2021年9月9日 星期四

人都是有很多層面的 ….亞洲情懷、饒邦的 renter 是你從我的眼前巴走像 Tony 一樣觸感的錢呀!

 叫做幾個 percent?




呦 優 憂~~

我在講解習近平不就在對岸嗎?一大堆這種不知廉恥的 mentality. 中國人口只可能跟錢有關,饒邦就是不知道

我 跟 Zawanna 就算在愚蠢,所謂黑色的 hue,外國人又尤其是你愛的白種人(美國人)多少叫做如果看到,你是你大姊的遺留下的產物











Dr Steven + Dr Gabriel are two MD, I used to hear and know. If someone, one more time, tell me they are not MD because internet is broken on laws, I will kill a lot of people, understand, especially MD on Google search engine like Reno 小鄉小野的地方!

Dr Steven has a betrayed India ? The third world country, like India has no toilet !! So Dr Steven is dead or they looking their compensate ?

I cannot understand a term what they are saying, when psycho people tend to write to …what a psychological issues to do all that statememt saying. 

It’s all money meant.


Inadequate !

As the tour of groups you, few names ____ + _____ + _____

have thoughts those trips this far is inadequate. The photo stream display on the website was being exams, it is an event we actually check on our list, to-do, matters. However, the relevant words we are not sure, someone suggest us, that’s an inadequate trips you all should have some kinds of compensates whether money, counseling, books free given, etc etc …anything particular to feel, the passing of those gathering was more justified in the feeling. It’s inadequate from so many of us to feel and say. We wish to say, but that’s the word someone to say, use that. We will state it we are not sure but we try.


Dr Gabriel, MD

You have garbage too, I “wish” to know?

Every States has a different medical board? MD has liscensing every state board ?

Like nursing !!!! RN !!!

Now I remember down stair has lawsuits
And this is Arizona Medical licensing board? 50 states all has one functional medical licensing board ?

Pang, your mother left … 
That door you know you step out like Dr Gabriel + Dr Steven + Eben, look down, that’s height vision light to see carpet folded by your mother on purpose…to one more step you cannot hold stairs …down

Say again….. I try to wire, MD, has 50 of them, paper made real legal board ?
Is that Hope?


我真辛苦, what was it ?
He Dr Gabriel thoughts parable saying it’s not God light shines, but a truthful approach you whom, did you say has a name, what…no, I mean whom is the referral you to, or to be host? 
Hosting, you mean? On fasting ?
You mean you concentrate in the fasting retreat someone is near by License to see you fasting ? No, there is no such things. No.

Well, you leave it there forum public stating it’s true, I have not much to say why that’s not true. You want something, say it. Not to Anna. Me. Dr Gabriel. 

I got mix up …that’s below that comment.
I mix it up.
Now I red it right.

Someone die on injection.
He could do what in day before ? Really? His son claims… that was the day before?
暴斃 I told medical board, no, my friends especially 3 Poland they do on purpose on a witch mother RNA stuffs. MD methods they die on me so I become homeopath without a paper just walking they breathing air say, I hurt them, on guys issues with the US court.
No, I will not go there, period ! Period them, I prefer not that stuffs ever !

And, if one more time, I public tell you, I will kill people, you insist put me forwards they have to be MD and I cannot breath life? I will annihilate entire America, that’s never I thought you stand for in real life values, No!

I tell you straight I need that guy, Gabriel for make-up purchase his fame on Amazon. No, he didn’t own that brand …yet.
I really don’t care you do this, that he is or was or will be MD again or not, he has numbers years to tell me more than decades that’s good enough. 
Tell me the price. It’s always the paper made bill issues.

You two look about the same height? 
I met Dr Gabriel, very tall.
Walking around that neighborhood or they really Supreme Court Hank place they all military compound owned away?
Snap away.
You two MD don’t last that many years to go….I am in a time rush, with Tesla time too. 
Not money can buy ?

No, America they only money talking. I have no time, it’s all know that, we do their way, can I ?

Then all life’s dead.
No more one more second talking or thinking !
Time or human life’s, I do not care neither.
When you all reach hell, it’s just “agenda” I carry.

I went to step on my door entrance that....門檻 = I become taller, about 10 cm

I used to have a shoe on that saying. I feel stressful, I feel dizzy, I feel I am so under pressure, I feel air it height

I feel it is so hard to step on it, to watch birds, WHERE????

Where is Dr. Steven and Dr. Gabriel again?

My time is going away....I am dying just like I should, aging, sorry...


of the galaxy or stars, to meant Tu Quo, do you read OU language, at all? 

upside down, inside out?

So you both in jail, I have to go and fetching, and they don't marking it on the internet to continue business?

Really? just like Ola, Dean, Wing, they are????

 I still see them there. like Tamang.


Today I need to deal of 3 short guys issues.

3 short guys around Pang's mother, now I remember.

There is a location issue. Sometimes I have to personally handle a lot of this issues....called traveling to see.

I didn't know, this would so bad ....so bad???? The short guy issues to be this bad ....

430 !!!!!!!!

hi, I know short girl issues, like around Hira, those....I know, I seen them before.

I seen it.

And I know.

The guys, no, I do not know, at all.

there is one on TNT, your height issues made into ...a MD near by Dr. Lee, his wife issues. Its very very disgusting.

Hi. MD Dr. Steven or Dr. Gabriel, you could just live the day of your years, whenever, til he died too. About the ages? Not too far away, I think, Pang's father is Johnny Jao. He has loads of friends too. Satellite selling and a chem factory I think boss. The Chemist guy.

His University = 東海大學


Academic high.

You want to check Johnny Jao if he lies to me, he has zero IQ or has some IQ made it in school?

Yeah, do that !!!! 


你很在乎你的身高,是真的嗎 ?

男孩子跟身高是真的有意義嗎 ? 我說如果很懸殊?

是嗎 ?


就是有沒有覺得人生的末梢是一種結束的承諾? 跟擔保的開始? 憂傷 憂慮 結尾 結語 證明之下的某種歷練間驗?


是嗎 ?



就是無法紓解的意思? 舒壓? 舒緩? 

.... ...有點像解脫的意思? 解脫你的感覺?  relief your feeling...




就是針對人生的....顧忌? 悲哀、杯感

我忘了那個詞~突然不見了! 想不起來

徒殤... 徒情傷感

很失落的意思? 鳥一直很吵!!!!! Shut up !!!

(它們也會轉折語~變調的意思! 很煩! )


你的朋友、同學、東海是不是男校? 你很多還在的人嗎 ?他們老的時候有沒有想要做一點 userbility test?




是嗎 ?



不是因為漫畫原因,我覺得你能找到誰,他們問一下好了! 我有點覺得你們很像男校 !




漫畫 : 愛哭學妹

你曾經大學裡面有沒有見過你喜歡的男孩子? 除了你自己的同學之內?

就是往上看那種 ?

增廣見聞那種? 死了沒?



 我找過你學校: 東海大學

在 YouTube Channel 


很久以前 ! 做基本人應該做的事情




是嗎 ?


你跟他有沒有讀過金星的詩詞畫意,最後通知的某個信? 在特斯拉自傳那本 X-12


是嗎 ?


 Noble family, or noble society?

 那如果我不見得找你們的話? 西斯(賽斯 Seth UFO that Yeth whatever he is ) or Zawanna / Kail with that 2 總司令 groups


是一種解脫的未來嗎 ?


Mahavatar Babaji may not be Haidekhan Babaji 小野人小孩跟大人好了

可能不是你們跟我有任何關係以後 ~我先說 ! 



恩佑叔叔我不知道為什麼在她的旁邊,有時候可能是講別人嗎? 跟恩佑叔叔類似的飛機機師? 在金星 黑白色變成的機師 !


他應該比你們小吧 ? 2 或是 3 年應該沒有那麼快死掉吧 ?

 你們上流社會的開 Party ....這種東西叫做倒飲料都會給我出錯的意思!  Dr. Gabriel or Dr. Steven

All about the same looking stuffs.


Hank, no....


Not us. 

Not really.

Because everyone should do something with him. Yeth might be look at it. 

 Sometimes things are look as they are. That is how I become.....I am more this. 

Not below ...Meaning I have one bag.

Let's hope, your eyes means, its only Blacken all outside, only us, here are White.

On Earth.

No... I am not sure.

Outside might be all gone already, so we have that lineage open. 

Does you and老費叔叔 knows 小龍?

你們算至交,她是女的應該不太喜歡電影 Intern?

你們看過嗎 ? 那個長的像方方做大家閨秀的一個反態? 意思就是那個飯店的故事



真的是這樣嗎 ?


以前小郭跟 Tall Henry 成大的在同一個房間 ! 

我們認識的順序其實~我好像是什麼時候才認識小郭的 ! 這種事情很奇怪~因為後來我們在一起 Hang out, 跟 Vicky.


然侯我們有 W 兩個世界 ?可是那是提娜跟誰? Dr. Bing Shen?


沒有,我覺得 .... ...

很奇怪 !






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...