2021年7月24日 星期六

Tina, I need to explain to you this again, these people and more people after. 我需要跟你解釋這些人跟更多的人之後(紐約市)



APO is a fratenity


Tom, Daniel (nurse graduate school)

Tim, Sarah 

There is another dark fat hair girl. 


and APO adviser, a little bit like Dr. Takeuchi and his gf that time.

Evan, playing guitar

Richardson is a faculty, Tom and Tim, these 3 works in the IT shop in Sheridan. There was a PC store. They talk all the time. Keegan lives in Buffalo, law family. His father. Most of them wants to keep a connection with the New York City, its always best you always just ask Richardson.

APO fratenity, means, there is an initiation process 兄弟會但是他們是男女一起的叫做 co-ed

你最好都問一下 President, Tina

You talked to Dennis, to call Ayo 哀喔! (講法) to call Richardson.

You Tina tell Dennis to keep all the records right. He is the best on that. He is that type to be an auditor and accountant, he sent me his business notes. Tell him I remember who he is. He is on my facebook. I think Fang too? 

Well, 你記得你打電話給 Dennis 叫他做好這些事情,不要亂打電話! 叫 Dennis 打給 哀喔打給 APO 的社長

Dennis is like a police, you Tina can tell Dennis, Anna says Jones got accept by the Police department not sure which States, he went to SUNY Art, in New York School system. You Tina tell Dennis, if he wants to get police some kinds of certifcate, his personality, Anna says, its so annoying...

Dennis is 吹毛求癡的那種人 very very stuffs to ask guys, he will ask a lot of things straightfoward, that is why he is an auditor, He will tell you, he does not play games.



I have a big 學姊 

學弟 is Kyle

Kim Anna Kyle (its a line) 

But I have a top Big, name whom??? I forget his name, he helps me English stuffs. He is Albany Governmental employee, with his wife, he visits Buffalo. I don't like the guy. But he is in Capital of entire New York

I say that again.

Albany is New York State Capital. 紐約市的首都叫做 Albany

I have a APO big working in the Federal or Governmental Central whatever department he says he was? So you Tina called Dennis, called Richardson, to find out this guy still exist? He used to just have a born kid.

So known as Upper State New York = 所謂上州的紐約其實是 Buffalo, Rochester, Syrocuse, Albany

印出來給我背起來,看地圖總看得懂吧 ?


因為 IRS TAX 重要! 你們在紐約市是報紐約市的稅! 有一個填寫欄叫做 "紐約市"


Can you ask your company on the IRS Tax, if you are not sure, Anna your sister said, NYC on the column in the Tax form IRS, is separate from the Upper State New York

New York City (NYC)

Upper State New York 

NYC to Buffalo its 8 hours drives


在 Kim 上面的 Big (她上面的學長) = Albany, that Big 那個學長在首都的那個人(我不喜歡) 見過面一次! 後來就再也沒有講話!


這是背印出來的,你公司不知道有沒有,你跟 Dennis talk clear to tell him

There is a book, to print out "Lines" Big or Little, in that name lines. 

I am only talking about my lines. 我只在說我的那條線! 那一條只有一條的意思

Kim is pharmacy students, she was in the Pharmacy program already. 她在藥學系我在 APO的時侯她已經是了~她跟 Wing Hong Kong 香港的那個 OLA 庫洛魔法使透明篇的

They are the same Pharmacy, That Japanese Cartoon Sakura Cards, Wing's profession is Pharmacy, Kim was in APO my big, is a pharmacy program, already in that time. I don't know where she is.  

They are all tall guys, Tina.

Kyle is the shortest. 

Fang Asian Tall (CERN close)

Dennis, too tall, American

Ayo Black Tall, CAC President

Richardson, Tall, APO President

Tina you also needs to called Dennis to tell him to call CAC Fang, to tell him the situation that is chaotic with Lee Solomon and CERN, and my AGT first audition script to show Fang, about CERN wants, and read Sailor Moon.

Just tell Dennis to tell Fang, that they are killing people for 4 org science-hospital-research-military-public-private-black-white-secret complex for 4 remaining sailors positions

你聽不懂叫林宏霖人呢?翻譯給緹娜字字提攜~ 叫做看懂廢話講解我到底要她幹嘛 呀 !

找  CAC Dennis !!!!!! Speak in English

They are American, end up SUNY Buffalo





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