Lawsuit 37 Stephen Tamang MD Imparied

 Date: August 30, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I want a law made on impaired people to use only microwave ( for the future, if the present they cannot allow that in the court room )

I made a video for UB 2020, educational University on Impaired people, I observe in the hostpial, too tall to fall in love, and like Stephen Tamang using gun violence on Facebook in "不想懂得" if you provide him medicine, he falls again.

He WILL falls again, and die. Because someone gives him a medicine, the ending song (我家小妹)

The girl talking in this video on "Impaired"

and singing a song, 公主小妹片尾曲 2007, are both me. Anna Jao. ( Pen name: Anna Rao)

I write it clear, there is UB 2020. It is project under President Simposon, a White color race, not current indian race.

Do you get bother with that? If I called back the military from Middle East for 911 and Jail Obama?

If you get bothers, I do not know which laws you wish to enter the court room. 

Its August 30, 2021.

Stephen Tamang, MD. Gun holder on Facebook, Threatening purpose: Political Extermelists.

Impaired Height.

Same birthday 9/2, you can just see on the Google Image

September 2nd.

Same birthday with Keanu Reeves, the One.

He is one kiss guy with me, kinda like Lake House, but I am not looking like Sandra.

And does this actor Keanu Reeves acts as All movies I describe in the Lawcase 1 to 36?

These are the video made by me, Anna Jao, kissing Stephen Tamang, if he is the one in Hell now? 

The One. He is Chinese looking, but Indian Family race looking, he shows me his photos, so he gonna die at the causes?

He is thorn like in his family, he is not adapting in that life.

I want to open a discussion, how to take him out of his current position, if he becomes the President of any Project Recovery, for any reason he does not wish to disclose why he has a gun on facebook, Raffle.

