That’s 1.
2. 警政廳?柯南!
原來他們可能存在,,那些所謂 uncover pressure (3:36pm Thundering), pressing or to be burst? You are on the verge to explode?,我的眼壓,他們其實做剪貼簿耶!意思小鬼沒做的意思?講半天、那我到底在看什麼?白膠叫做糨糊!沒錢!原來你們什麼都試,鳥是不是覺得我變變變?所以他們覺得可以?做出很奇怪一大堆的動作?不清楚!
3. ET Grey, Dr STeven their stuffs, Nevada, Cut, California or, how does May Flower Every Step the way ship to America, but 定點站?Supply fuels stop in Atlantic Ocean to build land? Can you cut it? Builder Permit, exploded groups?
You need to build Grey(two big eyes)
Reno (one eye) a bridge from California, they walk to California
For War idea in China, burn the bridge go.
4. 真愛黑白配
Hank has many photo !
就是廣告的所有 cover
5. New York Grand Plaza Hotel they are dove comes cars driver front? Door boy? Very very handsome ?
你有沒有慾望知道什麼事情化成人形?他們記得你嗎?現在你有 X rays.
6. I got the foot things in for the 3rd days.
7. Its thundering 3rd times, 3:34pm. Vatican !!! I am too tired to write details, when I am not thinking about the birds, or the thunder. That birds are just outside saying stuffs AGAIN?
3:35pm Thunder again.
I take the tray out, overn, Twice Thundering (3:39pm)
Can you guys trying to be useful, just records, and how does these (3:40om Thunder) birds think of Thunder, ....I am very sure these birds know they meant here now !!!!!! They change? They become aggressive?
They become my boss?
This morning my Mango?
Fruits? They didn't eat, or they manifest Air, I eat Air!!!
8. Thunder again, something about facebook, that there are 4 wolfs? That time, seeing what I did, or Bill see it on my facebook? No, he is not NSYNC, no he will never be that, ever! and there are a pack of wolf behind him to finding out PCAT scores?
Not the other facebook has wolfes, right now, you are on TV they are ADD, they are birds, they are you UB facebook used to be, on mine lists, that I do not know whom went to find out, either They or me, got fired?
By instinct? They don't ever look like they ever can make it?
9. The Secret of pi ( I keep looking it wrong ! )
10. Loving the Silent Tear has a Blue.....
We are Blue Planet !!! 我們是藍色星球 !
Reptilian !!!!! 外星人的名稱,長的像嗎 ? 叫做曾經是我的每一天!!!!
11. India eats Samosa
12 我在上傳我以前講過的一些我發現團體的事情,叫做男女生,你們為什麼想要看到,"真愛"與 "沉默的眼淚"
我先解釋三個給 SMTV 一個概念
然後我講了三個工業者,應該看到的親手做事情的規範! 你們聽了很久的一些基本東西,做功課! 現在是 2021
教你們 切 煮 炒 炸
如何動刀子還是刀片?你們現在是計算真正動刀的時間是 16年前?
MD 同學呀 ! 基本要素呀 ! 一起奮鬥的當年分開是16年前 !
煮菜呀 !
重心呀 !
全部是因為這個 "花千骨" 跟 "夢幻遊戲" 90 年代的原因呀 !
這花千骨 6 年前了!
我當初講的時侯只是你們輕浮的態度呀 !
工業者 ( Industrialist )
Why would I even attempt to speak that world? Organic Chemistry Female Leadership? Step by step taking you to watch what you do on the camera? You want to, or you attempt to after schooling ?
16 years ago, I keep saying that, because that is a song made into a fairly not heard Chinese Song.
It was 16 years ago. Facebook, goodbye. They had a paper!
No, these are in Asia only. You all sure?
You girls sure?
How these simple doing, EVERY single time? Or every time walking into the kitchen, you are nervous? How proficient you are doing it every single time, knowing it right and left about this stove, what if no flames coming out, just gas, you breath in your nose?
Ever seen this?
There are cleaning washing to do on this, when my pot, just magically becoming a magic, so far, if anything tell you, I have a lot a lot a lot a lot of real situation? Ever trying to understand, what is a real battle in life, in my environment, or you just ask the guys, if you are just Anna say, that is illusion, you imagine that?
A mature person doing mature things.
Female leadership, Organic Chemistry groups, I specify, I finding all you back, not just guys? We re-watch all the groups about my missing video. There were too many, people's mind are not on my resume that time. (2018-2019) Nothing was told, but all these.
If you could just verbalize like you intent to tell me, you and I, doing this, you need a lot of break on it, I understand. Its to breath right !
We were making bread or I could make noodles, with these coloring, I am too lazy to buy?
You are a female leadership, as a chemist,
You are a female leadership, as an industrialist,
You are a female leadership, as a MD
You are a female leadership, in Congress, we have a terms in Asia so famous, not your known English history name. 埃及豔后,Its very very very catchy, we just don't know the true reality, so they told me to write 5 letters to Washington D.C
Do you care, others in your school, finding out your 16 years? With your past classmate, or Facebook pals?
Are you sure?
Your own birthday?
Some people might 大作文章
Supreme Master proclaims, what she does not understand, there is Astral beautiful, so second world articulate....No matter how you debates with Grey in the court room, you will always win? Turn things inside out, blacken and white? Any wind direction of the opposite?
But first Step, MD, your face, 16 years?
My father if were Tesla will tell you what?
How it was before, and now? How you will become?
Or I am MD describing him, about a hunger, I know what it is a fasting.
In all scripture, or religion, or someone, somewhere, New Age will all telling you, there is a new kind of Age medicine practice, its meditation and fasting, meaning resisting hunger.
Do you even know what that is, MD?
For whom you want to do this knife cutting on photo? Your own family? really?
For Tesla? One Day?
16 years....
Physicality ...
What its meant to be, having a physical body, you willing to just die out, MD, so one day, its all astral all glowing, and glorying, in your Bible, to proclaim a what saying?
Me ruling, or your dream guy to Essene to rule?
You can just call Dr. Gabriel to ask Jesus and Essene and Vegetarian.
Even Jewish has a vegetarian group, I seen it in SMTV
♫ ♫ ♫都因為姻緣出現 ! ♫ ♫
Someone willing to lose their academic performance by doing silly things, so one day 6 polices showing up to ABC, one of their groups of people called, YouTuber.
What do you think, you are a MD, you suppose to call their father, collaborate father, or just pieces of them every single day, til you can just be ready to talk to their parents?
♫ 不相往,把手牽 ~~ ♫
I cannot ask Wing to be the MD for prescription, but I need drugs, Wing.
A lot of medicine, for Pain Killer.
Physical Pain Killer, those kind. No, Don't care, he go lay down.
One day.
我要一大堆藥 !他躺著就好 !!! 每一天的那種藥呀 !!!!!! 每一天 !!!!!!!!