

2021年7月30日 星期五

I go to sleep.

 You gonna die?



Not today. They check !

I only take the belief to live my life. No, I never impose what I believe to callibrate yours? No. Never, do that. Never! Never Think, never try to think, never cross my mind why? You...have a future, no one knows, not even I.

 Samsara means....SMCH takes karma.

So Indian 500 years old might do something. If we all go by books.

I regent, just saying I know 3 worlds laws, no, not that.

My precept on you?

If this world has no more Indian moutain that....yeah.

You are lawfully force me to suffer. That is not very suffering. But you all are forcing me to help MD groups. I am a type person, I NEVER help.

Not because I am afraid you gonna get better than me.


I really do not care about it. I have no firends. You ask me, only if you come near, open your mouth, I say a word, to see where you are.

Otherwise, I have no emotion, that pieces of buddhism, might be gone forever, extinct eons, or kalpa, if this SMCH meant she has a power, or lineage, by all these things I did....I didn't ask that.

Lots of things if keep fading away....Lawful, I can attack.

I can use law, I do not need to be this....ignored what I have done, to keep fading away.

They law should know that...a lot of things are I am telling them.

If you force me, Ola. 

I don't like reunion. I give up Facebook. 

You call Dean to win Court over 5 Lords. I do not obligate a thing to them. Not really.

You believe it, in your own agenda for ...love? lawful bind?

Ola....things looks ridiculous is really bad looking on a girl like you. 

Just try to be better. That's it.

Ola, steps to take is to find out whom I regent whom with. Second is to change my belief

 I strategic you every plan, Ola.

Hallo ha ...


I didn't say hell words. I say insignificant. No, not burden. Its the same, a blank wall, with a name on her saying, words, she has a name, a title, a polish...words, in ENglish.


Don't understsand?

Want to really know?

I forget it 2020

I forget it really, when I see 偶然發現的一天! 

Not a day?

No. Nothing! 

Life meant to live. Open your mouth only precept, to go to Heaven. No time waste a single second not to Find God. Just like Bible says every words. Never lower than precepts and the only spiritual road to find God, its through Chinese Ancient way. No way.

No, not child ....we are the same age, didn't I keep saying to you? SAme Age compete groups?

 The words is insignificant.

16 years ago. All over.

 So what else anymore? Parents you need, Ola? 

I go to sleep. 

In my mind, nothing linger.

You have to be truly truly something, to, sink into my mind.

Not really....no. No one. 

You? Ola? ...so laughable....American don't care if they all die. But before that ever happen to come near my step to hurt me. They will let me to become whatever I become, did I tell you that?


They say certain, things, to just ask me, really. 

No, they don't really stand too firm on about anything, not really. The ones that determine my life. Those.

You and 105?

You want to try to get Dr. T? He might have a better English in Chemistry. 

Wishful thinking don't get far ... I just say you are MD, because you have a photo on the internet.

I don't care so much but to only laughing you MD, so I keep saying you are.

Whom cares what really happened behind? As long as no news arrive here

I don't think

I don't care

I don't remember

I won't have a word to forgive



Never exist a day in my life.

That is the reality, very very unfortunate, I know what they try to do


My cousin food? Not really. Kosher food, yes! Like Dean me at there. You exist ?

 If there is a thing that I see you Ola and them does....I will kill the entire American to extinction by Lawful forces by Law, do you believe every word?


Truly truly cruel to the way, you never imagine, what Disney did....

try and be tested...,like bible Gaurantee...like I forgive words knows....

Ola, can you tell me, if Warren Buffet still alive, or Bill Gate for sure....why Anna, would go do such a thing, to close Facebook?

 For your MD licensing board today she has to get CIA money? 

Tell me, Ola, as heart to heart to feel a question, why would someone just close it Facebook, lose the passwords, and NEVER EVER will turn back again?

Isn't that very very clear? 

You cannot heart to feel, I say No?

Hair, Western, hair, more Barbarian. Different training, different life style, different attitude

Physical merits, means to live a physical fine merit gains life.

I went through a 5 Lords Reviews, to give you some very serious hints and warning.

I don't need to use military to harm you. They don't really do anything I say anyway. 

You know what it is a 5 Lords Reviews?

No, you really don't. Not really. 

Your IQ is only as much as college reunion to happen. That is JC means, to get together again, and be like them, use phone to talk in lines. Like social Apps, having family talk, kids talk, friends talk. 

One of those. 

My life, Ola....16 years....

Its way too long ago....seriously. Too long, too forgotton, left behind. All.

Even if I become a guy, I would never do these....whatever a guy does thing in life....not really.

 You don't even know what kind of guy's face or race you see on me, Ola.

Asian is not wanted.

That is a fact!!!

So stupid! 

Anywhere, anyhow, any reason, all

When they told you America are race discrimination. Just believe in, 100%

Women are very stupid. Say that as a mantra!

 One day you will become enlightened.

Trust me! 

I don't really play guys games, but if one day as i am becoming seeing something strange on the TV and inside...I see a better evolution. That is my timeline. No, I am a girl.

But I see....strange things.

When knowing is a knowing, that is a knowing....

Not a mantra to wishful thinking Lava....melt, face, all ....down. Like Lords of Rings ending....That

One day that proscuation of Women will become lawful, its because of mirror.

And that eternal life, you and Lalla don't wish to turn....


Ola, when you get to Lalla age, and started to lose EVERTHING in life, and someone intention was very clear, its every her try, its to hell, her all....you know what she will become how hell on her skin soon to become?

 It might be just an accident! 


Practicality living, nobler thinking for others existence, happier wishing others betterment of health, marriage, happy bell sounds, radio making noise, English other country language to sound bell bell bell, Church be more merryer Christmas Snow cold breath air ....Sneeze!


That is a life you wish to become under Eben Pagan rules. In New Testament. 

Those Jewish will say, I belong that one bar left ...so they handle the bar right.

I never say anything.

Yehweh is a voice saying to Mose, I know that story. Its in the movie! 

How do I become a human? I got cursed? One of those stupid talk.

A mature person does a mature things, its to go out, having an action, like Karma Yoga to persude your very best skills, and polish a better communication, talking skills, writing skills, paying tax skill, or just looking at Eben's Chair, I rotate mind, to answer him a question, like you and your best friend, and Wing can show up his Seminar, with your paid hard MD money, to go grill him on Stage, or see what he does at Live events? 

Do you understand a word I say, at all?

You live in a hotel as a group to go showing off to Eben Pagan, standing in line grill him....like where is Anna? 


You all buddy together eating there on the table, to wish Eben, to come by, and say hallo to you all? quiet mind, if Ola, Wing, Bill, Dean, Patriack, Hira, Jonathon, Zac, Brian, entire 105 on a Table to eat a meal all together, so someone like Eben can see it, when Anna says...


What did I say today about the Korean and England Prince again? 

UB 105?


Ola, I don't really have a heart. I don't. I don't understand why helping others to grow spirituality means a things to me, like you. You could just live MD life. I handle my own world in Taiwan.

 Your parents want you to be on their side.

That is not Buddhism side.

You want to just talk to them about religion, your believe in hell, that kind of Catholics whatever they heard enough from me, what is your wishful thinking?

Wishful....sometimes, that is very childish, to say what Dean says I am also wishful? 

Wishful thinking, Ola, just like Lalla....now, you and me are on the same boat? Being lazy to say wishful. So all of us, needs to be dummy...she meant to say Lava your face....true? Agree? Dr. Steven ?

 People just wish wishful thinking so miracle to? get Money?

For SMCH ID Card? so I stay red card...


Ola, you see, struggling in the polical world, like outside world is exactly the same like with SMCH world. Except SMCH prefer, I just really, really really sincerely meant, not political Washington DC world, but her only only only stupidity worlds, that I have to clean up junks.

"What, you do believe prayers? I give you an option before, you stand up, you go out of the Buddhism Door, NEVER Come in! EVER. Just admit you are Christian under 5 Major religion. I hold money or I make money in the Buddhism will have so much luxury for any of them never pray again....as long as they listen and follow my order...you agree? The little monks, they are too small."

I told everyone, standing outside the Buddhism Gate, Just be like someone whom will warn to everyone who tried to come in. Like a true Christian, they preaching their hands Bible like Hailey and Adam.

They don't know whom I am, when that war started yet...called I know Religion, and all wars.

You see...they don't ever willl try again Buddhism. Ever. And I dominate military power so great, one day, they will become what they truly believe God, in Bible

Just exactly like I wanted, Ola.

Do you believe that?

Exactly I want it, like they meant it, prayers, deep desire, to feel belonging...at home.

Don't you agree?

You see.. So many people always just give me an excuse why being lazy and forgetiful, Lalla....I keep saying it....lazy, trying to reason, too much words without an education...to say skin color mush a smash, becomes a wall broken glasses pieces.....

There are so many reason why being lazy and wishful thinking become a well keywords to say, truly truly fat in hell yet?

Wishful wishful 

wish, switch, swelsh....because as long as everyone just jealous at me, I will fall on my ground on my knees.....wish wish louder

louder louder, louder like it will ever arrive to me.

Don't you agree?

Its to wish well, wish right, wish so loud so loud so loud, no matter what, you will wish, all, and me to become...your ally one day, for the only purpose to get rid of someone you will find out through me, you hate them the most.....that one day, is not today.

Don't you agree?

Just because I can do all that and all that, keep turning everyone's table as smooth as a lie...

I actually never really says a lie.

Not really.

Its all your faults you becomes whom you wish wish wish wish praying not enough strong enough to reallly get to 2021

and time...is written....

On everyone


You doing something for them, you affinity them for a better life choices?

 No, I don't believe a lot of these things.

Not really.

But it is a good place to start? 

You didn't hear me, 16 years ago, we had a year.

This is 2021

When people comes in Kalpa ages of karma, all they experience suffering and pains were the results of that doing sew in their seed to do evil, meaning create a bad karma, to harm others on purpose, to slain those religious people, to brag out of their selfish heart to gain very unbelievable reasons they fall towards hells. 

In this every life of kalpa, it might be Atlantis. 

Ola, I never talk to anyone about this anymore....

In every life of kalpa and eons, people blurs in their actions to magically hoping bragging elder wand to kills, bragging enough to self ruined, then that Age of very bad karma, erase the entire surface of the Earth. That is a very very very very bad karma. The entire erase of a seen civilization. 

They like color, they like fragment, they change form, they change clothing outside like different color, they sing, they have "creative"

Worlds of worlds, Buddha gives hints, and precepts for many ...

There are realms that gathers around Death part two world.

Buddha divided these very specific words to end your Ageless pain and suffering, if you would just adhere the Dharma.

Have you ever heard of those things?

These Dharma are stories, precepts, parable, ancient wise saying, that you do not do things for the selfish reason, any selfish thoughts turns into "empty" void your mind. Not prayer.

Void your mind.

In the meditation, in life, to understand why letting go.

Never prayers



No matter in any circumstance, NEVER EVER Pray!

They SMCH daring and bragging, and every words they meant to say, its a eternal hell

i would just tell them that, now. I never say it.

You NEVER EVER EVER say a word, ever ever trying to think, to say, to brag, to witness, to be on TV

Its hell forever

I sign

Anymore words?


So do you want to change religions?

Do you want to polish your thoughts? starting self improving? 

Truly religion in Buddhism, I say so? 

You might escape a turn... 

So near

so close

so dearing....

Think about it.

I told all before...what I really want to see.

Don't vow that, Don't open your mouth




Ola, do you know what is Buddha? In this song says? Someone?


Ola, do you want to use your hard earn money, pile a list of all those words, and say it in front of me, when you practice well, with you pay hard earn money to coach or Eben Pagan?


Ola, What do you say? I should shrink in my own bed, and sleep alone....what ? Like if I so wish to be alone, is that on that line?


Ola, why you want to die? no, not becuase I hear the song, I am watching outside living room. I am putting the song on, because my browser broke, I cannot access to talk to you ...at all


You are a catholic. 

They believe going to Hell, they redemption others to Heaven ( Lovely Bone), you seize 5 Lords Reviews.

I told you, there are different type of Law of One,



That is why you are a very rigid, Catholics. You are religious, Ola.

You have some of that. 

Do you hear what I say about Howard Stern?

I called my doctor MD to the Boston University, says his name Howard Stern.  

Most people just like White better on TV, Ola.

Do you do the video like I say, on me Anna, you Ola Imitate, there is a color, that light rose color like SMCH? 

If you do it, you seen it? 




Me Anna Jao, UB 2020

Simon is a way too happy guy ...Ola.

Way over his head in his life, everything he ever wanted... Do you ever seen him talking to Susan Boyle when she first time went to film at his Syco, or whatever office? 

9:34, Ola, What do you see?

Susan Boyle, an unlikely Superstar


SMCH & Simon both wish others turn well ... Ola.

Like helping others to liberate that direction, wishing well. 

No, Ola, I don't have it. 

I don't think about it. My life turn to a point, I don't go more than 2 seconds of my life almost...because everything is put right in front of me. And if I go with my own plan, I don't have a plan, that is why my life didn't get anywhere, if I just tell you the Truth. 

They theorize me, how I come in here. Behind my back. Or I heard...

Its I was somewhere picking up flowers, talking squat position to shorter...not sure what happened, I seen, I become.


If no one thinks of that. I seen that frames, yes.

I do not like traveling, Ola. Not really. But I used to be .... very different. Not even sure how long, was I, used to be, really. 

We might never meet at all before this life, not at all.

You never hear SMCH saying those affinity things. If two people have no affinity between them, they be put on top of each other, they won't have sex?

Whatever she was saying all those, I dont think all that important adjective terms. 

You are in my same age group, right next to me. That is exactly what I am telling you. Not just MD records I write, Law I write, I bait you out jail, Poland I write? I went to only Ukraine Embassy. That went too far, at least, I feel obligated.

Do I ever have a wish? 

Most time all being push I think. 

Well, Just think about it. I don't really know a word to tell you. SMCH or Simon or Howard Stern might have a lot of words by seeing all that. I do not see a thing to talk about it, really. Like the movie, Ola. They are adults, much olders than us.

Do you want to gather UB or Indiana University, to go to Simon office, one by one sit down, that door entrance he comes in and talk?

Don't shake my hand, I am rukawa, with a napkin things, Simon.

You got hurt if Simon does that?

Ola, do you see all those Susan Boyle's people with Simon's people? They do by fan's numbers to buy tickets to earn, money.

That is Music Industry.

If we are on the national television....its very very very bad.

VERY bad.

They might not die out just before 2014 ....

Right now its 2021

My video made was 2018 -2019 Dec.

Do you want to tell UB 2020 and Simon some comfert words that he is losing his money, no more money for you at all? 

Ola, do you want to call your friends, whomever, your best friends


UB Facebook all

+Indiana Facebook all

Ready a song, like Tina always want an audition in front of Simon, in person?

I am asking you.

Burning fire? internal? why?  

no, I do not have a song. I don't sing. I told everyone long time ago. I don't sing.

I want to lawsuit Ola & Totto, everything they got. Die

 Its on TV, 2020



 My hand gesture, 2 0 2 0 Turn upside down, 4 different direction,

They are sisters

I want to motion a law that, in the competition arena, that related to skillful workers, to be re-considered.


The reason they match happend, I concluded by observing some facts. It leads me to believe there are custodian, like Bob Dean, classified UFO American military officers station in Europe and have clearance. According this one word, he has said.

I elaborate by observing seeding, and "Not Let it Go", the song "Let it go" was not the actual meaning, so legally, there is no terms to support my saying. Its the other way around. Because of not letting it go, SMCH becomes a nun, that book 溜冰天使 T sign, it means SMCH and Ola meets in arena. 

I needs Ola to be dead, that is straightforward, and you just make a case.

I can write in full details, but there is no good for any reason.

To the other sides, I do not want problems. This is more than one Victoria Secret on Ola, Poland, Eastern European, adjcent 2 other polish. They do magic, in mother's line. There are researcher on papers I read, before through Google history....Mother's RNA. They have discussion about it. Its the Witch hunt. 

They are!

Is Warren Buffet makes me to change my facebook? You can tell him, yours, right now, to him. I will explain...its everyone before him says that in the book, among all rumors of a lot of nick junks groups including Eben saying that Mastermind.

 When you at least readiing some books, that EVERYONE talking about in that norm? Not ALL books. But some very you could look at it, to select your own books?

Nick has a library. So you decide where to "Intern" yet?

He just happened to be in that niche called Informatics crowd, not just some are Optimistic trying to be happy groups crowd?

Warren Buffet didn't use those terms. He was just commenting things as they are.

I say there are many people doing things in so called Mentorship and their tutee. 

Meaning I migrant my facebook, to go to Eben or ETR, only selected by with reason to do that? A different facebook. I migrant my attention slowly towards that. No, I didn't tell UB. No I do not care if I say I shut it all that down. I meant it, if facebook has to ask me why? A list of the reason trying to become the reason? 

The day you become have to mingle with the business groups, not my 1900 science anymore, or MD anymore Face card, not industrialist ....

They have rules they say what books to go and read it about, NEVER try to be a face card with them, because they mean business.

I teach kingdom garden Ancient Chinese, because I fed up they are so outbound to the grass roots but junks in their every day living on my floor tiles, I have to clean it up? Called weed and grass filled up the wild, and their little mind, is on everything else, but ancient Chinese.

You know, facebook, before I close it, I understand a thing ....

I can always just talk to Facebook for my personal reason, at all. 



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