Babaji: Me too.
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2021年9月25日 星期六
建華 ~~~!!! Seth or Yeth, they are like best friends. There are guys are like that in nature. 很多男孩子有那種好朋友如果講 professional life must clash
And their standing are as 5 Lords.
5 There
5 There.
Eben is another kind of independent person, 建華!
Professional life, they are like trustworthy best friends !!! 專業領域上,他們是好朋友!
建華你知道什麼叫做細細小小的人嗎 ?
細細小小的人格 ~~~~!!!!!!
你如果繼續下去做那種 2 D 線與點的人生~你想待在那種世界嗎 ?
Points and Strings Worlds ?
They also are guards ....
建華, Do you want to talk to me face to face, every problematic since the day you have a play role: 白子畫 as 尊上? Not that I ever need to ask 小鬼小和尚?
你要不要一對一跟我好好把話說清楚? 自從你有一個角色叫做白子畫尊上,不需要我去特別詢問小鬼小和尚群們?
台灣文化大學還有一種叫做文化,你是什麼藝術大學是你哥哥知道哪一種 Danny 我自己找說說你在怎麼細細小小? 叫做詮釋我的角色,然後呢? 你要不要思考不需要寫下來 ... ... 什麼叫做細細小小你在乎的所有問題呢?
那你的幹部他們不是你的朋友嗎 ?
你就可以招攬一整群~ you can leave me alone a tiny bit? 不是黏在我身上每一種問題你不知道呀 ! 我覺得很煩~~~!!!
Pang or Austin, you saw that 烈火如歌 8th episode, someone die?
What did you both do, as a mature person, if seeing that much of reality, someone die on the television?
Called your father? or Tell your father about it, at least? Like you have a father?
小鬼小和尚,你們的六個月到底是學了呷咪? 我需要知道有一天嗎 ? 真的嗎 ?
聽說你們是清理屍體嗎 ? 燒紙錢知道嗎 ? 還是那是我年代的習俗?
意思就是說你們其實燒香拜拜但是,不需要燒紙錢? 紙錢有各式各樣的東西你們知道嗎 ?
你們做小和尚跟著大和尚,是超渡他人為意念? 叫做和樂而不為? 還是?
我想起來你們的剪貼簿突然變成全天下警察局的剪貼簿~我以為只有中國! 台灣類似 !
Copy and Paste book?
No, I need to travel to get a few things to make these copy and paste craft & art books.
I can prepare now.
你們現在是,所有東西都用我尊上的東西嗎 ?
像說神祉就是類似紙錢的意思,對吧 ?
你們現在是神多到誰去給你們告狀??? 我想知道 ~~~
Paganism Gods has so many idol gods, they little monks have too many of them to go and accuse each other's crime. Like ...pointing finger towards for, and benefit one's interests.
Tim Cook 其實跟美國總統都不是你們的東西,小鬼小和尚,知道嗎 ? 叫做基本禮貌 !
I have the military power? which kinda? beating the craps of Lalla and Eben up? for every single seconds not to Self Realization at home, but a fashion of lifestyle? Really?
I count every single second of it.....
Every penny.
That is 100 penny for one US dollar, you spend plus Tax I already teaching you how to count tips in 15% to 20% range like a simple Thai Restaurant any student can afford to...without pen.
You know.... I hate traveling. One of the things people tell me, how much they love traveling with wife and kid, like Eben Pagan....why would people like about him go and 7 months away from .....a solid place with 4 side walls and a roof?
Traveling 7 months per one ever wants to be with you, Eben ! Nobody !!!
Do you know how much to eat outside per day, in America?
Even in Taipei, Taiwan, its so expensive, like my cousin's menu?
The way how you spent your money, know....Some people stingy to the degree to own a religion for a reason, its to theft all the religions money to become mine ~~~ All mine!
You come to me, to tell me, all your money and kids expensive college tuition, she has no scholarship dumb IQ like you demonstrate you have IQ without college? Eben?
I have New York Pell grant, its a state grant, free, for my money single parent raising us up.
Are you sure, your brain is functioning right, Eben?
In UB, we spent money to eat on Campus too. These much of social events, still requires money ! Lunch with Ola and Dean they were. It was lasting a semester or 2 but that was it.
Now they have their giant medical bills to pay their ways up really making money, Eben?
You should just kill all the Indian for every penny that stupid dumb looking Lalla ever look to me, for every single penny, Eben.
Don't talk to me, ever.... Eben.
I have to make a living ....that much of spending you willing to do what? Human sacrofice its to use blood....dripping cow bloods.....every single drops~~~I am telling you.
How you squaint your money, if I am really your Step mother, Eben Pagan, you will be so dead....I have a step son like you, EVER!!! You will be on the phone every single day to come home, and shut up !!! shut up shut up shut up !!!!
🍪🍫🥣🍔🥮🥟🍮☕🍪🍫🥣🍔🥮🥟🍮☕ Its 6:10, you cannot possibly be here all afternoon clicking on my pages, I am telling you, I am outside 🍪🍫🥣🍔🥮🥟🍮☕🍪🍫🥣🍔🥮🥟🍮☕
I shower and clean up the phone alcohol. There are a lot of things to clean up when I come back.
That is before he dies he wished to work in Hollywood? Really?
I think Dr Gabriel too old, and Eben getting old too. Strange things look at older Eben?
I added in the playlist they sent in video.
Lemon? Taipei station now selling 太陽餅 and lemon tart pie.
I actually like 太陽餅 …
Did I make a lawsuit, 2? About how the actor can faciliate a learning curve now or in the future? Because its too painful not to use the people directly from the movie screen???
就是幫助你們的那一個人~不會是哪個和尚的有緣人~ 自己穿袈裟那種 ...
你們是真的出家幹嘛 的? 渡人的? 我家的這群垃圾???
喔! !
好吧 ! 那妳們演藝圈的以後未來自己弄幾個重要的位置,因為這種情形 ... 你們讓我很難堪! 如果演員是沒有用的人!
我這邊只能最多就撐個霍建華跟趙又廷... ...
饒邦~絮絮好像在小林髮廊幫傭~長的像我以前認識的唯一敘敘! 敘一敘!!! 用藥嗎 ?她的媽媽只會求我媽去買一大堆ˋ水果自己給她吃喔!!! 真的很惡劣~給我挑惡劣蘋果呀 !
她們可能記得她是誰呀 !
這種問題你需要會來處理嗎 ? 不是在台灣吃吃飯呀 ~ 那如果以後 Austin or Leo 處理這些事情~我以後叫他們就可以嗎 ?
反正 Eben Pagan 只是伴讀不是嗎 ?
為什麼她想要減肥呀 ?
or else
Tomorrow someone else will not be all.
Do I think you all would be ship it to India?? How can you possibly think the world has no military personel, knowing you are so 窩儾廢~~~Not to ship you all to India?
I am the one keep telling the authority Stephen TAmang Indian mix, has a gun.
They will spare my pain going to India! That simple?
About right !
越南小尼姑雖然不可一世,但是對你們這些後輩的,還是算最仁慈吧 ? 至少賠你們講講話呀 ! 自己寫給警察一分鐘我講不完的廢話呀 !!!
就是你們不覺得有個越南小尼姑在那邊起鬨,有個她存在有時候,其實也沒有這麼糟糕呀 ?? 小鬼小和尚叫她滿慈子 !!
她這種聽說是要發誓的,說不定她搶來電視上的所有東西都發給你們呀 !!!
I am on the 烈火如歌第八集 (11:23)
通常... If they police not the one writing these script themsleves, they just need to clean out all that....
But if the police script them in, they should be alived somewhere somehow.
It was 2017 Feb?
I started in 2014, and they have 花千骨 right and ready in Summer 2015?
They made this TV or drama fast now!!!!
Pang, I am stopping here (11:23) ...they called you 楓兒 and says 當年你父親的事情?
I think it is as is. He is a bad guy, just throw on the side like a garbage! Kinda of helping him, but he is going down by himself wishing you coming down with him too.
What do you think?
Tell Austin that?
If you see a possible land with a horse on the top all around....your feeling a little bit relax?
So any thoughts about Hank, about curry prince, about 方方 about ...anyone but me?
That you newly found threatening to you?
At all?
For example: Eben Pagan?
Pang, did you see some of the Pinterests photo where the birds, big birds, Bible your Father EVER could possible become a Christian to say, Angel, Archangel landing on the roof types quality house?
Pang, do you like some of the foods? no more brainstorming problematic issues....just one or two lines comments?
That is 3 problems? You ever dwell on your thoughts.....doubts/dealt in your heart?
小鬼小和尚~麥克風🎤給鳥他們難過受驚嚇 … …
小鬼~那種東西沒有人真的去吃!去 taste 大概!
一定最後是我在做的 menu, 因為我年紀最小呀!
2021年9月24日 星期五
Girls to-do lists ( its Half Eternity )
You should really really pay attention.
Don't join that sorority ever....EVER
Don't go out with girls or at least telling the guys about it, if you gonna go where? I never went.
I start to see funny things on the TV ....
Try to just focus on one guy's your whole life helping this one guy, faithfully and loyally.
Try to cook what he says.
Clean, talk clear, express clear, maturely telling him what it is the issues. Communicate.
No, You make money, try to be decent and pay when you can, not stingy behind, you go buy more than 2 high heels?
I don't have a heel.
Your cloth? Need more?
Your hat, your PC color?
You know ... I hope you meant it, you consider there is only guys life that is in front of you.
I truly sincerely telling you all that, you need to subccomb all your will to trying to understand them. Their IQ knows what you are doing, all the time!
Money, slave them to clean, and your closet, is perfume only.
Imagine what your parents wish you to become, none of this luxury looking you are decent human walking out of the closet never washed.
Uncle, is that Ella Enchanted? Regent? Where? California?
Its only 9 olock.
"你好像不明白" ~~~~
我幫你們選自選曲呀 !!!!
你知道~提拿從陸貞傳奇開始零的走 !!!
而你們是從富 /負 的開始走... ...
今年叫做 Symposium 的 一個英文字開始走 ... ...
人喔!! 都是靠自己有時候想成長,真的!
叫做打不死的蟑螂論 ~ !
是一種文化 !
你能勝任,你出來大學比高下呀 !
很久以後嗎 ?
男孩子有兵役,在很多現實裏面,90年代呀 !
我曾經說過,有時候跟老一點的人再一起,是比較實際的! 你不希望看到受傷的殘兵,但是你們從來不會那樣想的 !
也許是男孩子的問題,但是你們也是處處針對他們,那如果有一天變成你們必須去戰場,怎麼辦? 一輩子的時間 ... ...
I really don't need to be with anybody.
But you girls now, having another partner other than the TV. Meeting the rainy day, these are the rainy days? You will have problems not to together solving it? Maturely to act? Maturely to say it? Maturely to really just cook a meal, if he is near around?
You can just treat the guy or the girl a meal outside? You try to lower yourself?
These girls issues, I already said it, as if I sold you all out as the slaves....hoping you really know it at the heart level, how to treat the guys genuinely. 我是誠心希望你們真的認知到,但是 ... 你們好像不明白這 severity of Truth in life.
The actors could be guys or girls?
Truly, no one wants to go that way, at least everyone knows that.
每一個人選擇自己的人生應該有點基本的認知的 !
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我其實不確定嬈邦的媽媽是不是以前的語言障礙 ! 中文系的 !
提娜需要心理輔到 all the time
饒邦有他自己的心理問題,insecurity (巨大的佛教重量大概 )
就剩下我跟一個小島問題 ! 你們很多這種叫做旁邊看戲的意思!
恩佑叔叔: 第七級烈火如歌
You all become old must be .... I believe it.
前面全部都是 Pixie !!!
這 ... 別人故意的吧 ? 小孩是昨天的 ~~這兩個人是不是 Alexandria +her brother?
其實胡椒餅的地方是炭烤 ! 是用烤的
煙燻?不是水源路 .... 沒有水氣,是乾的 ! 你們去看一下嗎 ? 在~有烤地瓜? 我爸沒食物的人會不知道那是什麼地方嗎 ?
這個地方其實之前有一個 Caffe 在對面~他們有換掉生意,這好做生意這邊嗎 ? 在這轉角過去就是 ...四海豆漿吧 ?
其實這個轉角....過去是 camilla
Comment MD: 就是有客人來,這邊東西貴 ! 這的確很奇怪 ...
我躺著睡覺 ... ... 已經三、四年了!
有些人運用電視做教材,有些人對自己的親人有點作用,有人跟 Pixie 打起來、有人開始懷疑自己的眼睛
每一種人都因為電視可能是真的,做了一些事情,不管哪種事情 ... ....
3, 4 years....what did you all do with this script 方方的叔叔是烈火如歌的白子畫?
眼睛三四年過去了 ... ...
饒邦的媽做了雷射,有沒有人覺得她的眼睛特別犀利? 她可以看到某種紅綠燈~~不需要眼鏡,我問了她非常多次,我想說她帶耳機好了... ... 還是她其實是瞎子?
第七集 Is this the most mesmorizing?
for her?
I should just keep watching it, right?
oh no~that kid ....there are Pixies with doves....I have a bottle of shampoo that is Dove brand.
Pang's mother...has a photo with the dove standing right across her TV balcony windows here. Its right in front of her.
Beas, you represent India now? Really? religion lineage group?
Don't you have a President or Prime Minister of Some kind? India secrecy military, I had on my phone?
Especially for Prince Siddarthra?
Not just Curry Prince?
Real Curry Prince?
澳門 :? 香港: 庫洛魔法使 台灣: 舍利弗媽 獨孤天下他的爸爸!
I misunderstand, here we have no roles for your homy Prince Siddarthra? and his new wife new kid?
What happened after?
You are not possibly, hoping he gets as many wife and kids to put together a suicidal team together for the future of his how old is him now? To become one Nation under God? within your own India, like Italian secret Vatican, a city of its own?
You mean....Eben Pagan has a degree in MLS???
Informatic Era?
Hank does not have a friend, i know of. He follows Tina's stuffs all around, I know that much !
Leo and Austin, that is Pang's stuffs.
As you might have heard, my facebook is gone! ITs Gone! Gone gone gone~~~I have more problems because I have a facebook ever in my life, thanks to Dean !
I have 5 Sailor Scout, with 1 anomoly, meaning UFO flying all around?
If NSYNC does not count ... ...
炳輝叔叔: Actually you look like with the eye glasses too, 你們本來就是喜歡這種東西的人~~!! 我說你女兒如果就跟你演呀 !!! 醫科的~~
No, Tamang never seen you real face. No, you look aweful to him. You are an ABC type of that kind.....he ...I am not sure why he just goes to SUNY Buffalo, not Ivy League.
Lex, nick? Christian, not Roman Catholic is more colder I guess ....looking like Vampire story.
I technically believe they have compassion for others whom has tragedy more.
安安叔叔 : 台北車站 Taipei Station under the walkway toward Crispy Cream, 2 side walls. Ryoya Takashima, is not my stuffs, if 方方 would be more active to talk to him.
There might be so many young girls talking to Ryoya Takashima + young girls/boys from the entire Asia domain !!!
方方要積極一點呀 ! 找日本小鬼的那種氣息 ~~~ 日本人本來就很 Aggressive !
🎉🎊🎈🎉🎊🎈 Zawanna cannot wait to train the younger girls, because its One Life One Generation? 一生一世 ! They are outside ....litte bit far. They come in, for the celebration mood.
Do you know what is the celebration mood?
Taiwan YouTuber Joeman
Yeah, the real estate guy looking at outside Taipei area…. He is a young YouTuber. Their age are all like after college….kind of
Donuts means 101 walking there? Or Taipei station they fold the store Crispy Creme.
🎉🎊🎈🎈🎈🎊🎈🎉🎊🤧⚡️🪣🇨🇦💰AGT prank, what the ending was Vegas? My bad English? I didn’t hear it.
Comment MD: most entertainment world just need to lock up a basket of Easter eggs gifts full room hospital service for a whole month and tell them re-do it again. You can repeat from one month to 3 month to 5 months.
US Committee Boards, isn't my father's eyes, your stuffs to keep?
I worry he has nothing to eat?
Why is this bothering so much people? He often has nothing to eat, I think ....
Something about California? The Clerk Office looking for me?
Maybe Not them ....
They told me, no, not birds, where Lauren went a ride with Simon? Milabu, SMCH's bird....oh no, they don't talk about this things.
I heard the English house re-made, I say copy paste Steve Jobs, and its taken?
I didn't remember that is mine to begin that conversations.
Begins with .... (Commercial says, Africa grammarly? )
Lee? Like Vu, kinda of ....
How is Mark Chao and Eben Pagan thinks, if SImon Cowell and Keanu Reeves becomes their wifes?
Eben, you are so handsome, on my phone, with pink shirt, is that you? Really? You never told me, you are a that is why you dresses like pink? Does gay beat each other like Full House Lance Bass made a show, really in America, air on Cable TV ! Have you seen it?
You might just die now, not wait that reputation for eternity law, what you think, Eben?
Eben, Have you wonder, life is so tough in its nature, life has no hope in searching the practicality reasons, after acquiring 100 countries liscensing free lance jobs?
Is that independent you believe?
He meant he has mood of aura, changing colors just by admitting, he actually cares to be your wife or not? Eben?
So you do that on purpose?
You should be slap ~~~!!!
He knows himself the clause ....and conditions, that is all that means, without admitting the flags are changing in places back in 90s ....
So? You want to check your own nature of condition and clauses, where next? Africa? Its straight down?
Tell me Prince Harry, How to Erin story 西遊記? Its one monk.... and one monkey and 2 more ????
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Never thought the life can change from Statues to become, or slaves.
Open Galaxy, Prince Harry, where your brother gonna be? Near Home?
From South Africa, how can you land back in England safely?
You reach Italy?
Taiwan YouTuber 展榮展瑞 I know them ....they are just showing up on YouTuber Commercial !
They have a particular ways of YouTuber becomes Taiwan TV commercial....
PC Games or some kind....they all have a manage company.
小和尚小鬼~~~什麼是三經半夜、五十不滅? (我抬水剛剛 !! )
Vu and Fan 其實算你們的大師兄~都是你們的大師兄反正都差不多! 都比你們高,叫做至少有一個聽得懂中文呀 ! Fan !
一個銅板的意思? = One coin?
Night Market has some bread I think 20 dollars? NT
Vietanese Vu and Ola?
I receive a comment on this morning bird things. I cannot see it, but I saw the notification.
Vu is very very tall, but look like a monk head with Fan too.
Both are... monk head. They are very nice human, will have a cup of tea on the table, that means!!!!
趙又廷 or 霍建華 or Eben Pagan don’t look like that kind of that kind of you Simon gays!
No…they are not that rough guys neither.
Rough horrific European ! I think you might like Vartan better.
2021年9月23日 星期四
... ...
oh ~ You all doing something serious on the YouTube?
... ... I see.
I remember that now.
Time to go
Babaji: Me
Babaji: Me Time
I am tired.
Babaji: Go
When I was small, I grow up on the Television to watch China has tanks pressing all the students dead bodies. Under it.
I was like 5 years old probably. 天安門事件! That color is fire, green, no fluorescence light.
I live in this country growing up knowing a lot of passing.
One day, middle school, I started to access Internet. Beside Chat room....I have read something terrible more on the WWII. Its in South Asia, like Melinda's come from country, like she used to tell me.
So when American troops says they will stay, you will give them everything to stay here, on this island. I don't really know what I look like to them. But if I am blonde, and says my name....and all the proven, for them to be here, so there is a Peace, I really don't care what I look like to be honest.....
Comment MD: Humbly learn something from them. If they are present on the TV fine, that is as much support they can ever given you. Like a very sad story, you let go, and they die. You move on to your next journey in life.
People so so arrogance today, all right, then prove me, you can rule America.
That big land with peace, harmony and happiness.
You know they give out Guns everywhere, its Bill Gates says he going in where? Trying to make what laws? To prevent ? Getting more background checks.
You like that?
You all acquire a comfortable living, will shrink into a mode of reading books.
Readings books ! Become a hobbit !
I... will tell some people, because its American raise me up....
When you ....( I pointing at the 4 point frames, TV), that....there is a are not ....meant to tell me, your real statistic?
So really, no God, your own Bible says, only 3 words?
Tina's original Master says, Mental fitness or ETR Craig says physical fitness?
Can you actually tell me the Truth, if there are others does this 亞斯 and 將臣 story, as .....walking in walking out of a building, driving in driving out of the car parking lot, talking and eating in the Ramada luxury breakfast cereal bar with juices....white sheets.....white bread...
Jams and Jelly....
How to use knifts....
Dancing like in love with JC !!!!!
Not to have a hobbit, like reading novels? With eye glasses on?
So, that is how American gonna die out, or the world gonna die out, or you plan to have a lot of guns, they will shoot everyone and die out?
I have a bad omen superman, I am a super kid.
Somebody Wake uP !!!!!!!
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Wake up !
Wake up !
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溜冰天使,God sign that, you need to move your 4 limbs, and have a bf, or a family, to go out, and dining, like Loving Hut, with cousins, with all that is near around you....
Hi ! ARe you commanders, or American military, that is Sailor Jupiter...Bill?
oh ~ Hi !
Do you see my picture?
Where are these Super man, Super women ought to be variable at eye glasses level, and which novels?
I cannot open books, and you let them open every books????
You far, everything you see, because one time, someone exist in 1900.... You don't want to be like any of them? Make it to be the rank among the industrialists? 成為 1900 年代的工業者 ! 也需它們需要死了就忘了~你們把他們蓋過去呀 !
現代 21 世紀的工業者?
電視都在紛紛擾擾,這真的都是你們想要的嗎 ? 過去的工業者是多麼的偉大?
所以把他們狠狠的蓋過去呀 !
Everyone all seems to have a relationship....
You mean a job, or a family to raise of mouths to eat food?
I don't know about others...nick, when he was small, he went to church. He believe things written in the Bible, that is to care for the family he actually had. He provides comfers, car, heating, water, house for them. We left with nothing....actually.
That is very very kind of this one person for whatever he believes in God to do.
Do you believe that?
So what if that Indian 500 years old, is very very bad Master? Meaning, you go travel Eons, to ratify your minds, heart, and soul? Do you know what is Mundane World affairs you stay away from?
Stay far away?
Every mundane worlds? In which political system?
One eyes?
6 eyes....
If you travel, travel, and travel.....are you ready for that long journey.....not proving him, not proving you....its just to follow some God words, if you find some books in this called bookstore, Do you, will you, honor God?
By practicing 3 letter words?
Leap, Flip, Bounce?
Here this place, has police, they dissolve bad guys.....dissolving to pieces!!! They willing to dissolve this bad bad bad human, and no heart attached and fear to ever be with this guy, or tall guy, whom impaire, you have to give them money as kidnapping business?
Of course NOT!!!
Here has 尊上 heard about terminology, to teach words, teaching you songs, teaching you lessons !!!
I am telling you.
Its EVERYTHING you ever wanted!!
Its right here.
Jonathon is the only one in my honor class 105, to meet a problematic case, because he spent a lot of time and energy to start something he loves to do : Chess Club.
He walks outside a bit of his comfer zone.
What if....that is what Venus Father him trying to tell everyone of us....He is just like Jonathon, not everything is a perfect land in Venus? There is something that nature, comes to Stephen Tamang?
Jonathon didn't grow in life, because there is a lot of problems, heart ache things? No Matter What?
Everyone is trying their best to learn things. Medical board is everyone's case's boss.
Am I trying to rule that? Have some compassion, to everyone was with my life, that came to being affected by Stephen Tamang?
America this big, you don't really believe anything I say to you, anyway ...Its to move everything this way, my way. Asia Me Rules you. Bow, or else, you will have no life.
This is the end time.
You see.
Me or Eben Pagan.
He is a guy.
You don't think he is capable to teach you something?
In the old saying of Chinese, they say, among 3 people, one of them can teach you.
If I don't say that, Eben thinks I was joking !
Anyone has something you can learn from, but you all really really expand your ego so huge, you don't even know....what is so significant of life at present.
Its to make it in America, so huge and big, prove them, why you worth living for.
... Sometimes parents can be just the public figure themselves, to seeking doctors in public field. I might have heard that.
魔~~幻奇遇記~~~~~整個劇烈的震動力就可能都是魔~~~力呀 ! 你們出家幹嘛 ? 看電視? (小鬼小和尚 )
你們喜歡正道 ! 我還是這麼講就是了 ~
修行在於你喜不喜歡這個 path ....有人道心不穩,在開星際的瞬間,你們的決哲都是會有點舒服的世界一點,這個世界是可以做到的,只是你們貪圖 ....一樣東西之後又是另外什麼東西 !
你們難道真的不害怕嗎 ? 也許就是你!
If Stephen Tamang MD and Dean W MD be together?
No. They won't.
Why I am so sure?
Because if Tamang really online knowing what I am saying this far, he cares what he read that book, he might even believe how beautiful that Venusian people are, as couple, as longevity, as wise and as loving Parents as they are. Not like Smallville trying to tell him, that her and Jonathon only....
Jonathon Kessler, MD he is responsible. Nice person.
Both them read that book, and see me display photo, and ....everyone knows about Smallville.
Venus? You mean Tesla Venus?
Being their son on the television....a lot of people would never dream of that position.
I am not sure where he is really. Carrying gun is some paper documents on his records.
🥮🥮🥮 What is it like to be in a relationship? 🥮🥮🥮
I was with someone whom has a previous family. A very dangerous family.
He is nice. But like every relationship people, we don't live near, so a lot of driving.
Kissing and hugging and working it out life.
If this One Life long long long enough, I still watch over that nick, you know. The road will not be as hard as before, not as high tech, and things are in the way. I am still very positive towards things in that nature. Most people think, we ended in one relationship so we start another, like 2nd relationship, 3rd relationship.....I am simple. I don't see why he is such a bad person, no one can ever talked to....
Other people and books....
I went out of that relationship is to make money, I still think that is part of my responsibility of his family and my own family, like brother or sister.
You are running Miss Universe?
怎麼了? 我去一樣的地方.... 如果你們想做我做的事情,他們很多會做監獄 !
... ... 因為也許他們真的故意做了某些事情 !! 都是真的!
人不應該做錯的事情,我常常說呀 !
真的跟誰去會面說我安那說的事情嗎 ?
像 Karen 愛上迪恩了吧 ?
The only thing Tamang did was....有一天我們要聚會,他 he never shows up with us, meeting girls.
Stephen Tamang, MD.
But that is as little as very small things he can ever left to do in life....
小鬼小和尚~ 我吃到ㄧㄝˋ到了蓮藕,the roots of lotus, i ate way too much, please no more!!
Comment MD: that’s how Austin made his way to future Tokyo ! You cannot rule your company, you want to rule Taipei or Tokyo.
How did I what ?
Mix, patch, roll, press, throw, wait …..
Half time, roll out noodles?
I don’t remember. Nick has the kitchen.
Last, boil, dump…
Soy sauce+sugar+ oil
Big fire 🔥
Eat ! You eat it !
🍔🍔🍔😘 Prince Harry I thought you both are adorable couples too ! 🍔🍔📱🎉🇺🇸💣
Do you ever live a life someone drop you a flower = a 💣
They went to the morning front building to scream their lung off. We have different height building all around here.
BEAS? Latest Official RSSB Information Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB)
You are a lineage of have human here, you mean?
Are you saying, someone leading India from your organization, and since you are part of my SMCH 越南小尼姑 her own self dismay ... You are saying?
I am sure your self people listening to your own court...discourse, at the lecture hall?
I seen your groups, at least was never my neighbor's behaviors.....I just got initiated, and finally to that day, I should be quiet, until your race of human students come across my downstair apartment....
Your Sangha meeting at least looking without a noise, should be ....
That is on weekend.
They are on my weekday included weekend.
You must know...where, and which is Siddarthra?
How he is or How he was, or which of be queens wife to-be? Is that what you saying, my sister sent somewhere, I don't know where?
I don't believe in Indian, not really....
Their choices are their own choices....I had enough with all your Indian side problematic issues. Plus, you seem to be saying, you will lead your own people at the rudimentary subjects? Education basic 101?
You wish Hank will like Indian?
Of all things I know about Hank....
I want to go to lay down ....not talk about what he ever considers your own beauty course study, the breath, or the Aryuveda? He believes that stuffs even?
Like I said ....I am a girl, but if I am a guy, whole life free college tuition like in Europe, and free military drafts, to say, I can be anything I can ever want, without monthly period baggages like all the girls have....
Bible just gives 3 words in Job Description First sentence....toward the end now.
One day, how to fly ....
One day, how to fly ....
One day, how to fly ....
One day, how to fly ....
星兒 Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...

My brother's friend is Jones, traveling here and Facebook in between. Same height. Your older bigger brother groups. Rebecca & Ed B...
That is not the thing you talk about it? 一貫道? 然後呢? 我在上傳我的照片! 拿麥克風很可怕嗎 ? 我沒有在聽!不過 現在跟以後念會是一樣的!
I am below a UFO There is U-boat from Russia!