Law clause

 Date: August 28, 2021.

In regards to appearance to 執行長,I select a character base on vision what’s drawn to me. Everything drawn as is, that scene, house, my projection as eye witness to see…

I do not watch sci-fi, nor love to, after stop practicing Quan Yin methods, I do not have these wishful thinking of words: classify is not there, I would not ever think trickery in life, nor frame inside story it’s to enter the frames.

The reason: I keep dying in the end of frames story, in between, middle, or the end. 

So in order I do not die in the audience head, I keep going to different movies, therefore, I claim, you can just entering the frames by frames story.

But I hate keeping watching movies, I keep entering story so we all military or police networks going on frames by frames, minutes to seconds by seconds stories the write-up report.

Between I do not die in the “inside frames” story or a write-up report, I write a report.

Babaji never say 1 million mud man’s story made by Earth.

I fed up saying, when I write, I in a split second that day, I say that story, it was not prepared. I just want to go to my point, leave me alone! No, I never think, before that.

Mahavatar Babaji, we do not talk.

He might be understand he got wisdom by they telling me his real face looks was not Shado. In Slam Dunk. They paint it new poster in Taipei Y Area Metro. 仙道 彰 (灌籃高手, 最佳球員)

I really don’t care he is happy or not, Mahavatar Babaji. Not really. 

He might be very mad.

For any reason, other than my well wishing reason. I watch TV reason.

He might meant ….I am not sure he tries to become or shape me to become meant-to-be.

I do not care about it.

I don’t really know who he is. Up to Facebook becomes a trend, he was unknown to me, and Facebook was effaced, I never really need it back anymore. Mahavatar Babaji is on Facebook. Users profile on the walls. I was on it. I did participate his community project. That’s a community project ! A dialogue. He replied. That’s a two-way communication, not a painting imagination. 




 星兒 Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...