Cabel Elites


2021年8月8日 星期日

❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Muji ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

 Tolec, Andromonda Console, Keanu Reeves, the Day the Earth Stands Still.

Wing, he is articulate, I don't really know his PCAT score, but when I just told the entire world my PCAT scores, that Honor Class in my Year alone ... if they presence, including that year or every year of the 90 percentile above human ... If my brother used to come to Buffalo, Wing will know we had a house, the entire family lives in there, Tina and Pang will go to that school near by high school, where I practice parking, not sure its a middle school or high school. At the beginning, its always James I asked him things, later I become more acquiantant to them at local. Megan, was my roommate, White girl from Rochester, always goes away back home to be a waiter at...not sure his father or someone's restaurant, waitor got a lot of money? Wing used to work at the ice cream shop. I pass by. Their family is a Chinese cooking chef. I made a map on the Pinterests, there is no way, i actually be the liquidarian in that standard.

Jail treatment in North Europe has a better environment now. If my mother told me, that time, they don't tell me for a reason, not to tell me. Its China court, you do something wrong obviously, its jail, they don't really give you an answer. She did try, I know that.  A lot of things. A lot. Well... Apple has a Johnny. To be that ....wreckoning in life, he wants to be a princess probably, not the descendent. His father. His sister and a middle name. By destiny...its not many those days left anyway....

Its by destiny and karma, just like SMCH the only words she only utters, not because she knows...its always revolved on words and conditions she so attached to make it sound that teaching is never allowing....its by knowing what its right in front of you, its exactly define whom we all become, don't you agree?

No one bent, no one melt, no one admit, no one tries....Soon, what we gonna face the choice in front of us all...Turn right, turn left (Harry Potter, Pitch Perfect)

You have to have a physical merits, to turn your torsal, at the neck, to begins that conversation that your eyes are working....

Too ridiculous...soundings like you all have a physical merits soon will keep it last...on Earthly.

No one wants physical merits...One life, see what we all become.



2021年8月8日 星期日

In America culture, Cabel, Mason, Upper Class, New York 1900s Upper groups, England, One Eye ...


its a terms, of the Top controller.

Some never been seen in their one life time, like Inelia Benz, always one of those few, pine in those attention if were admitted to even closer to whichever groups her inner guides wants her to attach

Bill Ryan, or Bill Project Camelot .... that a word like saying it? I know Vartan means, I thought there is a word looking like that...its to expressing, your ...identity.

Cabel in Classified nature, because its all about monopoly and Top operating, how people fall asleep in the Truth, not really they have any education in degree of manipulating a such wonderful interview styles...Its Annunaki, they admit, its far more sounding than Cabel Elites. 

Among the international, what all the finance, and corperation under the Law guidelines, one book, library behind, bar codes at least to start, guessing, Cabel might seize the power before your eyes, by turning those pages? Its called education first sight! 

Cabel, its not that different than the Elites Class. Its probably all about the same, when they separate Mason, even nick heard of them before. He have heard, but he does not know how many junks I collects while I was in Buffalo, New York. He meants no guys? Well...he heard a lot of those New Age stuffs for 2012. 

What they tell you about these terms, and so many alike worlds, were to give you a sense of how to pining at their Finance Success.

I would just suggest you, trying that with America Military, you succeed with manipulating their structure, whatever military or classifed. Millitant, is a word I be that nothing to do with neither...

You succeed in holding the man powers, that Tesla per horse house unit contracts with Westinghouse on the Table dining experience....whichever movies, or photos, or more movies to be seen in that sorts of "greeting each other first arrive amicably" was not just a phrase he first learn or taught word, in English. 

Isn't that funny? 

People don't remember the first sight, education.

Its called SAT!



Ancient Chasez


UR 2:







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