2021年7月24日 星期六

Tina, on Karen and Adria, CAC (their used to husband are Chris, and Billy, Call Ayo 哀喔)

 你打電話給 Ayo, CAC President, to call Billy + Chris

Billy is from a city just outside New York City, where he met Adria, a high school. Much south than Albany. Where you used to live Trump Tower North, probably. 就是出了紐約市的北邊一點的地方是以前 Billy and Adria 去的高中

Karen knows Chris from Canisious College school

Private College 私立大學

A groups of them, from Karen high school

Karen has a brother and a sister.

You Tina, will tell your company 你需要跟你的公司說安那說 Web 2.0 is

Tell Dennis to explain what is Web 2.0

Tell Dennis to watch Tiny 4.0 楊冪的電影, say to your Company, Tina's company, why this movie is very important, not just Web 2.0

They are horrific music in this story, so they 4 girls shouldn't be there anyway, you tell Dennis, you tell your company, your sister says that.

Its Tiny 4.0 that glasses stuck in between horrifying girls pushing each other to break glasses in Melinda's mouth = Tiny tiny tiny incidents

You Tina have to report to your company, because they need to be very very interest in this, or else....the kids are all from NYC to Bufallo NY

Richardson is a UB staffs, I used to remember, ask him = APO President, what does he do in UB?

He is much older

No he is not like Wing.

He is an American. Tall guy, fat too, built.

You Tina have to know Canisious Collage is so expensive, Anna says, she does not understand why Karen went to UB, and the rest of her buddies friends all went to private college, they really that waste money for 4 years college? 

There is another college called Buffalo States, that is not UB size.

UB is a bigger University 

當地的大學有多,他們幹嘛 都跑去私立大學四年的學費?你姊安那認為那很昂貴,但是你先丟報告就是了,找 Dennis to clarify everything I say, if he was on my website and keep tracking this for his work or other's works. 

Your Tina Company might really need Dennis to talk clear.

He knows them differently, or Anna just ...not a guy to vet !!! 

Dennis vet like a guy !!! 

or Fang or Ayo

總之你公司應該很在意這一個 電影叫做 Tiny 4.0 很糟糕的音樂的意思! 

你叫 Dennis 講清楚這些人是你提那公司想要知道什麼第三人稱的講法~叫做浪費時間看電影的意思! 




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...