Tina your Master

 Tina what you care about the most …


The movie tells me, Notebook, that, a lot of girls care about the first love.

What or how you think 子歇 is at Red hair your position speaking his own Master sees him where he stands with himself knowing himself too? Is he 櫻木花道, that monk, head monk, near SMCH= Supreme Master Ching Hai 越南小尼姑!

Is that 林鴻霖 cello first love? 你的第一(是誰的歌?)🎶🎶🎶🎶 記得remembering大提琴的哪個樂譜 emoji (which notation is cello emoji, music notation?)

Is that 子歇? 越南小尼姑的東西 next by Wallace Huo. 靠近 霍建華 near by 千古唱歌不同口音的側面長得像你的長笛老師

Is that Micky’s hair ?

Is her husband same birthday guy, is he cello too?

Is that one day getting old 變老的周杰倫 弓箭、女神、書~可曾記得夢幻遊戲!我家迪恩並不是賈斯丁! Dean is not Justin Timberlake ! 周杰倫開場 a decade ago, 奧運的千山萬水,你的 waste life, 萬杯醉酒一壺清茶早晨 good morning !


Remember this, this, this, this, this?

🎶🎶 I close my eyes, drew back my curtain…to see what’s certain, that I thought I knew … 🎶🎶


🎶🎶 Those every door to me ~~ 🎶 🎶

🎶🎶… … Shut off the light
Live or die, the answer far from the world…close every door from me… 🎶🎶 🎶🎶
Promise …the land of …?? 🎶🎶 🎶🎶

🎶🎶 A guy good for a weekend ….telling going down the flame….you are insane, another player…leave you breathless. 🎶🎶 🎶🎶

Is that
Cello seats.
2.陳世林 (micky’s husband)
4.Ryoya Takashima?
What if your master meant cello players just shows up?
5. Micky to be the piano accompanist?
Or we all rotate piano players?

And if Leo or Austin starts another 4 years musical instruments? 我說 Leo and Austin 開始他們的四年什麼音樂樂器?
I just met Ryoya Takashima on vegan channel.
Him and Micky him are both music academia school cello players.

Tina just read this article right. 把這篇文章看清楚了提那




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...