Lawsuit 20 MK

 Date: August 17, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Part I: Profession in Occupation Meeting Queer People Leading as a Mentor

When queer people on the leadership, the results of the outcomes, are I coming forward with the time, a group of MK cases behind me. I will describe for 8 years since I am coming out of the cave ideas, I sleep in mediation to Observe 宏觀天下, the reflection, and all the results I collects base on my experience, in science, in music, in academia field, in all grades you if calibrate my special experty in that area, what I come forward to say, and describe to you cases. Organizing family attires, union local commuity, and pacify the world, 齊家、治國、平天下, I observe just yesterday how that comes about in the military might be training filed, to do, with more technical, scales of governing the world through gossipe you heard by people you never know. 

Queer people, or these MK or Project Camelot included coming forward Soilders, they are all different mind set, starting when I meeting Nick Catricala, in the past life as a dream. He was the king of that nation, with horrifying Mercenary. Paid 傭兵制. There is a reason he describe me his mind, I have heard it all, and his retirement at 41, and he did not garbage himself at the evolution ladder, in fact, he improves. But people like them are only mercenary time, when the second incident happened, meeting 54, Simon Cowell at Paper format, Internet. 

Through history learning, I concluded, its best I take my discover through that process, its through him. I conclude that, because I also heard things or found things, not by guessinig it, by looking at what exist on painting, reading Google Library, and finding all the Simon Cowell Online umlimited interview, I know whom he is as Simon Cowell, I decided that time, coherent to my finding, he is the One guy in 2013, I made my future plan to go, I have no other way out. Only that road, I will just tell you that. If you need to collects 8 years of my writing, to why we arrive here 100% precision or accuracy, you should added in here, annotation.

Annotation 8 years.

Now, I can tell you, I do not have a group, when I coming forward 8 years life, since 2013 to UB 2020, I told everyone there is an education project like in vain saying it, or there are 700 video on Apple Server, and Tim Cook stupid enough to add his Tweeter onto my twitter, so that photograph, I had was in the App Line Server.

From all the evaluation, you can just describe how I am doing things with "only I believe it"

I am like that.

I do not like my 1900 science groups to do debate base on 2X3 will always be 6 eternal law, might divide my seizing military power by guessing it.

Mercenary to be mercenary, I will describe to you, its the methods they will try leadership. But when things happened in the last 8 years, that is failing, if you just keep seeing queer people doing queer style of things on the newspaper. 

It might be true, it might not be true. They cannot handle, so the company design that, so everything become only I exist online, they are restrict region, to air a popular news through the company for that niches to stay calm, and Police Station, and Every Military heard about it, they step in, they like or they prefer, or just langague is enough to care about, the validity or logic to swing things, just in the language, they will know, I cannot possibly be that mercenary looking to get where I get here today. Meaning, I went to school, all the way from elementary school, to University, to trial PCAT, GRE and Graduate School, to acquire a liscense paper, with a New York Logo words on it. These are a real certificate, and documents, that because my circustance that time 2014, might not be "local" issues. Lords of Rings, Moutain inside, Tro Scene, with 4 hobbits, you have the first hand ideas, how queer people, or psycho, or pretencious human being to say the One, they can never be in those scene to compare the results that almost identical to the movie, excpet I am a girl.

It might be worse, that is all that say to you?

So becuase its the first time, that situation rises, and someone response, I know I didn't copy a word from anyone, if you just so care, if others say that, write that, or deduct that, or analyze situation, from everything I collect, newspaper, one by one, I talk to whom you have recording, including Obama, President of America, 44th.

That is only the year 2014 from the beginning to the end of Dec, so you have a free download OU year, at Christmas.

Now, how many people are normal, to be in that "battle" scene, I just tell, queer people or psycho the One, cannot be in the leadership. I keep sayinig that, and I hope you have found it super dismay, or desprate one day of the future, these things worse than that might happen, if you put queer or psycho, or ADD to be in any leadership, but only follow orders to do things.

Those speical kinds of ADD I have once told you about, was in cartoon war zone format. Our era has not gone to that wild yet, to say how cruelty and reality that might be exist, through the story telling to encourage to those, to grow up in their life only. 

Grow up life only

Grow up life only

How to be a mature person doing mature things. Its to take responsibility, not just wastinig resource for only pretty face to stand tall, cannot tell queer means, its a girl or its a boy ambition, in between, that makes everyone's life to guessing, your love affair was a genuine to the family orderly order things to stablize a true society when you are airing that on news.

The effect is horrifying, I will just tell you that, if you don't just regulate my online access to expose my knowledge TO every world only through Police network, and Military function, I am back at the islands, to keep retiring, and writing "what I observed base on my specialty, including subjects, chemistry, physics, anatomy, physiology, geography, geology, astronomy, music, volleyball team, testing methods, tutoring methods base on how many tutee I used to collect results of every norms of things you can collects to say in the end, I have some experty to share in the word regarding to this, prior to the 8 years 2013 started, or right now we are 2021, 6 months exact ! "

You need to list all my background here, by 8 years, that, and 8 years before that. I have made video in condense format. Even one video of those kind of nature, America take it, I know that. Its not that many words in video, but those are needed to be included as very heavy deliverd, America says that. Fewer video I created. Outside acadmia Chemistry field.

So the failure of the leadership, was on stake, at this ending of 8 years for New Era in transition. On my calendar. No one does things in One Day, I will just state it clear in facts, I have worked very long time, before "all of us" to arrive here, its to keep repeating the same video, and my video, or movies, we watch the gazillion times, on your part, or I feel like, that things keep repeating to the day, we are all here, reviewing some history facts, I say queer people do not lead people into any Era, New or Old, no matter what. No Matter What. Its a very very very dangerous implication, when you define this word "mercenary". It is a SAT word or PCAT or GRE. I hope my statement just for that Queer situation, that cause me mental structure, to only rely on myself, because that is not norm to believe, the higher position people, are just all junky to be leaving on the newspaper as a gossip, and if you do that for the future generation to come, that this situtation keep continue, including they keep rebirth, and I do not get seize the power in time, or I have no language ability to control all of that situation, we will all be dead, because of their ego, pride, and mental, physical ability, like handicap, to negative dark force thinking, are real degree, we will annihaite the entire planet, by Self- desctruction with all of you believing it, the ladder going higher at birth next time, or next next time 500 years. 

They got slipped into that position, with or without classified, and that devastating situation is global feel, you should seriously consider my report as a genuine matching records to those whom have already written - these evalution, in details. Called queer people in leadership to start with combination psycho the One, to spell Buddha Teaching pass, that meeting a group of mercenary, that looks like celestial. 

In whichever words you tends to alleviate the sounding of all that, I guess you are movies or story telling writing methods, are not professional ? So what can you do about it? To prevent next birth re-entry, to the exact spot, once again, but higher ladder, cannot be seen, or hear, and for real, people just hand them the power, to say LGBT, Self made image, Wedding, Century, to glorify a Book China Legand, or without a title, or name to myth that sounding of a possible future catastrophy, even this life, might not be real, but it is real on the newspaper.

So what can you do about it?

Do you understand?

I need to gear to my personal finding, so I hope you writing those with more people whom could actually analyze details in all these give a better explanation in the National Emergency those sounding 911, to save me, save yourself ways, or really saying it out, what you think your process of academia achieve with 2 or 3 PhD degree?

Now, I am not in a rush to talk about my family yet. I have a huge issues with the professional, to describe my feeling about my experty on this.

Its 1900 history, 500 years ago history, or 2500 years ago matching records might be real cases.


It might not have anything to do with each other. Tesla one rumors heard from Venus, just by that nature, its different from Da Vinci Time, Italian local, to Pythagoras Mystery school, hidden door, how they burn to death, he walk out of the dead body of his disciple as a bridge, to the door? One of those story, to trace back to the Religion Top 2500 years on Buddhism.

My story formatting, that I write only through my vision, was not about 2500 years ago. I was more in gear to the term "Time" and "History"

I hope you repeat my background here in academia, including books I ever read, things I ever do, awards I ever had, to come to this paper conclusion "Time & History" to saying it the civilization. 

What I want to describe to you that, the re-incarnation of those birth, might be all at Hell level.

I cannot prove to you

I will just tell you to lead to today's effect, they might be all in the Hell.

That is all I can and hope you believe me, not to lose one Life efforts, to believing, you will have next One More life. You may not even have a chance in a very short of time, if Military Order coming in tomorrow, and all of us dead.

No one knows which souls going to which direction of Universe, or parallel, Animals or Lower existence of some fairy believing, not a physical attribute big, but those Peter Pants Sleeping fairy so small tiny and cute. Or Fairy God Father?

The TV story telling us different existence in life, almost drawing to you, how terrible, if you side by side just comparing the look inside the frame, or outside the frames, as what a Human looking good to you, by just feeling it, or saying it, or subjectively expression, if you feel fear, you fear terrible, you feel HORRIBLE, everything was shattered in your life, every direction you turn, because you have an Ego reflection issues, its bother you, it really does~!

In any way of formatting to say, tiny feeliing within you, you do not want any of this, you prefer just queer people stay Top, psycho people to continue to lead you, used to be life, that no salt at your table, you feel better to eat a meal even, that others so contempt, right before we have a quantum leap at large, if one day whichever Time Frame, the Future generation adding the Timeline here, was how many days til the Disclosure fully, behind the military complex, or will be in front of the public eyes, by looking at the sky, the cloud, voice in their head, things they cannot describe to you, too fast happening at the speed of light, Internet, Keyboard typing, annoyance!!!!

All these we do not know future, its we do not want to learn.

So When I waste all these time, keep shaping what you already have a methods to lead psycho people, real psycho, or talented queer people to be mercenary, I can live a better life with a normal education, people might just come with the rumor since 2018 Jan? 

That is 3 years ago, will almost to reach 4 years ago, we are sorting many craps, including starting file-ing law papers, to feel we are organize with the law existing today, to continue have resource of independent finance, and compensate, what I didn't sue you, for a torturing life, that maybe Outside Universal Police meant it well, they didn't get compensate too?

Those are the things you cannot see, but I will just let you to believe, you should just never try out to say, One life of every other lifes of whom are so famous, well achieve, or becoming Names that you yourself are their reincarnation, when you had a chance to just LET IT ALL GO! 

Permanent Records might be Einstein, what you gonna do?

That is real? That is not real? That is bad people should be dead and deformed?

Do you understand the war costs of the past, none of us today, with the education built up, or if Senior Bush still existing, none of us want life to be in that tormenting anymore. No one wants that. No one wants to get to that states, that learning curves will be stopped at, paying, those whom control the Power at the Top, to play suicidal cases! 

Now we have internet access with the police networks to say, we do not want to participate in the War Zone fairs, other than just being trained. They are to destroyed the entire Planet, 1945 that one! Don't you finding out, if they are joking doing it? Japan are suicidal teams, to Pearl Habor?

Just because no one describing to your line by line from the history book, I know, or you living so far away funny tale Adam first human to Comet Hailey, to say wild nature to psycho comparing exaggerating results YouTuber money per week, that is exactly what you put out in front, funny tale to laugh wildness to exaggerate their character to become, super wild, in making things so horrific in the future.

Things given to you, so you have a comfortable place to rest home, you call that America, I do not force you coming here, so you do your learning and law making to the maximum with your Congress, so there is a future for America. 

How I lead the military, its only the conversation I had with them solely to THEM, ONLY! 

Some people outside our norms of groups here, will hear that. So they decide, I drop hints, or I do on puropse, to say things bothering them, because I am using ways to say to clear exactly you are not doing your jobs, to become military one have only one life! 

Now, I do not have all the time to keep describing the failure of the leadership like queer people situation we have on local, here on Earth. Because outside the Earth, there are Universal Polices. I can only just keep cutting off this Project Camelot on describing to me FBI already tears apart those free energy device to say UFO.

I will tell you one more time, those records are permanent nature, and there are Universal Police that didn't get paid by doing any of this, you say, the information are being regulated too perfect by ET presence. Do you understand exactly every terms I describe to you, if I just cannot prove it to you?

When I seize power its because I need that power to hand in some paper to the Congress and Law maker, hoping that really can works, for our future. Without any Power niches to seize it, like they all encourage to do, like Eben like ETR, people are teaching you to be self sufficient, to withstand weather with your talents to volunteer your every knowledge that can perfect others life, in the right accordance to the Universal Plan, not just Central ideas, you will have one more Life to spell Pain, if you keep saying it, there is a religion domination on this One Planet.

I say it very clear, it might be all Hell Records Permanent! 

Its your belief system or your lazy nature, not to finding out, your 5000% deliver rates its only you are trying your best, you are so lucky, to at the time, the Bible says to you its a judgement Day. You have a very formulate guidance and nature of good incline people to teach you, to faciliate you, to hope you grow by genuinely believing in you, will do your best, not to waste this one life.

Maybe after this one life, or just like this year 2000 + - 20 years time, everything are permanent Hell records.  Do you know what I am saying? 

Permanent Hell Records.

I hope you hear all these with the professional works I do, that writing does have its effect, if you just trying out to making it, your life worth, this is the Only Life you ever got!

Part II: Profession in MD Friend as Facebook Association in Life in front or behind.

Score, Honor Class, Second Generation Citizen reacts to their own Country embassy initiative 

I do it?

Base on the following experience starting 2007,

Organic Chemistry Niches (2007) :

Music Niches (2018, 2019, 2021):

Maybe with all the lawsuit I file legally experience, I thought of them UB MD or professional Honor Class Chemistry 105 and 252, as a results of what they are doing in their life, to work as a group of people, that keep showing up in my video peripheral, from a story I put out Ancient Chasez, at NSYNC Level, and 花冠安琪兒 One Photo story about Water frontier.

Everyone has an life expectation what your parents wish to be, and what you wish yourself to be. In my life, always its about, what I want to do in my life, to be honest, every time I just told my parents. Including withoout cram school finance burden, so I can go to Boston or EF studying English with many summer camping friends, like Sammy, Martin groups, newly Added many other Prom German guy I used to hang out with. They are also my friends, if I wish to just go and find them.

Do you remember how long we stay on your cases, saying it, stating it, calling Eben, I call him, I call SMCH, I called Dr. Steven? 

As you do not know my life, I do not need any of you trying to tear apart everyone else life, because you don't have a life starting 16 years ago. 

Every life on this planet, is a friend of someone. Everyone will tell you that. They all have their heart attached to those, whom they care the most.

Facebook is not the only life I have. Now I have Pinterests, and now its court proven paper, it means that Internet Protocol usually don't require to be seen to prove it, that account is me!

Part III: Profession in between Dr. Christopher & MH

Dr. John R Christopher Son got sue.

Do you want to shape a in between system where 花千骨 by her experty to "採藥" or you want to real system to get this things right.

Ontario is Canada Foremost important Province to the Entire Cananda. OPP

GCC lady, she has an office, she worked there, and online articles, she wrote all over. I was reading it in UB Library class, that the Professor just talking at front. UB might have the link. I cannot find it.  Chinese tincture medicine structure, with Alcohol in it. Just one teaspoon, but its killing me. I take a while, not after that. Soy sauce has an alcohol too. You shake it well, so the alcohol will not that strong in one spoonful. But still, I feel its so heavy smell of alochol. In Organic Chemistry, alcohol buffer not just preserve things, its really delivers fast right through the Liver. They told you small print at drinking alcohol should not take with the prescription drugs, correct. They have to say that. Its real. Its Organic Chemistry, by the way. I tutor my ways to YouTuber Channel Niches Business Marketing plan.


Part IV: I Ching Local Resonance

If Movies has name like Ola, Dean, Hira, co-incide to your local life, for real, you see exactly same people, base upon Custodian Seeding Life Planet Exact to have Ice Skating Championship people face into my life spinning all around, and Olympia Japan 2021 I claim incident. You have identify, exactly almost, everything exactly right on every personnel, in the degree you cannot imagine, its copy and paste people side to side.

Side "to" side



Part V: Movie are the images plays, if you seen it as a positive reinforcement (Psychology textbook terms University of Kentucky, 2002) 

Many people take the movies scripts as their first time dealing with it. You don't remember whom you are, who you are now? Whom you wish to become?

No matter what obstacles in front of the path to self-realization, don't you promise God, no matter what, your heart to Him, never changes, in all walk of life, you only face Him at the End?

There are high Power, like we all wish to say, we are special. Now its proven, my face its not in the movie frames. We make ourselves special because we decide to do something in our life, not by guessing why we are doing it. We have a heart doing that, because that is the way of life, suppose to be. Believing in that nature, its the only purpose of life, to become one day, realized.






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