Lawsuit 55 : I wish everyone wants to live life, like up to 1000 years old and beyond.

 Date: Sep, 5. 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

I do have wishes when I train people behind and in front. Its to keep their face as young as they can, with life they wish to be happy about, and as long as their age allows them to keep the physical body here on Earth. From the past of Master merits, there are some laws and spirituality in here.

I wish people could see Bible beyond 1000 years old. But technically, everyone die in 100 years maximum we know of. 

I will tell you this, if one day I gonna live Eons, or let's 1000 years. And you trying only 150 years.

It is heard, because no one pass 50 years.

But really, in the end of somewhere of my future, I don't count years anymore

You will remember all of these while you are in hell waiting it.....til whenever. There is a reason why I open the case, short and brief. In case I hold that seal.




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