Babaji: Right
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2021年7月24日 星期六
Facebook is yours, of course !
How can anyone think Baby oil is to try?
Check the weather.
Talk to your both parents...right.
I don't need you to go talk to your friends right now.
Your parents, Hank.
Marriage, I didn't heard divorce yet. Name is not separate yet? or property is not divided. That girl kid just throw at somewhere....
I don't want to see this thing, no one knows what they are doing.
Get some vacation time, to think through life, and talk to some useful human, what you gonna do and plan your life.
Tina probably stays in NYC. That I have not finished.
This is 100 human years.
In the future might be shorter or longer ...that fate is annouced. I don't need a reason to say verdict. That is exactly how it is.
Don't tell me, you need a past, present or future talk, why, why not, or how, how will be....those things I don't register.
Junks in the California, you can just donate, ask Tina what she wants. NYC is not that cheap, I don't see I gonna make that much money from her company to put more furniture in.
Find some church or temple, or where is Dr. Steven Reno!!
Right, He is at Reno, you both used to go to Los Vegas.
He lives by next to ET
Whom needs those whatever you store per month?
Get rid of the future, buy later.
If there is nothing, or no one did anything by Monday, Taiwan Time, can you just go and talk this MD before he dead, like he has a place to some people?
He speaks English
He talks Metaphysic
He writes in Religion
For sure, there is a savior in one of those.
Where is this Dr. Steven Hairfield, dead yet MD?
Gregg Braden
They are both Writer
There is a name on it.
When they arrive in California, can you, would you, could you...just writer to make writer knows what that is or will be? no more this none sense to me?
這個女的是誰? 我要檔案!以後知道、何謂朝夕相處、處處為淫
是思幕~好聚好散 ~就自己滾吧 ! 禮拜一! 提那的媽的錢錢!
從來都不是 ! 人太天真了!
我每一天都在養小孩!!呀 !
公告! 1943 它們開始! Johnson Johnson baby oil
我曾經告誡過你們 5000 %
不想養就丟到寺廟裏面去~一堆小孩就是女的到了 35 就絕對失去記憶呀 !
沒死完,星期一! 你們一團人就想辦法~這一件事情給辦了!
畜牧業是每一年生! 每一年injection 注射非常疼痛的進去? 忘了!
每一年的牛懷孕之後會有牛奶~這就是它們 25 年至少的命運
給他人見證! 只需要當初問我!
開始也沒有結果呀 ! 家庭是怎麼在他人的祝福下,畫下永止符
知還是不知? 什麼是永指符?
你們覺得你們兩個誰會畫呢? 周邊呀 ? 永止符? 休止符的意思
叫做幾米高喔! 叫做來世見真假呀!
我其實最痛恨玩殺人遊戲! 有個印度跟中國沒有沉到海地的山脈!
人都是在堵住~世界上沒有人真的能改變什麼呀 !
既然我說哈! 我們來說說人如果無法死! 還是值得死~我的生日叫做你們的祭典呢? 欲見死神呀 !
不知道我的生日嗎 ?在右邊!
我都這麼屈膝跪賤了... ... 你們不想討好討好彼此~那一天別人不會他人己、是蟲害!
曾經聽說過嗎 ?
特斯拉叫做幻境的高科技~可能猜 ET跟印度五百歲必須~做慈悲人為懷~事事都是無理不成章呀 !
有些人曾經擁有皮膚,叫做返回當年當初~但是...有很多但是 ...你一直有秘密
不就是我嗎 ?
這種威脅~不就是見血見粉,無一不倖免呀 !
感激不感念~朝相思目騰歡呀 !
你們要真的相信呀 !
我一直都是相信的! 那一個人! 對你們的信念是執著不欲的!
一個月 800 US dollars
我二月沒有家阿媽死了~李維找我 Google plus Wedding promise
車子是挾米? 我忘了
不是很會算嗎 ?算清楚~並沒有太多~只是剛好值而已
大慚不言謝~今天又是那個什麼垃圾外國人 Haliey 送終大概影片~叫做禮拜六! 你們一團人星期一會在吧 ?一貫道在加州~自己互相招呼~劉沛 ABC 垃圾也在加洲呀 !
東西是人多~眼砸! 小孩做錯事情~怎麼會有個 NYU 不知道人生應該怎麼負責任? 只是因為
你想要跟那個沒有名字的小民小農從新開始?是桃園嗎 ?小民小農的鄉村思想~爸媽養小孩吧 ! 叫做孫子!
我在加州租車子~常常自己跑 ! 需要我送客嗎 ?還是找 Enterprise, 你們在加州會碰到特別優待叫做星期五六日!
一整年我搬了四次家! 還有租車費!
朝相思目、不是有個投資的 Middle West ,我聽說都是你們的錢! 但是我聽說他可以不需要給你們錢~所以你們在電話上會吵起來~我在加州誰告訴我的! 應該是我媽
頂多有期徒刑~在美國還是台灣關呀 !
聽說你們的那一桌想去 Lakewood Irvine?
好呀 ~我告訴你們那一條路是我的關係叫做 Sayer
Hank 想用我的關係去頭資 Google
同一條開出來的路~我想一下是那一條~一直開下去就是左邊有個 Plaza
他的名字叫做 Sayer
bio genetics, Stem Cell
聽說就是跟你們在台灣是有合作~不會這麼巧~月下老人你們兩席席倆? 新竹呀 !
那邊叫做有 High way
通常他們出去~一定會出事! 因為我不再~小孩在車子裡面~
這種事情~需要知道嗎 ? 一個人的人生是如何虛度加洲的陽光燦爛!
Hank 的媽,他其實不敢! 叫做寫 director City of Bank! Morgage One hour 一個小時他就坐在他的旁邊,所以我們有個地方去蜘蛛的地方~緹娜清潔費~他怎麼不請用人掃所有蜘蛛~我弟弟看到
那一個 Lakewood house, Irvine, 他自豪沒有天線特斯拉的 AC wire 叫做 wireless
我當年我給妳們買了兩束花+一張 Costco Card 的錢
因 為你的兒子特別心愛 Costco
Mokie 被打的很淒慘嗎 ? 錢! 當年買的是? 誰付? 之後的所有飼料費 ! 寫
我見過 mokie, Hank 娘~我見過第一次~他的紅色棉被是我躺進去~真的有夠噁心!
當初是 ...我的電話!
喜不喜歡~一支 Apple 的電話叫做當年加州住宿所有費用我出
Hank 的娘銀行~開始發支票~當年他跑去提那她家睡是省錢嗎 ? 住在 NYU 沒有朋友的住宿費?叫做 宿舍,問清楚,開始寫
幾年幾月多久~ NYU的念書
碰到聽到提那做違法的事情~就躺在我她提那租地房子~~ Cherry Ave
心心念念就是: 憤不顧己,是這樣嗎 ? 到底為什麼你會存在?
我很想仔細聽聽~我言纏 !
新竹科學園區是? 你們的開始? 真的?
沒有人真的知道的那一天~為什麼你們不好好的認真思考 "人生"呢?
說! 為什麼~你們的人生從來沒有好好思考
IRS 為了悔婚還是另找新歡, 所以養家活口是,難道不就是變成你們方便他的懶惰~
那種日子,你們想過嗎 ? 因為一個他?
or else.....I still write court paper by assumption, you will be forced to blood seal on it sign dated signature !
他媽見過呀 !
並沒有畫押見印章,我也不清楚他爸媽知不知,他這種作法惹惱美國,因為美國叫做 IRS
我聽說他Hank 因為很多叫做租他房子在 Lakewood, Irvine California 的傭客,他會去真的去告他們! 他會有你們這種態度,自己被送到彰化 Google 呀 ! 在 101
我在阿滴英文那個台灣 YouTuber 他有個妹妹一起介紹台灣的英文文化~最近紅的吧 !如果你們算時間~是剛好我在哪裡轉轉轉~~~
對阿滴的妹妹開了很多間珍珠奶茶~緹娜回來應該去參觀參觀! 她最近忙~我今天找提那的關係! 人生沒事的那個人通常就是時事無事,所以你們想知道
小孩跟受刑人呀 !
緹娜兩隻 ~一個叫做 George 一個叫做 Aria
你們有小孩嗎 ?
聽說 Hank is NYU? 但是你們真的知道在台灣發生了一件事情叫做高雄競選人! 聽說過嗎 ?高雄還是哪? 叫做抄襲的恐怖! 身高高! 一個女的
(為什麼 ! 我有照片的關係)
是民事訴訟! 我不在乎你們自己拿走你們的錢 ~又不是我請你們的!
聽說這種叫做法律行動,Hank 的手機他的爸媽還是妹妹還是這個不知名的東西~
來~弄清楚他 Hank 在某月某日開始所謂威脅+要脅
心都涼了~一團火燒燒燒! 這就是看不見的內在呀 ! 他人在他鄉! 遠走高飛的意思! 呵呵
所以你們是怎麼認識 Hank 的? 聽說你們也是從她誰沒有名字還是還沒有名分~美國台灣的哪一個孽種的朋友家人親戚?
台灣的?還是遠道而來 Zoom in ?
我從來沒有用過! 我在 Skype 上面~我媽的 Skype 壞掉了! 我只能把她黏在這邊~~~~
人不為己、天諸地滅 ! 山水畫河的意思! 血雨~最近叫做颱風 ~不是呼風喚雨!
來 ~ Hank 你念對他們跟你的媽媽聽聽~~怎麼叫叫提那的娘?
來了? 全部嗎 ? 坐 !
我們很多同輩的年紀的人! 叫做威廉王子跟哈利王子還是北韓那隻!小的 !!
很多都是我這個年紀包括你們認識的這個 Hank
她們為了 Hank 自私的稅
我們先等人~不會到太陽下山~只是見見面!我有事情找你們台灣一桌席~叫做舍利弗入席 2018
中文講法~是聽的懂的吧 !
很久的以前當舍利弗是小鬼的時侯,我們家住在6 樓~為了那一天,我們搬到 7樓
有一天 8 樓 ! 就是頂樓~觀星戴月往外面看得意思!
知道緹娜她家在台北市 ! 她阿公是地主的那個人 !
我等了 26 年
六年級 是 12 歲
我現在 38 3 個月!
彗星撞地球 1908~
對!提那她姊回來就是俄羅斯 26 彗星的問題在 特斯拉專利上 叫做 1908 Tower
但是你們並不知道我算術 3 分鐘
我寫信問妳們只是寒暄 ! 命大就知道人是該怎麼活的!
Hank 的爸媽一定在~我們見過面 ! 花的那個人!
你們知道為什麼 Hank 書臉上面並沒有朋友?
是笑話聽的懂嗎 ?
他說什麼? Quelle?
可以問的IT 了~~~真好! 好好問清楚~你們今天過的好不好?
以為跟自然不知道呀 !
觀禮堂皇之~ 遠而近之~荒唐之極~發誓! 用永恆永世做這會後衝次
叫做太陽下山前~~`哈 哈ㄏ哈ㄏ哈哈哈ㄏ哈哈哈哈哈哈
我通常聽音樂 inspire, I am from America coming back here, 台灣的一個小島主權問題!
人身叫做什麼是跪? 英文? 叫做 Kneel
毀容的王水叫做融金術~以前叫做鍊金術 :)
我們討論討論語言問題,我現在講的是中文! 一字一語貼切細心的呵護教導,做到校長知道位置是廳的懂跟寫對的字,叫做觀察 !
所謂公文就是發出去的信函~所有格式是你們成為你們的位置唯一知道的事情~對! 我並不知道
突厥人的意思! 是嗎?
內外精進,所以有一天可以有所謂衛國效命 ! 男孩子的意思!
英文叫做 Draft !
叫做前輩子的事情 ... ...
我從來沒有介意過 !
我寫信! 第一封
Tina 她把戒子還給白經了! 偶然發現的一天 Ep 30
Tina, this morning I wrote a lot of papers. 緹娜我今天早上寫了多法院事情跟尼克的律師
I don't draft, Tina. 我不需要打草稿的人!
I ask you, what you want to do, with this? It sent to me now. 我想問你,你想要做什麼? 現在送到我的桌面上!
This kind of stuffs, cannot be proven 這種東西無法直接證明
Its only for my military to laugh behind all the way... 這只是給我軍隊在後面嘲笑到極點的事情
Do you want to sue them both all the way, every penny, to lose all entire 9 generation money and die? tell me? 你想不想把他們九代所有前後左右親戚法律制裁到不剩一塊錢?
Think about it, 深思熟慮之後!
Its just sent it, 才剛送
I need to draft? 我需要打草稿 ?
Tina, who is Pete? Hunger game names, Pete, or Pita, 飢餓遊戲那個男的 (white 白種人)
Theresa is like mother Theresa 聽過嗎?
他們很多人可能如果紐約市機會多,人是會搬家 (if opportunity in NYC present itself, they will move more to NYC)
Both are American (white)
Tina, Dennis is a guy that he has nothing in life but to work and make it.
He is a nice guy, his focus will always get things organize in any works he does. He really is like that.
I never seen he has friend.
He knows Pete, he is from Buffalo. Vegetarian.
If Pete goes to NYC, he is American very friendly guy. Very nice. You talk slowly ENglish to Pete.
He is really those vegetarian nice guy. 他吃素的好人= Pete, 他結婚了跟 Teresa.
He was chubby 有點體重的意思
他跟 Dennis 認識
They both are fine people.
Tina my roommate from NYC…were Min too? Shaley? NYC
Min is a pharmaceutical research, in CA not in NYC ( Asian )
But Shirley from NYC, Asian, is a Christian. Well she goes to church.
Weekend you go Tina, Easter and Christmas
You know what date ?
Church cloth is a formal wear. You can research now and find the priest and ask for help.
Or donate things they ask. 教堂叫你捐東西你去捐的意思,垃圾架設
It’s just first year 才第一年提那
志豪聽說在紐約做 waitor ? Is he living with Aunty Amy (DKNY)
Tina you can ask her if she got shampoo those her company free public relations party you show up and take it.
You have bad mood, Tina. That I can see.
志豪 I don’t deal it now. I don’t know what he want to do. 我不知道他想幹嘛!You know your 表親位置嗎? I wrote them before. 志豪 he lives below Irene they were. He was in University Colorado.
You can tell your company he is around like come to see kids emergency ? 緊急聯絡電話📲
偶然發現的一天 Ep 26 CAC, Community Action Corp (UB)
There are CAC
Secretary, Courtney, American NYC (girl)
Secretary, Wendy, Asian NYC (girl)
You Tina call Dennis call Ayo 哎喔 call whom they are? Secretary or Vice President ?
They were position in CAC might need to talk to police too or Dennis, on Tiny 4.0
Tina home doctor Taiwan
就是呀!2010 方方推薦他們一整個 bone doctors.
They or he I call him for your fathers height, he says he wants to die
Because …
We talk last week.
So we keep talking where is my father. And 方方 Gluten Free restaurant 她餐廳的事情,我說我爸問診多少錢
I just told them now, if they want to go to 三軍總醫院 sponsor Aria period pads, or 方方 or Irene is your cousin too 堂姐表姊
I need to tell him to talk to First university professor 壽比南山的事情叫做易經
Or 清大 or 清大圖書館 or 中山女中 or 國家圖書館
要你們 pads 的錢💰
So not sure, I just told him 174 台尺 2:40 afternoon time here
Tina picture baking soda
2 kinds baking soda
Small box
Huge box
You put in the photo with UK library them. Whatever you see baking soda (not baking powder)
Baking soda
Tina, kids showering issues (小穎)
Aria + George 的頭很糟糕,你提那是 assistant ? Like public relations 像公關的意思
怎麼洗浴缸:你提那去找 baking soda or ask Dennis where is baking soda.
Tina, you tell your company, Megan Prince Harry your age does calligraphy but tell your company to call Send out Card
You tell them to call Send Out Card:
1. Anna says okay, they want all cards seen print copy demo.
2. Tell Send Out card not that documentary Meghan did what calligraphy, her father was doing what ? African ? New York City? Ayo is black. If Harry wants to get everyone kill, in Send Our Card, I Anna tells you to write Tina Jao calligraphy, that’s original 那是創新的事情,她寫的很恐怖提那,哈利王子的太太,他需要賺錢, you tell your company, he is doing Sitesell Anna teaches him, but he gets something else to do, not this Calligraogy like ghost writing on TV and on Card, Anna’s card is Anna’s idea, tell Prince Harry doing something else on Sitesell, not this shit.
Tina, you got LinkedIn account? I seen it. I need you get any photo social media, to upload photo connect to Linkdin
UK one billion dollar library photo
Buffalo airport ( not Niagara fall airport ) photo - it’s used to Westinghouse factory
Niagara Falls photo (US side )
Niagara Falls photo (Canada side )
UT CN Tower near by ( Canada photo )
There are 2 Tesla statues
US Side Tesla statues photo
Canada Side Tesla statues photo
Just leave there ruttom 收集完照片就擺在那邊腐爛的意思
Tina, you call Dennis, that UK, Anna has other girls type friends and that UK One Billion Dollar Library in her Anna time was New
Dennis is auditor. Tina you cannot really travel for now.
Your company or his Dennis current company might need him to connect that UK UB fighting over my PCAT stuffs.
I only remember one best transcript on PCAT
I took 3 times PCAT?
I don't remember anything atl how I prepare, I really don't.
So there are girls.
Laura, nurse girl, International one hallway girls, I never contact, before Facebook Era.
Chie, that is a Japanese girl, shorter than me.
We had a strange girl saying very strange things to us, its about a movie star she met.
She looks like Persian.
She came in to tell all of us strange story, very strange, as if he met Justin Timberlake that type.
All of them remember that, The next door girl with black girl smell....that girl went to find out whom she is, or did what, she vanished!
There is a case to look up.
Chie might call the police with her roommate. They are very good at that.
I don't.
i have no idea what was that?
Tell Dennis, or just tell him to read it, you Tina try to explain to him in English, practice speaking English, Tina 緹娜練習講英文~慢慢講!
This case is real, they have to find UK Chie, Artitechture major, my next door roommate, all of us in that room, listening to that crap!
No, not Justin Timberlake. Some famous celebrity, she was saying it.
She came all the way to our dorm? We are international dorm building.
Tell Dennis to look up maps.
He needs to travel, he can travel.
Tina on CAC Dennis again, he looks a bit like Clark, Smallville, can him, will him, would him, be mind?
You know, Tina,
Getting facebook and Organic Chemistry YouTube Channel is fast.
I need you to call Dennis right. Auditor, Accounting major. He does book keeping stuffs.
His personality looks he does very well.
He is not business type like Simon, no....he is a rigid guy, best for Federal or State employee, he does not have that personality to ...carry business. But he is a decent guy.
A good guy.
Tina, on Karen and Adria, CAC (their used to husband are Chris, and Billy, Call Ayo 哀喔)
你打電話給 Ayo, CAC President, to call Billy + Chris
Billy is from a city just outside New York City, where he met Adria, a high school. Much south than Albany. Where you used to live Trump Tower North, probably. 就是出了紐約市的北邊一點的地方是以前 Billy and Adria 去的高中
Karen knows Chris from Canisious College school
Private College 私立大學
A groups of them, from Karen high school
Karen has a brother and a sister.
You Tina, will tell your company 你需要跟你的公司說安那說 Web 2.0 is
Tell Dennis to explain what is Web 2.0
Tell Dennis to watch Tiny 4.0 楊冪的電影, say to your Company, Tina's company, why this movie is very important, not just Web 2.0
They are horrific music in this story, so they 4 girls shouldn't be there anyway, you tell Dennis, you tell your company, your sister says that.
Its Tiny 4.0 that glasses stuck in between horrifying girls pushing each other to break glasses in Melinda's mouth = Tiny tiny tiny incidents
You Tina have to report to your company, because they need to be very very interest in this, or else....the kids are all from NYC to Bufallo NY
Richardson is a UB staffs, I used to remember, ask him = APO President, what does he do in UB?
He is much older
No he is not like Wing.
He is an American. Tall guy, fat too, built.
You Tina have to know Canisious Collage is so expensive, Anna says, she does not understand why Karen went to UB, and the rest of her buddies friends all went to private college, they really that waste money for 4 years college?
There is another college called Buffalo States, that is not UB size.
UB is a bigger University
當地的大學有多,他們幹嘛 都跑去私立大學四年的學費?你姊安那認為那很昂貴,但是你先丟報告就是了,找 Dennis to clarify everything I say, if he was on my website and keep tracking this for his work or other's works.
Your Tina Company might really need Dennis to talk clear.
He knows them differently, or Anna just ...not a guy to vet !!!
Dennis vet like a guy !!!
or Fang or Ayo
總之你公司應該很在意這一個 電影叫做 Tiny 4.0 很糟糕的音樂的意思!
你叫 Dennis 講清楚這些人是你提那公司想要知道什麼第三人稱的講法~叫做浪費時間看電影的意思!
Tina, 你先記好這些人!
APO President: Richardson, Tall
Kyle, Asian my little, the shortest
CAC President: Ayo, Tall (Black)
Dennis, American, Accountant/ Auditor, American, too tall
Fang, Asian ABC, (CERN close), Tall
If you want to sell them Vitamin, they ask you, you ship it for them. But they can purchase in their own store. I don't know what to tell you, Tina. You can ask if they want to buy from you.
除了 Richardson
They are all growing up in NYC
Tina, I need to explain to you this again, these people and more people after. 我需要跟你解釋這些人跟更多的人之後(紐約市)
APO is a fratenity
Tom, Daniel (nurse graduate school)
Tim, Sarah
There is another dark fat hair girl.
and APO adviser, a little bit like Dr. Takeuchi and his gf that time.
Evan, playing guitar
Richardson is a faculty, Tom and Tim, these 3 works in the IT shop in Sheridan. There was a PC store. They talk all the time. Keegan lives in Buffalo, law family. His father. Most of them wants to keep a connection with the New York City, its always best you always just ask Richardson.
APO fratenity, means, there is an initiation process 兄弟會但是他們是男女一起的叫做 co-ed
你最好都問一下 President, Tina
You talked to Dennis, to call Ayo 哀喔! (講法) to call Richardson.
You Tina tell Dennis to keep all the records right. He is the best on that. He is that type to be an auditor and accountant, he sent me his business notes. Tell him I remember who he is. He is on my facebook. I think Fang too?
Well, 你記得你打電話給 Dennis 叫他做好這些事情,不要亂打電話! 叫 Dennis 打給 哀喔打給 APO 的社長
Dennis is like a police, you Tina can tell Dennis, Anna says Jones got accept by the Police department not sure which States, he went to SUNY Art, in New York School system. You Tina tell Dennis, if he wants to get police some kinds of certifcate, his personality, Anna says, its so annoying...
Dennis is 吹毛求癡的那種人 very very stuffs to ask guys, he will ask a lot of things straightfoward, that is why he is an auditor, He will tell you, he does not play games.
I have a big 學姊
學弟 is Kyle
Kim Anna Kyle (its a line)
But I have a top Big, name whom??? I forget his name, he helps me English stuffs. He is Albany Governmental employee, with his wife, he visits Buffalo. I don't like the guy. But he is in Capital of entire New York
I say that again.
Albany is New York State Capital. 紐約市的首都叫做 Albany
I have a APO big working in the Federal or Governmental Central whatever department he says he was? So you Tina called Dennis, called Richardson, to find out this guy still exist? He used to just have a born kid.
So known as Upper State New York = 所謂上州的紐約其實是 Buffalo, Rochester, Syrocuse, Albany
印出來給我背起來,看地圖總看得懂吧 ?
因為 IRS TAX 重要! 你們在紐約市是報紐約市的稅! 有一個填寫欄叫做 "紐約市"
Can you ask your company on the IRS Tax, if you are not sure, Anna your sister said, NYC on the column in the Tax form IRS, is separate from the Upper State New York
New York City (NYC)
Upper State New York
NYC to Buffalo its 8 hours drives
在 Kim 上面的 Big (她上面的學長) = Albany, that Big 那個學長在首都的那個人(我不喜歡) 見過面一次! 後來就再也沒有講話!
這是背印出來的,你公司不知道有沒有,你跟 Dennis talk clear to tell him
There is a book, to print out "Lines" Big or Little, in that name lines.
I am only talking about my lines. 我只在說我的那條線! 那一條只有一條的意思
Kim is pharmacy students, she was in the Pharmacy program already. 她在藥學系我在 APO的時侯她已經是了~她跟 Wing Hong Kong 香港的那個 OLA 庫洛魔法使透明篇的
They are the same Pharmacy, That Japanese Cartoon Sakura Cards, Wing's profession is Pharmacy, Kim was in APO my big, is a pharmacy program, already in that time. I don't know where she is.
They are all tall guys, Tina.
Kyle is the shortest.
Fang Asian Tall (CERN close)
Dennis, too tall, American
Ayo Black Tall, CAC President
Richardson, Tall, APO President
Tina you also needs to called Dennis to tell him to call CAC Fang, to tell him the situation that is chaotic with Lee Solomon and CERN, and my AGT first audition script to show Fang, about CERN wants, and read Sailor Moon.
Just tell Dennis to tell Fang, that they are killing people for 4 org science-hospital-research-military-public-private-black-white-secret complex for 4 remaining sailors positions
你聽不懂叫林宏霖人呢?翻譯給緹娜字字提攜~ 叫做看懂廢話講解我到底要她幹嘛 呀 !
找 CAC Dennis !!!!!! Speak in English
They are American, end up SUNY Buffalo
Tina finds Dennis, finds Ayo CAC President Clubs, find contacts on Fang in a utterly differently Natrual Science magazine Free Department, any Science magazine FREE!!! Department
你找到 Dennis, 你跟他說去找 CAC以前的 President, says Anna is looking for an Asian Fang, he used to take her Anna to his officer to see so called 3D themodynamic, or phsyics that one of those CERN will know stuffs he does.
Fang is an Asian from NYC, New York City, yeah, they are all New York City.
He is highly logical 他非常非常非常邏輯化
He is highly processing 他非常非常機能處理他的腦袋的意思
He is a boring guy, highly acadmia, his department, his department is not like the other department, Trump might went to eat that 2nd floor restaurant, there is a walkway to turn in there. I never been there, until Fang took me there. to see those offices, its called Natural Science Magazine ALL FREE department !
他們所有科學雜誌都是免費的那個樓層的所有 department, Fang is!
Tina on Send Out Card Money, you ask your company 你跟你公司要錢、你需要做一點事情 賺錢
You ask them, if your company can give you Send Out Card money, annual, for 2 years try out time. Anna Jao, your sister, that liquidarian things she is an Artist, she had all her card design on the Send Out Card Cataloging system.
Here is her Art on Flickr
Here is her Apple App design, developer community, she says Annaul fee she had this called Glow-to-Go, or Era Glow
You can just call her, but she is in Taiwan. She says, everything is everywhere.
You tell them Anna is a New York Public Librarian using Joomla. So she did go ahead with the Apple on the annual fees to that Developer Forum, she met Eben Pagan. He is just everywhere, she Anna meant that. You say, that developer India made 2 apps, by the account 3 apps supposes to become her money missing, that craps. One is on Art, one is on Organic Chemistry. She has none, right now. You called Apple, they might never call you back.
But these are the Art links she has left.
She had a name card. But that was long ago she had the website set up.
你不是會寫字嗎 ? Send out card 幹嘛 的?就是如果你有這些造型的東西、你去把你的文字中文的照相起來、然後印到卡片上面、每一個過年過節、你寄給你的客戶! 我是做 Greeting card 意思別人跟我訂我才去叫他們寄,但是我太忙了~所以東西在他們家但是我什麼都沒有做,可是可以印 demo
The original copy I never seen on paper format, the first time I seen how it print it out
You can go to Office Depot to print, but you can just ask your Company to pay you extra money 你跟你公司要多餘的錢去印這些你自己手寫照相的 demo copy
因為你從來沒有看過正本! 你沒有看過印出來的東西
所以 Send out Card another thing was under someone's acocunt, they might put you under my account, so i will ask them my money later on, its called affiliate marketing, pyramid. kinda of. Ask your mother.
Tina on Vitamin to with ex bf Cello 大提琴男朋友以前林宏霖的前!
Do you gonna call him for your bus route lawsuit money with Hank?
Whatever his name is? the Cello guy?
You say, Anna telling you Tina Jao to buy Vitamin, does he wants you to ship them how many bottle, you and Aria and George go to post office, buying the boxes, and shipped with shipping slip, money costs, records, and charge them? 跟他們要錢的意思! 哪一種藥他們需要,說 L-Lysine 絕對需要是波斯王子的那個字! 叫做 L Not J插不多的意思! 吃下去就對了!
Tell them you Tina cannot give them advices, because you have no certificate, but they can call nick coaching that stuffs, whatever they want by hourly. If it is one family unit, one time? He has a lot of junks ! Nick Catricala 416-920-1967
He is on Skype.
You charge them with extra money, you pay the full prices, but you add some money on the top.
Doing shipping business. How many times can you be shipping?
多少次你可以快遞出去? 裝箱子、丟東西、黏好、叫 Aria and George to go and do those things.
Shipping package? Mail deliver order?
你去郵局的意思! You go to Post Office
A lot of things if you really don't know, you found out where is that Dennis at, he knows some stuffs at least.
Tina on Vitamin
Vitamin C
Vitamin B (complex), they sell B6, but nick has B12, you just get whatever in the drug store.
Can you go to Mike Adam subscribe his Natural News, Newsletter. 看不看沒有關係
He sells all kinds of junks.
no, you don't need your brother suggestion.
You look at the Sun for vitamin D
Do you find a family doctor for Aria, George and you yourself? in NYC
Check on the Yellow Book.
You can get the prescription drug for period, and work day off at coompany, telling them, you are home taking care of kids and period pain.
See if your company wants to pay your pads money, period pads 就是月經買的那些墊子,你的公司
you tell them, your sister period is gone.
yours still exist, if you are continue living, you are using the same last name. Your sister says she is liquidarion, your mother and her trying to stop this period disappear by all kind of junks foods. Doing too excessively, that the border in Taiwan starts to shut down, i cannot go out buying food. The pads I use are thick and thin, but your sister told you, that Thin pads 廣告 commerical was air a while ago. 已經廣告一段時間你姊看過那個薄片的, just say, your sister tell you to copy those words to tell you. The thin pads commercials were out for a long while 16 years ago in between, that is when facebook or other social media, Silicon Valley coming out more. So you want to ask them for pads money.
Just tell them straight, you want that money to be on the accounting books.
Tell them, Anna's friend Dennis is an auditor, from your Manhattan, south living this Government supporting neighborhood, not rich family, its a low income, that is why Dennis ends up in CAC. Ask them, if they want to contact another little of mine APO in NYC very very fat, his name is Kyle.
CAC Dennis Manhattan, NYC
I had a roommate, also from NYC, but I foget her name with electra. She is a Christian.
You found out Dennis, you found out Kyle, you figure it out if you want to find that girl. She got a SUV from her family gifting her going to which graduate school money?
I forget....that is a church business. You tell Dennis to find out in here, Church. She invites the entire assmebly one time, to fill up my room in 1525 Amherst Manor, Apartment. Wiliamville, Eben cannot stop writing my resume....
That was annoying....I didn't tell her, but my face color 我的臉色很難看那一天 is not a right color, but she cannot see it anyway. They were in the living room and kitchen. Your brother Jason Pang Jao has gone to see that apartment.
Its called Amherst Manor
1525 Amherst Manor, Williiamsville, NY, 14221
The highway, next by Pepsi Center, the Ice Rink, I never went on.
UFO? That is why you write that to your company. no, not UFO saying.
Say what I tell you to say.
Tina 吃過藥嗎 ?知道藥房在哪裡? Talenol and Ibpruphen. Can you ask your brother, Jason Pang Jao, how to spell that?
Have you eaten any medicine your period, Tina?
When is your period? Do you record them?
Next cycle, trying like 400mg you buy you read them?
One tablet 800mg?
take 3, 800 mg
take 6, 400 mg
See if you dead.
Tablet is better than the capsule for me. 錠比膠囊好的意思! 問你弟弟我叫你吃霞咪~
吃了死了就去死吧 !
Now I will talk to you in Chinese, you don't need to write it in the court paper. Court paper, I ask you to write, you call your father and that ex bf yours cello to help you. Music school and Laws? Be that useful. 做點有用的事情! 你們自己寫剩下的!
你提那去過中山女中嗎? 我還沒有時間帶汪星去!他的東西
那你是誰想要跟你去? 有沒有人選?
我不太想一天到晚躺在那個學校 ... 緹娜! 他如果付錢~我會給你一點我拿到的錢~但是他應該會自己給你錢,校外教學的意思! 我高中決賽那類你沒有來吧 ? 邦跟媽好像聽說有來過,我忘了,中山小吃街是一條街,吃東西的地方,你喜歡吃甜的嗎?
你有沒有喜歡吃的東西? 肉我現在吃 ,你吃飯我可以問你問題,至少你的手忙著吃東西 !
像是你到底在做什麼工作銀行? 還有跟 Director 聯絡嗎 ? 可以跟他說我找 Charlie !他的登在夜市的某個什麼早餐是白天,夜市是晚上的旁邊燈 ! 不是牆花,花瓶的意思! 他用特別的燈,緹娜
所以你自己現在住在哪個區域 ? Dennis 我以前CAC 也是一個住在你現在聽說存在的地方的南邊 ,但是你並不認得他,他臉上像你弟弟的從前,你在意這種事情嗎 ? 你看的到嗎 ?
好像很多男孩子台灣都是那樣,我看到的 ! 很多化妝,是真的
所以你在美國跟他們講英文中文 Aria George?
他們通常都在幹嘛 ?
我不知道你跟你公司想把你擺在哪裡 ~你們出現在中山女中 我問,還是我現在告訴你,你跟你公司決定你要在哪成長你們小孩的語言跟背景,緹娜你這種樣子可能早死 ! 在某種時間之內~大概埃本說的,小孩你以後覺得應該在哪裡發展?
養寵物? Mokie 應該太老了!
有沒有想跟清海無上師說什麼? 如果她是你師父還有印度五百歲,寒暄就可以,願望就不必了!
你有沒有希望你的同學朋友參與你認為的活動? 你還記得她們嗎 ?
你會用臉書嗎 ? 我看過你有回覆!
我問你的時候是你吃飯的時候~ 我什麼都吃、都喝,你乖一點,事情不會像想像中那麼困難難受!
Tina Jao Plaintiff
I will write my sister Legal Paper, myself. TIna Jao, Plaintiff
Hereby, Tina Jao, sister of Anna Jao. I was her full blood line sister, second in the family. My sister told me, she will ask me some question, such as the following, "Can you repeat the data from your DMV any ID card photo? Like your height, your eye color, your weight, your address? Do you remember your birthday? You used to write good you say you practicing Chinese words in pen, I gift you a dozen you like pens Taiwan, you writes? What can you write? Whatever looks nice, Tina." "What else you do in Music high school, do you remember besides Piano and Flute second option, any Chinese older type of playingful instrument, even once, can you liste the name of these instruments, you have ever touch, feel, see, or look? The name of the Chinse instrument. 中國的樂器你曾經看過聽過知道過摸過? " " Can you spell your kids name, in Chinese and in English? Do you like their name in Chinese and English? If you have a choice, do you want to change their name now? We are going to see the court, now or later its all fine. If you want to ask them, you can think for a few days, a week is fine." "You live in America? or Taiwan? Residency in New York City or California, it noramlly takes a years of a physical living in that states with an acquire Driving Liscnence to district your kids school? What did you do all things? You can ask your father to help you. " "Now, what I want you to write your legal papers are your experience in traveling too far to the high school, no, you don't sue them. You telling a fact, you have to stretch a too long morning route and evenving traffic jam school, do you remember? Can you describe it in full saying in English or Chinese, I can translate. The routes or bus, you remember, how to get to the Music School? Did you ever live in the dorm, boarding school type, eating in there? Can you describe your experience in there, or at home? Just describe your true feeling, what you see, how you feel, how school works you study, or don't study, too heavy, too tired, you like bubble tea? long traveling does it help you? Traveling those hours? Yeah, you will write your most court paper."
Vice President Al Gore
I assume some might be in jail, for at least some thing they MD didn’t do. But I press too many issues, I see their photo there, to be honest, as any profession, me if were, will say, the photo why it’s there? So they didn’t get jail. Even if get jail, Dean has a case in Catherine magic darkness, I won’t save him. I know how, he will feel better in the future they are classmate equal. We have typhoon here 2 days a day, my brothers friend Jones came, but the weather was so bad, not sure he made it to Facebook hiring and get fired repeatedly process…you study weather, lawyer? I used to say something. They are Global Effects, most say South America El Niño, it’s under ocean, under water. You know ITs fish business. Then dead zone gulf mexico? By years? By subsequently years. Yeah, I do things prior differently. What I tell you is you know giant wind vortex, it’s called Tonado on US soil, continental weather. Airport, aviation is controlled by these weather pattern, they meant global warning by Vice President. He uses words “Global initiative warning” documentary, not climate change …194 country ?? The Gates ! Bill Gates got divorced. Harry got sent out unwanted that Gate, issues. So known as the air issue not water issues are airport everyday tower issues, everyday. Immediate tornado, like “the day after tomorrow” or you see Online those extreme tornado, instantly ? I will tell you what you can records on paper and research and seen. Yeah, these. And my video on climate changed geography. Nick knows? Yeah, those
Lawful money for Tina and North Korea my age too
I want to sue Hank, I want to sue Tina friend Korean says Paganene song in public performance and I leave a message to all to leave that’s psycho. You know…Tina has a condition, Hank phone threaten not just Tina, but my mother we had no money last year, we were all still trying, he threaten message threatening, kidnapping my father situation to show up and look after kids. Very near us. Tina hit me for Frozen movies probably, she keep saying that before, she is red hair, but she didn’t get it up all life so no more 2 kids to go to NYC. Her friend did that’s I am telling Eben all things up to this one. I found that message but I erase it 2020, on her YouTube. Because I don’t really know what happened. Tina had a happy birthday video say cursing in Chinese slander sounds. She wrote it before they got married. It’s not online anymore. Hank heck’s and doing illegal things in NY/c at Tina’s apartment, they got a dog, he probably beat him too. I call police on ‘Tina, Hank get smart to say that’s sister fighting he spits me, he dump all my master tapes DVD 12345 in front of me. Yeah? Yesterday was a date I call all place saying Tina is a real Psycho, can you call Canada Bell, there was a Frozen and subsequence action in between when I say Tina was a real psycho condition to when I sat “Freeze”? Or you better call Eben now, because I did sent him the email over stuff his mail, all these, ended with his name issues Paganene song, it’s flute public performance she did to Tina Jao, my sister.
There is another Korean girl ASMR shows ironic your resume for North Korean leader too fat, my age, Europe I heard ABC. For paper records and some money for him. Can you? My age, like Prince William and Harry. Lawful money
Erin: Lies
She lies right in front of my face, right in front, for a very stupid saying to her friend. She is not a friend to me at all. But only contact sustain a paper she put my name in under edu. In USA. But when she violates my lifestyle it’s called precepts, I leave, I go, I never return. There is a reality, no one knows. No matter what.
Erin Monkey
I cannot tell you things about Erin right now, because I want her to do that initiatives. For a lot of good reasons. But what I can tell, when life is lacking money, they honor class trumpet Facebook monent, was a friend will only use you. Of course that’s exactly happen. She gives me a phD liscensing test like a nurse type require paper works, do you know what she did? She meant just fill in these questions without a textbook ?
I was IT Joomla, back ended administrative? Yeah ? I did something display all answer, copy paste on it in 2 minutes. I sent her paper back, we went to see her offices professors. I see them. That’s IT department UB, not PHD nursing them check all pilots studies all going forward studies after that? Do you really know what American government did on that? It’s not I miss the money to fear that is? To ask for money? If UB hire me for IT because of that, she gonna Facebook ‘LinkedIn she is married with a kid !! You will know what that means doing on purpose to make everyone else kidnapped life really say oh all that ! Should be dead….I am an Asian look like American, I cannot say for neither? So tiny minded so stupid, high school taiwan I cannot read, and it nurse in Unicersity to come to America for high salary to get someone kill, she says herself. Be punish in front of my house right now, I sent her photo tell her quick, this is first week, she is not responding or dead…
So annoying
Certain things you don’t say on paper but it’s very very annoying when I value certain things and had a life I used to be. Habits hard to change that kind of life, not asking parents every two seconds money don’t come in, lazy around to say sleep? I go fasting better health walking, 4 blocks becomes a compensate or a crimes ?
Fate law
I can write it but it’s not lawful or public support in mass consciousness
It’s really annoying !! Very very very annoying to any degree I feel that personal life is to be burden money.
No …(glooming) it’s when you stop paying…
They always exist called unit per horsepower ? Meaning every household always equip that.
Always have a phone jet ready to go, just ask them. It’s outside on the pole !
Phone! Like Telegraph.
SMCH called German doctor waiting at mail post office Real Love, she was waiting in line? Oh ….
Used be?
Cayce Edgar requires human mother to go see him in person.
About their sons. Return or not WWI.
Like AC is modern technology, modern electricity application to illuminate worlds with Lights
Kinda to say, there is a light !
Tesla dislike fatty, fat co-workers.
AC has concepts …by theory
By application is long distant make-up DC defects, offering electricity to every home.
It’s just …in the modern day, if someone falls on these wire before landing, let go…it will break anyway, they have to put cable phone wire with it, I heard, or I just know, it’s convinence on my house outside that box was for electricity or Bell Canada?
MD & Science groups, how after words definition in textbook, sleep 20 years become a geography “application in life” without draft? All subjects?
You never really lose that stuffs. They went to cram school on the weekend ?
… … 🤒
Application life physics are mostly used in mechanics like auto: automobile road fraction on turn like a race car seen, the most split moment, that tie how gluey to the concrete. They put 柏油路!:)
Yeah, it’s like the solid becoming…not sure how to write that in Chinese.
Like brick building. That thing as a child, you play a tool, brush then smooth it ….kinda like painting too. 漆漆 平
They have a left hand, look at it. :) 3 piglets stories, 小鬼小和尚,三隻小豬的故事,以後尋尋覓覓尋寶去,子歇呀!叫做看地板,made of brick. My house !! 我家呀!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️小鬼小和尚來說:事過境遷 鉛 潛 謙 淺⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️意思就是?
現代用法律! Lawsuit can threaten someone entirely into jail, called American Law
2021年7月23日 星期五
I want to go to sleep
Do you job best - killing each other off.
Babaji: right, where is my time?
What is what?
Babaji: my time?
My thyme? Thyme leaves ? I never really use that.
Babaji: oh
You want to something ?
Babaji: not unless you don’t want me to.
My eyes …
Babaji: I know, stay awake a little bit.
I need to go to sleep.
Babaji: right
⭐️⭐️⭐️I am looking at transformation & Heaven to ? Haruka Michiru, Keanu race car? Yeth too wants to kill Lee? … …. What did you do, Lee? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Transformation…just pray that’s not Heaven meant I saw I made a playlist 2019. You guys behind probably go find all the groups.
Eben is that stage groups? Or Ola embellish clothing groups?
So Ola has a group?
That kind of …China fabric merits…history like Reinanssance type…盛世,是這樣嗎?應該不是吧?唐朝的盛世、仕女服的福報,馬王堆的非常薄的衣裳,我的記憶出錯的意思叫做墳墓的謝禮! it was from the grave, on the documentary my bio generic grave I Ching sequence, a very thin clothing mentioned ….President Xi, Ola that ballet looking ?
Of course not.
So why Lee you are being target ?
… … I don’t have time to argue them, but if they feel that way, you Lee did something ?
Me + Yeth looking at Hollywood setting ? Keanu to Joey, then Patrick before he becomes “the One” doing burning DVD, before the one?
Yeth knows my Facebook
Or even just say Seth. I had a Facebook.
I know whom that Bill is. Or me and Yeth knows whom Bill is
More than you Hollywood.
That entire situation …just gulp probably.
In the celestial, like we heard rumors there is a thing. Babaji: what thing ?
Like an open public said.
No one knows what exactly that is
But if the One or the Music Judge is still a thing by career …
By occupation
Like Rockfeller
Like Bishop
One of those we heard a rumor from comic books, a stack of moving pictures. Not one painting anymore. It’s a stack of painting …
Jobs, title, description, resume, efforts, money, power, charity …
We keep say oh what if things just don’t change that much ?
Me and Yeth would not be agreeing on a lot of things. He does on purpose
But let’s say, he Yeth and me Anna look at something on the ground in the Queens palace side by side …
We both sit there looking at the monitor …
We glue, not moving, look at the monitor.
You don’t want to partner trying with Keanu how to work together seeing things?
I cannot be everyone’s partner, our height different !
星兒 Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...

My brother's friend is Jones, traveling here and Facebook in between. Same height. Your older bigger brother groups. Rebecca & Ed B...
That is not the thing you talk about it? 一貫道? 然後呢? 我在上傳我的照片! 拿麥克風很可怕嗎 ? 我沒有在聽!不過 現在跟以後念會是一樣的!
I am below a UFO There is U-boat from Russia!