Lawsuit 29 滅門

 Date: August 27, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: 滅門 on Supreme Master Ching Hai OU Language 2014

I prefer someone would say that to me in Chinese next time, a native language. Like many words if you can just tell me in Chinese, Madarin, the official language speak and write down as traditional Chinese character systems. I can type too. Words such as:




Or else, I just hear synchronicity, to a parallel Universe, or Dark Matter. Density or Dimension. Multi-dimensional. Transgressional bypassing one of those ...vocabulary, my brain gears towards, blank states.I actually prove many of my photo upto today are real. For the only purpose, I becoming, or, now this lawsuit, its how I gluing ....I glue on the monitor screen.

 Supreme Master Ching Hai Methods official name is : Quan Yin Methods, known as the Light and the Sound meditation technique taken you transpassing the World of Illusion. 

She is the illusion of herself. 

So someone told her this, I say to the court, I am busy doing everything but "Two of us"

I create a post, and none stop 24 hours kind like marathon in the Keanu Reeves Coke Commercial. I am busy, like they used to meant to me 5 Lords

NYSNC, they are 5 people.

UB 5 people's name looks like them are, Seth, Dean, Silas from UB spectrum, Bill and Patrick 

Honor Class / Honor program, military included. Victoria Secrets Included, "Take me to Church", that is how Patrick looks like, and Seth becomes Yeth, stole the UFO technology

Its...two of them on the Television, Nike sign it, No Reservation Seth Gordan looks signs it. Steve Jobs biography after he die, Michael Fassbender English actor signs it, like Tim Cook sign it, in the ending credits part. Many songs, I heard, sound like Yeth has a process going through, "Speechless" from Muslin Country told me so. 

I don't want to assuming a lot of this....they are songs and lyrics, so I laugh and I forget.

I have so much crisis....looks like real.

I will tell you, if he becomes a Lord one day himself, and he cannot stop hoovering above my room, like Rain and Shine, with Thundering target to, for all the other Lawsuit paper, 

Did I say, if he becomes the Lord himself?

I wrote this article early this morning. About Two of Us, from NSYNC

So Pang, Autin's father is his father's things. But if you could just use him i could just yell at him China !!!!!!




 星兒 Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...