8202021 第二天

8/20/2021 元氣小子, About Yesterday


Today, I want to tell you guys a story. Or I want to bring your attention, if this is saying things you see your face, with or without eye glasses. Have you want to do something in life, that makes you happy? What is your hobbit in life? Join a seminar? Sing microphone? Building a structure? Tear apart subway metro?

Or that 101?

If you don't have eye glasses, what do you feel the first thing wake up in the morning? Not to put the eye glasses on? Mid-night going to the bathroom? Showering at dark?

As a girl, I will tell you, I tear apart a lot of world. For period pain. 2010, I went behind Grandmom house, a male guy Chinese doctor, massagist. He has a Chinese Medicine Pot, with Cloth

A piece of Cloth that today no one is doing for 16 years long will tell you, no matter how it drips, its never troublesome. 16 years....to use a towel all the time on the body, not just the hot water bottle. The real towel.

I know homeopathic ideas are always a lot of troubles. 16 years ....I had 16 years pass. I just never done it in front of you, today was your second day in class? There are a group behind you? Or you needs to call your friends to ensure, vision, are something they all care about on the phone?



There are some words and your body reaction you need to think for yourself, that is called parasitic, your body will feel very very uncomfortable, many many people's theory starting from this part, you are hardly hear me saying things like that.

有一些字跟情況你們要自己想辦法,那叫做 parasitic, 身體會非常不舒服,很多人的理論都是從這裡開始,你們很少聽到我講這件事情

1. 1/4 lemon with brown sugar, just suck it. 含著 Lemon 跟砂糖

2. Cucumber 黃瓜 becoming a juice to drink, and use cucumber on your face all over. The left over Cucumber 渣子.

3. You got the cloth, any color behind your neck yesterday? Do you have another towel? for your Pelvic behind, like the women things, but behind your pelvic an array of fracture bones. Its not flat, it looks flat. You use your both hands, behind your button, the two point? Don't push it. This area is the fracture of the pelvic structure.

Your palm hand can measure that area.

昨天有一條毛巾,今天換一條吧 ! 後面牌骨的地方,兩個洞你們的屁股,不要按下去,那一片就是所謂 骨盆的牌...手掌可以測量

That is the place, where you measure


Put the warm towel on it


You lay your back, face up


4. One hour watching TV, or Singing, or movie, just keep doing this one hour each shin bone here. 小腿的骨頭,這邊是筋 ~~~~ No English...Chinese? No I am not sure !!!! 

I used to tell you. 我以前告訴過你們

一個小時每一個小腿,看電視,聽音樂呀 !

5. 我給 myself 扇扇子~~~~

 6. Repeat Step 3, 10 times, write it down on the notebook, records it, you get up, you go to warm water waiting that water to get warm or hot, and drain the towel, come back and lay back up.


Tell me, one day, what its you so working hard and scream like pain, as you have everything in the world, to tell me, to go to these places and ruin my own High Class Celestial saying like Flower Thousand Bone?


九玄天女嗎 ?  Not in English !!!

All you care about its to go there, not Eben Pagan.



Cool, cool, cool, sooooo cool~~~~ don't you agree?

我扇扇扇~~~~~~~~You should go now, and register in line.

 Do you know where my cousin went to her Master Degree? Theater Movie studies in California.

你們知道方方去哪裡拿她的碩士學位? 加州的電影戲劇學 ! 美國!

Wallace close his what??? 建華你不是關了嗎 ?那妳們去呀 ! 註冊!在修好你們的身體呀 ! 養顏美容呀 !

 Every job you suppose to be doing...Its I talking to Silicon Valley since 2014 !!!!! Wallace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 霍建華!!!


問世間 轉過多少流年


緣 刻眷指尖
燎歲月 惹塵埃動情念 可會熬不過時間
百轉千遍願 最好是成全 含笑一睹你容顏
天地多遼遠 而你在眼前 怎拂去眷戀
問世間 轉過多少流年 才會有一次擦肩

明鏡水月菩提樹下又見 緣 刻眷指尖 

燎歲月 惹塵埃動情念 可會熬不過時間
百轉千遍願 最好是成全 含笑一睹你容顏 

天地多遼遠 而你在眼前 怎拂去眷戀
百轉千遍劫最難是成全 等一世我亦甘願
一生多遙遠 但求一瞬間 刻骨繞心間


百轉千遍夜 你陪我 默念 來生可否能再見
一諾永生緣 偈言頌離別 願此情不滅


When a black & White vision people started to see color ....what would that to be, if you color eyes people to one day SEE Heaven?

Thousand Radiant Suns, can you open the eyes?


你們忘了你們師父的教理,對吧 ?真心驕傲 拗拗拗 傲慢的不得了,我告訴你們,你們算什麼東西! 

 No one really want to open their eyes to see Truth, no one .... not really. All you are not closing 夢幻遊戲,Like Classify lies to you from Project Camelot ....even themselves....what is that the reason to closing it the book? What is that do with your validity you never get things right? or just the face?


你們全部並沒有關起來夢幻遊戲,像 ET它們欺騙你們吧?就連它們自己,是什麼原因要關起來自己的書呢?跟你們的確切的證據證明你們從來沒有把事情弄對吧?只是為了你們一張臉呀!

她們 Project Camelot 已經失去什麼? 你們覺得我們在講藥的前一天,他們剛好放棄沒有? 所以並沒有昨天呀 !! 你們認為呢?

 Project Camelot was told the day before yesterday, so yesterday we were on medicine, do you think they close it that book, so no more me? Not to lose anymore.....Stuffs? They lost all the video in YouTube Account, don't you think? So yesterday, don't you want to find out, if they left.....so no more yesterday about the medicine on vision? What you think? Just one day?



Do you all decide your life goal, like what Classify bossing China or China got my paper formatting writing like you all? I am still not looking there.


Also, is the police and hospital system for sure exist?


Last time, I mention …

上次我曾經覺得 …

Who am I ?



You only need, slightly, loosen, touch, cut.

One cut.

But yesterday was my first try anyway.

Update: Day 2, hurting bad. I got let's say 4 places 3 cut not on purpose blood a line, the 4th Top, no.

But there is a sole, buttom, that is one line, but not on purpose. But I did 10 lines, no blood. Curve around that sole hard skin. No photo!

Where to buy? You can buy with the box too!

Niko And ... ...

I didn't do it, for this case. I had enough, about my foot, the last time I say. So....this needs to wait for weeks. I never done this before, never had a tool.

我從來沒有做過這種事情呀 !要等幾個禮拜才行呀 !

These are the update photos from the August 21th, 2012. The Third Day 第三天 

第一天的晚上睡覺之前呀 !

第二天晚上走路會痛! 其實一天可能都有不舒服,晚上發掘的

Appears Description
I was saying? You see the immediate is a line, above, has another line. Everything else just blades all around
That is the another line.
Very very very hard core thickening. Have no ideas, I never really get like this ever in my life. Never. The Top photo middle of the foot, I had those small ....pointing, no, no pain. I seen many video of old people doing all that, they use small blades with a glove, I watch too many 2020. TOO MANY!!! Not at the sole level.
That is the line
The above line
Where I hold, below the First, upper than the thumb upper line, that line upper.
Upper than the thumb entire thumb line.
You can still see the thumb upper line, you see white, no, there is a cut, maybe not that white line. (Middle ) You see Middle, Top, Middle, below. There are 3 those things, pining....but when I cut, its the very Top no bloode, and the very the below 2 has a cut of bleed.

PDF Form: Gradiant of Colors ( for Johnny Jao ) Tesla him Lica Pension


我們可以就心平氣和的來說為什麼我覺得? 很多東西都是角色扮演,我看完才知道! 


 oh no !!! He is Tesla? 

Meaning he gonna hurt me? saying this Yognanda says????

Move to America, 故宮!!!!! Get up get up 起來起來起來起來 !!!!!!!!! 他眼疾





Eben 最喜歡特斯拉了 ! Dr Steven 也是

他負了我媽~又什麼? 我中文 呷咪恭維~~wa la 共呷咪!!! 

Prism, 中文叫做什麼 棱鏡

 I have a bird issue, going to bath.

你看到 rays? That is rays in different gradient

Different layers. 不同層面的光線



通常你會說眼球的晶體 ! 有點像 crystal 的概念,這邊畫出來給我看到的是一種 crystal 但是三角錐

不會~你的角膜頂多是橢圓,沒有聽說過 晶體變成這種形體,我沒有聽說過,是說佔據你的整個眼球? 不可能,角膜是一個網膜


看過隱形眼鏡? 那種模片!



國家寶藏 (保障)的眼鏡片!!!


白子的某種我有聽說的眼鏡可以帶去 DMV 考試駕照過的! 我以為我要去帶那種東西! 我看不到!

這美國真的沒有人治過這種東西嗎 ? 黑白色的心情突然要變成可以看到非常亮,太過劇烈的某種紅色,任何物體紅色他要重新定義他的視野觀!



I think about it.

August 20th, 2021

The Back up Notes Links are:

I am on my table now, eating chips. So everyone is still alive, my father has no money to spend on another phone....He does not have money, how does he pay at Taiwan summer air con?

 One of those things, for so many years to live....

He is all odor on him everywhere. Where he ends up on streets.



Are you sure? 你們確定嗎 ?

 I am guessing yesterday, today, or tomorrow? Or 2014?

or Nick 2007? His pals, cannot keep looking at what I did!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I know.

I wasn't know.


2021年8月20日 星期五

I go to sleep....Movie Keanu Reeves says Side By Side, I legalize that word. Its about..... Movie Technology evolvement .....like Synthetic movies, that words in Chinese 合成電影?

 I invent words, I am telling you.

Babaji: Go


❄️❄️❄️小鬼小和尚 ❄️❄️❄️❄️你們以後有沒有長大做什麼事情呢? 聯考?


 尊上是尊上的事情,我攝政,你們沒有想過聯考花千骨? 尊上說一個徒弟呀! 我放下尊上的那一天,你們看過 Essene 我昨天說的某個宗教下的耶穌的故事沒?

你們有沒有聽說過耶穌? 國外的宗教? 就是我昨天擺的照片? 我其實沒有說呷咪,我有一天就變成攝政的那個,摸熊貓的頭的那個人!!!

如果有一天有人告訴你們,或是你們看電影聽說,你們自己是釋迦摩尼佛的第一件事情,你們會去幹嘛 ?

像說 我是佛?


我需要你寫下很多東西,其實 ! I need you to write down a lot of things, in facts. (Johnny Jao 饒樹人)

 Candle = 蠟燭

你看過蠟燭嗎 ? 那個煙不要亂碰 ! 那是一個在擺動的東西

萬花筒看過沒有? Gregg Braden I told him 我叫他在 Dr. Steven, Pirates of Caribean, a eye coming out of that guy. 你覺得長的像嗎 ? 那個主演的人剛好叫做  Johnny Dept.





2021年8月20日 星期五

你們弄錯了很多事情 ! 非常多的事情!

 蟲就是因為很喜歡 sizziling 才會是蟲呀 !

有些人並不是真的覺得電視是真的,所以會有人查清楚是發生什麼事情的 ! 

你們好像覺得只有我家庭這樣,是因為你們比較高檔吧 ? 

不會呀 ! 他們人自己去殺 ! 

我說過一件很清楚的事情,醫院警察 (或是你乾脆跟消防局住在一起!)

你們也沒有真的想要為他人變好,或是自己變強,我在跟全世界的人講話,我有特別在指責誰嗎 ?


2021年8月20日 星期五

我要去睡覺了 !

 Babaji: Go


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The Conversation with Yogananda, You can just buy the used book, its cheapers. The current new one is $64.49 / /

9/19/2021 ( 9/18/2021 有的瘤臉上 線上過去 Lymph, Ear inside, pain)

Medical Records on the foot again


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 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...