Lawsuit 40 Vampire 2

 Date: August 30, 2021

 Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Vampire 2

I want to call upon the Supreme Court Justice of America, to allow all the voices that to do with the words "Vampire" existing in the human worlds like the movies says, to go directly to the Supreme Court Justice of America, without needed to go to the local court.

Because I just motion a suggestion that, no Vampires exists in our modern civilization and you will ensure all the police networks, knows there is no Vampires inside our human community, housing building projects, and International collaboration in Bone marrow research, that no one is licking those bloods, to say, "Save Me" Smallville, has Eben Looking at Opening Season 1 to 101A and B?

Taipei, we are too small nation to say 101?

Now, if you let the entire world Police station very sure, there is no Vampire, and individual right is only allows human, not Vampire, and you allow voices to go straight to you the Highest court ruling, Supreme Court Justice of America, I have few things i want to report as to file this lawsuit with together?

My father might be color blind, meaning only seeing black or white.

I want to just say it without any proven what it is about : Only human or Vampire

I am doing his vision repair, but no one helping us at laws, not even local court, to say, one day, to America Supreme Court.

I wrote dignosis, to get rid of all my UB MD people in America?

Trying to be my friends on the facebook?

I write him 3 days, I encounter a Venus problems, Wallace Huo are slaughter in 笑傲江湖

Is that real? If one movies indicates like him himself Wallace Huo 霍建華 花千骨 劇本, in that script, Flower Thousand Bones, are to indicate Vampire are in Powers?

Are you Vampire, in Supreme Court Justice, and that is why you don't help me?

They say its Vampire ruling? You mix me up, we are living in which worlds, called W Two worlds, Double V?

I just file lawsuit case 33, 34, 35,36, 37, 38, 39.

Do you want to make a section of laws or Article of that Sections in the book binder format, that one day, these will not look like just by the numbering, I feel my age, is reaching 42???

Britney Spears on 50 millions, in Rush Hour movies, kidnapping, with guns.

That is 911 builidng too dark, you cannot see, or mirror not rounded, in Sailor Moon?

On Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hailey, or Hollywood by sounding in music English speaking country, my PCAT English is too low, to understand mumbling English words, in that Britney song called "Lucky"

Will my father to get "lucky" if that is a jewerlry Supreme Master Ching Hai saying she is the One, or the Enlighten One, like Jesus in Hungary Retreat Tape, that she is giving me, warning or lucky, for my father, or eyes back, like karma she promises, or she is saying she is a Vampire, the One, like there is a blonde one side tale, Flower Thousand Bone

She says her Master only has her one disciple, and her master was indian 500 years old.

Do you check the lawsuit 33, 34,35, 36, 37, 38, 39 to define, what is the One?

The One?

Eben Pagan, Keanu Reeves, or side by side, River, not River is my brother Thanksgiving, Disney on Slaughter methods to say Supreme Master Ching Hai 2014, called upon OU Language by forcing Ison Ison V? 

Do you check V is Vampire represent or V 怪客 in Chinese?

Or you want to tell me, you all are groups as Vampire, as Cabel Power Elites in Seating? You drink bloods or water?

That is lawsuit case 28, 29, 31, 32 

OU is in English, I state it again, in Lawsuit 40.

That if you tell me in Chinese in Ancient words and concepts 滅門 I understand it.

You say OU, I do not understand it, you mean Original Universe? I take it as the positive TV channel she says it on her part, that is everything positive, no trickery? Or she intented to go wild in 60 years old with Dr. Janes, dead near Steve Jobs birth or dead dates too with Apple align, Vampire?

I state that clearly here in this video on bio genetics things NOT TO DRINK IT. I do not understand it. 

發瘋發狂 !!!




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