Tina Life Itself

 Tina, life itself when meeting someone at the road or at any junction of a fate that yet to comes … …

 1. Hank does not do drugs, does not drink, pay insurance, fix roof, take care kids ….



Being with someone to ensure that evolution is both agree to grow with pain and argument was not done on purpose to each other hurts….maturely to grow wiser !


In the same age of pool, you Tina really believe, Hank has nothing to offer you or others a better life? You treat him with respect or you treat him you have to win every words he must obey you? That’s exactly what you are doing.

Life does not need to end so that people must hate each other when the intention to facilitate ….do you even read Bible? What loves mean? Do you even care what Bible says to you? It’s no matter what, you tolerate life so you have a chance to live and grow out of it what God plans you to go ahead …. 你說你去教堂,這些書本 all these books I ask you Tina 大人 買,it’s to register you in the head, Hank needs to learn English so I speak in English ?

When one day, Tina….有一天提那

When that someday you meet enough guys….當你有一天碰到夠了男人

You really think that choice of life you deserved before was really, not, one life one choice ?


Many things you and your mother are the curiosity of that split moments of gossipe in exchange a topic : on 男人 (bad man)

I hope you Tina 大人 knows that the choice being made to whom or to what and when was nothing I see, I can appreciate without.

I don’t really know Hank. I assume he has a reason does what he does. The strength of a person that you Tina 大人 willing to ruin, it makes others very despite these process, but only for the selfishness you don’t allow others to shoulder a world or behind that to prepare a path with or without a guide in gentleness, it is ruthless to say, you don’t even deserve a human standard to love forward what a games of love affairs that becomes the fate of late night a drunk state to mumble a word of telephone number hoping there is a next call. 

Chance in life you believe you do it with your own intention, Tina.

Fate in life, you believe by bragging it when you were married and then later trashed it after broken apart was just a game of elementary, fight and gain favor.

You sure about that, Tina? 你真的非常確定跟相信嗎?

Life gives a chance to rise a higher standard was by a choice to live through thick and thin. You Tina 大人自認為妳自己到底做到什麼? 真的嗎?誠摯的人生?快樂的人生?每五分鐘一個新人生!

When you believe a relationship was built upon how liberate your women right to become huge agenda, you must demonstrate you can carry that life each day with a responsibility with or without friends, associate, colleague, not love affair man and sleeping man, gun man, drunk man?

You believe that…really? 你真的相信,是嗎?

Bible tells you what God intent human to life at the garden he God built upon without worry as long as follow his commandment ! You Tina 大人 知不知道什麼是上帝的誡條戒規?

God intend human and animals to live in peace, intend one human treats with another human with the dignity and a life lesson, God wrote a whole book of it, at the end of 2000 years, do you even read it? 提那,人生在起點跟終點的同時瞬間,不是取決於自己最自私的過往跟悔恨,你需要看醫生,你知道妳自己的情況,最好不要在執迷不悟!自己有情況,尤其在美國,你可以找醫生好好說、訴說自己的情況,你不知道怎麼講,你好好跟 Hank 說呀!

In English, there are words you don’t understand.

In America, there are worlds of that responsibility is not a game to spell yourself without Self Growth after later life education, that’s why so many people after their works, they keep going to the seminars to a self grow, to a self help, to a self improvement classroom setting. 

That competition market everyone is doing it, to polish skills, to enhancing ones disciplinary in confronting life, in education others to become better, in training others to find a fulfillment.

Tina, God intend human is to make a growth in life not backward evolution to fight or to gossip what’s next of next fate might end up another drunk night!! 糜爛的人生跟宿醉的早晨,醉的每一個電話號碼的每一天等待,提那你也真的相信,妳自己的 intention is pure to harm or to hurt. 很多人不是白癡,他們想要選擇的人生絕對不是你提那想要代表跟執意所有人,必須 follow !

I hope you Tina don’t be so dummy believing an astrology chart in a love intention to build a life ever-lasting since many things are turning real on a reflection of life on screen!!

Do you even understand in English? 你到底有沒有聽懂我講了什麼英文? uhm ?

Things turning real on a reflection of life …on screen.


Family meant you work on it with faith you Tina 大人 get what exactly you want: drunk and waste life 提那的糜爛人生叫做每個霓虹燈的夜晚,你要不要紀錄一百次…現在紐約的浪漫每個歸宿的夜晚日期+電話每個月的哪家公司紀錄,十次沒?不會呀!你的媽媽從來沒有覺得多丟臉的那一天未來是我尊上糜爛的寫法叫做一心一意!!從來沒有變過!


Life with a purpose at least drunk to make a wear of Devil night, to have a devil yolk eggs to paint the wall of cracks…it’s never nonetheless to say, how trash a life both together is so rewarding to feel the togetherness in evil doing to denounce the human-possible-quality….was, just trying to live through life with or without a proper head concepts : your parents never taught you better!

To fan, to fan, to fan fan fan ….扇 刪 刪 刪 刪….

You see Tina, life purpose is to insist life to have….with a less degree of believing you grow out of God’s control! Like a hair fall has a degree…I am so dread it every single day on my cloths inside, outside, on my waist, on my belt, on my arm pit, behind my hair…then Apple cannot figure it out each and every time, I am so sick of these hairs are possibly everywhere I can keep picking one hair back, front, side, down, up, right, left, bend, sit, stand, behind, forwards, 

Do you want to call Dr Steven before he just gonna pass away his movie on screen called within an insanity facility, he sees you? But there is a piano.

        有一個鋼琴!! TK …O 金城武 

        Can God give you some times more ? 上帝請給我多一點時間, 

Your favorite show ? Except the playing piano girl is an ant man girl. 上帝請給我多一點時間, Dr Steven, 75 US dollars per hour on Skype, you can record it. 有一個電影彈鋼琴的女孩呀!是瘋人院 但是是 ant man 蟻人電影的美麗女主角!我不認識!

Do you think she looks like Irene?

TK ….金城武呀

TKO, it’s Justin Timberlake. 賈斯丁

Except all these people in another 10 years education might still living in drunk and waste and gamble life, whether I know or don’t, what’s 色 相 味 俱全

To fan, to fan, to fan fan fan ….feel alive and vibrantly!

你提那大人 don’t really believing in cherishing things in life when a luxury, blur states of mind life to get to a drunk cup of another drink someone else buy, you waste another life day to hold a responsible family household duty, to call a befitted mother, how to become a little more scared in women’s role is to love-reincarnated represent.

Maybe you don’t want to understand English at all.

At least tune to your movie studies if that’s all you ever left…another drunk state to ruin your liver that someone ever think or how your kids life can afford another challenging day without you !!





是哪本 trickery book 我叫你提那跟所有人買了丟盡你的所有臉嗎?





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