Lawsuit 10

 Date: August 13, 2012

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Case: On Entering a Movie Frame Story, on Earth day might be 1 day or 1 year, to the Time Span of Other existence in Male character to quest change gender, to go, and to return, in taking a younger version of Alysaa Catricala with me, at meeting Nonno's house 3305 Riverdale, Washago, L4L 2S2, Canada.

As I become more less period, I am born as a women 1983, starting my period at 5th grades. I become changing diet and lifestyle with Nick Catricala at age 23 upon initiation date 4/30/2006

In the Time Span of

8 years

Another 8 years today, I am losing the period to 1.5 days with 2 buffer time. 38 years old 3 months.

This situation started 2 periods ago, this is the past 3rd period.

2 days +1 hour (38 years, 1st -2nd month)

2 days + 3 hours, 1 Buffer zone to make 3 days (2nd-3rd month)

1.5 days +2 Buffer zone (3rd Month)

I have never stay away from food, including liquids, never breatharian in this life. I have to taken breathing exercise by Dr. Christopher WWI and WWII military herbal Canada school doctors breathing exercise at Night, before i go t bed, in order to help liver and gallbladder flushing. Going outside the porch to actually do breathing exercise, or my head is outside the windows.

I can stay working hours with limited liquids that milk, or alumnium package drinks, junks drinks if define any current market pop drinks here in Taiwan, or in America. To name it, Liquidarian.

I do not wish to enter any name competition with that field, so I define my junk random drink of any liquids except of poison as liquidarian methods as my lifestyle if one or two days, I just have to stay on liquids orange juices, tea, package drinks, etc.

With the Digital Information and disclosure on the way 2012, base upon UFO congress meeting, with America military people coming forward each day more, I have relevant some of the lawsuits cases (2021 July/ August ) base upon the needs in leading the Digital Era as the front pioneer New York Public Librarian, Digital expert to carry Digital Library, Digital IMDB, Google Library, Online Book, Online Ebook, Online Commodity sale, Joomla Article Content Management to create Wiki or Wiki Classrooom, the ideas of Web 2.0. The facilitation of that transition to bring up all MD private customers files into online environment is challenging but will be eliminated. Corperate Librarian, or Hospital Librarian, can creates these Article Department IT for specialists to manage all new incoming managing system for the public and citizen including military or militant.

Because of the special situation that all character universal belief on my creation of works since 2007 up to today 2021 August, my leading role in the movies are vaguely classified as a male character.

Therefore, I quest the option to gender change, if not this life, will be the future life inside classify, inside the military, or millitant units, that for the tasks or assignment that changing to a higher evolution of Male dominate figure. Going out or returning here, will become, a true Male character.

No period.

I prefer this face, First Blonde Short Wave Hair guy.

Prefer drinks: Orange Juice, Coconut juice, Cane juice ( Taiwan ), American any pop drinks such as Coke from Keanu Reeves Advertise.

Publication cause by: Supreme Master Ching Hai, One Time Show California. Loving the Silent Tear, 16 country tours with a conductor, Joy and a kid whom cannot sing.

Conan Detective, 江戶川柯南 cannot sing.

The original publication of the actors and actress standing, facing, and jewelry wearing positions, finger, necks, colors. Eyes, my eyes are green. Dean is blue. 2004/2005. 2 lines upper and lower conjure at the first page. 4 stages of life choices. Pushing away the White color Enlightenment, Plastic Card culture, as the plastic society formation and continuation - results as Financial collaps, or financial debts after this generation, my monitor.

Its predicted in Ola's several shows in comics and movies names. Witch Hunting Middle Age. Black Plaque. (4/23 on Leonardo Da Vinci Painting, same sign Torus 5/12)

Marie Antoinette (2006 film)

1908 Tesla paper first sentence, Comet, every 24/25 years to count to 2007-2008 ( Solar cycle )


2013 Dec Ison, 2 collision points, one with the Sun, one with the Earth.

Her conceiving place is not in Willis, might be behind the graveyard of that community, Bolton.

With kids all around. So there is a Justin Bieber, "I will show you".

Military Order quest: Kill all that community kids except Alexandro + All Torus Eternal after my life time this life, One Ring Band Missing 12 constellation. Baby masscred corresponding to Moses, Prince of Egypt. In the commemory of Supreme Master Ching Hai Luxury living without her efforts to sounding in all video how she spent random money on her goodness kindness to all Charity money in authoritative with interests to count by today 30 years.

Add on.


Start don't call, you don't ask, every second we will use blood to commemorate




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