2021年7月24日 星期六

Tina on Send Out Card Money, you ask your company 你跟你公司要錢、你需要做一點事情 賺錢

 You ask them, if your company can give you Send Out Card money, annual, for 2 years try out time. Anna Jao, your sister, that liquidarian things she is an Artist, she had all her card design on the Send Out Card Cataloging system.

Here is her Art on Flickr


Here is her Apple App design, developer community, she says Annaul fee she had this called Glow-to-Go, or Era Glow


You can just call her, but she is in Taiwan. She says, everything is everywhere.

You tell them Anna is a New York Public Librarian using Joomla. So she did go ahead with the Apple on the annual fees to that Developer Forum, she met Eben Pagan. He is just everywhere, she Anna meant that. You say, that developer India made 2 apps, by the account 3 apps supposes to become her money missing, that craps. One is on Art, one is on Organic Chemistry. She has none, right now. You called Apple, they might never call you back.

But these are the Art links she has left.

She had a name card.  But that was long ago she had the website set up.

你不是會寫字嗎 ? Send out card 幹嘛 的?就是如果你有這些造型的東西、你去把你的文字中文的照相起來、然後印到卡片上面、每一個過年過節、你寄給你的客戶! 我是做 Greeting card 意思別人跟我訂我才去叫他們寄,但是我太忙了~所以東西在他們家但是我什麼都沒有做,可是可以印 demo

The original copy I never seen on paper format, the first time I seen how it print it out

You can go to Office Depot to print, but you can just ask your Company to pay you extra money 你跟你公司要多餘的錢去印這些你自己手寫照相的 demo copy

因為你從來沒有看過正本! 你沒有看過印出來的東西

所以 Send out Card another thing was under someone's acocunt, they might put you under my account, so i will ask them my money later on, its called affiliate marketing, pyramid. kinda of. Ask your mother.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...