Lawsuit 33 Vampire 中山女中女校 3000 girls

 Date: August 29, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Vampire and 中山女中 and all around neighborhood, 中山小吃街

In this school, we have a title of between each other called Academia senior or junior 學姊學妹制,I used to be Volleyball Team. School Volleyball Team.

We have 6 people on the court, but one 巧如, I think her name is 林巧如?

We had very bad terms, I don't let her come to my house, when I invite them all to my houses. I directly target her on the street.

Later our relationship changes, she buys sushi near her, wherever she got. Very beautiful sushi. I have not seen like that. We talk on the bus, I believe that is how that goes. She looks like Harry Potter, Bathroom ghost.

Looks like that. She wears eye glasses. She writes people on the records like 書記

徐欣怡 Her name is now on the map with that street 中山小吃街, She was best with 郭登峰

徐欣怡 comes to see me, one year later, after my graduation, gives me a bundle of flowers.

郭登峰 I see her in 2010, where she told me event happened at her job hunting, all things got effaced at the job sites.

So now I go to the job site with my mother 2020. (UB 2020)

There is a Police station sits in 中山女中 and 星據點

I never made it there. There are curses air in that top of all that, its their emotions. I can see inside.

That is what i usually don't like to tell people, if someone would spend time to digging Sailor Moon, one of those, what curses meant, to distort their mind, and soul projects, if just exactly like the comic books.

Emotional tie, are one of those, you should just be dead, I will tell you all that. 


Now I will give you some of the account about this Vampire I claim to do with this case. Lawsuit 33. 

At 10th grade or 11th grade, our building are close to someone from the military system called 教官, they are one office, just full of them. Girl 教官 and man's 教官

In my time, there are both genders.

I see them, more than one male 教官

I never really go there to look for them, because Volleyball court are so far away.

I usually tell people, there are main activity more active in 10th and 11th grade area, that they run and hide about these love.

By the 12th grades, things change. We have a pressure to go on that College Examination to get into the University by 3 years materials of school exams.

That building, what 學姊 I will tell all the below me 學妹

In my those years, my Class, there are the ghost stories being circulated. Its known that building its red color, darken red, its from Japanese style of building, most people will tell you, they look different, and to me liking as well, they are just like comic book, to image good things from Japan. They have a resting design on reading book next to the windows. 

That is what I think, I will remember.

But there are stairs of that, I think its towards the convenience store, close to the gym, those stairs are the ones I think the ghost story coming from. No, I have not seen ghosts, not there. But I will tell you, people are so depress in that building, not like they used to be in 10th or 11th grades anymore, there are hope, love, and joyfulness, people giggling in life.

I will tell you I do not see why there is a difference in that kind of 3 years class. But everyone will probably tell me, they have to study? They have to make it in school?

My parents never really push on me with all those saying, I will tell you, I am blank  the reason why there are different airs I see between those building white colors, jumping, talking, loud, noisy, between 10th and 11th grades to that ...later 12th grades building. The rest you must investigate yourself. I cannot help you.

One things about Vampire, if they meant to say, they really associate with bloods? The W two worlds says monsters, draw like a monsters, not like a human...that distort my thinking, what a real Vampire looks like.

Now, there are 3000 girls in total in that 3 years of Class. Each year is 25 classes with different name.

I believe as the Second categories class, we had only one room us class, called 2nd category class. No, we do not change our classmates.

I have met that girl in the operation groups, after we lift the schooling pressure, because we are all entering to the asked University, by the administration letter.

Her eye sight, she told all of us, its one near, one far, and she sits at the first row of that class. ( I feel its ...way too near, are you kidding me?)

I was looking for her, but she is taller, with other girl better. She just ...short hair. She is the leader of our operational team. She asked everyone' opinion how to do, and she combines all the advice to blend.

We have TV station that asked me if I want to join a survey.

I went to ask for all of them.

They will have name lists?

We also went to a buffer, I complain my life, ....what a dining experience, but they are not that wealthy girls, I will tell you. So one of them comment, don't act like that.

I do not care about this things, but we used to be a group of people, talking. They will remember whom she is, because she is a short hair, like Debbie. My mother's brother's wife.

Irene's mother.

Looks quite alike.

One eye near, one eye far sighted.

Its very oddly strange. 



I think just follow that maps I told you. There was no that last name on that map.

Not really. I think its in that street. Vampire. No, I don't know what that is. Its so long ago, I will tell you. So long ago, at least 20 years ago.

And I will tell you, I left a year to America, its an EF program.

When you just left school, and going back to a new Class, they are friends to each other.

Not that, I really needed friends? I had entire work loads of books, to read. Greek are English means English really just damn Greek looking to me. One application, will really get me so mad, its to see all that essay blanking space to enter alphabets.

Do you know what is an Alphabet?

You don't. 

That is words you use.

The words you use, to write and to say things. They are Greeks. That is alphabet. 

The first store on the left, its called 冰店, Ice shop, for dessert

Sugar water, its dark red. 

I think that is brown sugar alike?

They have chocolate 豆花

They boss and his wife will make me noodles behind, so I don't go to the later street for vegetarian food, hot warm soup.

That is not expensive, they are being nice.

They have 雪花冰 and equipment. And all the snack dishes for that 剎冰

Those are traditional Taiwanese Dessert with Sugar water. That sugar water has color in it. 

To say strange things in my volleyball team, I will say, we had a regular male coach. But one day, my captain, took a college women to become our temporary coach, and she and Torus, and her become best buddies.

But this Torus, did something was meeting guys outside school on the motocycle, and he and she walks in the middle of the ground, to be seen, and then, be seated at the Principle Office.

Tales I heard, I have no ideas what they are doing.

That women coach will adminstrate all of us with the formation to get right. Its to run the formation with rules.

That we never do that in the previous year, or next Class. I do not remember that.

Just us, the Class.

That male coach, sometimes come to see us.

You should ask him for some opinion of views for some of that stuffs. That women, is a college whom from what, to become entering our school. Just by introducing herself to them, as a temporary instructor? 

Maybe they want a female coach? No one asking for that. She just shows up with the captain 葉芳庭 who took my comic books never returns back. That book is 白衣羅曼史

I can tell, she is making friends with taller girls, she is not that tall.

I am not that tall neither. But she hangs around them Captain and Torus = Public Relation.

I think she is a political driven. 

Meaning they hang out.

No, I don't.

Nick has a dog, all black.

Torus' little name is 小黑 ~~~~!!!!!

I have some inner vision on the dark black little monk, with ability, to be name 小黑 !!!

No, there is something wrong with some kid's mind. They look dark.

Emotional Surge are not what you see in the appearance, they all look fine. All of human looking skin people. Even animals are probably psycho to look sanely, they feel fine if you provoking them. 

People hate to confront others, like Torus, or 小黑

They will Tutter.

People like Eben, they are flashy, but they just say it, that is what they become. That is different. Things don't try to hide, I will suggest you, to develop that character to just....say it out loud. Because I seen we might have a real police station to lean on. 

I don't have to hold it to stand last, last stand still, I am telling you, so damn tiring.

Police are many guys, they just stand as they should, and think those are stupid things and they will get rid of for you, if I just say it out loud.

They will investigate ( THANK GOD!!!!) 

They will go to investigation with all of them!!! Meaning finding out all the strange thing.

Their eyes will weary, and tired. No more light.

Correct. Dead.

People language if not equiped, years later, they cannot express themselves, in this world, its like a curse.

I will just tell GE that. Maybe they believe one of those Communication Master descending reason like SMCH says on the Television. 

You do everything possible, just to align with only that. Open your mouth and talk out loud, like Victoria Secret saying that. The Era will comes to elimination, probably already started, for those whom do not pass that point of no return. = communication with your mouth open louder.




 星兒 Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...