Lawsuit 46 Tina & Johnny Jao

 Date: Sep 1, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Yesterday I listen to pink song, my stomach ache, like 2015 Kail beat my stomach for Nick things I read Sunny in Birds of Paradise, Tina came after beat me. 

I will tell Tesla, that is a line.

Your color of world, it’s black & white. Tina is pink.

But me is golden blonde, and her is black hair.

That is a line, interface, of two dice. 永大電機隔壁 threatening email Candice or Victoria Secrets, to their Jew structure outside next by me everyday looking at. White wall, short balcony.

You fear dices? 2?

Humanity wants 4 points frames of everything as you Tesla high IQ and supposes to evolve, so I say to you this when one day you will have become High tech.

It’s against America constitution laws any religion leadership showing up their land to owns that names or 4 points frame : voice, talent, beauty, IQ, livihood, and God.

It does not bother me I am a mortal and this is the End point.

Your wife throat does not allow me to laugh, so I only have 黑白色的人生

Lastly was these houses.

It’s everything I got, you seek you hear, you feel, with freedom …the laws only protects what your eyes can see. You see black and white and one day when you see color worlds, this is what I say to you as Gods name. That’s a line, 2 dices.

Not rectangle I cut Apple OU language a line to become 2 squares like 方方名字

Apple is round.

You gonna remember clearly I say to you this time? Everything I say to you?

There is ancient 文字獄, 黑白色

UFO is invisible

There is a scarf not bold head in Aqua band singing a song 2014

And Apple is round, not square

There is a mermaid at the water surge at the pit of ocean floor, ocean water is jealous nature, not just Greek mythology, that’s God’s battle (Slam Dunk)

Eben holds people together to die together. It’s on TV. He is the rose. Seeing pinks like Tina.

If you are Tesla, what will you ever do? I have no freedom, no right, no living space…5 Lords are only beginning and the end alphabets …not in between; it’s a line.

That’s not 4 points frames.

It’s just 2 points square points they all wanted.

Remember all these?

What do I and can I ever want ? If I want to live?

What you Tesla want is Time.


This is lyrics : 骨肉、白子畫、尊上、我攝政吸血鬼的劇本




You can win this case. 千年

Tina is psycho, you not just needs education. You need, the Temple of God that’s made by Earth soil 地上的泥人故事,人身

That’s mother, Earth is Earthly mother called in English. 大地之母

That’s evil.

They have wish and so called karmic strength if you or them losing weight, I will just tell you that.

It’s the body of Temple.

It’s the body of Temple.

I will tell you this, Tesla. You believe in Chinese medicine, it might be just a cut.

One cut.

I need time.

我們人類其實沒有翅膀跟天耳在頭上,那些還是要有 DNA. 是 DNA.

Da Vinci 920. Math.

JC “Build my World”

15 城,羋月傳和氏璧的15 城,你是台灣人,你會知道什麼是和氏璧跟羋月傳的


Also Sinnita, Simon’s pink might really have a gun, it’s a black dark darken skin. Release human bond, your friend is Dr Steven Hairfield. You don’t need that cut, very dangerous doing that…

You and him should back down, no matter what.

I have a playlist on YouTube, that will give you time with the polices. They will take that as “gun”= warning. They use laws in America, they can sustain, they are both British, same is Prince Harry, he us a British in case you are not sure what you read or saw. I will just tell you, that 3 are all British, they have an intention when I am outside that land. Curses. 

Prince is Demonic, no, not analogy. It’s “as is”.

Johnny in Apple is a Knight, he is a British, right next to Tim Cook & Steve Jobs, they are American. Don’t touch American. Tell the others go.

Tamang is bad. Get rid of him. He is a MD and President now. Just get rid of him. I don’t need a reason. 

Indian 500 years are bragging nature. Back down. 退後.

Correct they are very arrogant. They got fan clubs. 

India, you do not want to hear a words I say.

= you refuse to hear everything I says !

I say 5 1 2

My name is God. You tend to forget, above Priest, it’s God.

Look ! Funny and tale with your mouth !
You want to challenge my decree of precepts, this is very very simple prove and says!
This is the End! You don’t want to wake up and talk?
Then, you better don’t! 

Simon they are Romanian with a gun.
Next to Anan neighbors, Rockfeller and Tesla side and currently is Australia. And police DNA strips.
They are in Congress.
They enter Italy that’s why nick cannot go back. He still alives, ask him.
It’s Romanian dancer stripper, neighbor 146 Willis, there is a Black across. New moved.

AF might be really dead but Classified says parallel universes.
Just take it, they handle it. It’s America classified,.
JC Chasez is a Dancer, he was in White House. Newspaper valid.
Britney married to near by her dancer but they divorces has kids.
No they look different.
2 dancers, one is Disney program. One is not Disney program but married to Disney program.

Eben might be really a Mexican, Coco movies.
DNA, your Tesla paper, “Welcome” paper
That’s DNA.
Protein structure in tertiary.

Child means, worse looking or sounding than Mexican.
Like a monkey or a psycho teach to be human, she will hit with hands to say crazy love, Justin Timberlake ! It’s real. Tina is very very crazy about them, Hank might heard about.
It’s real. She really really crazy about them, she is a psycho, will be legalized she is a real psycho so hoping no one will ever get hurt again by her reckless doing.

Nick, might be dead
Sammy. Not Sam or Samuel.

SMCH 越南小尼姑 needs a lot of face, that’s nake.
Correct, the only reason. 
Tesla you should ask me, how do I feel on 5 Lords review.
I will answer you: the things you design you don’t even know?
I am not dead yet, to describe you a term.

Last name : = Last lines
Everyone or many last lines.
If that English words = a description strategically in War.
It’s very old.

Like 饒, if your last name whole life you written on tests, you will know what that is, correct?

If Eben, is sent here or I sent there, we might be both jail. I specifically say he is rose, Mexican rose. SMCH dogs says “rose butter”= ?? Honey.
They say Honey.
I say Bible says: Wild Honey.

Babaji says to me, doesn’t mean you hear he says it loud to you, what’s he said to me that time.  I told you and everyone I do not want that, he insists to be that.
There is a Supreme Court Justice in America, they birds just say, they are too loud, Eben is all theirs to keep. 

Zawanna they were at beach, the treasure Hunter will find the grave, I am in front. They will open that door.
No, I didn’t enter. I am the last line, as if.
They know there is a fight. That’s my clothing.
The treasure Hunter = they have experience. They know how to or where to look.
Animal kingdoms says leave it to them, yesterday. It’s on the Pet movies.

You Johnny Jao or Tesla will be subjected to that too. Like 2 days I try to tell you.
No, it’s real.
They animals hate you, no. It’s very real.

I, America Supreme Justice Court, pretend to be, ask you, have you been to Central?
Do you know anything about Central.
I guess not. It’s just by the way to ask. We know you are not.
Joey is 費翔華嗎?
Zombies guys in the 屍速列車嗎?
Do you know why they hate that much to bite you to death ?
Rockfeller is not an Animal, it’s on TV, that’s ET looking without a helmet. She is a human, I look at her everyday til when? Everyday I look at her? You don’t see her transform ? 浴火鳳凰? 靈芝 too cute!



意思你們兩個很被需要饒菀跟饒邦,那你們知道你們需要教育他們兩個 by 義務?

我其實不認識老費叔叔,我也不太認識 Joey.
我也好像一直再講 李維= Keanu Reeves.

Your honor, we finished.
Family law gossips.
It’s always, a line. Issues.




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