Babaji: Sleep
We are having meeting here everyday waking morning hours by Taiwan ROC time. Unless I am not geographically exist here....
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2021年9月11日 星期六
Smallville : American like
oh ~ that is not me? Looking?
Now I c.
I believe I can make you become ghosty.....that is exactly how you already become!!!
I am not going to move my height.
(I have light the candel before....matches ....)
I its better your friends on your facebook to become the Smallville? No body ever talk to you about, you are in the TV? called Smallville?
Expectation to interact?
oh ~
So what happened after all these happend, your facebook becoming?
Nick is the same height with me.
Cuttie ~~~~
you... want to go first?
Lex and Lionel Luthor's Father-son Rivalry -- (Smallville - S1; E3-17)
you try Dr. Gabriel.
Adequate? know these music background, its like a TV shows !
Do you see Pinterest photo Birds' house?
Do you know our house one block photo, anyone shows to you?
it block right, one block straight,
That is...a land. Rectangle?
If they apply for government grant how to repair eyes and height with the TV guides ...
oh ~~~~
Clark Kent and Lex Luthor's "Friendship" Moments -- (Smallville - S1-3; E8)
Today is Saturday???
hi Cuttie, do you know what is a surgery is for?
Who is superman, in
Is that court Supreme Court America needs to find out BEFORE CHRISTMAS?
Who this is, what would be, how it is should be?
Do you know your mood, and your liver, and your height?
But most guys prefer they are tall.
Its your choice. You can sue all your dangers first, before you decide, you say, you don't want to go ahead. If the court ruling to prison all those around.
Personal assault to endanger 身家性命
Can the court ruling, Supreme Court America, saying you mentor MD class?
You know you do those period stuffs on my waist I draw you a photo?
Just that, and few others things you can write it down, cuttie?
Eyes sight
Self-improvement class
Maturity, what you can offer your experience, what revering God its an attitude we suppose to be, not ought to be?
Also apply grants for possible ENTIRE new cabin of clothing, so expensive long black those even look at it.
Do you have an X-rays you can take laterly, Cuttie?
I lost mine.
I have seen it.
no, you go first.
Keep yourself hydrate. My father says he shrink, how long we are together, you shrink? Can you records the spinal cord fluid things I told my father.
The entire length of Time
See if American Medical Committee Board willing to help ... all these papers be done as quick as possible?
Can anyone, get the blood examine between Nick and Dimitri?
Can you cuttie, ask American Committee Medical lousy board, your credit card about to expire....if we have some evidence that hydrate methods and height like my father freaking out, was the lifestyle we choose to share.... not free?
My father can have money, not to keep shrinking?
There are few guys like them, there all by themselves about to die on me.....
By the way Cuttie, my father says my mother carried the beverage too heavy, you want to drink less? Jason is 必尿科
I think, by natural methods, if you growing tall on yourself...
or myself....legally. You can file that kind of legal paper.
Something like it happen by itself.
... I think all these drinks have dissolved vitamin...4 kinds of vitamin, coming out with it. if that is what it means. I am not sure.
Not all vitamin are dissolve in the liquid. I learn that in the middle school. You can say, those are Anna's MD friend, but none of them have experty to doubt her middle school textbook she memorize these.
4 types of vitamin.
Therefore, we can only go on our own. Rain and shine.
If you coming to Taiwan for the bus things, you eat something at night. This are island weather. There are night market around, you like fried mushroom, but 7-11 have all kinds of take-out, you eat meat?
You say the court paper: In the danger of becoming tall with the implication of the television, a criminal might become more psychological, to become serial, like his gun number in serial.
His library card
all his ID cards identification numbers
That is comets in hitting the smallville.
You says: Things to imply only can say, by the nature like being seen on the real life scenario, like Anna saw Tamang have gun and gun equipment on the Facebook. Only these being the real facts can allow us to by pass what they say, just say what you think in your head, if we keep seeing John Searle, or John Searl, these they are not the same people, but they are....
You say, we want to keep more carbonhydrate diet, like south beach diet might be in the library book, she says, she used to see it. If in the library book, maybe that is okay.
Casserole, like lentil. Cuttie
I do drink juices, Cuttie, the ones they sell here, with ice cubes and caynne peppper.
But I am in the bathroom....all these torturing gas, and I am busy, too.....
They sell everything in the night market.
Its too sweet, I dilute with water, and ice, and all the juices.....
Dilute like...really dilute it.
At the beginning I drink concentrated. day....I lack juices, so I went to dilute it...and after that day, my taste bug changes, too sweet now. Way too sweet and bubble tea too. So I dilute with waters.
I eat snack.
Japanese snack, or Taiwan health food store, they have vegetarian snack.
I keep going to bathroom, American Medical Board, do you know what happened today?
You know, you sure we go about TV? leave it there and we die?
Do you have money to buy a things for them?
Those highlighter at night concert, you break them, they become lights.
I don't really know about the height....
Do Hank send anywhere, but jail?
So anywhere, he receive his toy, and his own TV, that has my father black and white, to see cards???
Those lines.
Hank has a brain?
He needs my father to do 彩繪嗎 ? 有種東西
How is there MD, any groups trying to help them at all? Where you from America 50 states????? They have 50 state medical board?
... ... one day I will sue you all. I thought I only had one Medical Committee Board America, and they die just like Supreme Court Justice !!!!!!!
The tickets like the comic book Dean's ballet girlfriend height !!!!
他不是 MD嗎?
Does your Court needs that 凡爾賽玫瑰
If we did all that, and that is the last chapter of the book, there is Vampire waiting us?
Waiting them.
See our height?
Is nick Britney height?
5'3 me
Britney = 5'4
Seth and JC Chasez are not the same height.
Do you engineer the hair to black?
I have quantum particle in my hair, like 量子
The real blonde hair, I used to be more blonde too.
Its getting darker with ages.
Is that important?
I am luthor ...LUTHOR?
When you collect enough real brain people to come out a solution, its called collabration.
Its much easier, its me just alone doing all this.
I am dying today....
FEMA = fe ma
iron? gravity force?
collard green, a type of vegetable, we grow to eat?
collar bone? My father's I say bones?
Fe = Iron in chemistry periodic table, that is for the women's blood, like the red kidney beans, they always repeat those thing, and no, I never believe that.
oh !
oh no ~~!!!
That does not sound good any of that....
I need to be in my chair to do a lot of things on the computer, to type. The height how we used the table, the height how we walk to the stair down. The height how we are in the elevator, not to feel threaten all the time, by the ceiling?
oh ~ I feel everything !
Its too near on my eyes sight, these height of reachable top!
small v ill le?
Lee drinks.
you all want to check, whom drink?
Like alcohol, to the degree to say, that is for sure an impaire sign, if you drink it and drive?
No, you need Dr. Gabriel
He is fine. His several sons, might be no fine.
I seen them. That kind of bold head, its...cancer. Ava, paralyze, City of Hope.
Make a wish foundation.
Dr. Lupin and his gf, both die, and leave a son.
They what?
You need police custody.
Just use the example in 黑傑克
when there is a Cat women, with a 流氓 like Eben Pagan and Senator.
You save the senator first.
And if Eben Pagan is psycho +Berny are jail and killed with CEO space, get rid of all those self-improvement saying wiki profile and his guests list.
With that one 黑傑克電視
You only save Senator, or Doctors, Never 流氓 to bring a CAT women on board, Meow....Mexico is gangster 流氓
If he has to be alive, how come, that guy is so short in Loving the Silent Tear?
Anyone knows that?
Its the same looking guy with the Swallow in that Charlie's angel, except that guy is taller, he is sickening !!!!!
血光是說:神來了~但是那是咪口的電影 (金城武) TK (TKO like Justin Timberlake )
我不太能介紹你們看! 盡量離遠一點吧 ! 那是關於一個彈鋼琴的明星, 我們其實沒有認識彈鋼琴的明星,很多人都會彈鋼琴。
我大概記得劇情關於 她有性病
她在大雨之中等待那個彈鋼琴的明星說她很愛他 ! 最後他們結婚生了一個小孩,那個小孩沒有事情,她卻在生產後沒多久就死了!
小孩發生那種事情,其實很傷害人的 !
她的哥哥我其實在夜市的日本影片看過,長的很像,一定說不一樣嗎 ?
我很久沒有處理我家的事情了 ~~ 人生在世都是一種選擇自己的人生! 當需要詞彙,就一定會說的出來呀 ! 我其實是知道的!
叫做: 站台!
oh !! Justin !
I sing ...too. JC
How is your parents, on your video disney, those introduction at childhood stars?
My father today started his first bread song.
Like Hunger Game/ Catching Fire
People like guys, should cry, like you all.
I think nick cried too ! In front of me, interrogation !
You play Adam? oh ~ did you cry?
♫♫♫v♫ I love you more than that, ~~~take them back....♫♫♫
♫♫♫ I would love you more than that, I would say the word, and take them back...don't belong loneless...♫♫♫
more than that....
I would say the words and take them back...don't give up the loneless a shame, when you listen to me, I would love you more than that ~~~~~~~~~~~♫♫♫♫
Rockfeller use to step other shoe with her high heel, if you are her kids, you just copy like that, she slap a kid on the her time. School time.
She says that all the time !!!!!!!
See, Simon does not count a thing, because he has nothing in his head...
Justin Timberlake, that is....on the news channel used-to-be...
Teen Choices Award, it has many award used-to-be.
How old are you to do this??
Called Teens award, when I was a teens....pop culture, of America...
Physics has a celebraity, his name is also Greene. I have a book. His book. He came to our Alumni for a speech in UB.
That guy is what?
He is a sport field guy in the helicoper, but James Horner, is in.....which forest park again?
Don't count the day, count my glasses cup, Justin !
Tesla is not young anymore.
Be generous? Justin
I cannot !
Goodbye! Become the solution not the problem? I transcribe for a living, I think.
They say, if you have a problem, you might already have a solved solution exist....
There is every chance you gonna give up !!!
Potential is a number
Impossible is a music
One day, you will know my dress is black and white !!!!!
Its on my face !
When I was twenty ...that is 18 years ago, finally that is no more 16 years ago.
I cannot. Do the impossible
I only know one thing, Justin.
Its never try the impossible. Especially someone like me with a name, and calling the cloud, the air, the sky, now it was yesterday, that God, to whom that 亞斯 was saying?
I hate them !!!!!!!
Do you know what JC says?
Chanler says?
Joy says?
You look Human, Justin. My browser shrink in....
Thank God, the entertainment worlds meant, the drugs and poison, smoke, and food and wine, to die so early, they should be all dead by now .....
小鬼小和尚小孩 ,這首歌在講呷咪?
做人要有計畫呀 ! 今天暈完沒有? 不是說遺留下來的東西,是趙又廷的東西?
是這樣嗎 ?你們知道婆家是婆的 ~~~
是嗎 ? 我爸如果要看我的成績單,那個只有一種顏色!
你們現在是齊心向上 ! 太陽高高掛在天上,不是? 那今天是看到呷咪? 太陽高高掛在天上
念: 人生的黑白鍵其實跟太陽照在我們的頭上,是因為其實頭髮的顏色,跟這心情的顏色...
你們有下文要自己接嗎 ?
那叫做上聯不對下聯 !
把文藝復興撂倒啊 !! 李維跟西門變成泥巴呀 !
把文化大革命變成你們自己的使命,只不過一個屋頂 !
是嗎 ?
知道什麼是 spokeman?
那個就是 Michael Vartan 有點像做廣告的!他有一隻狗 !
你們開始變形的每一天,是訴說你們的故事,沒有什麼再見大家一起不見呀 !
那叫做 :至死不欲
我拉下來~現在全部下來了! 你們要不要拉窗簾!
這太離譜了吧 !!!!
我的玻璃杯的水是因為環境太乾了嗎 ? 我會屢試不爽嗎 ?
風! 剛剛是巨風來了 ~ 現在九月了!
3 月 6 月 9 月
21 22 23
你們小孩的寺廟是沒有什麼時空的,不要管外面的什麼節慶 !
世界上不會有人真的覺得自己是尊上的,但是世界上可能有人真的覺得自己是雅典娜呀 !
Tina you finish introspect, I have Vartan ( Michael Vartan, he is a blonde, to see my greatest work of show man, where is your Tina's father at? Texus?) 你反省沒? 反省是哪一個英文單子呀 ! ?你有沒有覺得看到中文是一件呼吸的事情,關於整篇文章都是英文的那種期許,叫做只有中文是打字出來的唯一有用的東西? 打字? Vartan will go to visit California, Lakewood, not Lakehouse, because Keanu could just travel down south, to see where he would try to fall in the water ditch?
你家的後門 !!!!!
你記得作夢的事情嗎 ? 是我的事情? 喔~~~~
你有沒有覺得 真的覺得 some kind of blonde hair guy, looks like Vartan kind? 金髮的某種像 Vartan 的那種白種人? 是金頭髮的???
你寫的文章,我的眼淚感動的都要流出來了 !!!!
I have a Smallville
Pang says its IL, where he used to be Michigan where is Chicago again? Michigan, not sTate.
So ...
Anna has a Smallville
Tina N/A
Pang has a Smallville
Anna has a Farmville
Tina N/A
Pang has a Farmville
Danny went to 台灣的達人秀 (好像是藝術的什麼大學) - EF
她長得像 Alyssa !
She has a brother.
Does your company, Tina, have human, that is, not prince nor princess, that they are actually boys or girls, in 10 years looks like Simon's kid?
Do they speak English, French, or Chinese/Madarin? 她們說呷咪? 台語嗎 ? 中文還是吃得東西叫做 中國餐廳
Chinese Restaurant = Madarin.
(Is that in Canada, or in America?)
I know its in Canada.
Does your company read yesterday I wrote First Subjective Human View of them doing, little kid/little monk/ little ghosty? 小鬼小和尚跟小孩? 他們認識幾個字中文?
Which Chinese words they see, will for sure has a meaning, now they look at it?
烈火如歌 has a eating festivity with 姑丈
The pilot, and I found him another pilot, your mother's friend's husband,
He has a son, that is a police.
你的師父情海無上師說有種東西叫做: 她的死後造就大地的蓮花座,是朵朵坐,要不要看看她在哪一個監獄呢?
(真的有夠痛的! 你是不是習慣所有打中文給你了? 你姊就是你最習慣的那一個? )
.... 我死了! 真的有夠痛的!!!!
骨頭壓下去呀 ! 不是只是捏 Pin + 筋痛
I don't really eat waffle, and honey has no taste, chocolate has no taste, is that creme, has no taste,....waffle for sure its flour without sugar in it 1:2 ratio to feel the taste?
She cookied Crossand or waffle? That is/???
how many she could eat, a chulk of all that, has no taste, to digest out even?
🧸🧸🧸 其實我有說我要長高嗎?我月經有ㄋㄨㄢ巢的事情,my bones behind dislocated. Technically speaking I started at 23 yrs old (星宿) 🧸🧸🧸🧸
You know, someone love doing that …
So like hell like pain. Today they started a fuzzy feeling, so I push it.
Like the gas in the bathroom, I riki ?
Palm gas all about front back intestine, colon ascending transcending descending motion.
Beside, my bathroom build small, if I twist my arm to the front …left arm to right wall. Hold it…you feel the pain, keep struggling, straight my back….keep struggling
Who cares how I pin it, thigh.
Your 小腿 up up up up up …you just too lazy to really touch it how to pain it all the way waist on the side
進去!pin, in ,in ,in ,in in… stay …the butt. That around just pin in in in in, you cannot possibly bleed
And just finger wipe, one finger 一根指頭呀!
I go to sleep, did I say, I have a pelvic issues since earlier?
I am in Asia, I dont care, that is how I do things. Chinese medicine methodity
Babaji: you don't ask me opinion anymore?
What do you say?
Babaji: I say you don't ask me any opinion of view anymore.
WE never have a conversation !
🧊🧊🧊Web 2.0 我們玩"偶然發現的一天" 🧊🧊🧊
就是你們也不清楚什麼是 Web 2.0
我先說因為你們在六個月算數呀 ! 假設我是攝政,繼續呀 ! 那如果 Ola 上來台面,你們覺得是長哪樣?
My name is Ola, I am from Rochester.
This is my phone number, MD office: xxx-xxxx
意思就是你們看到那一個月是她一定有上線看誰的東西! 你非常確定她真的看到
你們要把一台電腦給西斯的那個角色! 因為那是 UFO 我家屋頂,對!我的男朋友!!!
還有那個跟 Ola 喜歡的男孩子可能不是迪恩~如果你們找到真的,我也會完蛋的意思!
你們設權限 : 這是 imposter play role on 偶然發現的一天! Its a role play room.
什麼? Ola jobs? 在柯達 (照相館)
再美國有一種藥劑師存在像 Wing 如果再中西部的美國是一種超商,在水牛城叫做呷咪
Wagmans. Nick been there before.
喔! 在加州 矽谷我想起來了~賣素食泡麵叫做 人工的 Artificial flavor Beef 素的!那個矽谷我其實.... 做了很事情~我把那一個最下面的 shelf 全部都拆了的意思! 我走回去我的飯店~因為那是一個草坪跳過去,沒有人的世界呀 ! 那個飯店也是"沒有人的世界"
Tim Cook 應該很生氣如果有人告訴他呀 ! 因為我把那些袋子拎回去呀 ! ~~~喔! 中國做節目? 應該不是!!!
回來~小孩! 還沒有講完!!
像迪恩 跟 Tamang
那 Smallville 就是講小村莊類似,因為饒邦他朋友我不知道是誰
"還有其實安那一直都在這邊玩偶然發現的一天跟 Smallville 她其實不可能在那邊看著誰"
兩個 frames 的照片你們要貼起來
你們就做成一種你們應該寫好的東西,因為 20 年前這個劇本很紅在所有電視裡裡面,你們只要知道這一首曲子! 假設快要結尾的每一個季節的那一集,這首歌都會出現
有點像公主小妹我毀掉的某一首歌曲,你們聽過對吧 ? 就是我唱個有一首歌,你們如果去看真正的公主小妹電視,那首歌出現,就死了!
我自己跟特斯拉說呀 ! 饒邦的爸
你知道八卦那個女的血統? 好像是混到丹麥!
但是那個有一個電影其實是 Prince & me
就是前幾天那個 Menton 個侍衛長自己說的
有一個意外! 你想知道嗎 ? 你問媽!她有些事情知道! 真的有夠離譜~如果柯南告訴你們要不在場證明叫做每一集,我只能線上 24 小時我懶得再解釋為什麼警察局就在我家這一個 block !
對! Prince & Me 的那個王儲其實是丹麥! 不是英國,但是因為 Menton 那個王儲沒有太巨大,所以覺得我根本懶得理他們,但是它們本身很在乎那種事情,都在歐洲的關係!!!
I go to eat, 小鬼小和尚那樣機器人~頭上,盆骨下! 有看到~這樣有點拉~是會~幾公分
IS this Medical Board do on purpose? I am not practicing Medicine !~!!!! I can touch my own bones, doing my own skeleton things !!!!!!!!!
I say one more time, India, you dead by tomrorow, every last blood, or i will curse you day and night, to the quietest means, to the forever and ever shine of my light, you know its every 9 gneeration you will go to hell at the last day of your life
But Babaji meant education !
I am 尊上
that wish one day, someone will deliver me everything exactly I wanted !
Clap !!!!1
He survived of his own dismight !@!!!!!!!!
I clap and stop at certain moment, its all his face behind, meant to 194 pixie, I say what I mean.
This photo will one day it means, exaclty I meant it, that everyday I did not wake up....should not ever be....
So all burns to the greateset hell unheard, cover by the dust....and forever.
For SMCH 越南小尼姑唯一的 名聲利的支持呀 !
You all love to be this Mahavatar Babaji Greatest tool of instrument.
I hate the most, its when he tried to get in front of my way.
And I say one more time, if I wrote it down straight forward chinese or english right in front of everyone Once.
It means eternal, will forever like that, I mean exactly I say!
Go to hell with it.
I do not care about this....what is or what not.
He = one thing
Chaos !
That is unfortunate, he meant its me.
Going behind him!!!
"Mountain fold, I am still be here..."
Upheaval life.....its evident. Tamang read it loud, say it!!!
That is "evident" as if I did memorize it for you sometimes.
What? He is a girl? I watch the second time.
Is there a super man?
Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut UP!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~
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Seth/Yeth UFO is flying !!!!!
Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up !!!!!!
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I actually don't know Yeth/Seth alive or dead. I really don't care. But I am not here online, he will join in you all, especially when you are all groups together like the map telling me like Korean telling me.
Why he needs to be like me, having you all as friends, from my facebook?
I don't have a facebook anymore !!!!
You could just go to Facebook,
you ask for the following:
We want to find out something why Seth needs to compare Anna's facebook and his own gay club facebook, you do not need to tell us names. We just want to roughly know the career path so far, everyone has gone to. On the street or fine fine?
And ANNA says, if you all on your side finding out there is a difference and that difference was so big, there is a chance of Seth/Yeth to be air on the Korean TV, can we ask for some lawful protection, even one person guarding somewhere us in front or behind is fine? At least that person, can check on Anna on Yeth on everything she says so far to do an investigation on our daily life to do with our world patient or parents? We think UFO is absurd, but that kind of airing on the TV is....overly done, to our imagination. When things can be real, we just hope, one of us is doing this thing, with the law, so someone some day, will go to the Court for real, and tell Seth-Yeth show up!!!!
Shower, Pain too the extreme, I will scream !!!!!!!!! uhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~痛死我了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
學校, 他的學校比我好!
通常正常情況因爲他們其實花了七年那種唸書+ intern 之後的時間,你們如果念的到醫科,他們不會殺了你們!!但是你們應該是去死的一批吧? 做壞事太多,晚上自己撞到牆壁起來上廁所呀!
所有人只要看過都知道,她們是不可能醫科的,如果再講到上一代的恩澤,他們 … …很多人會告訴他們下地獄就好!
你們活在世俗之外、會忘記平等,世界上是可以有平等的,不是我尊上說的算! 你們搞錯了,你們不需要跟我認同事情,你們可以自己認為你們的想法,跟美國說、辯論、去美國做法律,你們機會有,你們只需要自我成長,敢衝刺,他們讓你們還俗呀!建設自己的圈子、朋友、在美國落腳!
他們說 smallville 是不是你故意做的?
我其實什麼都沒做,我只是坐在我家打字的那一個,做事情是說你跑飛機場,真的衝過去、打電話、爭執、找朋友公幹、去律師、去警察、去醫院、去臉書、去找他們朋友、去找教授!什麼什麼的!去吃飯聊天呀! 像說哀本或是以前 Keith 是牧師,我去請他們幫我做事情呀!像說宗教出面醫生協會找他們國家或是他們自己大使館!
… ….
饒邦其實很多白種人的同學!聽說也有醫科,提那是商科!UK 其實我也有幾個漂亮的姊姊,是貼起來了?所以你們沒有以前我其他 Ashley 朋友室友照片?
Ola 不是那唯一的照片!
她們 … 不能去那些公幹下水道的地方!
… …. 不是!
… 你
對!我是尊上,不只他們的圈子 or Pinterests 方方饒邦中間的大姊而已,我是全中國你們小鬼小和尚小孩的尊上,全中國一整個版圖的尊上,有點操控他們工商業上面的一種特殊人才、因為我年紀太小了!
美國是打算監獄他們電影的事情像 Tamang?
… … 成熟人做成熟人該做的事情,小孩,你們長高沒?
每一步!我做尊上他們是輪迴組的,你們不是唸經嗎?生生世世輪迴組,可是美國在醫學講法定國家,我知道是移民 program, 所以我只能算了,我後來才知道是黑傑克的事情,我以前不知道呀!
…. 那一天,我會殺了他們
2021年9月10日 星期五
去去去 ~~做你們只會做的事情!!! 吵架呀 ! 煩死人了! 我不是說六個月過了沒?
那別人去做的事情,那是別人呀 ! 我說代理佛教,那你們是說我不是佛教遺留下來的東西?
你們是要說你們是遺留下 ... 趙又廷? 三生三世十里桃花
回來 .... 聽我說一下! 你知道,如果你們每一天在這裡訊話問答篇~ 因為不再是六個月... 你們沒有人別人管你們這六個月的施主沒有?
就是很多人來拜訪你們這六個月,跟我同一個時期跟你們說話~我有時候來說話呀 !
那,那些人,你們認識? 考試你們嗎 ? 或是他們來了兩三年沒有?
第一: 沒有人網路上打字
第二: 沒有人 知道你們心的聲音
第三: 很多人其實沒有網頁的不可能做 YouTube,你們現在是想按就按我的 YouTube, and Pinterest and Blogger, 而且你們現在知道 blogger 把所有網頁擺在同一個地方,你們自動覺得所有東西都是直接 synchronize, 你們覺得修行人應該存在,而且每一天玩花樣,是你們桌上笑聲長談的事情
第四: 你們自動覺得所有人有堂親表親,朋友,爸爸媽媽很多朋友跟小孩,就是你們建檔的時候
第五: 你們以為故宮是你們家 ! 不是! 我是圖書館不見得走那邊~不是我的所有講過的東西,變成你們認識的熟人!!!
第六 :就算他們不能在網路上發言,叫做鳥回答你們什麼,那些白雲,天地人和,那是古代才存在的某種事情,你們活在現代!!!叫做不需要修那種東西!!!!
一個 YouTube channel 都是我自己的臉,然後一堆 playlists 有你們自己的playlist
還有交響樂可能某種家庭會聽~你們在學校是講個什麼東西? 有沒有音樂課?
第一: 埃本是一個不需要存在的人~對! 但是在某些世界有人覺得他很帥
第二: 中國人不會有人知道誰是埃本
第三: 你們把音樂跟埃本擺在講話的詞彙,其他小孩會亂說話! 因為那兩樣東西通常是不可能會出現在你們的嘴巴上的!
或是那種 ETR
也沒有 classified America!!!
更不會軍人到處都是他們威脅你們~送你們東西繼續威脅你們呀 ! 跟你們權威有關的東西!
或是學校賣比薩的地方、很多人的工作不是 Steve Jobs 那本書說什麼收集瓶子,那是... 我跟阿南說~他沒有工作就去收垃圾!!! 撿錢!
很多世俗的人覺得那是非常低下的工作,不是修行的工作叫作鍛鍊!!! 跳樓梯的意思!爬山脈~你們自動弄錯! 不要說那種東西! 他們會說那種東西不實際~在校園裡面工作不是一種經驗累積,在你們的履歷表上很難看!
學術界的工作,很多人看不起呀 !
更不要講是一個 CADS LAB
Lab 其實在我的工作環境挺大的! 不是實驗室!
是一個教學的環境! 有自己的很多東西!
你們搞錯很多東西,跟自動變成~~因為你們每一天都在聽我說,你們不能說其他人什麼什麼要去州立,你們要鼓勵所有人去 長春藤 Ivy Leaque
不是 Chemistry or Analytical chemistry
還有學術上面,在學校工作的人通常不會去作家教的 !在學校工作通常是作比薩,販賣食物的人,販賣很多需要人力的人! 或是做那種 RA 就是住宿的前面那個桌子的人!!!
或是去某一種私人機構叫做 Kplan
那種世界~其實不是學術! 你們把很多東西搞錯的
我上班的地方是三個團體用的同一個家教的電腦、白板、櫃子的大學教科書! ! 你們是不是覺得找工作很簡單? 好像不是那樣吧 !
你有其他家教的世界 ! 私人呀 ! 你們爸媽在學校外面找家教!
不是20 張紙就隨邊簽下去! 他們自動出現! 一年呀 !
Lee Solomon 他~沒有找那麼多學生吧 ?
你們覺得所有人有一個 有機化學的頻道
你們自動覺得有人可以拆了 Khan Academia
你們自動把學校工作是所有人去申請,那些人不知道有 CADS Labs 工作
還有所謂 Dental association ,就是中國講牙齒的機構,因為這美國是叫做那個字詞語,是有權威的意思! 牙醫協會!
... ... 我覺得你們是不是覺得所有機構都是你們家的! 要錢沒有關係叫作乞討!! 中共呀 ! 共產呀 ! 跟政府要環境的冷氣機~鋪油路的那種草堆呀 ! 泥巴呀 !
但是 ... ...
所謂醫生不是我那些沒有用的朋友,他們是某種 program 的~移民者!你們現在碰到有點家教的醫生,都是有點好聲好氣的規矩人!
你們是去乞討... 然後呢? 我有牙醫的那種漱口水
... 為什麼我需要盯著那樣東西看?
最好是沒有 ....
我只有回答 Tim Cook 一兩個 video
英文就不需要知道呀 ! 你們是覺得很多事情是應該那樣,不是那樣! 世界上不會有人做那種事情的!!!!
還有美少女戰士如果漫畫變成真的,叫做彗星事情,不要把 unicorn 的什麼變成你們認識的東西,離他們遠一點
去找 Lee 或是舍利弗,你們的大師兄!
老了老了! 太老了!
還有~回來~ 世界上已經沒有人相信師父、上帝、大師兄呀 ! 更不可能有阿南阿南阿南的叫 !!!
去世俗不要講這種事情!! 那種世界不存在!!
他們修行人沒有錢,我們收屍體的做最後的一階段給印度五百歲的一個面子! 因為世俗亂七八糟的!
亞瑟~ 亞斯! 你們不需要去介入別人的因果問題,那是只是課本,把東西弄不見就可以了!
你們不覺得 cover 很像鬼魅的東西嗎 ?
所以呀 !
正妃! 他在講誰的媽媽,他的? 有個神! 通常講王儲是講正妃,取妃子的意思! 他可能想講什麼,她不知道聽成什麼了!
因為那個人的媽媽有血統問題,很久以前的古印度或是任何什麼朝代,關於王儲,太子是指誰? 正妃的兒子還是第一胎?
但是因為... ... 人都會知道誰夭折什麼什麼,有時候皇子是出征,有時候是攝政,有時候其實是太監奪權,所謂再歷史上的朝代,關於王朝之下的血統關係,會有一個王妃...
英國~你們只要聽到英國什麼什麼殖民地,那是當年某個世代下的情況,但是你們好像也不是對歐洲歷史的皇室家族有信念,他們有正統的 Barns & Nobles 那種翻開就可以看到肖像畫!
有一個長的像她 Inelia Benz 的學校
是一個護士! 她是護士! 有學歷的護士,因為女生在從前不可能去上學,她被鼓勵去上課,再某種年代根本不可能的事情,第一沒有人相信那種事情,第二錢,但是其實我也不知道我到底看了什麼電影
好像就是跟 Fassbender 演的那一個女的
那個女的還演了一個電影類似去借錢,去跟有 grandpa 家的誰金髮的去借錢~我告訴你叫做
五教主審核!!!!!!! Shut up!!!
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Shut up shut up shut up !!!
... ... 油?
那是一種世界下的女子,善良純真,她們真的長那樣,而且是那樣變成某種妻子的類型,那算是嬰孩時期吧 ! ! 不是真的那樣!
我不想看了~ 霍建華也有電視呀 !
歷史有些是非常殘酷的,這種事情就當作是漫畫,忘掉會比較好! 鬼魅存在的任何意念,歷史的業障是一種詛咒的記憶,所謂寶石的存在,皇冠上面的那些寶石!
如果你們有女的朋友就是嘰嘰喳喳的那種模樣,很多人一起討論禮服、爸爸呀 ! 像美少女戰士的記者篇!
皇宮的邀請函呀 ! 凡爾賽皇宮,他們常常舞會! 進入會場的時間,不是說中槍嗎 ?
星兒 Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...

My brother's friend is Jones, traveling here and Facebook in between. Same height. Your older bigger brother groups. Rebecca & Ed B...
That is not the thing you talk about it? 一貫道? 然後呢? 我在上傳我的照片! 拿麥克風很可怕嗎 ? 我沒有在聽!不過 現在跟以後念會是一樣的!
I am below a UFO There is U-boat from Russia!