Lawsuit Case 28 花千骨夏紫薰

 Date: August 26, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

It comes to me attention on whether we are arguing to legalize that yet, the Chinese Drama shows regards to a permanent 3 Esteem TV drama. Like a Time return, or from the future, or the past, to come to a meeting, at this point junction of time, those ideas. If 花千骨 are define as that decree, sometimes it s a joke, sometimes, its real. So I do not know which side of which, when the mood of such as 夏紫薰 come to turn to her 楚喬傳

I need a line in there, for Tesla, if Tina's Father is presence, not dead yet.

I have describe him a vision, and I wish his life time, he has a purpose in life to define something, maybe, maybe not related to anything at all. We used to talk.

Johnny Jao, are both Tina Jao and Anna Jao, me's father. Wendy Shen's legal husband until 1999. 

I need a line to fish a guy name Hank, 黃永達 from the jail release, to go to Johnny Jao. Tina present or not its irrelevant. 


夏紫薰只會鄧人,叫做 Bush= 不許, They live in Texas, I have heard Hank has a plan to move to there, and one time, I receive a Youtube, video on their real estate.

I have wish, you could consider killing this person or not, I have a gift for him.





綠色的 ! 我最近洗澡洗到累了 ...


One small or one big.

I need this guy, Hank, for a while. Where is he? 

Because this is a legal paper, I wish to express some opinion of mine, in the time frame of this regent, 21th century, whether or not, become a valid, in any Future Time or not. I do not want to hold the law in permanent, if that Time comes to this point, they must reverse this decree for any similar comments:

    Sometimes things are as it is, exactly as they are described like she meant she says, in her attitude, in her face expression, in her tones of voice, such as 夏紫薰. She is a key representation to a lot of seeing, and wishing others would respect that decree. As one of the notible Godses or Idol Gods, or ....上仙 紫薰上仙調香的

I hate her staring at me, if one day, I found out its true.

I only express that feeling, if that becomes true, and I was not delivered that I heard too many situation, I was not aware of that one, until Today. 花千骨 August 26 2021

That is the primary things I want to talk about "my feeling". I hate things to become exactly true.

People's life CAN be spare in this case, I hope it will be valid for the future as well. For any, particular scenario might have happened. Because of her association, a comment, a stare, or an expression. I would not possibly know all her mood. But I hope the jury or the Legal system of this world, can do that so, to ensure the prisoners are cared or release in that Time of trial out in the present or the future. For there is a reason, I just don't know which one she is saying it. 

In regards to what possibly she is saying it ...

I can only hope, there is nothing to do with anything I wish not afraid to know. 

Johnson oil is not a nice things to know.

Bush family is not a nice things to know.

Whatever being associate with this....I will tell you, I am looking for something only because President Xi might be dead soon with his age to keep aging without a clear mind. It might to do with him, or might not be.

Something in life, when a veil of untruefulness for a destine collective karma on the thrones, or successor, everyone just decide to deletes it. 

Because we are the modern world, establish to that democracy, its the President Ruling Times, not by the system of what the corruption of very very bad period time called dynasty in the Old Generation Era. That century is not too far away from us.

From my entry of this birth of this life.

Because I make sure I was 90+percentile, I used to study history, and with all the details things you make me doing it or presenting to public or behind private data collection if you must have to acquire a copy....I will tell you how I think about this. 

I technically don't think about this. Its always Wallace think of it for me, or alike. 

That last Era of the Black and White, are in Johnny's eyes. 

Right now.

His life is bad luck so much, its very unfortunate, he is always become the One, at the strangest moment, when everyone is dead.

That kind of trumpet, sounds really unfitted to the Time Frame, not just by involuntary intuitive response from everyone just hearing it how I describe it. It is oddly strange, of all the people I say Pixies, he becomes the One being caught behind, by so many, without me, even know about it, my whole life, until recently he told me about it. I didn't think of it, when he first message me that.

I was doing a lot of things, until one day, one thing after another, I related to the ambulance session of the Public Health, that my family keep getting crisis.

Crisis does not mean Karma. Its just bad luck ! 

There is a painting regards to "Luck", every where, I used to ...see jewerlry SMCH design it. (SMCH refers to Supreme Master Ching Hai)

Do you wish to collect something, in case, that becomes a necessary, if she is still alive? 

Could you?

That is all I ask and comment, for this case now.

( She meant to say, that is what she will take lucks or get rid of, or trying to, or ...promises meants One life only....)




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