Tina Purchasing Order by August 9 2021


Tina, I want you to go to NYC, one of those junk yellow book, or online, to  "Meet Up" group

你知道什麼是 Meet Up Group? 在美國是一種文化

Its a culture in America, called Meet Up groups

You go to Yoga studio, to do some stretching, yoga, and buy stuffs, like yoga mat, yoga chair, yoga ball....

When you have a place, you buy yoga ball.

 You go and find a Guard like 侍衛長  by the way to look around  順便看看!

Tina, 說印度國師叫你媽買的


其實 Tina, they have recipe in the Slow Cooker Books Tool Kits Box. When you purchase a slower cooker. 你買慢煮鍋的時候已經有 recipes

你師父說那個 waitor tray, 盤子! 一開場的一開始有個人走過去~你看到最後一張~叫做摔跤!!!!


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 Okay, this is so annoying... Zawanna, same age looking, but different set of classroom, he was with that dark hair punished guy, whatever, I help them studying. He supposed to go to class. All that. That guy is a Prince. Another one of those. That is before no one touches nobody. I just with my regular here cloth, that jacket, dark navy blue. Same looking I used to be here. Not entire length of pants. He has to go to class, he does not go to classes. That ...I think this was not what time? Way before, years, or they set me up too. Because

Earlier time (Full memory, they are on summer camp, one of those student gathering, doing music, math, or something I cannot see it. There is a singing....That guy, being punished guy, not that talkative. He is very quiet, he got in trouble something- their conclusion is...unless I was forced to save myself, I will not help. I just stand there. Someone did on purpose.

The bed? In the summer camp, I don't think...they have that junk, pillow decorate and little strawberry? Its a happier, more crowd, singing, dancing, or some kind of groups activities, its beach, its like their design, but you call them class room. Okay, I don't remember math. Its dance. Singing and Dance, he Zawanna does on purpose. There is a ...i have to save me scenario. I don't know how to dance, looking at them....下腰 I don't think so. Its two. ....like you hold someone hands up, and move around. The second one is on the neck, the girl holding the guy's neck. And he does things on purpose, we are in the middle. Not, I don't see Kail in this setting. I think that ....is his brother, that thing? They change so much. Its better they go to class, I thought. But then I change my mind, becaue back and forth time. They do horrendous things to me, when I keep baring myself out of the world. You just have to keep going out of it. You imagine its funny tale. Its very stressful if you really got into those you don't see military, they do things on purpose stuffs. Horrendous things they can all do. Especially Zawanna. He becomes a King has a reason, or ruler. I am not sure he is being taught or he just knows...one of those Royal blood family meant.

Later time (I have no memory whom they are, Kail found me that war slave W body begins)

***i still think the Hologram still around at my time waking time. They saw 溜冰天使! and they are mad? What did I do again? I didn't do anything. This entire thing cannot be real. After the hologram graph on the Present Time, my waking hour, I didn't read any book on my PC or Ipad anymore, not 溜冰天使 anymore. 

9:11 he is looking at what?



Tina if you still moving back Taiwan...你如果扳回來台灣!

That place still need to be put somewhere, just stack up those junks I say putting in there. You move boxes, enough Tina? 體能,體力,站著,頂著? 小鬼小和尚都比你好~我告訴你!

Tina, those boxes you recieve, its to move your knife and junks, and cut it, and flat it, and recycle it. Put the books stacking together...

I buy because i can throw all out in one day! I have no problem doing that.

You don't have money, just wait til you have money to buy them one by one.  

不是吧 !? 


然後我受傷~重傷! 拉美西斯! 恐怖殤 !下體全部被照乾~肚子!我挺大的! 


有個黑魔法師 ! 他做的! 看不到人~他叫他~哪個時間做的? 我搞混了! 是後面時間!不要再拉他去上課~了一堂一堂陪! 真的有夠過分的!

他是黑傑克! 一個眼睛!


網電聯動! (1:40)

我覺得是記憶法! 那個人...某種世界叫做魔法~知道是生出來絕對不可能懷疑地心引力會不動的!

懂嘛 ?


That is a type of Internet Cyber Space saying, I say memory skills. By image, or photos, or by some kinds of Electric Net Connected Move/ motion.

There is a kind of world, like magic, knowing by birth, that Gravity can be moved, its impossible to doubts that the gravity cannot be moved.


But they didn't show me that.


你們 考過 PCAT 嗎 ?




What? ! 

Oh, no! We are not that....whatever this put up on air, we will get everyone killed to look like that. Whom is whom? I don't have an eye glasses there. Right, I cannot! 

I don't remember...No, of course I cannot see. Its W, I cannot see.

6:50 The wall?

That Ramses Wall, but its in Cherish that Chinese Wall setting.

An Arch. That wall. I land there, The wall keep pushing away, I start to run, but actually its fake vision. I step the same place running, they see. In my vision, I was running to go get that wall.

I write things on that wall. There are plants or trees. Hide behind the guards passing by.

I keep stacking the stones First time, was I stack up unconsciously, I W somewhere else. I resume, I saw, I keep taking it down. You cannot let Zawanna sees that. Second time, its all the way up onto the 3rd floor. Unconsciously I stand there. Well, if Kail or Zawanna comes, just get out. That wall, get out of there. Its an exit like the book draw, so figure it out, push, 5 Lords my bathroom wall, its at the corner, there are water on near that plant, a bowl, just spread it on that corner. I sleep that wall. Near the tree plants, on my vision right.

No, I think I got take out of there. I don't remember now. Too chaotic.




=============video below, then the second item, marketing books. =========

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Venue Education ? 

How to rent a venue to host a retreat, in hotel, or in wildlife, wide open space?

印象派? Impressionalist? 

I did TYG,  City of Bank, Impressionalist entry. I know what that is. But I don't care about it. To Simon different categories. I told you they have what categories at the end. .

Stop !

Amazon Books - Gospels Dead Sea Scrolls

Dr. John R Christopher

90s Music Boy Bands

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The Essene (BCE,AD)

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Dr. Gabriel Cousen & Archangel Gabriel

Kryon (United Nation)


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Gregg Braden

Dannion Brickley


Great Master, Sawan Sigh (BEAS)

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Light Hologram

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 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...