Crisis to Peace?
Have I ever mention I have several neighbors.....and they are on the roof Top !!!!
Hank cannot possible to get the job of those Physics scores has to way too high
Those are the politicians, on CNN !!!
Don't you just go buy out CNN, and you will just talk to one of the journalists, which politician going to the Washington DC?
Those are two brothers in the New York State, The older brother is the governor or the mayor....
Scandle again, that SMCH cannot stop saying it.
The Roof people going to them, of New York City.
You move to New York City residents.... or New York Residents....they rule you?
Those are dangerous human being ....but you all love Washington D.C for some strangest reasons.
We have president here, you can just go to their legislator meeting 立法委員 every few morning they have physical fights. On the television Live must be !
What a shame....
哇 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈ㄏ哈~~~~~~
I remember one of them went to Dr. Jane Book things with SMCH trying to flirts .....
立法委員~ 台北真的很小我告訴你們~走在路上都會碰到哪種人就是非常有可能~你們在美國弄政治,乾脆在台灣的本土上走路都可以撞到! 我告訴你~那個人真的長的像李登輝!!!!