9032021 Real Reason

I actually wish to express myself to Medical Board, why they forcing me doing these, the following reasons and articles, I cannot but to save people, not like 格林童話故事 關於死神的預言!!! 

That is a parable story.


Article 1 - 我們是靈芝 (紅外線) 紅燈 ! The One in 我不是購物狂 !


Article 2 - 他的金星媽媽在亂講話 !!



Article 3 - 藍色多瑙河是 Tony Birthday (yesterday) Why my words are deletes and gone? Shire, shore, shine, weekend, I cannot feel my Face. Victoria Secrets.


 That is Simon Cowell Father, Alyssa, in Loving the Silent Tear, plastic Card tent lady, in white dress. Pushing out below train, to upper line.

So I must do what everyone says its to save?

Drugs, Simon Cowell near by has drugs dealers !!!! Too much money, why don't you call polices?

Because even Simon Cowell suppose to figure it out Selfishness its when he only needed....only he needed when he needed.

Letters to Alyssa Catricala, her mother is Connie. Father mimmo in Loving to Cry Junior


Why Simon Cowell and his father is "Strong"

That is Britney Spears Black and White Song "Strong", my father's vision, Black and White.




on shore (Mermaid 2 Prince, Hank.悉達多)


Run forever and ever.....Hobbit, Traveling story, they vow they never will, ever.

Trust me!

They are so lazy, they won't do a thing in life, just because I say so !!!


Article 4 - Alyssa is going to be drugged, on TV. Did you see that? 你看到沒有?有個女生要被毒藥毒上癮 ! 你的眼睛是黑白色是不可能假設~~就那樣寫呀 !


That is Simon Cowell's father.

That is White dress in Loving the Silent Tear, Connie's kids, Daughter-in-law of Nick Catricala, red hair Carla. Hugner Game. 

Too hungry, no money. Not even a glass of water.

People like them Carla or Tony, debts in credit cards, no more picking up phones to say collectors are going after them. They would never response to people whom are positive outlook, because the debts issues are behind them. Trust me. I know what that is. You will never be good enough for them. They should be dead.






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...