2021年8月28日 星期六

I used to be in a battle ground, on my PC, here or at....when we started a monitor at Reviews. It was against the Time, and the nerves to feel being, shocked, we are opening the "scroll" like movies, or TV, or commercial.

When I used to be in that run of operation.... everyday, I was on the go of doing things right in front of me by a merely a thought we will do this way.

Correct, what is aired inside of me, to outside a YouTube playlist, no, you will NEVER want that ever happen, ever. 

Like I might know a roughly story, and there I seen, what's prepared there.

Yes, I wrote it out first, someone behind must have found it. But there are other operation. Hypothetical. I hate those. I am not a person will tell inside, that has no evidence through the mouth.

Through the mouth to verbalize a word, or a description, this is what I see. 

You need to be sure, there is a reason saying that, others have no access to what you see. 

Its every word, I have a feel that is what I do.

Not all of you do, anyway. 

Attitude, towards teacher

Attitude, towards lesser, or greater...whom you try to win? 

Make sure that is dead thoroughly no space to breath it. No emotion injection because its very lowly exists. That's all that means to delivered. 

I will keep saying, you all taking tests, to embalish your knowing? Are you sure, that kinds of methods, you learn things? Really? 


You want to be trained ?

I think he meant to say was Steve Jobs and Eben Pagan.

They do this over and over 赤壁 like thorn

at you, to the wall.

Steve Jobs have Apple and Eben Pagan have???


I think PC and bathtube, says, Pearl.

You them whom wants to help Pearl, like yesterday, the White Clouds says, true Love, real love? double your dating...

I have .... 

Feb to Sep, Pearl you getting married?


Feb A

si A B A, one guy, two girls. 

Ce = ocean 的 


Ocean B ( = 4 wedding and 1 funeral )

That is 1234...5


清海       喪失

I need to go to sleep.

Tomorrow we figure it out.

Every single day of that Christian cute adorible of the reminder quotes, of love love love....you will know, on the other side of continent, where the sea lands at....

 You will never make it ! 

Telling you something worthwhile, you don't even know how to be ....appreciative ! 

At least that just a commodity, that hangs in front of you, you uses a nail, to poke the wall, that is wood made without concrete. How every day of your life, its to reflects, through every degree of materials, its from my hands to deliver you any home good hardwares.


You could live with pride....is anything that is not chemistry composition, without....Fire ! 

Lifes its to feel it ....because under the moon light, there is someone like me, how to make Lalla feel, how cross of a room like Irene, has a book, that hangs, not scent only this, but an island with dead soul, Christians like! 

Its might be just cursed.


The reminder is in, each and every date, I know, how to deliver....exactly how everyone felt, to touch their sight, to see....

What I want to delivered....Agree?

Live a life, like, you could fee....in control.

That is Self Made Wealth, agree?

How adorable, its to stand like those, trumpet, without a political right ground to marching, its own speed to Congress, if those simple wordy, words to make it right, to spelling first, how uneducated human, makes it way, to become.....

A reality.

Its inside your head space.... haha....

Life has waste, just like.....morning dew to yawn, how each individual like you yourself, are just .... 茫茫人海,心無旁鶩,了無前程了 ~~~~~

So many of these military, you hold in hands, its to surely assuming, you could, make them feel right, just like your spontaneously dialogue, in between the guys crowd. I will tell you, I am not a guy.

So at least, starting with each other like you between you, you will see...how in the end of 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, or 40 years later....

You aging without your speed to right how you become your life target....its for evolution purpose.

You don't really know how to educate yourself right.


The Highest Achievement award I ever got is....at elementary. The school name is 立人 

The highest award name is: 立人獎!

After that, I never went out again.  That was it. The things I ever made an efforts in, 6 years! 

No, there is a reason I am telling you that for. 

Because that is a similar concept, possible like Tenure

The award, I think its a cloth embroidery made. About a palm size? Different color. 

Threads have colors, like Ancient King's throne robes, particular yellow, like silky, Elvis 430 Victoria Secrets.

SMCH used to have one of those robes, or cloth, at the table.

The glossy part.


 You never seen a thing in a world? Something you all have, are just junks. Truly, Mexico. 

Its between the color tone, to accent felt....gangs. 


Not even snow makes you feel, that is white reflects its 條紋 ! You cannot see far away patterns.

To say you are organized. 

Why you want so difficult road, kid? You won't be happy. None of your tribes will be happy. They won't. Its a money oriented world, and prayers to feel, touch heart, to let's say, one afternoon car ride for a Taco Bell.

Its to chat away, whatever family issues, to say kids, or wife, or union of all that spells guys' world, what they ought to become, family bound.

Aren't they all married?


Hats too heavy, to feel beard too weary, that black in their nature today's seen, behind my 306 sundown apartment....I have passing them, to believe, they have their own congregation statues, like Vegetarian Jewish Church. I heard from SMTV.

News of tales, that resounding in the world, its how, their books to read, must have an indicator, they are vegetairan? Really? Those worlds of bagels, to say, morning chore, to meet, are so early, I won't even get that up, to breath too cold, of Williamsville.

It really cold.

Those life has pass. I actually really grow up here in Taiwan.

Warm weather even nick has promise me, if one day I found a warm place like California, I will tell him, here we are not even tropical, like tropical fruity, Vietnam, to say....hot....


we are above 23.5

That is beyond sub-tropical, we are in Capital, so it is a basin, you will feel it, some densing, heat. Because the mountain all around this basin, its surrounding at it full.

I think its already located like that, when I remember I grow up in my textbook, geography.

I have a very good teacher. 

How to draw with a chalk, truly amazing. I think she has so much jobs, to be seen, to tell you about it. 

What is a true geography classes, if you dare it....to tell me.

Sees it.

Painting !

It was a private middle school, anyway. So much tuition.

My patience to all of you, whom are not dead yet...I cannot care which UB or SMCH groups, that finding true love in the Hollywood, like educating, whom you have friends with, classmates, to be a mature people having an attitude to begin with. Stand, sit, eat a meal. Laugh and smile

 I wrote Alyssa a very careful notices, on the right hand side. I hope you all read it right, as a girl.

I repeat once more...I do not have patience, when I keep repeating to you the same things, over and over and over...you are not doing it, and I am growing it exponently....on the same Time, we are using it called 2021 !!!!!

People stay on certain path, its not to show off to American, or Canadian, or any flag of any country in this World.....

People staying on certain path, has a reason, why its call, a Path!!!! 

I hope you all have a parents to talking to, why they were a parents, with their parents, to hoping, your attitude can be theirs to vain to their parents, like your grandpa, or grandma, because the War Treaty, I notes it down has a clause,

Just do the mature person suppose to behave, meaning....if I receive a police report, what is outline a not mature friend groups you intent to smile, without them notify me...I can see.

I know how that goes with the words, I just label it right with Alyssa on her leg, next will be on her face...if she continues to believe it....I have a good intention on anywhere saying photo, to glorifying me myself, but not hers...

She has no reason to live that day, and that every day on, she knows seeking death how quainted thirst, yet road to become, that unimaginable Truth, were to discovered, all that heart wrecking, was True, and Real Felt.

I say already, your inside out, I see it very very clear...no matter who you are.

 Life you suppose to make it sounds like you worth it, to stand before the Lord.

You don't really give a dame, I will make sure, you suffer so greatly, here and after, understand, Alyssa? 

You suppose to look carefully what is your head against that Taipei Station on the wall...understand? 

You do not understand what it is by force, you will have no more diginity to left, I do not care you have a liking or not, especailly what it is in your brain.

I am that I am! 

Shot the leg

find your way to the hostpial, to explain, how you did that? 

Try to rebel one single second without a sounding, you will know one day, what's one million shot in a second means...

Cry with tears are those with girls attitude like you, to believe...there is a future without, anymore soul left ...without....understand? 

What's any guy would do to you, you never seen what its a real nature...how I put it....killing millions of galaxy means you will know how life on Earth has no meaning a second worth, while....such as yours...Alyssa. 

Cry, its to louder sound....like you have a heart to feel....

Light in the eyes has to fade, so that death sounds not too far, its the enjoyment, I will tell Nonno, I am in the chair to make applause on your face to look on all of your friends...

Shivering is when you cannot stop it.....to feel it....Understand? Your face God intent one day, if not scarf to bleed, how you gives 5000% nakes....right?

Sound in cry has to hurt so bad, so I can hear it.....its bleed to hurt, or head injure to pain?

There is nothing but to cry and tear, sounds right, just like a girl should do, understand? 

I am working needles. By the way, SMCH, don't you think, you should start your own 5 Lords around or on screen On Stage performance? Stunts can be plenty, but racing between how you traini yourself 5 or 1, to the screen 1 or 5....

 I started 2013....The You Generation to get to Hollywood, 越南小尼姑

也許提娜跟邦他們 as if they are not so well verses...but I don't think today is the first day, they started these...so is 小鬼小和尚呀 ! 

Confronting the Screen recognition

You recognize whom's face first, then you assemble your own people or their people before they dead, or you wish they are the Ones, to become your lead...so you be lazy around in the house.

Well....what I try to explain to you.

You better started as early as you see this.... "Two of us"! 



Pang, they talk like that all the time.

Bribe, do you know that word in English?

You know what to be artistic, they like things pretty! 

They like their 窩 to be .....warm and fuzzy


都是真的 ! 

看 !




你想要幹嘛 ? 對面詹先生


我說的 !

舅舅跟舅媽就是銀行耶呀 ! 弄關係~~~~



叫做什麼呀 ! 紅色的樓叫做紅樓!!!

蘋果早餐店呀 ! 就是他的 !

詹先生呀 !






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...