Babaji: Go
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2021年8月21日 星期六
Do I have a feeling of all the friends I made or mentor to kill, Burney? 我有沒有感覺我的同學跟什麼誰?
You parents talking about the
1. Chinese Version of Honorable Superior
2. X Man, using the cerebra stream the universe?
Well, I will tell you the script in Chinese Version? 花千骨,你到底最在意什麼?
"What do you care the most?"
You wish to say, “I can make you feel Heaven, I can make you feel worse, but for my own purpose Self, I never lose it my principle, agree? “
Maybe you forget this real story, if were 1999 ....
Someone learn your language in English.
宮崎駿 魔女宅急便
You want to go to bathroom....right, starting at elementary.
One day, you will all tell me, you have a self evolvement story, you remember about yourself, what exactly you remember you did, in life?
How about I have 4 other family?
Each of them will tell you, its always 4 against 1.
You tell them about your life, and their life, they heard your life.
這些歌曲,你覺得是你的東西嗎 ?
你要不要去看看 Lyrics
Maybe, not about you?
I saw the Moses, Prince of Egypt
She die in the bathtube - Witney Hudston
She went to Barbra Straisand particular concert ....the beginning of the introduction walk way....
Then this girl with 字~唱歌的時候看到的字在臉上呀 !
在講尼克他們吧 !
第一個太太叫做 Connie
第二個太太叫做 Carla
This is MC Initial.
有沒有人來揍你呀 ? 這種現實的層面.... 唉~~~那妳們去不去加州呢? 我都已經在切割了! 這種東西有人寫六個月 ....應該在東南方偏~~
南邊比較溫暖產稻米的! 中國人吃稻米的
安安叔叔可以住在斜角呀 ! 姑姑在提娜她家呀 !
但是這警政廳突然出現~我突然又覺得他們有需要把所有劇本給掀了,變成你饒邦的爸就留在這裡,警政廳? 好離譜喔! 有部門的意思!
每一個劇本是說昨天的? 我會停頓! 那些加起來... 其實有點長的像...
所以柯南出現劇本,天呀 !
有做芋圓! 紫色黃色的那種!
家政課,飛鳥的筆記本...不會連畫畫都乾脆去台北哪個台灣說的中國世博扳回台灣了吧 !
假設你們一起去參觀!!! 真的很離譜耶!
警 政 廳 !!!
那是日本的屋頂嗎 ?
我有看台北的屋頂好像都挺滿的 ! 因為這雷聲是 .... ...這一個區域一種現象,所以幾乎所有屋頂都被占滿了!
你們現在要進來台北,其實很滿... ...
在講其他的專家學者,不只軍隊~鳥!! 他們再做呷咪!!!!!
❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️Part 3 - Jack beans pine up 101 Sky you eat food 突厥人| 小丸子撒福豆驅鬼 (傑克與豌豆)你洗澡泡泡泡屈臣氏❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
That’s 1.
2. 警政廳?柯南!
原來他們可能存在,,那些所謂 uncover pressure (3:36pm Thundering), pressing or to be burst? You are on the verge to explode?,我的眼壓,他們其實做剪貼簿耶!意思小鬼沒做的意思?講半天、那我到底在看什麼?白膠叫做糨糊!沒錢!原來你們什麼都試,鳥是不是覺得我變變變?所以他們覺得可以?做出很奇怪一大堆的動作?不清楚!
3. ET Grey, Dr STeven their stuffs, Nevada, Cut, California or, how does May Flower Every Step the way ship to America, but 定點站?Supply fuels stop in Atlantic Ocean to build land? Can you cut it? Builder Permit, exploded groups?
You need to build Grey(two big eyes)
Reno (one eye) a bridge from California, they walk to California
For War idea in China, burn the bridge go.
4. 真愛黑白配
Hank has many photo !
就是廣告的所有 cover
5. New York Grand Plaza Hotel they are dove comes cars driver front? Door boy? Very very handsome ?
你有沒有慾望知道什麼事情化成人形?他們記得你嗎?現在你有 X rays.
6. I got the foot things in for the 3rd days.
7. Its thundering 3rd times, 3:34pm. Vatican !!! I am too tired to write details, when I am not thinking about the birds, or the thunder. That birds are just outside saying stuffs AGAIN?
3:35pm Thunder again.
I take the tray out, overn, Twice Thundering (3:39pm)
Can you guys trying to be useful, just records, and how does these (3:40om Thunder) birds think of Thunder, ....I am very sure these birds know they meant here now !!!!!! They change? They become aggressive?
They become my boss?
This morning my Mango?
Fruits? They didn't eat, or they manifest Air, I eat Air!!!
8. Thunder again, something about facebook, that there are 4 wolfs? That time, seeing what I did, or Bill see it on my facebook? No, he is not NSYNC, no he will never be that, ever! and there are a pack of wolf behind him to finding out PCAT scores?
Not the other facebook has wolfes, right now, you are on TV they are ADD, they are birds, they are you UB facebook used to be, on mine lists, that I do not know whom went to find out, either They or me, got fired?
By instinct? They don't ever look like they ever can make it?
9. The Secret of pi ( I keep looking it wrong ! )
10. Loving the Silent Tear has a Blue.....
We are Blue Planet !!! 我們是藍色星球 !
Reptilian !!!!! 外星人的名稱,長的像嗎 ? 叫做曾經是我的每一天!!!!
11. India eats Samosa
12 我在上傳我以前講過的一些我發現團體的事情,叫做男女生,你們為什麼想要看到,"真愛"與 "沉默的眼淚"
我先解釋三個給 SMTV 一個概念
然後我講了三個工業者,應該看到的親手做事情的規範! 你們聽了很久的一些基本東西,做功課! 現在是 2021
教你們 切 煮 炒 炸
如何動刀子還是刀片?你們現在是計算真正動刀的時間是 16年前?
MD 同學呀 ! 基本要素呀 ! 一起奮鬥的當年分開是16年前 !
煮菜呀 !
重心呀 !
全部是因為這個 "花千骨" 跟 "夢幻遊戲" 90 年代的原因呀 !
這花千骨 6 年前了!
我當初講的時侯只是你們輕浮的態度呀 !
工業者 ( Industrialist )
Why would I even attempt to speak that world? Organic Chemistry Female Leadership? Step by step taking you to watch what you do on the camera? You want to, or you attempt to after schooling ?
16 years ago, I keep saying that, because that is a song made into a fairly not heard Chinese Song.
It was 16 years ago. Facebook, goodbye. They had a paper!
No, these are in Asia only. You all sure?
You girls sure?
How these simple doing, EVERY single time? Or every time walking into the kitchen, you are nervous? How proficient you are doing it every single time, knowing it right and left about this stove, what if no flames coming out, just gas, you breath in your nose?
Ever seen this?
There are cleaning washing to do on this, when my pot, just magically becoming a magic, so far, if anything tell you, I have a lot a lot a lot a lot of real situation? Ever trying to understand, what is a real battle in life, in my environment, or you just ask the guys, if you are just Anna say, that is illusion, you imagine that?
A mature person doing mature things.
Female leadership, Organic Chemistry groups, I specify, I finding all you back, not just guys? We re-watch all the groups about my missing video. There were too many, people's mind are not on my resume that time. (2018-2019) Nothing was told, but all these.
If you could just verbalize like you intent to tell me, you and I, doing this, you need a lot of break on it, I understand. Its to breath right !
We were making bread or I could make noodles, with these coloring, I am too lazy to buy?
You are a female leadership, as a chemist,
You are a female leadership, as an industrialist,
You are a female leadership, as a MD
You are a female leadership, in Congress, we have a terms in Asia so famous, not your known English history name. 埃及豔后,Its very very very catchy, we just don't know the true reality, so they told me to write 5 letters to Washington D.C
Do you care, others in your school, finding out your 16 years? With your past classmate, or Facebook pals?
Are you sure?
Your own birthday?
Some people might 大作文章
Supreme Master proclaims, what she does not understand, there is Astral beautiful, so second world articulate....No matter how you debates with Grey in the court room, you will always win? Turn things inside out, blacken and white? Any wind direction of the opposite?
But first Step, MD, your face, 16 years?
My father if were Tesla will tell you what?
How it was before, and now? How you will become?
Or I am MD describing him, about a hunger, I know what it is a fasting.
In all scripture, or religion, or someone, somewhere, New Age will all telling you, there is a new kind of Age medicine practice, its meditation and fasting, meaning resisting hunger.
Do you even know what that is, MD?
For whom you want to do this knife cutting on photo? Your own family? really?
For Tesla? One Day?
16 years....
Physicality ...
What its meant to be, having a physical body, you willing to just die out, MD, so one day, its all astral all glowing, and glorying, in your Bible, to proclaim a what saying?
Me ruling, or your dream guy to Essene to rule?
You can just call Dr. Gabriel to ask Jesus and Essene and Vegetarian.
Even Jewish has a vegetarian group, I seen it in SMTV
♫ ♫ ♫都因為姻緣出現 ! ♫ ♫
Someone willing to lose their academic performance by doing silly things, so one day 6 polices showing up to ABC, one of their groups of people called, YouTuber.
What do you think, you are a MD, you suppose to call their father, collaborate father, or just pieces of them every single day, til you can just be ready to talk to their parents?
♫ 不相往,把手牽 ~~ ♫
I cannot ask Wing to be the MD for prescription, but I need drugs, Wing.
A lot of medicine, for Pain Killer.
Physical Pain Killer, those kind. No, Don't care, he go lay down.
One day.
我要一大堆藥 !他躺著就好 !!! 每一天的那種藥呀 !!!!!! 每一天 !!!!!!!!
Part II ( Johnny Jao )
Have you tried different contacts to look pretty on your eyes? 你沒有試過隱形眼鏡!
You look at Prism? 你有看那個圖片嗎?你帶七個顏色嗎?有一個漫畫叫做七彩的眼睛,女孩子的傳說
Do you know Tina supposes to go to a Shell Deep Sea to save Someone? 緹娜不是要救尊上在貝殼裡面 - 花千骨
She is saving her Father? 緹娜又在尋找她的爸爸-我不是購物狂
No, the builder or the exploded groups, will be a better pocket man !!! is that a game?
I see on movies too? Something like Pocket....???
In the old cell phone America, one of those Nokia? They use bombs. You are not using it here in Taipei? We have 101, I am still living here, the shadow of ...your grace?
Have you actually look at 馬王堆? Those documentary how to digging up the grave?
Not about my sequence is identical, every dynasty in China for how many thousands of years?
And where is this 伏羲氏 you ever know how to make fire?
Same thing ITSTOMAKE a BOMB!!!!!!
Have I ever told you one things, that if you constantly keep doing will remember 9 like my right column on words to tab in? John Jacob shows up !!! When you fill in the blank? You actually type now? Human Tony does not ever type or Mimmo.
So I forget all about you.
Are you going to call Nick their kind, or the guy I met in everywhere running around on the street with the car, looks like an italian too? Home Depot, and Post offices?
There are someone like me don't live inside the house with a psycho, Tina?
I go to sleep...
Babaji: Go
I update the China Expo Photo
喂! 你們中國的暴發戶! 照片我上傳了!
Builder require permits in California? I used to know office, and home depot, i live in there ! And Exploded groups....that is not New York Grand Hotel?
Do you actually making a business in California yet? That is a State of California, and the small business liscense place is at the Sitesell Website I create pages?
Prince Harry ! I just saw you ~~ your shadowing ....not me in Toronto Land City?
You need them? I used to know someone wants to give me a ride for that 4 x 4, Hank gives me a ride home. Home Depot. Where is Hank? In jail or on roof, or in California, Tina is with that whom in Los Vegas, very Fat woman. 聽說緹娜去了賭博的那個地方,我剛剛跟她媽說那邊其實是吃的!!!
Los Vegas is to dining experience there. Eat ! Why they are famous? Buffet !
★☆★☆★ And their Builder and Exploded groups are different ! ★☆★☆★
Nick and Woodbridge, everyday is about building, EVERY Single day, is grass, whom he has to cut, I have to pull out weeds? Every day I hear about is building that rocks behinds. We walk, there is an Asia, built a huge house among that Italian front yard...whatever that is there. There is Madarin Restaurant there, probably not as Italian every blocks. But His sister is there. Then Nick both sons are in that area, contraction.
Elvis are in that Los Vegas Contract. Is that Tina by chance landing at Los Vegas?
You have nothing to built?
正紀 has an ice skating rink at his back yard, I dump all those bloods at Asharam West Lake 西湖道場, you can just put an ice ground all that front, don't go to the back, I don't trust ghost, or blue little child, when they are so away remote from human entry at. Just at the front. There are vistors goes there before.
Not ID required.
There is a rainbow ground, that stair, is bad.
Can you fix that, they hand made for children, should be sue !
西湖苗栗 Taiwan, ROC. An Island 叫做寶島 !
Ms Congeniality 2, there is Tina in it. Under a ship.
50 shades of grey, were you there, I saying to find how many dead body, including paying out building tearing down, finding all the bodies?
Are you charging those projects, if they become true one day? Or I sue you, for not using patent properly?
Johnny Third Day ( 第三天) 準備好你躺著桌子旁邊 ! 劇烈的光線~ 你會昏眩! 你如果看不到~右手摸到的所有東西!!! 擦臉的溼紙巾 ! 有錢沒? 小嬰兒的溼紙巾,鑰使,有沒有藥盒? 水杯子保溫杯,一個乾的白色毛巾,蓋住你的眼睛你不會有強光
緊急的哨子有沒? 買哨子!清楚!試試看掛在你的脖子上面!有繩子
所有東西都是非常劇烈 ! 你可能知道什麼是強光 ! 那是一種白色你的那種黑白的對比的深淺,但是沒有人看得到你的深跟淺 像林肯游泳池的深淺
深 跟 淺
因為你所看到的東西是顏色不是你習慣的,加上真正的陽光,真正的色澤,你最好先不要再你脆弱的眼球不管哪天看到就躺著! 先不要張開眼睛
要有窗簾!!! 現在也沒有人在說你要幹嘛!你幻想一下!不要張開眼睛!走走看!
眼壓通常是講 fluid, 我以為是講說他們有什麼
可能就是你跟鴿子的非常簡單事情,你忘了我們去大安森林公園! 你好像沒有看到! 那邊是鳥不是鴿子! 聽說那邊被封了! 有一次我們去,那邊媽經過~我們還是進去了!
特斯拉是有 award 有沒有分享 諾貝爾獎
我曾經在哪邊看過! 可能不是書上
☆★☆★★☆★☆ ☆★☆★★☆★☆ ☆★☆★★☆★☆
我現在要問你,你一輩子有覺得你看不到嗎 ?
你會不會畫畫? 鉛筆?
你知道你的四肢是所謂 motor? some kind of words.
Motion 你可以伸展出來的一種你身體的部分?
你的眼睛叫做辨視 ! 一種 recognition
像現在電話上就是最流行這種東西,叫做如何做到 recognition.
你在出生之後,你的聽覺、視覺、嗅覺原本都是一樣!但是有一天你開始上課,你比較會寫字,不會聽到英文講述 ! 你有沒有訓練過你自己的聽力一輩子?
像說! 沒有看書的人群
你這幾天叫做兩天只有觸覺兩個小時,你曾經感覺你身體外面的東西,不是內在身體的所謂 parasitic or 酸鹼問題!!
只能做一段時間 ! 因為那些餓覺會開始消失你的身體知道你不需要了!
你相信大地之母,講陰嗎 ?你恨過人嗎 ? 你知道如果你的眼睛變成地球王子的那一天! 所謂愛恨你相信嗎 ?
你覺得現代人跟過去,所謂 Jealousy 是絕對沒有教育的布衣! 沒有任何修為!!
身體是邪惡的定義叫做英文講 Temple of God
你對我的 RNA DNA 你知道細胞?
Hailey's father, I am looking for your church, but I drop a file on your desk, by the way, you and Adam's father knows ADD? What face or height...foot stuffs things in the file itself?
So many years pass, I still remember your face .....(Barbra Streisand)
I need to call the PETA alike, Vartan is not actually PETA alike, regarding to my roof, do you think they arrive here, so they can all just be dump to that California one day of the time?
You want to go first, your lawsuit cases?
PETA, are you sure SMCH is dead or jail? She packs so many animals....She supposes to have all the money ~~~
Hank 在?
就他斜對面 in the loop circle
You say fixing your swimming pool guy knows me?
Buy 12 boxes organic apple/ organic grapes
0ne box 6?? Bottle
Thats called glasses 用手摸
倒掉12 boxes.
就一個 cargo 過去
2) U, 你右轉Hank 家走U反過來的U, 靠近裡面右手邊我講過話
3)U 的中間岔路是左邊有一家大狗方向, 隨便
恩右叔叔你拿後面U, 然後右邊左邊買
蓋幾年 mansion,沒人知道
🧧 中國有誰,聽說你來台灣南部發紅包🧧?
🧧 台灣南部中國節 Chinese New Year🧧
暴發戶的是吧?還是很多來以前?你們是到處發還是 …..中國不是你們自己國家,你們有賺到這麼多錢發紅包嗎?
Eben Pagan 後面我擺了一個 Tony Robbin. 就先那樣
知道自己小孩是 psycho 都會第一個時間很難過的!
Nick, if I put a hanging watch, look at it, I swing, not 不是吹眠 (hyponosis), do you feel the entire brain, like a building shaking or you feel it with noise echo with it 迴音?我在問話?
你們中國人如果真有發展到暴發戶、我以前看 Yahoo news ?
One of those.你們應該只會講中文吧?炳輝聽說是你們中國代表唸書出來的
我媽是給足他們,但是聽說最近他們自己人抱怨,不知道是誰?我見過小孩,我抱著,他們好像做染布的,當初我弟弟跟方方在照片上,我沒找到還是沒擺,在相曝裡面 album
Photo albums (我待會在處理那個問題)
24 hrs 是因為當年藤真上場,她越南小尼姑卡到飢餓遊戲,我有算到,很剛巧,機會錯過
第二年我說你當年應該 5000%做到,我是有情況我就一直ㄌㄚˋ在網路上
很多事情是真的發生,我沒有刻意 BTX(我其實只看了第一集) 收掉呀!可是我當年不是因為 BTX 收然後跑出來刻牆壁!
我的電話在2014 冬天之後,開始有事情,我的眼睛看東西!
提那的名字少了 i
我不敢叫她 Tina
Ou 語言講 x too many x
2007 retreat meditation
2010 10 個月
意思我要說,是有音樂打坐背景,黏到印心證,她必須擔保她所有曾經說過的… 奇蹟 miracle
W 兩個世界,建軍 培格是南部上來中央研究院什麼不知道俠咪
鴻凱是台中 黑道很多,後來去北投承德路
越南小尼姑是越南越南 ….越 寫字 越下 ….去死就可以了!叫做蒼天為證、中國有成語嗎?我們應該是看一模一樣的唐宋元明清吧?沒有覺得很多很多很多意義?我說故宮呀!
下地獄永恆的 Erin 就是台中來的, 聽說在美國
訂飯店 走在 venue 看燈飾 看藝術品
訂機票 飛飛飛呀!
Rent or buy
逛街 Niko and … 刀子!刀片
當他們有一個 spokesman ,全中國一個政治裡面站在前面的一個人,會寫 title 電視上,我可以不摔他們,因為我長的像美國的,對!只需要長相!
中國已經發展20 年了~你們以為他們對你們說還是對台灣說你們搬去中國裡面?
2021年8月20日 星期五
你們弄錯了很多事情 ! 非常多的事情!
蟲就是因為很喜歡 sizziling 才會是蟲呀 !
有些人並不是真的覺得電視是真的,所以會有人查清楚是發生什麼事情的 !
你們好像覺得只有我家庭這樣,是因為你們比較高檔吧 ?
不會呀 ! 他們人自己去殺 !
我說過一件很清楚的事情,醫院跟警察 (或是你乾脆跟消防局住在一起!)
你們也沒有真的想要為他人變好,或是自己變強,我在跟全世界的人講話,我有特別在指責誰嗎 ?
你們不想幫你們家人,就滾到中國呀 ! 都說了,你們量力而為再中國,我沒有要到那邊,我們之前跟霍建華講的非常清楚 ! 這一條線是有原因再這邊,一條線
台灣一個島 ! 只是地圖上的一塊小小的土地罷了 !
相信,未來的機運都在此處不生逢呀 !
很多人是基督教,中國會有設廠的,叫做教堂 ~
你們去地獄也要做到道德規範,就是這樣他們 authoritative domination !
在台灣,人都死了,那就反正什麼教都好,台灣都是不景氣,是誰都可以去開密教呀 !
我需要你寫下很多東西,其實 ! I need you to write down a lot of things, in facts. (Johnny Jao 饒樹人)
Candle = 蠟燭
你看過蠟燭嗎 ? 那個煙不要亂碰 ! 那是一個在擺動的東西
萬花筒看過沒有? Gregg Braden I told him 我叫他在 Dr. Steven, Pirates of Caribean, a eye coming out of that guy. 你覺得長的像嗎 ? 那個主演的人剛好叫做 Johnny Dept.
Return to the candle....can you see Smoke?
Smoke like the above the flame, Flame that is fluid moving, like transparent to you. 這種形容的英文你可以嗎 ?在你的眼睛
Flame = 火苗、火燭、三更半夜、小心火燭
Fluid 有點像某種空氣的漂浮,浮動,這種對比,它是一種 substance, 你的整體空間是存在的一項可以證明的東西!
那如果我給蠟燭加點展示品? 你只看得到煙? 小心火燭?
現代用 LED
你作夢也是黑白色嗎 ?
Eternal Love 三生三世十里桃花:墨渊&白浅 / HITA&音频怪物《无关风月》
W Two World, also about a monster 就是提娜為了認誰為爸,反正不是你的關係,我說叫她去炳輝他家呀 ! 拯救誰~因為那張照片的背面,炳輝寫了什麼什麼什麼....叫做 W 兩個世界
我覺得我常常講一些事情,聽說有在查很多東西呀 ! 像排球隊的那一個膝蓋的洞
如果是什麼 17 個專利就是什麼你們黑白夢,就是跟 ET Grey 打官司的那一天!我有那種預感!!!!!!
但是之後再說~我 之前提議~因為提娜太需要錢了,這個電視講的叫做他們分開呀 !
而且長高~我沒有辦法呀 !
因為我是神呀 !我就想辦法呀 ! 我當初也有去炳輝家! 我住他大女兒房間,現在他的公司在跟別人打架打不夠的意思! 那如果那是 3 年前開始呀 ! 這種情況 的W 兩個世界已經3年了
炳輝養玫瑰!!! 那叫做植物!
不是怪物,所有怪物? 獸 類? 動物!
我覺得那個男的 W 兩個世界的主角,喔~炳輝叫他姜哲,我覺得長的很像吸血鬼,那本雜誌就是血紅的在後面!!!!!!
你想不想把這一整張印出來? 結破燈跟他蝶在一起的一張張紙!!!!疊紙呀 !
我去 City of Hope 捐血
2015 我們在算天時的時候
是一年之後 Indonesia Sunami....kinda like Haiti, I left Taiwan, one year after.
都是一年之後呀 !
你們今天會不會很晚呀 ? 叫 Pizza Hut? 台灣的比薩跟美國的那種紅醬,我很討厭美國的紅醬,我不喜歡,我喜歡台灣的比薩!!!!
Taiwan, Taipei? Pizza, "Fresh Tasteing" reading Chinese?
新鮮品嘗 !!! 我在他們網頁呀 ! Pizza Hut....... tw.
(不會呀 ~我跟鳥的關係在好,我就去大發慈悲問他們! )
新品嘗鮮 !!他們換詞了!!!!
... CIA When is my money? be mine money?
我應該是點那個 ! 就是想隨便點我自己的人生 ... ...
下面的一整籃點心! 全部~對!
那一天? 我大概只吃一個! ~每一個呀 !
我現在在吃泡麵~三天了! 有蓮藕!實在太好了!今天才有,我不想每一天吃!但是有配菜很好~我灌了一整杯的甘蔗汁~現在西瓜!我快撐死了!好恐怖!可是我好渴喔!
我覺得你自己跟炳輝說,因為尼克跟 Dr. Steven, 我其實沒有真的見過你幾次 !!
你有聽說~我說怡君是 Mummy 的那個瞎子~被吃掉的很多東西??
長的又在 Tamang 的 Shopping 狂裡面!!!
那個人應該是有顏色吧 ! 正常的眼睛!
為什麼這一件事情一直都在 UB,提娜,有點天主教,the One, Keanu something gonna give 也是 MD
大概就是你吧 !
我知道了~就是你們其實比較相信美國的醫術 ! 那要申請 Visa to go live in America, to get to find a MD doctor to help you.
You need Visa, offices
Apply for seeing medical doctors. Grant Visa, then you see doctors.
I am not MD.
You should go to America, and they will tell you where to find a right doctor. Family doctors can do all that.
No I am not Black Jack MD
No, we were just joking.
Suggestion (建議): For the religions purpose. You do not know yet that Jesus figure he is Essene. You better wait he took you to that City of Light or whatever its on the TV annoucement board.
光的城市 因為他是 Essene
You are in this very much too many variety situation to come asking me, I will reply that above.
Returning to my father stuffs. 我今天加了一個美少女戰士寄過來的東西
你曾經見過你不能解釋的事情嗎 ? 在你張開眼睛的時候? 我說你讀過的書本,在你能理解的範圍,中文之內! 古書呀 ! 鬼故事、蛇精、妖精、鬼魅、阿嬤很喜歡講她的經驗,你相信她說的邏輯嗎 ? 她有直街跟你說嗎 ? 她沒有跟我說吧 ! 我忘了! 她只會一直講台語!!
眼睛大是說,你不會覺得刺激你的眼睛! 你在常溫的室內溫度應該是不會,咪著眼睛吧 !
你會照相你自己的眼睛嗎 ?
比照達文西就可以了! 留一點也好呀 !
我小孩的時候媽房間看電視~你不是說我常常在瞇眼睛,太貼到電視上面了嗎 ?
你在很遠的地方吧 ! 對~廁所~那是很遠的地方吧 !
你用用眼影跟眼力的肌肉運動,你會感覺你張開眼睛嗎 ? 開眼睛的時候?
我的眼睛顫抖,是神經!! 太緊張的意思!
人類的時候就是需要閉起來眼睛 呀 ! 身體疲累!
會~尤其誰故意刺激你呀 ! 加懶惰的情況
像學校放課十分鐘! 我很習慣!!!
什麼不是黑 不是白
的任何 spectrum of lights?
Enlighten 越南小尼姑很喜歡說的某種詞,叫做瞬間開智慧眼的那種 ....
反射光到你的眼睛刺眼嗎 ? 太陽? 我怎麼覺得你看起來很正常?
偶然發現的一天 : (TV)
車子裡面的~你可以開車呀 ! Seat Belt
我想起來了!你以前開車呀 ! 你會是看不到?
好吧 ~那個叫做 black belt
我在加州他們陽光太大,但是隔壁來了一個加州警察的車子,他的室內是黑白色,他全部都是黑色的,他是白人吧 ! 但是他拉扯的東西都是黑色的叫做 安全帶!
但是在美國有叫做black belt, 你聽過嗎 ?
第一個! 腰間,金髮的那一個
所以那是 Weasley? 室友 (是有) 王小在!
那前面是歸密? 姑姑的意思?
繡法 ? 我覺得你離某種鏡面,先遠一點,你應該跟一些人一起準備電視吧 ? 電視內容?
Prism 有兩個三面大概說三個時空的
光線進入曾出來 ! 不是兩個鏡面
就是你的眼睛是微弱狀態 !!!
叫做找我說的東西! 關於地球王子,這一個小孩偷了一個什麼東西,她被封印,擋在所有 crystal 結晶的瞬間,這有一整串的未來跟那個小孩的故事,她們躺著地方都是這種結晶的感覺,但是你其實光頭在 aqua
特斯拉 Tesla, close by there is a story about Mars, they went to Mars, its all
You want to check? 你要不要查一下,那一本書,應該有紀錄誰? 什麼去火星
就是哪個 Aqua Barbie 那個唱歌的 90 年代
誰去了火星~好像就是 Frank and Francis 在解釋那一本書裡面嗎 ?
水晶是所謂水晶體 !!!石英是玻璃嗎 ?
你知道 Nibiru 的傳說嗎 ? 不是 Nemesis 這個美少女戰士再講的
聽說太陽系再另外一邊有一的 Twin 雙星
你知道 Nibiru 就是穿越這兩個太陽系的中間那一個...多少衛星跟著的一個 2012 聽說以及 Crop Circle 上面的
聽說是 3500 還是 3600年的達文西裡面的一個數字!!
叫做 Yuri 赤和魅影翻船死了第一胎!
第一胎的 摩西故事 Ramese 再埃及王子故事裡面的第一個男孩死了
我是真的滅掉星辰~再廢話! 你們是不是很喜歡挑性我的意思!
不會~他們會帶走這些血緣的東西,殺光你們所有! 不需要就醫! 我不需要你們!我非常痛恨這所有事情,滾到天邊過你們做血緣的生活
❄️❄️❄️小鬼小和尚 ❄️❄️❄️❄️你們以後有沒有長大做什麼事情呢? 聯考?
尊上是尊上的事情,我攝政,你們沒有想過聯考花千骨? 尊上說一個徒弟呀! 我放下尊上的那一天,你們看過 Essene 我昨天說的某個宗教下的耶穌的故事沒?
你們有沒有聽說過耶穌? 國外的宗教? 就是我昨天擺的照片? 我其實沒有說呷咪,我有一天就變成攝政的那個,摸熊貓的頭的那個人!!!
如果有一天有人告訴你們,或是你們看電影聽說,你們自己是釋迦摩尼佛的第一件事情,你們會去幹嘛 ?
像說 我是佛?
就是,你們到底想變成什麼東西嘛 !!!!!
乖巧跟鴻圖大志並不一樣! 你們長大之後~~
我聽說中國的聯考制度很恐怖!!所有人都要補習,我在台灣算幸運 !! 整個中國!
如果你們去做生意~要很多印章蓋蓋蓋蓋蓋...沒不一定做的成,要靠關係,饒邦的爸是蝦子,也不知道他怎麼一個人活在廈門 !
而且去到處亂跑呀 !
那未來,會在哪一個方向,如果眼球突出像方方的媽媽,會變美嗎 ? 你們見過人的眼球很突出嗎 ? 用看的!
我其實沒有看過她戴眼鏡呀 ! 所以應該不可能眼球突出的! 但是她的眼睛很大啊 !
Are you sure? 你們確定嗎 ?
I am guessing yesterday, today, or tomorrow? Or 2014?
or Nick 2007? His pals, cannot keep looking at what I did!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I know.
I wasn't know.
I can care less....but I politely to ensure, not everyone put on the street for this?
Pang's father's friends all dead soon....just like him.
電視卡通 90 年代: 元氣小子
***********I used to go to a class***********
Not really BTX,
But there is something, I still didn't finish watching it.
This below???
Tony Robbin ? I really thought a lot of things happened in 2014!!!!!
超魔神英雄傳 主題曲 OP
******I remember a lot of this ....****
Beginning (Laugh)
There was a commander-in-Chef in the 90s ! But I forget where ....
I am on my table now, eating chips. So everyone is still alive, my father has no money to spend on another phone....He does not have money, how does he pay at Taiwan summer air con?
One of those things, for so many years to live....
He is all odor on him everywhere. Where he ends up on streets.
Have anyone heard the Asian circle is really really really really closure? Community? Selfish kinda of? so that is why there is American?
You are all eyes dead yet?
Everyone's eyes...not just my father's eye, if he got one bottle of that caynne pepper stylish things to touch the glass. I made glasses....我做玻璃的,他有說只有他一開始藥效他的眼睛嗎 ?
不就是你們一起瞎嗎 ? 那然後呢?
叫做今天早晨又開始了新的一天~~~Have you seen 日本和室院?????
Let me tell you something, 讓我來告訴你們一件事情
If you are blind, 如果你們是瞎子 !!!!!
I thought we just went through Arabic …and 銀河十之狼
李維 Keanu Reeves was a background starting pasta shop boy in Toronto.
Making Pasta, he drove down to California ….to become a model, and a Star.
DIDNT I one day told EVERY ONE?
I talked to Vincent first day and the last day, same day. I was sitting at a strange place, a strange stool, at a desk I make myself looking so technical presentation, Vincent and Nick were at eating table.
Eben, Coco? Yeah? That’s Arabic looking with Shilanka skin tone
It’s a businesss just looking at Prostitute legs.
Mixing breakfast at remote windows to blank out debts life….
It’s green all right smoothie.
杉 杉 杉 i was going to ….say Trump has a son
He was in the news more I think til one day something White House Christmas decoration last time…
Entire Christmas Trees with lights. Maybe you don’t remember ?
Should be
2021年8月19日 星期四
You mix up me with every boy bands, whom don't suicide in the job career, even Steve Jobs went to let someone dead at the job sites, because its not a A player.
Do you try to say something in front of my face?
Just say it?
You should just try with microphone to make people dead as the science type of person, foremost, then becoming something military officers.
Because you have not doing things real in life.
Thank GodSSSSSSS, its the FIRST DAY, I finally CAN, GET RID OF ALL of THEM, legally even!!!!!!!
I am telling you, so horrific to horrific !!!!!!!!
You don't know what the movies says?
4 Wedding + 1 Funeral, forget my side of them meaning.
The Actors on the Screen?
Missing the contract first = HORRIFICS
I SCREAM!!!!!!!!
Miss the contract, Avenger like Revenger Assemble Inelia Benz type, cut what in half? Two weeks notice, I play so many so many horrific days in 2014, never wait it to see Keanu, and I was dying out breath. And This I promise you ...
I know they have company, but when someone like me seeing that, in the description box, and on the screen, I only have one reaction, like Egyptian at Moses looking Tale time.
Pushing them to the edge and please jump !!!!!
Because I used to be Tesla, right now, I even can let that go too.
So I am free!!!
I was so stress on my money ......
星兒 Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...

My brother's friend is Jones, traveling here and Facebook in between. Same height. Your older bigger brother groups. Rebecca & Ed B...
That is not the thing you talk about it? 一貫道? 然後呢? 我在上傳我的照片! 拿麥克風很可怕嗎 ? 我沒有在聽!不過 現在跟以後念會是一樣的!
I am below a UFO There is U-boat from Russia!