Lawsuit 26 Chem Cram

 Date: August 23, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: My Chemistry Cram School, during the High School, Last Year First semester.


I want to specify, I have one year exchange student program, during my original 3 years high school schedule in Asia

That is 3 years in Middle School and 3 years in High School. You define Secondary education?

    7,8,9 = Middle School

    10,11,12= High School

So between my 11 and 12 years, I went to Kentucky for one year Foreinger of Exchange Student Program with EF. I draw an America Map in Seattle. My English level was statics and that was Level 3. Others are in 7 or 10.

When I return to Taiwan, I didn't bring a textbook or novel, I suppose to, go to High School America?

I was in Volleyball 2 years my life, meaning quit every books in my Entire Schooling years. I graduate high school, University, and Graduate school, Master Degree.

I describe you a fact, so you know my 3rd year after returning from America, was in fact, very very stressful. Very stressful the first semester, I have TOEFL unlimited, until I can pass and application for California in-State, SAT I and SAT II. I forget how many school I applied, but they are all greek to me, application. 

English is very very very foriegn to me that time. Very, extremely!

I was on the phone with Rebecca all the time, so I did learn English that year.

ALL Year. 

The first semester, I have a cram school, because that is 3 years materials I need to apply the Taiwan University with a new system, and new classmates. One year younger than me.

I sit at the last row, because I didn't eye glasses yet?

The second semster, I remember I got in Feb UK admission letter.

UK I went. (University of Kentucky)

UB I went. (SUNY Buffalo)

UT, no (University of Toronto)

City of Hope Beckman Institute Intern, CA, I went

Roswell Cancer institute, NY, No, I didn't go.

My PCAT scores, I do not remember. I don't care if they just drop a mail in my mail box, that is very near UB to my houses degree.... ?

No, Judge, I remember my second semester of the Third Year in Taiwan, was I am free scenario. I shouldn't have a cram school anymore, if you ask me how I got 70 score in Chemistry. It might be high.

oh ~ okay, I thought it was one exam. Its the average of all the exam to get 70? I will tell you, I do not remember.

I hate cram school, they are 不良少女不良少年在地方

Now, I remember its an average of that second semester of the Chemistry overall = 70.

I thought I had one exam becomes 70.

I remember they calibrate everyone score at the end. okay, I remember this part, 70 in one exam is way too high. To say average, second semester? I remember dancing, I got sick, I design clothing, I design whom we will go to meeting, passing by whom's classroom to sit whom sits in front? One eye near, one eye long, but she sits in the first row. We all went to eating a very nice place, I was complaining, and the girl shut me off. Lousy people. That I remember I was free scenario, not really if I have another second semester cram school? No, I do not remember. I remember I was so free. Its a FREE period. I was not even sure we have to go to class anymore. She was on the first row, maybe we still had class. 

No, I will not sleep in class, not Rukawa in Slam Dunk. No.

No, I am a real Blonde, with the particle in it.

I always like chemistry better than physics, that is why I went to Chemistry cram school. 

No, I do not like physics, I got 8 in my exam first time. No, I don't go to physic cram school.

The cover is pretty. I remember that. Chemistry book. I like that book. I write the notes in it.

Right now currently 2021, I am so far remote from the university, or high school, I will tell you, I travel or move, no money scenario, I don't have anymore books, or notebooks, you wish to tell me, if CADS they can just leave their textbook in there, I can just don't buy it, when they need it to open books?

That will be very sufficient. Those are general subjects. 

I remember, things, we have a Harry Potter, One exam Big was right next day, that one Harry Potter, I read whole night. I remember that. I hate it. I cannot put it down. Chinese version. I only read 2 Harry Potter my Entire Life, might be.

They are in Chinese.

No, Not in English version. Movies yes.

No, No books. I borrow it in English version yes. 2 Times.

 Once in Canada with Nick Catricala's library card, on my desk never open it. I was not sure why I even need to borrow it. Its magic. Quan Yin methods says no magic. 

Second time was for Obama, someone Middle East. I forget, it was in the library.

No, I didn't read.

I told you, once I got off the school system, I went to meditation life, meaning no more no more no more reading books? I cannot register a novel book in Chinese 2021/ 2019. Its somewhere up in my room for the birds. I read the back of the books. I can read that.

No, I can testify that, when someone stays so far away from the books, I cannot read it.

No, I cannot in Chinese.

English I am not sure. I never open really. Lord of Rings, Yes, my tutor gives to me for PCAT.

Like flip the books, the winds. Disney style.

okay, I will say this, 70 points score in one exam, its way too high. I can sleep in content, I remember that. One exam.

On average, maybe you callibrate the score, that is why.

70 points score out of 100 points full. I remember its way too high. Volleyball I don't play anymore, at least. I don't even remember that was a schooling. I will tell you that, because everyone is passing the class, to go to the University for real, so I thought its easy class. Now, because I am getting all the facts in, people go to cram school, still, for they already got in the colleges? No, I didn't register they may return my admission letters. I might functioning different i I know that facts.  

Actually, there are a lot of these things, I was not registering, or else, I might really all be thinking differently, about my life how to evolve right !!!




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