Have you tried different contacts to look pretty on your eyes? 你沒有試過隱形眼鏡!
You look at Prism? 你有看那個圖片嗎?你帶七個顏色嗎?有一個漫畫叫做七彩的眼睛,女孩子的傳說
Do you know Tina supposes to go to a Shell Deep Sea to save Someone? 緹娜不是要救尊上在貝殼裡面 - 花千骨
She is saving her Father? 緹娜又在尋找她的爸爸-我不是購物狂
No, the builder or the exploded groups, will be a better pocket man !!! is that a game?
I see on movies too? Something like Pocket....???
In the old cell phone America, one of those Nokia? They use bombs. You are not using it here in Taipei? We have 101, I am still living here, the shadow of ...your grace?
Have you actually look at 馬王堆? Those documentary how to digging up the grave?
Not about my sequence is identical, every dynasty in China for how many thousands of years?
And where is this 伏羲氏 you ever know how to make fire?
Same thing ITSTOMAKE a BOMB!!!!!!
Have I ever told you one things, that if you constantly keep doing it.....you will remember 9 like my right column on words to tab in? John Jacob shows up !!! When you fill in the blank? You actually type now? Human Tony does not ever type or Mimmo.
So I forget all about you.
Are you going to call Nick their kind, or the guy I met in everywhere running around on the street with the car, looks like an italian too? Home Depot, and Post offices?
There are someone like me don't live inside the house with a psycho, Tina?
I go to sleep...
Babaji: Go
I update the China Expo Photo
喂! 你們中國的暴發戶! 照片我上傳了!