Lawsuit 15 Math 9x9

 Date: August 13, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Case: Math 9 x 9 multiplication Table

I like to inform you as I sent my representative, either kids, monks small, or medium, or large, or High Priest Monks. Priesthood...that there are some riots prefers to stay without 1900 science, in Chemistry, in Biology and in Physics Department, to exchange high tech or high living, or high magical world, with ET such as Brutal or cruel known Reptilian, or highly speicalist of Greys Negative Entity of those called Etraterristial Humanoid Bilateral species. 

Bilateral means a pasting like Stephen Tamang, one cut, into half, 26 Da Vinci Painting, that is bilateral, anamony class terms. I have a grade on my transcript, that is A I believe. Summer class, short cut without a lab. One lab demonstration all went to look, yes.

Now I want to propose to three ground, Costco Warehouse, Wal-mart Food Freezing houses, and Military Gun control warehouse

9x7=63 guns, in an array of lines or cross, to count total amount of that numbers required to note it down, to hand in an invoice.

I say it again. I do this from the Math department, I am sure they do not attempt to try. I let go 1900 science physics you might find my older paper trying to explain to them, whom has a high hope without ET, or without God me, or without Science to function Middle Age Black Plaque surgical try out blood contamination without clean water to....simply clean. High pressure high volumn water machine rental warehouse that kind.

So being that was one that 63 military warehouse, will ever eternity get wrong, for one invoice, we do eternity counting every age, every Era, to be, one day Time return, telling me, I was wrong. You can just count one by one to see if that is 63

Costo warehouse: 4x4 = 16 pasta or tomato sauce can, big can

Wal-mart 2x3= 6 fishes

Tell me one of these eternity will get wrong on my invoice, I will pay for it, if it is wrong, every age, every era, just ask your US government if they these.

It just a box of cans! 









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