2021年7月24日 星期六

Tina Jao Plaintiff

I will write my sister Legal Paper, myself. TIna Jao, Plaintiff

Hereby, Tina Jao, sister of Anna Jao. I was her full blood line sister, second in the family. My sister told me, she will ask me some question, such as the following, "Can you repeat the data from your DMV any ID card photo? Like your height, your eye color, your weight, your address? Do you remember your birthday? You used to write good you say you practicing Chinese words in pen, I gift you a dozen you like pens Taiwan, you writes? What can you write? Whatever looks nice, Tina." "What else you do in Music high school, do you remember besides Piano and Flute second option, any Chinese older type of playingful instrument, even once, can you liste the name of these instruments, you have ever touch, feel, see, or look? The name of the Chinse instrument. 中國的樂器你曾經看過聽過知道過摸過?  " " Can you spell your kids name, in Chinese and in English? Do you like their name in Chinese and English? If you have a choice, do you want to change their name now? We are going to see the court, now or later its all fine. If you want to ask them, you can think for a few days, a week is fine." "You live in America? or Taiwan? Residency in New York City or California, it noramlly takes a years of a physical living in that states with an acquire Driving Liscnence to district your kids school? What did you do all things? You can ask your father to help you. " "Now, what I want you to write your legal papers are your experience in traveling too far to the high school, no, you don't sue them. You telling a fact, you have to stretch a too long morning route and evenving traffic jam school, do you remember? Can you describe it in full saying in English or Chinese, I can translate. The routes or bus, you remember, how to get to the Music School? Did you ever live in the dorm, boarding school type, eating in there? Can you describe your experience in there, or at home? Just describe your true feeling, what you see, how you feel, how school works you study, or don't study, too heavy, too tired, you like bubble tea? long traveling does it help you? Traveling those hours? Yeah, you will write your most court paper."




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