Lawsuit 17 Female Leadership

 Date: August 17, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Case: Increasing Female Leadership Training

One of the today norm is to increasing minority resource, and women are categories as one of those, including the language barrier from the International Community, the foreigner land.

I want to propose a law to prevention of Time Return Idea, what it is Past, Present or Future, what we cannot forsee problematic in Power struggle of Rising to the Top.


Because they are born as the guy, natually.

I have made a video regards to a mirror concept, some of this might be 遠古、 might be 今非昔比 but I still want to give a try in the court battle with this.

Me and my mother, we are blood related. She is Chinese Literacy Language major in University 靜宜大學中文系! 

What I want?

A future or a Past dictateship Special Visa Watch Visa, Under America Constitution Rules. It may not be an immediate future 500 years seen facts. She has blood statue to re-apply my green card Visa, but I prefer she becomes independent by her talents, She acquire Tourist Guide liscence 2010, She studied, on the ground, flat one sheet blanket, for that test. She is blood to Dr. Bing Shen, City of Hope. Wendy Shen 沈慧娟 

If the studying methods are that important in my family blood line.

My brother he acquire 3 examination tests, CFA 1, CFA 2, CFA 3, for the Finance Area. I have no idea what he got his exams past. That is from my mother. Just she is so low key, no one heard about that. 


My brother (1990) Jason Pang Jao, he takes Standard Exam CFA1 CFA 2 CFA 3.

My sister Tina Jao (1984), Psycho, CPA Standard Exam. She has tour her DVD flute talents public performance. Potential in Slam Dunk. To overthrown Bashar Commuications. (legal name)

I, Anna Jao (1983), file Lawsuits, singing my ways to Commander-in Chef 194 country Niche, both ancient Chinese and in English. Disney Early Program on NSYNC.

Wendy Shen, She talks her way, don't need exam, 2010. 她直接用說的, lawsuit does not required. She does that all the time.

Johnny Jao, 賭徒, 全場只有他一個年紀的關係, 紀曉嵐, He is the King looking, the main editor of the China National Archive Library 四庫全書, my brother is the Michigan News Editor, profile online in writing.

Dr. Bing Shen, I heard rumors, he was the Entire China Number 1 Representative, in City of Hope. He has a City of Hope, a profile page, and somewhere outside a full funding page, and a China 千年計劃 Wikipedia Name lists for investigation

Do you want to hear a suggestion from me? If the Past, Present and Future might be, want to find a huge money stake, putting them starting something small within the military, to try slowly, before they might really expire too young? 用天價

    There is something about writing, I want to added a movie in, North Western University, Devil Wear Prada. Tina Jao writes her facebook page articles all the time.

Medical might... have video, I forget. Basic Chemistry, I have an artificial dye and dust use for ingredient box, I explain behind what is 100% in gram, not just grammy cracker, its that nutrient, and ingredient, there is only 100% really you can go as much as exceeding a possible fact to the total grams. They say one package if its 25 grams, the only nutrients only can be restrained within the 25 grams. But the actual nutritionist, might be categorize, by 100g, to say, standard unit, like SI unit, in losing weight program. So long, I didn't study my middle school, there is caroli 卡洛里的測量 The unit use, for losing weight by calculating 千卡! 

You can ask Tim Cook, he was on my Twitter, he added me, and I photograph, sent to my Line groups, to Annca. The car agent, the mood is not that great. 陳鴻凱

Its to support, I have 3 Uncles? They really got hired in Jobs.


姑丈: 恩佑叔叔 (副駕駛變成地勤了)

安安叔叔 (大腸開刀手術軍醫師)

