Lawsuit 36 Eben Pagan Impaired

 August 30, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Eben Pagan wants or doesn't want. I want an investigation in police report on several options.

Part I - Eben Pagan, known as David. 

430 is David, too. Nick has one time send me a photo with 3 David, close to CEO space?

Nick Catricala has been to Berny Dornman CEO space, with photo in the hotel.

I know he been there. We both met Berny, and close photo with he smells my hair, right on the photo. I will just tell you now, I do not know what that mean, until the lawsuit case 34, I am writing you a minute ago, comes to spin in my life, there might be a Vampire, if all the movie or books has "an indication" to the Real Life?

There is a vampire in this world? Under police watch to walk around wihin the border?

No, I do not believe that. I believe you kill them all. I will tell you that straight, you have police network, or military, you all kill all people to sound like Vampire, if I just tell you there might be them, where, how, and what, to threaten me for. I do not wish to mingle with Catholic, because Ola is Catholic, Dr. Steven is Catholic, Mathrew Mc something is Catholic to control Science convention or God's witness, for the movie Contact. I have a discovery for real like Sailor Moon Ending. I want a full investigation from the Police and Fire department.

Not scientology 430. My initiation Red Card dates, same height like SMCH 越南小尼姑 清海無上師

Part II - Eben Pagan is Impaired or not to lose so much weight on stage, to die on me? or Die on Annie Lalla, that does not have a last name after the public marriage on the Internet with a girl.

I want to tell you, an impaire video I made in 2019, with the ideas to come approach to UB 2020. Eben Pagan might do it intentionally. I want you to watch my video, to make a judge yourself.

This is my video I made about 700 relevent stories for 長留出考 not Vampire 初考


Part III - Eben Pagan sent a photo in the email, he is so far away from Annie Lalla, I used to read no code 2014 prior, OU langauge, Original Universe, I become "Enlightened"

You suppose to read it, the image, not the name!

The image.

I am an idiot on my PCAT score, my English and Comprehensive is on your desk? The Transcript from Pharmacy Entrance Level exam, prior to enter any Professional Pharmacy school.

Now after that email, Eben Pagan, on again, to indoor activities to hug Annie, with Jay Abraham.

That Jay Abraham is that a Bible story, I cannot read it again.

Law court room, you are a reader?

Abraham is its the Bible Character, Eben Pagan is Eden, Rules in Supreme Master Celestial Shop, URL,

Eben = its not Eden?

So B = 逼 or 槍斃?

Now, whichever side story of that, I will tell you, after seeing Coco movies in 2018-2019, I told Eben Pagan, his face has 2 dots, not 1 dot, as a child on that movie, as the Mexican, you better coming down from the stage, I will take you off the Movie screen until I found you a guardian.

That is what I told everyone on the Internet.

I never say I going to adopt him like Moses movie.

That is a BIble Story.

Shit ! 

So there is a Mother, and Moses as the adopted kid?

So Abraham again, is that the story, with Sarah long age, and one day has one or two kids?

What happened with the kids? 2?

Is that Sin started to enter the humanity, in the Bible?

Can you just do a thorough investigation, I didn't call the police,  I kill the Supreme Court Justice, in hope, could you Supreme Court, call Police Station, Now before September.

For any of this, whom is the One?

Showing up, on next killing order?

Made not by me, by Afghanistan? My mother told me there is a war.

Yesterday, the same order.

Leave, in 1 week, 3 weeks to 2 months.

That's all, Judge.




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