2021年8月28日 星期六

I used to be in a battle ground, on my PC, here or at....when we started a monitor at Reviews. It was against the Time, and the nerves to feel being, shocked, we are opening the "scroll" like movies, or TV, or commercial.

When I used to be in that run of operation.... everyday, I was on the go of doing things right in front of me by a merely a thought we will do this way.

Correct, what is aired inside of me, to outside a YouTube playlist, no, you will NEVER want that ever happen, ever. 

Like I might know a roughly story, and there I seen, what's prepared there.

Yes, I wrote it out first, someone behind must have found it. But there are other operation. Hypothetical. I hate those. I am not a person will tell inside, that has no evidence through the mouth.

Through the mouth to verbalize a word, or a description, this is what I see. 

You need to be sure, there is a reason saying that, others have no access to what you see. 

Its every word, I have a feel that is what I do.

Not all of you do, anyway. 

Attitude, towards teacher

Attitude, towards lesser, or greater...whom you try to win? 

Make sure that is dead thoroughly no space to breath it. No emotion injection because its very lowly exists. That's all that means to delivered. 

I will keep saying, you all taking tests, to embalish your knowing? Are you sure, that kinds of methods, you learn things? Really? 


You want to be trained ?

I think he meant to say was Steve Jobs and Eben Pagan.

They do this over and over 赤壁 like thorn

at you, to the wall.

Steve Jobs have Apple and Eben Pagan have???


I think PC and bathtube, says, Pearl.

You them whom wants to help Pearl, like yesterday, the White Clouds says, true Love, real love? double your dating...

I have .... 

Feb to Sep, Pearl you getting married?


Feb A

si A B A, one guy, two girls. 

Ce = ocean 的 


Ocean B ( = 4 wedding and 1 funeral )

That is 1234...5


清海       喪失

I need to go to sleep.

Tomorrow we figure it out.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...