2021年7月18日 星期日

Babaji: Right, so how do they all go to the Celestial? Like you advertise on them?

 Babaji: Right, so how do they all go to the Celestial? Like you advertise on them?

People should have equip some spiritual ideas what you know about East? If its living walking in like they told you Niagara Falls Top, that scene in Flower Thousand Bone 花千骨

There is nothing there. Look at it?

I don't think any of you are out of the shock yet. To go tomorrow, like

 I don't think any of you are out of the shock yet. To go tomorrow, like

I don't think any of you are out of the shock yet. To go tomorrow, like

I don't think any of you are out of the shock yet. To go tomorrow, like

I don't think any of you are out of the shock yet. To go tomorrow, like


So if Babaji say that, what is you approach first?

1. Paper

2. Walk, room to room

3. Feel the hard floor

4. Touch cold water like washing cloth

5. Squeeze the water out of a completely your big guy thick winter sweater

6. try to hold something on your wrist heavy feel

7. Try to confront 1000 human on the street pass by you 5 minutes gradually walk up to entire university 10,000? per day?

8. Holding book on campus is that shameful

9 Very heavy textbook drop in the library table, me Anna, see Dean is never around, I sleep? Why you say I sleep?

10. Try some singing

11. Follow some world existing talent shows meant.

12. Your voice presentation politeness to see 3 Esteem or World religions Leader

13. Try to care about others that don't seen to you matter in their look.

14. do You have a backpack? Put towels in before?  Can you try to bring a finger nail cutter, a translation radio in, a pen ( a box them), a notepad, Women's pads, man's Asian have very neat tissue in small packages, I have 5....

15. Walk out of the door, do you forget what else on camping? come back, try that 5, 10 times, you really got annoyed. Rest days.





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...