

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ yeah I know. Yesterday 昨天科學的訴訟問題 you all want to sue us dead us science 1900 groups. You know, I know what you want to figure it out …what you know, I know, you don’t know. Correct, I know.

 New Age

You are white lighter, 

You are light worker

You are a miracle worker

You come far to join us in hands to pray

You comes in to our delight you need anything from us ?

You are manifestation of a God single point, called focus energy

You are energy being 

This body is not yours

This temple or God is whispering of me saying to you go to hell with it, impairement human.


I will help you to sound smart to …attempt doubts me in court 

Your honor, we are from like Susan Boyle Simon fan club, wish you to know we are Anglican singing none body require 4 limbs off human, no eyes needs color green, no hair needs to wash smell, no neck wears golds, but to use our mouth to wish a sound by having a throat cord to pronounce English, it’s everything given to us by God is so trivial to our gratitude is to Old Testament Yehweh, stem cells remake us a new skin, throat cord, hair to grow inside brain socket, eye ball green DNA stem cells, with brand new limbs looks nicer at volleyball, has an artery in our neck not dead to inhale oxygen to live so to compete Keanu Reeves young photos the One, Hollywood. 

One day .l.everything you are ….stem cells from my Anna Rao map 

 It will give every new things in your body when you try to Suicide yourselves spoon eyes, cut ears, drags hairs dry not moisture, blue eyes not green eyes, new heart, new liver no matter what food too salty and fat …you can become Atlantis, every body organ you intend to kill yourself with mentality, you will never die called Stem cell.

Your honor, we are from like Susan Boyle Simon fan club, wish you to know we are Anglican singing none body require 4 limbs off human, no eyes needs color green, no hair needs to wash smell, no neck wears golds, but to use our mouth to wish a sound by having a throat cord to pronounce English, it’s everything given to us by God is so trivial to our gratitude is to Old Testament Yehweh, stem cells remake us a new skin, throat cord, hair to grow inside brain socket, eye ball green DNA stem cells, with brand new limbs looks nicer at volleyball, has an artery in our neck not dead to inhale oxygen to live so to compete Keanu Reeves young photos the One, Hollywood. 

New Age, hear me once for all coach, you will pray so hard that days your life never was just a coach, a word single alphabet ever be wrong ….no one cares your tiny pieces of NPL !! Body is God given Soul is? Reptilian trap you back 

 Try to die and forget your memory …it’s one life.


You imagine you don’t need your body, not your eyes to see, not better hearing far far away with ability, you imagine you don’t have wings to fly. Those are temple of God given by God only ….

 Body is a useless temple

 You only need to meditate to soar high in drugs to drop acid ….

One day you want appearance, whiter teeth, black hair, blonde darken hair, blue one eyes, shorter neck length, bigger breast, better lung to exercise not disease, better dreams, better brain to IQ memory books to A transcript, better health not catch cough, better feet not to smell, better period without pain, better spine never sport injury but replace every single tournament….anything you ever wish superficiality on your body you ever ever ever all wish, when you look at the mirror to replace any condition, you call pain in body nerves you feel, migrant, tooth hurt, lip dry, skin spots, red skin too many dark mode, too many legs hair not to shave, no more beard …l

One day ….

You will remember God

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️一生永生緣⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 而你在身邊


 What did I say to you all about "prayers" & "Future"? You want to get this translation really done, and every frame in this story, I talked to Seth about Yeth, on Heart Magic as the highest magic exchange? Since you stay outside Christian, Buddhism Gate?





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...