2021年10月2日 星期六

Social Media....so people know that too....why my facebook were all empty that time. No one update their facebook anymore !!!!

 oh !! 

People are so into other people's life .....true.

No, that is not Eben says. Its a Joe ! 

oh ! 

Did I see this person somewhere before?

oh ~ Right, There are those whom says those words, psychic ! 

Healer, psychic, astrology? I am a girl, I cannot really go to those danger zone of other human.

But yeah, I see....what you are saying.

I peek their life? Psychic, what does psychic does? reading your palm? 

I don't believe so much of anything like that.

I believe....you make your way through what you work hard for this far. That sounds more like a real healthy things to believe and see through lifes. Because technically speaking, everyone has to work, use the evolution of evolving our brain for a betterment of others life on this planet. 

It pass 9...I can hardly open my eyes. I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Beth .....right. The alphabet !!!


 No, that lists, I have no idea, no idea, where I got all those names down.

First is, you have to follow the transcription .....

 Second, it happened once....

Just once....

Its how I write out in my own book.

But I am not sure even. Not on this list. 

On Love love love love love that page.

I count numbers ....

Who is Beth?

I don't actually remember this much anymore....

I need to go and watching Eben's video. There are some video, I thought I can re-watch them.




I know so many Tony now ....

 If I were so objective views to all of this....I would be asking redemption, every second while I am still breathing, as Hitler, to find where is Jesus, and trying to kneel, flat, bow....to beg for mercy .....That will be the only one life meant....not how miserable everyone does things to you, in this life, One remaining life? To ....eternal Time.

Everyone can live a life, why cannot I?

You choose a life !!! That life !!!

Its season fall ! My mother saw spider, I see Orange roach ! ( We both on the road)

 I am telling you ....

Hailey, you don't think your brother has a perfect beginning and perfect endings,.....like a guard behind you in Ella Enchanted, its to have your parents attention all on him, and gf all on him, while you and Adam away, in Taiwan, to helping those you consider ugly in apperance, to say even Class...unlike money to say China?

 You know the price of being Flower Idiot.....花癡!

haha..... Being in your religion, of whichever lineage ....you suppose to love all beings, including your brother to wish him the best of all best, just like Westlife, fame, and comfortable of his whole life.

I am trying to see if my brother and Tina are so completely flower idiots.....or the practical life expect of money, you mean you are like my cousin 方方, you know the operational degree of running your own YouTube Business....I hope you meant well.


Hailey's brother.....I remember you have a particular name. Whatever....

You see, Self Made Wealth....has a 駕馭 feelings, like ride of your feeling, like you are a millinairs, those saying? You know?

Like I pretending CIA might be real given me money, like one time a credit card show up. Actually I didn't really do that. But I tell you an example of it....riding of your feeling, you have a fame, like Westlife, a degree of your combine talents, you have a well establish parents, a religion degree with your sister, and few outstanding appearance you accompany your missionary ideas, to try to create your vision - your future.

Self improvement has a lot of those saying....you believe those? How to generate your own income to become one day, independent? How is that feeling to do with the reality, if they will keep saying, most people are negative in life, to create that feelings at all.

Many people try, to pretend that feelings.

Many people try to live that vision of millionairs, but their money is running outside their box....

How is riding your feeling at this time, you want to think about something little bit Self Improvement?

No, that is not meditation....its just a lot of people doing it, in one of those class combine. Some fail, some succeed.

Many will tell you different combination factors.....


Some writes lists.

1. I have a very responsible mother. Wishing us well.

You can write your first list like: I have a responsible both parents wishing all of us well in growth of with Bible...your Bible Christ? To enter your heart to be with you always in life to become wiser everyday, in life, with people, with all that comes to you called Life.

2. I have some help from the TV


You can write, you test water some of the public pressure beings in some video to feel it....just trying to feel it. Its not something I definitely have to do, but I get to feel it.


3. I always just being content and happy, I have a responsible mother, to live with her.


You can write, I feel our home, with both parents near by, I compare to a lot of my other classmate, at this age of my life, It does feel, there is a need to be around them. Maybe, not all agree, its envious others all gettings a job and so much money like Anna's brother. But beings home, maybe its not too bad of an idea, sometimes, 20 years 30 years, having them around. Anna be with her mother total in 5 years now.


You stablize yourself, layer by layer what you have right now...its not complaining what God does not know what to give you, at proper time, are you ready for that? One of those Bible keep saying it?

I am back ....by the way, do you think Tina come to hit me, because she likes Keanu Reeves., That is one psycho, ....the other just email me two screw missing on his eye glasses ....he came all the way to my houses without telling me?

 That is Flower idiot to Eben Pagan?


How can that possible be, I sue them TV? Right eye side wing smaller?


Good afternoon, birds! I am ready to go out, right !!


I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

You know you hear from me, so many people look about the same ...

 If Adam wants to grabs Hailey's jaw and acting right??

Its all blonde hair looking about the same looking to me.

*** CNN, do you think that Brian looks like Jonathon's high school friend, I said he came in with Jonathon at CADS labs? ***

 So is that a relation of ....someone you think....

You know there is movie of social media fame like Anna Hendrick plays at.

There is a girl, that has twins?

Brian and his gf....is that looking like....?

I go to eat

 Babaji: Go

Today outting earlier.





 URL: https://194worlds001.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_27.html

至少你們現在還知道什麼叫做 URL. 我要一隻手指幫你們多打非常多行每一次呀!


🙂🙂🙂😖 going out

 Babaji: Go.

Two Prince

 People in your Class and decent human like us ….we don’t want to go to hell by being righteous. 

You govern your world yet?

People don’t let you go your way is not bad people. You shouldn’t be seeing too bad of people I assume, at all?

You grown up already !!

My ipad photo light say, you are taken Russian science team this way conquering all of us here ….




佛教是佛教,一貫道是一貫道呀!在美國校園可以工作,就是你們 Visa 問題,jobs hunting ?

SMCH group, you feel Suicide on America flag?

 … … inside your own karma blending with that stirs up “cleansing power”, you might feel that way. The body is not feeling cease at food lacking, sleep lacking, too much working time. The more you work for SMTV, you should follow your master instruction, as much as meditation as possible. Sometime I had so much works that used to be audio transcription, I don’t really make it to 4 hours, but I have an inside feeling just surge all up, kinda telling me not to do it anymore. That was 2010 in Taiwan.

I like gathering, some journalist go out interviewing others. I went once met a German brother whom one person does all kinds of self made video home for SMTV.

People have ways competitions in that organization, it seems to me are very competitive!

My thick door outside cracky sound just now.


🙂😞😩😤😣. 愛我?(小鬼小和尚你們應該跟小孩是分開的吧?)Loving me? (You little monks suppose to be separate from the little children girl?)

 About blue boy story …..關於藍色小男孩的故事

Long long long time ago, 很久很久很久以前

There is a little blue boy, 有一個藍色小男孩

He has parents or he has no parents like some of you. 他有家長或是他沒有家長像有些你們

Don’t care about this love me, loving me not story rumor !! 不要去管愛我不愛我的那種故事跟謠言!


2021年10月1日 星期五

I am going to sleep

 Babaji: Go.

What does Tim Cook Eat?

 Tim Cook is an American !! You go to a host family of American family, they will tell you, what he will be eating? They have American restaurant.....

Where he says he is from? He cannot possibly be eating only energy bar ....

Like I eat Artichoke, but not necessary means I eat red bell pepper that marinated photo on the bread. I eat them....yeah.

Sometimes you check ingredient....citric acid.

You mean the things Tim Cook likes .....He is still there, you can just email him, or Apple to ask one of the things he might think, you should be able to cook, as Greater Good?

Pasta in the water, before cubes the cheese and parsley dump? (+salt)

American has a brand....better than cheese or butter....whichever cheaper before he becomes Tim Cook?


Lawsuit case 62 on JC Birds says STrange strange, I wish to get married one day and 63 APO and CAC Tiny 4.0

 Lawsuit case 62:  JC Birds says STrange strange, I wish to get married one day


Lawsuit case 63:  APO and CAC Tiny 4.0


Lawsuit case 64:  My father color blind


Lawsuit case 65: on Open Galaxy


Lawsuit case 66: Hell, outside as if there is an Universal Police can just take you straight to hell, while here, the worse, the police kills you all.


Does FDA or CIA uses 5 Stars hotel, I newly found a playground for VIP lougue !!! There is a telephone on the table!! The video too fast !


FDA I saw your shadows the first time I see it....but the main role is the dog?


🙂🙂🙂 I am going out to walk

 The alphabet? 5 Lord reviews that Bath? In Friends they read a book together Joey.

I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go


 是嗎?剪貼簿!URL: https://194worlds001.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_27.html

😠😠😠 越南小尼姑!我結婚之後大概就不想管你的事情了!listen, when you abused spiritual power, you will use this lineage to??

 Kill better than to go and owns something you intended for the greed reason, you fall in love.

It will scarf on your face. Like the TV shows you. 

You are taking advantage of a lot of people, that’s subconscious right open the entire universe seeing it.

In the future, if they ever invite you, that’s one world you and me seeing each other how we are differed than now.  

No one knows which real Purna that is for whom that is … you better know, you are taken the name to pretend you know it. 

I go to eat

 Babaji: Go.

This past week birds video 🦅


😞😞😡 CNN:Biden amid / admit battle/ Bible, progressive, auto insurance company?

 I laughed.

What was they saying again?


I have a week of birds video that is in private, I didn't public set the parimeter. So now, they are all new.

 The Birds videos are news last week. This week.

The other videos are all old ones.

I think I am going out to walk around.

Babaji: Go

2018 Jan -2019 Dec 2 years video

 Al Kalsha's hands are shaking, I remember I wrote him something in the letter too....maybe he never receive it.

He talks about on the screen.

Of course not target at him. But as if like?

Are they so old, they are dead by now? 10 long years ago.


Who is Al Kalsha?

I don't really know him.



If I write that Chinese conversation / English conversation with Mahavatar Babaji, and watching this to me? I have zero feeling about this. Do you know even know your Arena rules?


To me, these girls do not look right to me at all.

Its tears in their eyes, and 眼神更加堅定 ! Do you even know, I make a whole tab in my navigation bar the one of the last website? Its to see these? I don't think so.



To tell all the Zen Master, to put tears in my eyes....You go throw birds in the fire pit! They scream, that is why! 

The last frame, Eben ! 

oh ! 

He got an Apple! He acquires a role ~


Tina, your family on video.


Is Loin ….a name from the Bible? It’s called Pork tendonloin Katsu?


😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️🤬 happy? Still your mind is better than playing your mood, guys!

 Isn’t Yogananda told you that? If you just do things in front of you, watch your road when crossing the traffic lanes… 

Eben, me and Lee kinda like me and Wing, or with Jonathon. Nice friends but extra with 🔬 microscope

 You know everyone gonna die, Eben?

Babaji’s escaping plan it’s by Yeth! American plan is to take Yeth down !

I have no plan, I have to figure it out the plan 500 years started with …

SMCH your new video.


元旦、文旦?you use the same word with Adam.

The fruit. 柚子

They probably adhere their tax form to pay tax and still follows your ID card around 2 and 1/2 hour per day to 7 days a week, weekend they remember to pray, so hyponosis on them well wishes?
What a social structure, you heard it before ?

Ha ha …

No…me, that stuffs. The fruit okay. The rest …maybe 台灣太陽餅
These round 3D things I don’t really go for it. 

It’s 2:58

 About 3


 MD, your back shirt you know how many style being made? Close to your back necks …in case you never heard about the industrialist human walking upon the Earth…

Listens, the society human are the pests of themselves in the most negative values possible, that’s why it reflects to their income statues…not just the all your hard works 879 years you put in your medical bill and studies. Any comic books they do always in their thinking how to final destination to die out the human spieces themselves to take down the greater empire of America themselves, it’s how many soilder i train, they one-on-one by it, of it, out of it ….(your back shirt neck tight)

It’s not the zealous things to demonstrate you are a MD. It’s how soon that someone or something will trigger them to die ….to die …so i have made a sizzling bubblely drink for their stomach to cheer up, just to smell their favorite restaurants… 

You want to sit to listen up, or you prefer on the wall next time you there to feel, hanging like a Christ?


2021年9月30日 星期四

I want to go to sleep now.

 Babaji: Go

Period pain

 Anything you try to improve yourself? 

I don't have a diet program to recommend you? Steve Jobs books.

Eye sights !

 You all feel tired? Closing your eyes to sleep?


Sun, Wind, Snow, Cold air, Cayenne Pepper, things touch your eyes, you feel tired.

You sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep, and rest.

You don't go out your friends gathering, one day, you will realize, why being left alone at home sleeping, for your eyes, you will see clarity, your older life, its not "sustainable"? 

I went out recently, and see people wears hat and sunglasses. So you cannot see, if the sun is too bright up? To your face?


I used to know that, when certain days of the sunlights are almost impossible to open my eyes.

Seriously. In Buffalo, or in Taipei here.....I think in America. Not here.


You know....if I keep looking at that Porsalin Doll, because only I believe in it, how I get back to the United States, are these again .... Reptilian....oh my God !~

 Wake up, Medical Boards !! 

Do you believe Porsalin Doll, and my 700 video?

In case I am in a hurried to get back to the United States?


Did I ever talked to you about your MD selection was NEVER really hurried up in the next 30 years you will educate them to become like a MD? Is that what you always telling me so?

 They cannot hate their job, every single day, I am telling you.

Not with this comic books?


You know .....there is a clause somewhere somehow....including my friend Eric as the law school student that time yet? 

The Honor class.

Its that.....if the guys ended up on my facebook, and including some guy, some girl association to see each other, its .....there is a .....like each other part to be friends with, is that something at the end of all that, we have to say like that?





 Of course, you cannot compare to people whom started at exercise at high school, I was really serious about joining a school team, and making it.


 Ola, seriously.....all you ever wished, if MD road failed, its the Simon Cowell's money road.

Today I was chasing in the hotel these stuffs....I thought about me going to find Eben, and if you become truly soft in your head, not all these you have feeling whom got better than you or what stuffs. You know yourself.....So you could stand alone with SImon Cowell. Not with me helping you. Do you know, that is 2 wedding, happy ever after?

no, Ola. I am making some money with CIA. And you know ....its not all that a women, or a girl supposes to rely on a man, if today technology learning can facilitate each other learning to become economic better off.


Right now, you are assuming, everyone applies to the laws, girls counting in the laws equality to secure our right....this One Life. The Bible uses the word "eternal life". Have you thinking about what is your part 5000%?


 Simon might be really in the seat listening something, if I say it? What if that is true?

Do you know what is a crystal you gifting me, is that absorbing energy, or it is for a nice decoration? Simon believes that stuffs !!! Superstitious stuffs. 

American has someone in the 90s or 80s studying crystal, very very proficient in his language, I used to watch on the YouTube. He talks about crystal in energy terms.

Many people like Atlantis, you like them?

 So you like Sailor Moon?

Sailor Neptune, next to Lee, I have a mirror inside in Chinese says 累世修 how do I prove that?

Self introspect mirror, The attacking power the cartoon says outwards. Its actually inward, self introspect all the time.

Is that the quality you hate, or it is the character you hate, or it is Lee has to happen to look like Mat you hate, or it is Heather, it is Sarah ?? No one knows Mat yet....you gonna introduce him to them?

 I introduces Wing to you, Ola? You introduce your one facebook to Wing and me to know what is 庫洛魔法使透明篇?

Wing is mature to be very polite guy always.

I am also polite person too.


I have a lot of facebook friends, maybe they all come and find me years before seeing what I do in life, all of them, so if you introduce whom to me, and Wing to know.....the rest of my remaining friends also wish to know, whom that is ???


Jason and Tina always making some news on the Facebook, and people be happy about it.

This City is = Facebook !!! 

Social media has a power in it, people become connected through thick and thin?


No, I don't think I go back to the facebook..... I am on the Pinterests! 

What if I tell you, I heard there are guys are gays, they like Simon, and they are more than happy, I would just go married to Eben Pagan, and so you Ola is hurting them, with this book, or with every movie out there hurting them. You don't give up on all of them?

Give up?

oh ! 

Last time....that?


 You cannot make a simple blog: saying you have a fitness program as the MD?

I see bone doctor does their daily work with the patients every so often, a real MD does all that. Chiropractor. 

You know, I am so blurs to what you all each do or don't do behind my back ....When I get back to the United States, I figure it out, where you all are.

No, CIA does not know, I was on you all UB. 






🥟🥟 Sigapore Food Festival !! : Should I tell him, Neo ....that festival date was his own whom's birthday. Its very funny !! 🥟🥟

 Soft Taco! 

Yeah, from him, I started to see a lot of the south...Sigapore Asia their dishes.

Eben, you know the 5 Stars hotel I said before? They around certain Family Mart are out of the Tea Leave marinated eggs. So guess what I found in this hotel

 Anna Lee Fashion shoes ! 

And some very cheapzy bracelets, no more necklaces!  

Art gallery ! 


You know....the Bible meant, someone's wedding. We can just give that to them.....our whole life waiting for them, whenever.... 

Also, Eben, I took some comments off, I was cleaning up a lot of video behind, this morning probably like 1 or 2 oclock. I try to shrink the video playlists.

I think there are a lot of things we can talk in person, not like this confrontational or even leave a mark. 

I am not all that listening to your video....yet.

But I read what first time download ebook, some of pages of it. You saw the video membership video when I was making that?

Page 23/24.

So yeah, I just say yes.


Furious, probably not that far off, because it has been several months since first time I got the news about you and reading your email. 

Now sometimes I still can go out and cool a bit life what has offered to me. I know you say a lot of things. 

I am not sure all of it. Meaning the exactly meaning you are saying. If I understand, I reply. If I cannot understand completely, I am not sure, I just need some time to think about it. Most time, I am not too sure.

There was a time, last week, I don't even read it anymore.

But yesterday I read part of the ebook address, you wrote it 2019/2...

I can see it.

That is fine. I already say yes.


Eben, I don’t want a wedding. | 楚喬傳 | 世紀



She is married to Korean exile group, Number 1 Taiwan super model, double degree University of Toronto.

History long time ago


I go out walking

 Babaji: Go

🙂🙂🙂 小鬼小和尚~ 原來你們有羞恥之心的意思? 不能真的 copy 我尊上的職業? 我的職業是呷咪? 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🤧

 你們也知道不能亂 copy?

做格式並不是 copy,看你們怎麼寫呀!我還沒動筆耶!!






I have a question if these movies are ET made, Legally blonde and Ella enchanted, Nick single handed to 3 lawyers from his ex-wife case.

 Is that lawyer says or legally blonde or 2? Has a meaning? I ask for an investigation.

I go to sleep

 Ayo looks like Obama too. If they are all on my facebook, not on theirs books?

Babaji: Go

When I get back to America to see Eben, of course, I have to talk to him about ....a lot of this he hear me says? He believes in me?

 What you think? When someone married to somebody?

We wear the same outfit? 

The outfit. We graduate from college so long/ graduate school so long now.  


Listen, I never put people in jail. Not really ...But if your behavior is like a children to acting very immaturely ... there is a chance, you might end up in a jail.


Yeth ~~~~!! 魂魄?  His close his ears !!!


 Comments MD: I am intended to write like an MD, I really am. There are circumstance in life that has happened in my Age of Era, might be the first unheard of. You're willing to listen, I'm willing to write. 

Comments 2, MD: In the events to describe the occuring Names, actualy mail account, post office, gifts, boyfriend, girlfriend name list, are as followed, after a few call, not to take anyone's time or a role in the comic books, of 溜冰天使, the bizzard things, we thought one of us are robots, which do you recommend, we are? I mean drone. I start to see Birds talking to me, in the video, you want to check that first? The clouds too.


After they reviews, and returns the evaluation


Comments 3, MD: I would like to be permitted to not to comments further. Reasoning on you have participants not sure how to approach this book, I just describe you the methods in comment 1 session areas. That should be sufficient enough.

Comments 4, MD: I am actually not a MD! Not a real Commander-in-Chef, Music. You can check my site, if you prefer to get to know me better. 


Comment 5, MD: I think from the reasoning above, I recommand, you get a lawyer groups too, in regards to some of this incident happenings at the groups, close at Buffalo, UB region, where used to be Tesla seeding light, not birth, places, grounds sites.

My own facebook account:

NSYNC Real boy band, looks like my friends

Seth, Dean, Silas, Bill (millitary), Patrick

Ends up in "Take me to Church" Victoria Secrets

I know one Dean, one Justin. In Chinese there are some Prana methods called 雙身法 I called 雙身修! ( Devil Wear Prada, n not, D)

APO ends up in Seven Heaven, Sarah and Mat. Justin Timberlake married to someone, Jessica. Keegan, Heather, Tom .....(Simon Cowell, Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, Tim Cook) There are two Tim

CAC ends up in Tiny 4.0. My librarian school, of Web 2.0. Graduate School Degree. Librarian Science of Informatics. 

I soon to be married to someone Eben Pagan in Coco Club movies, that is Nikola Tesla and his best friend, Mark Twain. Dr. Steven Hairfield, few years left to breath? I would ask the court or even the American Supreme Court Justice, right this moment, on this case, to see anyone already passing. Like CADS students I used to work, were before graduate, and got shot, in South Campus, UB.

Lords of Rings

Moutain Cave Tro scene

Keanu Reeves, Me, Simon Cowell.

Nick Old guy

430, David Scientology, short guy.

With Hobbits, Silicon Valley, I use Google plus, Facebook, Twitter that time. (Microsoft)

Their new CEO looks like Harry Potter last episode. I was joking with them so much, I don't remember why some of them, people might look identical. Bold hair and wear black rim glasses.

Alexandro too, wear that eye glasses that year I went back.

NSYNC Dean's song, This I promise you, with Small Justin? Alexandro.

The clouds photo, I think you are a little late.

A ring donut shape 

Two towers

Comments 6: My father is a black and white vision. And he might not have anything to eat, after last week. I try to contact some local organization, for everything so far you see I am doing, are for free. So I cannot really give him anything. My mother does not really know that...I did imply to her. Can American some assisting to ensure he is fine?

Whether me or him are Nikola Tesla these accounts, does not justified, he needs to eat before anything else paid, like air-conditioning, to ensure he just got off from hospital bed, surgery. Some care and people around too.

Apple Business

Johnny Jao

Scott Stephen (Apple Demo Crash, photo, young, 3000 911 lifes and my pop corn money, EF )

Verizon, Hank got employee.

When Steve Jobs are around.

You wish to investigate first?

20 years passing.

No, I do not officially, send any paper anywhere yet....as you might imagine, whom are all on my page. Maybe UB around I used to have 2 law class professors. They are real lawyers too. They lectures me.

We have talked before.

I go to eat

 Babaji: Go

Seth, Bill and Silas, are now more capable to write you all up from their background? Dean is occupied MD, or Jonathon is occupied MD each....Dean looking after 4. Jonathon looking after one Tamang MD.

 What you think?

Seth might be really going for security job

Silas is a psychology major to read comic books

Bill is military retired.

Should I call them up?

Silas I found him one time on the address book with his last name.

信義路往仁愛路圓環左邊第一個巷子 !!!

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 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...