Lawsuit 43 Kentucky

 Date: August 30, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: EF exchange student programs.

We have Asian Camps, and European camps for the summer, before we arrive in Kentucky.

I have First Host Family, with handicap. I now, know you should never do that. That korea is from a mix of Korea and whom that mix with? She looks White race, but she is a little bit like Alyssa. Dark, much dark.

My middle school gym teacher looks like Lalla. Dark. The one teaching us ropes. 延平中學

Steward are handicap. Marley's daughter also a handicap, CADS labs has a wheel chair electric handicap. They are all looking very situation.

He is very very fat. Mary Singleton is also very very fat. The wine glasses 劉沛 advertise everyday in 101 near Breeze those places. 

You know....I do this for so long, I will just tell you, human nature is to be lazy.

Very lazy.

When the condition persist in the physical health, negative saying, negative persuasion, or troubles or doubts, at the shortest performing favor time or not, they become useful only for those very little time. 

I went to the hospital, I seen those eyes...they look handicap. 

They are happy to see people. I wonder if those longevity becomes a number propotionally. 

No, you are not supposed to have handicap in the host family, to become a burden to switch me 3 times, for Scott Ashma issues. 

Its 20 years after. I will tell you, EF ceases to exist already. I would file here, just for the records I talked about. Not that I believe no one handling it before. It was 20 years ago. I lost the period of time to see if I can get my compensate back. 16萬美金吧 ?

They use a lot of security staffs. That is why I am not really asking them the money. That probably is a form of networks, that extent very far in that security, because that is how students get into America, they took responsibility at it. If the year after I return, to UK, they too, provide some kinds of assistance, that is what I have heard.

But I can only just say, I know that already.

The rest you should just ask them what they want to add to tell you. If those are very private reasons.


Students in the EF? ... Probably all like Jason, lots of bloods on the ground. I cannot really prove it to you. Its the age like 17, 18, 19 ... ...

This system is so lousy, its all the same, you could see it in the shadowing of these spirits, their intention is so violent, with that emotion, they are ready to kill, with vows, they will they will they will do it. When I see those, I know why you want to kill all. 

Its true. 

Whatever you could collects data and seen facts with the facts, how they dead with others help, or with whom to help suicides...they are all so bad in spirits, they are overthrown by love matters.

It looks like Sammy. 

That girl from Mexico, Ana, should be killed. My sister lip stick is purple in swimming pool 林肯俱樂部

Its one of those not old fashion lip stick. Its damp on your lip, little by little.

Purple I think I remember. But I like pink. 

It looks nice on her, she is darken? Mexican. 

My mother's throat keep having problems, do you all tell her doing that?

The downstair too, slam doors or something, like they are robots, drones? high tech human?


My mother's problem is not problems. Well, so many these worlds problems not my problems neither. What we gonna do this her throat cannot stop doing this, and down stair keep doing that too? 

The next door is painted white color and balcony, is whose height? Children's height. 




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