2021年9月18日 星期六

I am reading Red River 12

 They do train girls, I guess, this is what I read.

... ... 

Page 27 I am not reading.....I blank out !  


You know, I am not sure whom are image, like dead, Kail, or whom else....


I don't remember they have old people looking....

They bring all the young guys you all love to be his Zawanna friends I read comic books inside and outside.

I know its not right.

I am not sure about the aging, I see in this book. But okay, there are a lot of side character. No, I do not know them.

They suppose to look....just like you all meant, you like them.

Page 45, Stop it.

I do not know where these come from. I am not Tonawanna. Or They don't have a father I remember?

I am at 12 ....I go to sleep.

Babaji: Go 



... ...

When they say 正妃, They did tell you what they requirement is.

You alone can initial a project, or with some help of their royal staffs, you goes to a new land, to survey there, if there is not danger. You go alone.

You alone to complete a lot of jobs, and there will be people with you.

To the new town, they talk about just like this entire series of books are telling you, what a girl suppose to be doing, but not with those kinds of facial expression.

No, you don't just become Kail's 正妃

You become 5 of them 正妃 or whichever those groups meants, just small few them. I don't think they really die. But okay, maybe they die like the book meant it.

I don't really know.

I am telling you, I am not their step mother, not really like that.

Zawanna is Zawanna

Kail is Kail.

I am at Page 71. I need to rest.


Its like 9 :30 I need to go to sleep....Not waking up at 4:00...or 3:00

  I need to last it to 10:00.

That guy looks like....His name is Michael ! 

oh ~ I have an Intern Guy PhD.


How can this be on CNN?


Lee Solomon, he is a Jew, not a Christian. 50 Shades of Grey, that is what Eben says?

 I have no ideas where to find this Lee.

Do you even raise mice in your lab, Lee? I used to hear from another students, to say, how much per mice costly in that one lab, oh my God, if i ever seen those mices.....

White ones I think.


Lee, the plan I have,....that is educational for real things. You and I have to move close in the vincinity, to take photo really.

My brother loses a lot of weight.

My mother keep fed food to me.

Do you check Sayer's lab or his paper, he knows that place 清大

or 新竹科學園區

but if I were you to see how big that block of size, being blast into flat ground 4 blocks away from 101....

How big it is?

 4 bus or 5, in between?

Then its One street 

Like 12 oclock, up


M A S A = Mexican food of some kind of pan cake.

You eat mexico food, Lee?

You see the doom?

Yeah,+shadow, shrink a little bit.

 You are coming like tomorrow?

Its empty right now, zero things on it ! 

There is a Tree, needs to lay off, birds on it...they are populate among these builidng, if I walk by, its too obviously, everyone is watching me lay my head low....they are on every building, or trees!!!!

You know, I took my mother to a Mexican Food restaurant behind....that library, My father went there too.


Something about Leo.


Mexican food, they talking to Eben Pagan?

Do you know what I think ...

Ola, Dean, Hira, Jonathon, Wing....that entire 4 blocks of human beings, to practice Fitness, like ETR Craig, with Eben too?

That is what I have been told.

4 Blocks as is.

All your physical training !!! Not sure where you all are, at....I heard its all of you. 4 blocks. Basic.

There is not such things, Anna I say 猝死 and what? 短命 its because 暴斃?


American MD knows in Chinese, words I say, just about every sense they see !!!

Ola and Dean they are real MD!!!!!

Do you know Ice Skating is very physical demanding?

So you are doing that book 溜冰天使 at least on the physical level?


And I am coming too?

Or When can I start mine???

Jump, Leap, Bounce? no more pillow?

They have to what?

Make it the 4 blocks, with wind or snow, so when I live in Buffalo again?


I am going there???

I don't think so. We have great food in Taipei, Taiwan, any soon to become Palace? Looking like Pinterests? So perfect weather, perfect food ....perfect every type of food to eat. You make them fasting or, you want them to watch me drinking what I show you one by one? With whom? With Ola?

You care about there is a Pawn, how do I feel?

Do you try to reason with yourself, all the scenario, its too shameful on all of them...really.

We all met in 105 UB classroom.

Dean is missing

I am really missing !!




 Erin's husband also name Lee.

Did I tell you, he is an Asian, looks, a bit like President Xi ! 


How does 由基 tell me he is Jesus?

He is not like that comic books, deep horrific human. But if I know that part, and see the comic books, ... maybe that is the reason to draw like that

你們喜歡由基的意思? 我覺得你們喜歡就眼前看到這世界的人比較好 !! 

Lee just looks like.

Beside, in my groups, they are all having assigned jobs, like Ola, Dean, Hira, Jonathon as they are.

Lee is a researcher.

~~~~ 🍮🥧🎂🥟🥮🍫🍮🥧🎂🥟🥮🍫🍮🥧🎂~~~~

I guess, I would never eat a thing, you all ready to cook, I reading newspaper? Like Keanu Reeves reading his 26 story book?



That is one thing, you can send Keanu Reeves to hell? Offering your Karma to him to eat it? And also, you all seem to be very humble not to be the successor, so to have disciple's karma, at least, you can mentor youth, like Tina's playlist, there is Tim Cook seen small kid? He is not going to be disappearing any time soon? 


I think Sweet 酒釀~ something fermented, but wine or sweet mix, of some kind of liquid.

Well....Its not I like any of that myself. 






Friends - By the way Ola in Eben's profile....You Ola and you Tina....you whomever...has only one path, MD or that Vice President Secretary?


Not like SMCH did that with President Slovenia, on Earth Prince, after he die, he told her how many books he publishes, she went out to publish 3 picture books to make it in Amazon Number 1 list, by all the disciples purchasing power... to manipulate Amazon !

Through Email.

You know how devastating its to Slovenia?

Maybe not all that concern to their police networks?

People are citizen, dead yet? Mental anguish, gossipe news from someone whom you know were true and great !

你們一定是沒有聽懂我跟 Dr. Bing 像這個影片的哪個人的名字類似呀 ! 說~


衝出去直接出書三本彩色圖畫類似書,風景呀 !

發瘋發野的時間是她六十多歲呀 ! 直接搶下亞馬遜跟徒弟 Email 第一榜位的

哪一本書我不記得了!  就是第一名呀 的書!  徒弟去買的,不是真的!


When you join some cult organization like on news they advertise....it is strange often, what they sent out all these email to do, what you hear about, every little trivia things to make her what?


 印度五百歲應該是死的乾乾淨淨的吧 ? 哪種印度出家人做出來這種瘋狂的事情叫做亞馬遜書本第一名? 運用徒弟的錢錢?

簡直瘋狂發野到什麼地步!! 愛上愛上愛上了!! 



You must all have something, Tina, or Pang, you like about someone, or something from your own University or College. 你們倆個應該有你們喜歡的大學同學吧 ?

 I thought that looks like 姑姑??


There are a lot of things you cannot use it from me. Bio-molecular 生化領域

Let's say bio-chemistry, bio-molecular, bio-genetics. 生化的某種領域下的 a fashion of a lifestyle.

Tina, did you talk to HongKong her 汪星?

Both you didn't make it here Middle School Entrance Exam or High School Entrance Exam, and where you both been place in the company?

你們倆個有沒有講話關於你們現在,存在的世界再你們現在的公司? 我就不相信你們兩邊的家長現在是死了嗎 ? 你們沒有在台北考完中學或是高中,你們也沒有考美國的 PCAT





人生你們要現在從來是快要 40 ,那就是你們其實放棄戀愛吧 ?

想一下自己的人生,男生都是讓你們來養的情況,台灣是很多這種小白臉呀 !




I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Leo 你跟 Austin 決定怎麼吃飯沒有啊 ? 饒堯邦他今年不用回來了! 我也不清楚他到底在哪裡!

你們吃飯隊伍就你們三個嗎 ?

那不會呀 ! Austin 應該是看好 霍建華不知道幹嘛 的! 就是像如果下次有 China Expo 類似,你們三個不能做好你們的服裝再 Pinterests 上面?


像我跟方方 + 饒邦呀!


服飾問題,2010 China Expo

當初中國有辦 2008 奧運:千山萬水就再電信局的旁邊呀 ! 我叫何家慶去撞牆壁的斜對面~~~其實就是千山萬水,他們一定自己拿去玩了!



 你們自己去如果他們中國沒有停止這種活動呀 !

應該還會有吧 ! 展覽呀 !

台灣有花博 !  上次是世運! 

跟著地面畫的關係~叫做公車展覽圖! 地表直接轉!

 因為我講的太累了~每一次我們說這個千山萬水不是只有水是化學, Filtering system are chemsitry too

奧運 2008 直接打到 2010

再 2010 發生就是 China Expo

這一個主題曲知道有幾個嗎 ? 就去抓陳龍呀 ! !!

這主題曲有多難看你們知道嗎 ?

就直接去撞!我告訴你~叫做公車他們如果還要做 Paper works

They City Bus company manage the whole entertainment shows themselves.

三個主題曲一個奧運 ( 3 Themes Songs China Expo + 1 Olympia song)

I say, do you know how ugly that looks with 3 different theme songs in 2010, China Expo?

Find Jackie Chen!




We gonna glue together?


If I am a guy, I already say, its the most humiliating things these are.


Women, Zawanna would hit his elbow to my eyes, and I am the one, for example, saying that.

That is my eyes.

Behind him.


How about, you all continue to be your political zealous nature, to persuade your political leader, or best, you replace them, and meet another few your age, Middle age, of these politician with leadership.

And one day, imagine, in the future. 再有一天的未來呀 !

You and your groups 你們跟你們的政治極端組


Me + Wallace groups. 我跟侍衛長( 隊伍 )

他的病不會好的意思,做公關叫做什麼幹部 !!

人民大會通通都是幹部的每一省,你不知道是哪一種幹部演員的! 喔! 怎麼不說 Austin is ADD?

長的一樣的東西叫做混血! 太好笑了!


趙又廷~ Mark Chao ( 3 3 10)


I don't actually ...

I watch CNN

 3 Texas women?

Melzi is a women?

Sayer+his brother+Drunvelo

oh ~

A fashion of lifestyle = Devil Wears Prada


Jonathon's best high school friends with Hailey looking of "Sisterhoods wear jeans"?

I think they are just political strikes.

All of them are like that. Political extremelist.


But if its police itself says.

It will not be ET says anymore. They would know for sure, that is police told them, not ET told them?


No, I have no views for Washington.

No, Not FBI

No, not CIA

Not really. You all imagine things. No.


But if the girl can be girls more, the guy is staying as the guy side.

Like a girl dating a guy more soften the guy's nature, not to do all those craps or at least thinking about there is a house to keep....Those political views can be re-shape.







PVBS 台灣電視廣播組的林肯俱樂部 ! 

I had a tale in assistant living. Erin told me, and I witness the lady....That age, there are 2 people fall in love.


That particular facility, is not assistant living. In America, there are 4 grades.

4 Kinds of Older people's housing plan.

The button floor is called nursing home.

    Senior Housing

    Assistant Living

    XXX= Mark, you know you losing memory? Its a very glooming places. They don't remember anymore.

    Nursing Home

I finish eating

 Babaji: Go

I cannot stay on my father's patience profile to gossip... isn't 康熙來了~已經沒了?

 I thought that shows disappeared...

You know, nick and I ....only he has the right to drive the bus. No, I never drive the bus. That is another class of heavy vehicle. If you look at the DMV downloading documents to fill in the blank.... 

It is strangest things of its own class, why Canadian Pixie if they look at Mark Chao.

And Beside, I only talk to Wallace and Mark.

Did I talk to anybody else anyway?



就是呀 ! 那些人的英文名字到底是不是師承不要他們了!?

 我幫美國拿下的,不是我喜不喜歡挑人~轉呀 轉的

Jet Li 李連杰

Jackie Chen 陳龍

Tony Lieung 三分天下兩三年就死了赤壁之戰的誰呀 ! 吳 ! 叫做....梁朝偉!

 小鬼小和尚,你們知道真正再歷史上,好像沒有曹操借劍 ! 白煙夜晚起霧? 我自己乾脆放乾冰的意思! 

你們確定再歷史上有八卦陣? 那種電影裡面那種東西?有陣列我知道~有這種電影上擺出來的一個概念的東西,再三國志? 電玩版還是歷史版?



你們跟鳥一樣在那邊瓜瓜叫!~ 我不能吃個飯!

你們在餐廳,有個再外頭窗戶被他的媽媽拉著手走的,比著我!!! 你們認識你們自己嗎 ? 我坐在靠近窗戶的地方! 

我常常看到不只 double 的東西了! 

你們在搶寶物 (我的袋子! 魔戒的兩隻熊,當然不可以!)





 趙又廷,番外篇? Not Rouge?










George Clooney has a movie with the car not in the bridge, I am making white paper on DVD case inside black, outside white...is that the rental offices of Library, downstair where? UK?????

Which movies is that?

His wife....right, I remember.

Keanu, I used to remember 8 years ago.

They will know what is black & white scenario ....

Is Keanu really International Criminal? ~~~ or I need to use other's photo better?



Where is Wallace photo?

... ... I didn't think 趙又廷 like these kinds of festivity !!!

Dress up? I didn't think ....far, of this what is your company trying to tell me? 你公司你其實可以串通好從最下面到最上面,然後有一天你自己串改所有你自己的照片???


不會是說他是我這一屆的? Hank 的那一屆的 !! 臉書的那一屆的 ! 

喔~ 那是什麼意思?



那好像是霍建華的東西 ! 

霍!!!!!  建華~~~你不記得為什麼你們的名字黏在一起嗎 ? 什麼時候呀 ?

幾年過去了~ 依然白衣偏偏呀 ~~~~



他存在~是哪一個有問題? 不會是說他爸爸???




小鬼小和尚,你們見過他們嗎 ? 我還沒呀 !


他們是演員,兩個都是,就是藝術大學那種跟 Danny 有點像的那種高度男孩子,甩甩頭髮有用的那種~~~!

我其實不認識他們呀 ! 小鬼小和尚小孩~~

我不是在教你們古文,音樂,地理? 我沒有問過他們那種事情!

成績單吧!炫耀的 酷~有個法國人特別喜歡酷~YouTuber too !!!


趙又廷 ~ ! 賣海鮮

旁邊寫 59 分! 有個人也叫做趙又廷 ~ 喔!


 小鬼小和尚小孩~這種東西叫做八卦~都是那種聲色情慾的鬼門開的那種東西,要見不見~你們以後長高或是現在不是也有你們這種沒有娘親爹爹那種,我幫你們排排站~學點歷史呀 ! 姜子牙~封神榜呀 ! 商鞅弄權叫做無惡不作,現在是最後一世~還是未來再來前敘來接後緣~~


 (前世果報,後續再緣!! )

樓下好像有一個你們年紀的小孩! 現在是九月~應該滾再學校的意思!


他們說不定排好他們的五大宗教世襲制的東西,叫做每個年齡層,像說美國 Trump his age




我快 40 小孩!!!!



老和尚~那個 Pitch Perfect 有一個德國組類似 SMCH 跟她師父嗎 ? 吵到我的頭痛~到我忘了世界上有種陰暗的黑~叫做寂靜中的鬼呀 ! 那種學術界我們最近講到的!

 我其實沒有喜歡那種東西! 是學術, 在美國

聽說你們也是要驅鬼避邪的? 和尚的工作? 就是那些小孩唱歌的 Carol the Bell 我拿去避邪用 !!!


小丸子有很多撒福豆的習俗呀 !


Comment MD: First thing, if I am a MD, with the connection to the court, like public defense lawyer Wendy NYC, to find out, these looking similar women image girls are a guy or a girl.

Second, the law protects pretty much gays or lesbian ideas, but Anna receive a lot of warning, she has to pick that you 墜入魔道 but going short cut, or stealing your father's own graveyard, a secret book, he 再三叮囑, you should not attempt to touch it to practice. So that you become, not guy not girl, you will even have beards coming out. She says as the third party, she does not practices anymore. And From her doing that 24 hours on the internet, she is saying she will not repeating 5 Lords names in any degree of she is busy on writing, or sleeping, she is way too tired.

Tamang, correct. One person him ruins his entire family and neighborhood everyone's life, all of their life ruined, because of one kid.

 One kid, whom does a owning one Gun things, on the Facebook.

I told you already going to jail is being "closing books" after review so many times, by highly respect judges or lawyers whom done all that verdicts.

Yeah, like my father.

... ...no, I don't really know how he got in there. 

Comment MD: I think there are every degree of different gradient things like his eyes see only black to white gradients....jokes of how he actually could talk his way to jail to talk more, that he Johnny Jao has that personality, correct. I will label that emphasize more.


Correct, if he just only see black and white, not the IQ defects, he has that intelligent, called a criminal mind. 

In that kind of early villege, of military country side. They were not living in Taipei, City Taipei.

They have neighbors, friends, and all those you called whom they are military rank of people.

That kind of facilitation, he probably always owning that degree of fascination being a National Pride is better.

However, this one life is close enough to that indicator, if he wave a bit outside zone, maybe not really good for next life, or every other life rolling down hill.

Like I have did a case in between Dean going up case, and the opposite of that, is Stephen Tamang, his gun, meaning weapon are being drawn out. Not sword. How do you say that in English?

You draw upon your sword to fight your opponent to death be apart?

Or the cow boys saying?

When I look at the movie, so I say, Dean might be dead, or he is dead. 

But not the way, I receive the seeing from my side to know Keanu and JC are dead too?


The permanent records.

So saying the movies of Dean 

1) Thranduil : going up

2) Legally Blonde

3) Going up merits are saying physical merits in Samsara ideas, you can renouce as a monk giving up all those fame, 夢幻遊戲 Florida State (one image)

Meaning, one side or the other, we are not doing it this right.

If I anna can lie things?

... ... you will not remember what you lie about. You better just tell the truth. To save your brain a bit.

Comments MD: People have really ability in the memory, meaning, not super ability, just normality of memory working and in the entire life to follow what ought not to say, or lie, like most guys are quiet in nature, you will find that out, a lot of them, tend to be quiet. 

When someone like me, a girl, a long time don't talk. I actually only talk the way I feel so, to pass life, and I know what is every move of my comprehension, like writing ebook, or diary out for my detox, not for others to read. Its the clarity of someone whom is not 渾渾噩噩過日子

These people whom lies a lot, their life becomes a blurs to them, and one day, their vision might really was or will going down, by too much of alcohol in pain, drowsy and fall down hit the head on the floor.

Lying, you are scared? Ever?

Imagine a guy, never got scared to have a physical well built body that no month has a period, to go do things, learn things, jump, leap bounce, like the Bible God says to them.

3 words

One life, no restriction of 365 days of a year, time years in total, that is one human life 3 God words to make a full spectrum of your althletics sporty means....

To a lot of people, no one does these one word practices, or 2 words, or 3 words.

Some does that thousands of years....

I never done that yet. I just telling you, I prefer a life, jump, leap, bounce.

If you are lying, you can just spend your time being punished, to lifting water and clean up that stair with a mop to feel the cold water?

Lying to you, sounds like an act of a flipping monent.

You prefer to treat your life like a flipping moment, maybe not today, not this year, you will see how many people dead on the flipping moment and you wish to become one of them. 

But when the days of when these are finals days of tiny different calibrator instruments on lamb's wife is not lamb...telling you, Slam Dunk was practice games, yet to be National Tournament....

There is every reason, you to believe, Maybe Milkyway is not yet in the main traffic road to even know, what is the real invitation might be...if you all be serious God's one words, two words, 3 words to begin your life reflection and save the heart, mind, and soul, those lies might actually turns your eyes sight in the old age, you say, all deserve it, to prison you at your senior nursing home!

Called Assistant Living !

我已經不想說英文了 I am dont speak English anymore (girls to boys)

 女孩子喜歡男孩子炫,他們講話本來就很毒呀!小郭就是但是 Eric 更是!!



🤧🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰😍🥰🥰😊🤧🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😎我不再,請留言(下次我在 Canadian geese park )




那如果你也知道悲哀不再是張照片,是種聲音 ….幻覺幻音,餘音繞樑~~~千歲千歲千千歲那種~你有沒有覺得真的人生要準備悲哀,過度成哀成怨呢?

~~~~~~~~~! 如果我寫 medical comments, 我會常常寫到原子筆斷掉的 ….. ….

女孩子運動能量不足, 動作不夠大 …

水喝的不夠多, 回家缺水缺醣… 


University after or After university 


At forward (書的第一頁?)

男孩子不出版書的?尼克出版呀! Nick has a publication !!

仔細文法你們找舍利弗,他寫他找工作的那些紙很強,他以前工作就是幫你們 ABC 寫這些履歷表跟什麼什麼信函的

“After attending university at Washington, …. ….”


Uploading video 1 following video 2= Two of us

The right one left, the Left one still there. I just need to turn around and see. Not really need eye glasses, correct.


Military Orientation Day 4

I am busy…

The things I wrote not on the orientation table page still is your orientation table stuffs ?

… … I am a little bit occupied. These birds talk. There is a chicken …rooster, or there might be owl?

I never imagine I see these big size bird 🦅 situate on one that wire dangling things.

Do you think they design that for the birds that big size Standing on it?

🦅 🦅

Let me see, these looks good?


They like you, *NSYNC
I think that’s what they say. (They agree)

(Napping )

You know …I need to lay down sometimes.
And while you, these real orientation table speaker, I bought these at Orange County, spectrum mall.

You have somewhere to go, is that my table your stuffs or me included these speakers are none of your stuffs ?

No …

It was about so long ago CIA knew about these renter, never gonna make it to America! 

The water heater company, Taipei, Taiwan! Not yet there. It is open and not closing anymore …let the water runs.

… I used to not supposed to be in that day, their day CIA orientation table. Not really.
We were not exactly their watch until the day a kid from the President we talk about, I mention the word CIA. Soon after, our monitor are flashing notification.

You are not CIA, right ?

Are you sure I am not just the voice in your head ?
Are you sure I talk, not muted?
Are you so sure it’s not the handicap manipulate you the day you found out my height?

Oh~ really ?

I cannot laugh at home anymore.
Laughing all the way!



2021年9月17日 星期五

Ella Enchanted, Sunshine ~~ Adam's brother? Military? Laura or Lee does things for the Military? Why doesn't that whomever military, says, all them included UB MD, MD needs military experty because of me?

 Military suggestion?

oh ~ 

You want to try to just put Simon where he belongs first of all? 

Because everyone knows whom Simon is.

He is a British !




Where is your brain 2 years ago? You met them yet, like Jesus seats there in the Save the Last Dance?

You don't think we all look alike? Ola, Dean, Jonathon, Wing, so on so forth?

Ever seen the every last of them?

Now Laura is new????? 

In case Simon jail or dead, whom else to evaluate them....

Didn't I kill a lot of people, so no one left to be educated ???

That is so unfortunate....


8 years pass, when I need the most of it, was the time I really need someone that time, for the Valley in large, everyone was forced to become classified material bound....


When someone goes through that....and now seeing you all still live and breath, its not the hate I try to kill some of you. You can just be 伴讀 for Sariputra.


At the Era time, such as this, right now.

This beginning of New Time.

What you all really did was Playboy magazine, with banana in the mouth, next by Terry, the girl with no voice!


how long this future gonna hold?

Bar down all the materials go out, like Sleeping Beauty?

Until the race can go up the understanding in science 1900?

I have no idea.

No idea.



Did I explain to you the First world and the second world situation?

1234 wedding and one that is funeral things?

So my map, it was Zawanna kinda like One Eye King?

Ancient Chasez dead as the 2nd world?

You will not find that young babaji at the 5th plane, that she SMCH says that? on her yellow notes?

In other words, regardless you believe we will always stay forever lasting small heaven, its to do with the beauty, and dealing with the Astral emotion, not just eloquent !!!

Like I say yesterday about White military race, what did I say yesterday in the orientation table?

I say, if they tell you there are some situation, you should believe it, and it might get 1000 times worse in the future....to be.

No, I don't want to watch anymore....I don't feel good. I already have a lot of junks why I don't feel very good ....

I go to sleep.



Talking something serious ( When the movies TV becomes real )

 I have only 100 years, that much, if I made it 90 years old even.

You know what the future tells me? 

They are by certain years, still on 1900 science.

I will not be here like every other 100 years so someone is watching and monitor progress to hope, at the beginning of all these years, you will have choices on this path.

Correct, if the Central government detects, you are so way ahead, you might all be annihiated.

But that is one thing if you make it.

How long you think American public dirty high school, for Orlando's basketball all star faces, to be that, you gonna make is 1900 science?

1900 science

1900 science

1900 science

If I were you, I would check my own IQ if reaching 1900 science enough, to understand all that, to say, this time, you hear me Anna saying anything about movies.

Because, there is no reasons, to believe, why Anna I say, I just let things fall, and you will all destroyed each other on the other side. I can only speak in English.

English language only through movies.

American can help all that language? I think every country wants to annihialte themselves that karma is greater to take everyone else stuffs. If you can make it in America, special visa workers, or just be whole life working for America, if you make it, I still think, you should just do exactly what I told you, like they tell you, God says so.

Make it the standard in America, every standard to the finest belief, you will be protected in your pursue of happiness, even if you take some, for your own life, to continue, this one life, because you rise up your IQ to 95+percentile.

Not just Bible makes me to become....not even a word on it.


小鬼小和尚~你們知道什麼是枸幾跟梅子? 包飯糰的? 你們不是學的茶是水的一種呀 ! 那冰塊呢?





茶冰~ 那枸幾是什麼?

你們訂東西要兩個禮拜吧 ? ~~但是枸幾你們自己在中國就可以買到~台灣也是! 

包飯糰的梅子~大概有小的吧 ? 你們不需要用太多~太酸了! 

我有沒有看過 Ella Enchanted?

... ...有一段時間以前看過,你們現在可以看電影? 有些電影吧 ! 還是你們在創作你們的法律公告~當然可以呀 ! ~你們在寫作業?

我沒有看! 我看看!


The demonstrate 有一個男孩子站在她的旁邊~後面 ! 

饒邦的媽常常覺得事情都不是在正面的,跟一些現實你們活在你們自己的世界裡面是一樣的, 因為很多人都試著要賺錢,她們因為賺不到錢,態度很惡劣,所以我能說什麼教育你們,只是一個經過,六個月我是在考慮,你們因為小孩天真~你們就是只是慢慢帶~ 她們一輩子活在自己覺得自己都是做得對的世界,沒有遵從正確的教育,教育者親自帶他們,這些人跟法律跟醫護跟很多專業是脫節的,假設人死了~那她們自然覺得很多事情在電影裡面,我安那是不知道我在講什麼故事給你們聽,因為她最辛苦是要操心的那一個,她的論點是因為她必須操心,也許那時候 Adam 還可以呀 !只是我不想選擇我的人生再那裏~之後碰到尼克,饒邦媽的論點是更消極的,因為這所有人都可以跟她要錢的那一個,所以這個電影你們要寫法律專案,你們最好記得有一天你們的上面有個媽呀 ! 







MD Comments: She Wendy Shen did not survive in guys' worlds. She needs to have all permission of all the guys opinion of views, before rising me or the rest of kids, or near her, or anyone around her. Her IQ is not good. She loves shopping ! That is the only thing she is good at. But with the guys world, it would not be eternal, so there is no reason to debates why her existence to ever need that to be discussed....girls I stress it again, try to understand the guys' world. They work together as a group. Just I am singular....so bad in this sense, I give up already. No hope !



Military is basketball (High School Musical )


Zawanna is a music singing, with the headband? Those kinds? I can imagine that....no, he didn't use elbow, I was just for example, guys like them have something wrong with their head, when they become Zawanna kind of. I cannot see if he just....don't know I am behind him....

So military is Bolton chooses that?

oh ~~ Bolton, nick's grandson. Right.

And Disney that guy, whomever that guy is = me.

I didn't remember I did anything like that.

Nick ....probably thinks the military idea is good. His grandpa. He is 1998

He just turns 23, with that Shawn guy. We are almost the end of the 2021. Do you know Ryoya Takashima yet? Me neither.


Life is how you do things for yourself, try and errors, and push one thing to another. And you hope in doing all that so, you do not transpassing laws ... like the shortcut ways of making money.

You know Wayne went to see my father in China, that is the second degree or Piers.

Or you say like Reno in Nevada degree.

These people of the older generation all did something before this One Eternity ready to start. Are they glad they did that, are they knowing what they did? You are all very young looking to them?

Did you even read the Bible? There is some saying at all that? Some people are psycho, oh, you should not put people in jail for that !!!!

Fatherhood is when you bear a pressure each morning to go to work very early on, and save money for them to have a bread on the table !!!

... ... when I was with your grandpa, I didn't think losing one year in life, at the work forces meant a resume "re-write", because now when I look back, and remember all these friends of myself all around, they all seems to know where they are doing, what they are doing, and none of them will lose a year, any year, to say, no works, no jobs, real human jobs to deliver a resume, or CV.

And one day, that tendency of working through on-line just become a greater and greater responsibility.

Did you have best friends, you can talk about your CV, work loads, working ideas, what best jobs your friends have been receiving, and they go for it? Their parents happy?

Ella Enchanted Ending

 If I have some life experience in life, and I went to meditation with the idea I say, I want to evolve higher truly with that lineage under Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Well, I tell you, about that Intern Movies, Nick is old, everyone knows that. His mother dead, or cousin dead.

He probably got affected, but I will tell you, life is much easier, if just without his that son of threshold.

Now, no one knows if we are living Eternal.

He didn't tell me anything about his life, my life he heard enough.

There is no one, physical exist, I can try to tell him, nick that. No one physical ever shows up. That is the reason I don't go back with him.

But if the life continue to exist, I don't see why my life and his life will get that difficult, if we remove the money reason, the stress reason, the son's reasons.

But if I tell the later generation like my friends, they don't have certain experience, they all have gf or bf, I know that. They have family gathering, food meeting, and all that, like Eben, a Fashion of Lifestyle.

I would tell you, if you look at yourself, being cut, by the person next by your, next next by.

These kinds of cuts, you might as well just go to court, and stand there, and say, you want to kill them all.

All you seen in this castle except your real love.

You don't want to go to jail. Anna says, you don't live a life being cut every direction in anything degree to say celebration. 

Someone is provoking you, or 調戲你 

調戲你 in the girl teminology, you thought the future of some UFO God's guy fallen in love with you, so he teasing kind of towards you with this kind of sent-in sickening ways saying....meet you somewhere?

Of course not. That is a best friend position. Laura.

Adam was my first bf, like first love.

I am tired (Medical Profession, Medical Doctors)

 This is the month coming towards ....that, the end of the cycle.

I have been doing this cleansing body since I was in the age of 23. Its every month a challenge of this women monthly blood cycle. I actually never a person really tell me the blood volumn or pads can be decrease so my money pockets can be save. A day or 2 days.

But it never really happened in that direction, for decades. The period does not just disappear in one day.

But Have I shorten the period, yes? When I was just happening to be on detox.

The post or forum you go to, most time are the guys written it. So they suggest a lot of things, and they use women as an example, and I would follow, that is, to detox from the first day of the period.

The second day or the third day my period disappear, I cannot do that !!! 

Or maybe I start to detox the week before, so it extent to the period day 1 or day 2, and day 2 or 3 I got panic. I don't want that to happen, so I eat.


oh no, I know about the medical profession as long as I can remember, even everyone talks bad about them.


But you know, I am in that field myself, to say, why I need to put up the bad face with everyone to the extreme?

I met whom they are, I met the students time of them, and I met the profession doctors, like eye, bone, women's doctors. The proficient language is enough, that I always just take one step back about this detox....

No, I saw Breatharian show on TV long time ago.

No, I am not really watching any of that. You can just look at their faces, the reason I think, they all look like "SMCH spiritual group of human being"

MD Me Anna Jao Comments: 

In the light of the spiritual awareness Age of Era, precepts are the only things of anyone can do, to their standard of in any introspect, in every action selfless, in checking if you really let go of all things, when you say you let go all = renounciation of life was you are happy by doing that, you find joy, contentment, in the time, if there is service to humanity, if there is none, you are happy within yourself, meditation, or contemplate focus to that Great teaching of all, that is Buddha's teaching 8 fold path, or in any highly evolve IQ you must acquire, I would demonstrate that for the only reason, to tell you, don't fool me you have zero IQ. You need guys to keep that IQ, I know its a hard work, they will put you down, your drawback. Your smell your shame. Being a women in the past is worse than being in this Era. Life in that nature, you need to know how to overthrown your own Karmic life, in no matter what matter, because like they say, your karma might get worse. 

My ex bf used to always tell me, he does not understand me, why I keep doing this, like arriving to his house, I start to detox. 

To me, that is not a hurting. I just do that for my life because I need to have a little bit of my own life.

I hope you heed all this advice, if you are a women, and you believe in karmic words or theory, while personally, anyone saying anything to me, really, a lot of times, that does not mean a word to me, really. But I get tear. But inside, it was never meant to me, how those whom with a mouth of words has any degree of influence....because they are IQ just low.

You should rise up to your PCAT Percentile to 95+

I cannot understand my score, but I leave that in hope you know one day, that is best in your own evolution in No Matter What.


I leave this video for children check, so no one can leave a message on it. I newly found that out.





霍建華 ~~~!!! Where is your colleaque?

 Hi ~~~~~~

What is Wallace's friends you all does things for a living? 幹部的人民大會? 運用到金子 ASMR 這種荒唐的影片嗎 ?


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