2021年9月11日 星期六

Smallville : American like

Clark and Lana - "Funny" Moments -- (Smallville - S1-3; E4)


oh ~ that is not me? Looking?

Now I c.

I believe I can make you become ghosty.....that is exactly how you already become!!! 

I am not going to move my height.

(I have light the candel before....matches ....)

I c....so its better your friends on your facebook to become the Smallville? No body ever talk to you about, you are in the TV? called Smallville?

Expectation to interact?

oh ~  

So what happened after all these happend, your facebook becoming?


Nick is the same height with me.

Cuttie ~~~~ 

you... want to go first?

Lex and Lionel Luthor's Father-son Rivalry -- (Smallville - S1; E3-17)


you try Dr. Gabriel.


Cuttie...you know these music background, its like a TV shows !

Do you see Pinterest photo Birds' house?

Do you know our house one block photo, anyone shows to you?

it was....one block right, one block straight,

That is...a land. Rectangle?

If they apply for government grant how to repair eyes and height with the TV guides ...

oh ~~~~


Clark Kent and Lex Luthor's "Friendship" Moments -- (Smallville - S1-3; E8)


Today is Saturday???

hi Cuttie, do you know what is a surgery is for?

Who is superman, in your....world?

Is that court Supreme Court America needs to find out BEFORE CHRISTMAS?

Who this is, what would be, how it is should be?

Do you know your mood, and your liver, and your height?

But most guys prefer they are tall.

Its your choice. You can sue all your dangers first, before you decide, you say, you don't want to go ahead. If the court ruling to prison all those around.

Personal assault to endanger 身家性命

Can the court ruling, Supreme Court America, saying you mentor MD class?

You know you do those period stuffs on my waist I draw you a photo?

Just that, and few others things you can write it down, cuttie?

    Eyes sight

    Self-improvement class

    Maturity, what you can offer your experience, what revering God its an attitude we suppose to be, not ought to be?

Also apply grants for possible ENTIRE new cabin of clothing, so expensive long black those jacket...to even look at it.

Do you have an X-rays you can take laterly, Cuttie?

I lost mine.

I have seen it.

no, you go first.

Keep yourself hydrate. My father says he shrink, how long we are together, you shrink? Can you records the spinal cord fluid things I told my father.

The entire length of Time

See if American Medical Committee Board willing to help ... all these papers be done as quick as possible?

Can anyone, get the blood examine between Nick and Dimitri?

Can you cuttie, ask American Committee Medical lousy board, your credit card about to expire....if we have some evidence that hydrate methods and height like my father freaking out, was the lifestyle we choose to share.... not free?

My father can have money, not to keep shrinking? 

There are few guys like them, there all by themselves about to die on me.....

By the way Cuttie, my father says my mother carried the beverage too heavy, you want to drink less? Jason is 必尿科

I think, by natural methods, if you growing tall on yourself...

or myself....legally. You can file that kind of legal paper.

Something like it happen by itself.

... I think all these drinks have dissolved vitamin...4 kinds of vitamin, coming out with it. if that is what it means. I am not sure.

Not all vitamin are dissolve in the liquid. I learn that in the middle school.  You can say, those are Anna's MD friend, but none of them have experty to doubt her middle school textbook she memorize these.

4 types of vitamin.

Therefore, we can only go on our own. Rain and shine.

If you coming to Taiwan for the bus things, you eat something at night. This are island weather. There are night market around, you like fried mushroom, but 7-11 have all kinds of take-out, you eat meat?

You say the court paper: In the danger of becoming tall with the implication of the television, a criminal might become more psychological, to become serial, like his gun number in serial. 

His library card

all his ID cards identification numbers

That is comets in hitting the smallville.


You says: Things to imply only can say, by the nature like being seen on the real life scenario, like Anna saw Tamang have gun and gun equipment on the Facebook. Only these being the real facts can allow us to by pass what they say, just say what you think in your head, if we keep seeing John Searle, or John Searl, these they are not the same people, but they are....

You say, we want to keep more carbonhydrate diet, like south beach diet might be in the library book, she says, she used to see it. If in the library book, maybe that is okay.


Casserole, like lentil. Cuttie

I do drink juices, Cuttie, the ones they sell here, with ice cubes and caynne peppper.

But I am in the bathroom....all these torturing gas, and I am busy, too.....

They sell everything in the night market.

Its too sweet, I dilute with water, and ice, and all the juices.....

Dilute like...really dilute it.

At the beginning I drink concentrated.

But....one day....I lack juices, so I went to dilute it...and after that day, my taste bug changes, too sweet now. Way too sweet and bubble tea too. So I dilute with waters.

I eat snack.

Japanese snack, or Taiwan health food store, they have vegetarian snack. 


I keep going to bathroom, American Medical Board, do you know what happened today?



You know, you sure we go about TV? leave it there and we die? 

Do you have money to buy a things for them?

Those highlighter at night concert, you break them, they become lights.

I don't really know about the height....

Do Hank send anywhere, but jail?

So anywhere, he receive his toy, and his own TV, that has my father black and white, to see cards???

Those lines.

Hank has a brain?

He needs my father to do 彩繪嗎 ? 有種東西



How is there MD, any groups trying to help them at all? Where you from America 50 states????? They have 50 state medical board? 

... ... one day I will sue you all. I thought I only had one Medical Committee Board America, and they die just like Supreme Court Justice !!!!!!!

The tickets like the comic book Dean's ballet girlfriend height !!!!

他不是 MD嗎?


Does your Court needs that 凡爾賽玫瑰

 If we did all that, and that is the last chapter of the book, there is Vampire waiting us?

Waiting them.

See our height?

Is nick Britney height?

5'3 me

Britney = 5'4

Seth and JC Chasez are not the same height.

Do you engineer the hair to black?

I have quantum particle in my hair, like 量子

The real blonde hair, I used to be more blonde too.

Its getting darker with ages.

Is that important?



I am luthor ...LUTHOR?

When you collect enough real brain people to come out a solution, its called collabration. 

Its much easier, its me just alone doing all this.

 I am dying today....

 FEMA = fe ma

iron? gravity force?

collard green, a type of vegetable, we grow to eat?

collar bone? My father's I say bones?

Fe = Iron in chemistry periodic table, that is for the women's blood, like the red kidney beans, they always repeat those thing, and no, I never believe that.

oh !


oh no ~~!!!

That does not sound good any of that....

I need to be in my chair to do a lot of things on the computer, to type. The height how we used the table, the height how we walk to the stair down. The height how we are in the elevator, not to feel threaten all the time, by the ceiling?

oh ~ I feel everything !

Its too near on my eyes sight, these height of reachable top!


small v ill le?

Lee drinks.

you all want to check, whom drink?

Like alcohol, to the degree to say, that is for sure an impaire sign, if you drink it and drive?

No, you need Dr. Gabriel

He is fine. His several sons, might be no fine.

I seen them. That kind of bold head, its...cancer. Ava, paralyze, City of Hope.

Make a wish foundation.

Dr. Lupin and his gf, both die, and leave a son.

They what?

You need police custody.

Just use the example in 黑傑克

when there is a Cat women, with a 流氓 like Eben Pagan and Senator.

You save the senator first.

And if Eben Pagan is psycho +Berny are jail and killed with CEO space, get rid of all those self-improvement saying wiki profile and his guests list.

With that one 黑傑克電視

You only save Senator, or Doctors, Never 流氓 to bring a CAT women on board, Meow....Mexico is gangster 流氓

 If he has to be alive, how come, that guy is so short in Loving the Silent Tear?

Anyone knows that?

Its the same looking guy with the Swallow in that Charlie's angel, except that guy is taller, he is sickening !!!!!




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