Lawsuit case 64 My father color blind

 Date: Oct 1, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Color Blind, if they have caretaker when they were younger, and they all die out, like Tina Jao, or Nick Catricala.

I know I make so many laws, I don't remember where is the positive reinforcement on the Train journey.

My father's condition has not been great, since he is a color blind, he just recently telling me about. These people conditions might be well or not well how the society perceive them. Sometimes they might also have some ability exhibit.

I do not envy people's to get something more in their life, so they can live a little bit comfer, but as your medical board or legistrator, has more professional people with the professional advices how to train them, to function as one of us, I trust that, you all have the best adhere professional knowledge when I describe what I saw to hoping their life might not be as poor as the old age comes to time when others got stuck in life with them.

It was not very pleasant, but I believe they have potential to make better of their laziness of life if they give trying or keep trying to work with the professional personel behind, either they willing to go to your help, or you will still behind them watching their statues. That is all I am saying.




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