Lawsuit 35 赤河媚影

 August 20, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: 赤河媚影

I want to propel a motion in laws to do with the Title in movies, that was in the Lawsuit case 1, 2, 3 one of those, in my profile.

Today this is lawsuit case 35.

I want to add the Comic Books Title in, as one of the indicator, following in the lawsuit case 1.

Side by side, High definition methods of making a modern movies, with a list of producer's name, and the actor, Keanu Reeves.

His stage name is Keanu Reeves

His inside frame names of the movies, are Neo, or Alex ...etc.

The One. He is known to people, as the One.

He is marrying to a white hair girl looks like Debbie, like Hong Kong movie 與龍共舞

His mother is white hair, looks about alike. He is doing this by his will or not, I would like to ask for an investigation.

With the simple terms





River is like my brother, Disney Song, I sing in the High School, He stark me. His friends death in front of the bar. Alcohol Bar, He might be drinking alcohol, or the blood, as the One, like Wallace movie East and West, the One, Vampire, to Stephen Tamang, same birthday, in Twlight movie = TW, short name Taiwan.

I ask for investigation, to also a law to protect myself. I wish not to do with this individual, eternity.

After the year 2000.

I have my own reason why I ask for that simple gesture. Only for my reason. Alone.

Or else, he is drag gay shows, he acts as all the actors including female leading role like Sandra Bullock, one person, all Hollywood, inside frame outside frames story.

Well, you know what I really want to say.

The trickery at the end, I have to evaporate the entire America Supreme Court Justice, like 9 judges?

For the only reason.

He become the One! And they are blind to fall in love with him.

Trying to kill me, an American Citizen, acquire passport in Downtown Buffalo, with the law court room.

That is an individual right, I can live in America, including as a citizen, to get rid of all the Supreme Court Justice America of 9, if I am an American citizen life, is being on stake.

I can always request, the police station including fire department, added imparied video I sent out not long ago to 3 Top medical Center, for an investigation, an evaluation on health, and mental health, and War on Strategy defense exeprt, they are in zero to jail Senior Bush, dead, on their legal paper should be. Re-investigated.

I ask for the Police Station of America, and Fire Department of America, to enter Washginton D.C area with the current location of that Supreme Court Justice, where those 9 are? or whichever numbers are present on the CNN or main stream news outlet, to open a police report investigation.


August 30, 2021

Before Sep. Like NOW




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