8212021 第三天

 Update: 3:27 pm.

 I know why it is hurt, no, its not infected.

When you say wound to be open, to expose to their air, that can cause an infection. Like the knife or you have mud water in your foot.

No, I say, I cut through thick thick thick thick thick skin.

Something happened, still hurting.

The lines are inside, meaning those are hard skin, the bleeding one. Not a lot of blood. Just surface to use your tissue paper to press on it, and done.

But then again, these lines exists. Inside is dry? No blood.

But these lines, exists. They are thick skins. 

But including the one, I cut, not bleed, the very top, first Top. That one does not bleed. But I cannot tell. Its the sole that is hurting, that is 2 lines, but where I feel hurting? I am not sure which lines I feel hurt.

Sole and Top are hurting, I cannot walk not feeling it. I am feeling it.

Infection means wet, you got infected. And the wound becomes blisters kinds of inside, rotton out !!! I know what infection means!!!

Its thundering.... 3:33pm

I update in the photo session August 20th, 2012

My foot is hurting last night, very paintful in all your degree of terms.

The sole area, I need to go to bed, that is all that means. I already describe to Hailey's her dad. Adam & Hailey YouTube Official Channel, Hailey's Father Missionary ( Church representative ) The foot doctor. I use 刀片 ! no, you need a real 美工刀, all of you. With a glove better. No, don't copy me. Do something so your hands do not bleed at the blade, those are blade, raw blades.

Note: there is no way, no way NO WAY , a cut? Unintentional a cut? 

The sole, is I curve line at the sole, they are all very harden skin, not really cuttable !!!! You cannot cut it open if you don't use it very hurt, but I try to be careful ? just make a few blades of degree, becuase if you cut it, you will bleed. On the side, I did, one cut, but I do NOT, repeat that.

That is on the side. The below really really really thick skin, I curve at, making lines, curves lines.

Many of that.

No, not just one time. I don't bleed. I just say that, no, I don't do bleeding


Pain is = when you expose to the nerves. That is not nerves, that is outer skin issues !!!!!



I can take the photo with the phone, better resolution than Ipad Pro.  I use per photo line. No table html.

These are the update photos from the August 21th, 2021. The Third Day 第三天 


第一天的晚上睡覺之前呀 !

第二天晚上走路會痛! 其實一天可能都有不舒服,晚上發掘的


9:10am (早上台灣時間) August 21th, 2021


Appears Description
I was saying? You see the immediate is a line, above, has another line. Everything else just blades all around
That is the another line.
Very very very hard core thickening. Have no ideas, I never really get like this ever in my life. Never. The Top photo middle of the foot, I had those small ....pointing, no, no pain. I seen many video of old people doing all that, they use small blades with a glove, I watch too many 2020. TOO MANY!!! Not at the sole level.
That is the line
The above line
Where I hold, below the First, upper than the thumb upper line, that line upper.
Upper than the thumb entire thumb line.
You can still see the thumb upper line, you see white, no, there is a cut, maybe not that white line. (Middle ) You see Middle, Top, Middle, below. There are 3 those things, pining....but when I cut, its the very Top no bloode, and the very the below 2 has a cut of bleed.

☆★☆★☆★☆ ☆★☆★☆★☆ ☆★☆★☆★☆

Part I  - Preparation of your Table right side, the whistle matters 哨子 + 濕紙巾 +5 White towel folded. 五條白色毛巾 (我其實會自己吹口哨)


        So Builders permits, California America. 美國加州


Part II - 七彩的眼睛 and 五個顏色的花 (Johnny Jao profile)


☆★☆★☆★☆ ☆★☆★☆★☆ ☆★☆★☆★☆

Part III - 101 Sky (Austin 他爸跟 Leo 他爸 )傑克與豌豆, Dr Bean Shen + 警政廳 (柯南)+ ET Grey (灰的顏色,大眼睛著名)+ Hank TV Cover 戀愛黑白配 + Dove, dove, dove 鴿子🐦 鴿子 🐦鴿子 (最重要的事!!)+ SMTV 的三件事


Part IV - 1999, 永恆的眼睛,血淋淋的


Friends, handicap has no friends, not really, they all know that, it’s annoying. 殘障人士不會有朋友的


你知道為什麼所有事情都聽起來這麼糟糕嗎?因為你的一輩子,所有人都覺得其實不是真的,你怎麼可能? Vola. 我們總是以為跟自然不知道,而如今,你機會開始知道,哪一天沒有人記得跟知道你曾經的所有變化,就算你開始、就算你康復、就算你成功,其實打從一開始,所有人並沒有覺得你不一樣,其實正常人都是健忘跟最善良的,是真誠善良,不跟你計較,直到那一天你走進每一次媽的房間,我開始哭,記得嗎??


你也許這輩子不會知道什麼叫做死了逃生,所謂越南小尼姑會黑頭髮做出來短腿 David Jones 為伍的生命最後他們的太老,饒邦太老的眼睛,太老太累的每一個十六年 ….


善良跟太累的人生,你最後的 winning stand.


最後幾張,碎 碎 碎 ….叫做病人 profile 是全世界寫!如果發生在你身上呢??

最後幾章回 ….所有的努力!ET 會說吃力不討好的事 …. https://youtu.be/FOBATKZUgxU




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...