黑白色的 Userbility tests on Eyes

 Part I - Generic Test, diagnosis.

Diagnosis in genetics has a report on your ancestors genome analysis. Some just does chromosome testing like I used to. Chromosomes are DNA, not Chromosomes are subjected to DNA. Chromosomes are = DNA.

What’s your ancestor memory to you, do you think someone is out there waiting for you? Fear to open eyes to see? Do you expect someone you gonna see or meet? Have you ever hear voices?


Part II - Return to Self 

Spirituality, what does it mean to you? Is that a definite path no matter where you are now, you listen to the song, has a feeling, it’s better than yesterday?

What’s Self-realization to you? What’s meditation to you? Do you introspect life before ?


Part III - Purchasing for the Blood Circulation, be caution (slowly step on )

Blood circulation are touching to the eyes internal structure. But your eyes are your making weak or strong, in your life time. Be patience and slow.

Very slow. 

Bloods are what you remember the hospital doing test on bloods. I used my working insurance to do women doctors testing, it’s will return to me testing.

I have gone to the eyes doctor, one specialist, one general eye doctor.

I have been to 2 bone doctors.

I have gone to X-rays so many photo I stand there way too long, in Williamsville.

I have seen a denialist in Williamsville. 2 in UB students doctors. 


Part IV -前塵往事的債

If there are lifes that from the past, you believe, what life is that you will believing it, if you open your brand new eyes peripheral?  You understand everyone is lying to you? Everyone is feding up you? If your IQ high, you believe low IQ black and white just superficially hate....by others more each day. Because you are high IQ Black and White. You understand ....everything was wrong?

That day, what day will that be?


Par V -  The things used to be yours....and theirs. Group Collective Karma and going to a New Land if it exists? If the Outside World is not annihilated by me, or you will find out, when you go outside, everything are all dead, is anything here means anything, by opening your eyes sight?







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