Lawsuit: 57 Ship Sunshine comes away from the eyes, to the Horizon to annihiate a land, and a marraige

American you watch or you research 90s favorite cartoon, towards here to Taiwan, outside Hawaii, on your West side  Follow your north 23.5 lines or Equator lines? = 0. Toward the West. Away from the Sun.Meaning you always seeing this direction with the palace that has sunlight always on until you reach here to then you cease motion, the sun goes down. You don’t really care people lie to you, you know that? I know that !!101 groups, you gonna tear down on paper first, or I put clause in. (Sep, 7th/ 2021). They need time to test out coming here.101 is the highest tower we have here on Taipei tiny land basin even !!

We are the miracle 


Menton, is Albert II, King of that country, not South Africa. South France. You flew in from NICE airport. There is a bus.

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