Resume 2

 Language: Mandarin, French, English (America) Super Nation 5             2.1, 2.2… just like liquidarian losing period 2.1, 2.3/ or buffer to 3. Shut up, Rockfeller ! 洛克斐勒

尊上 cannot interfere Mundane World Rules



        Orchestra, Cello

        Shakespear Drama Play, Clothing Cloak made

        Health Class / Nutrition

        Geography, Geology, Astronomy

        Pythgorean College Thesis Math, writing restrospect a thesis, backward formulation of how to derive a conclusion  


Vice Captain, Volleyball School Team

    Regional Tournament

    Competing True Scholarship Preserved Student Altheles, First Lady School.

Roller Blades Performance (Song: Mirror Mirror, by M2M), 

    Camping same class with the Boy Club roller blades (Public relation)

    Sponsor Youth, take Younger ones to South Taiwan Trip

Sign Language ( Later to EF Seattle Summer Camp Performance, song: 屋頂)

Singing Competition

     Songs: Prince of Egypt, and Color of the Wind

Graduation Final Farewell Performance Dance Show, Operational Tea. 

      Plan and Go on Stage. 

Boston, English Summer Studying Camp.


          Universal Studio

          Havard Shirt bought, sight seeing

          Boston Metro, Square, sighting seeing

EF Foreigner Exchange Program: Kentucky (Seattle Summer Camp)

          Mercrury High School, Whitley City 

                  Madrical Singing Choir (Formal Garment Dress 1700)

                 South Carolina, Piano Accompanist, Trophy

                 Bank Fundraising

                Christmas Dance Partner Performance

                A range of songs, Saprino, Auto, Tenor, Base

                American Anthem, O Kentucky Home

中山女中, return from EF (911) 


    Feb received UK adimission, free. Graduation Performance Operational Team,choreography 

UK, University of Kentucky

Trial out University of Kentucky University Volleyball Team 

National Chemistry Examination (Waive General Chemistry UK)

Roller Blade Travel to One Billion Dollar Electronic Move Library, UK

International Dorms, Asian Cooking Hang Out Friends Every Single Day, the entire hallway, meet boyfriends Adam Davis

UB, SUNY Buffalo, University at Buffalo

 Intramural Volleyball Team

        Assign New Team (Against Jonas know Dean)

        Old Friends comes along Team (Dean) 

PCAT Waiting list, 15+25+ 62 92 97 (Standard Deviation Look up, yet Wing)


DMV insurance 10% workshop

UB, MLS, Librarian Science

Student Altheles Tutor Academic Department, New York State Funded Programs





Microsoft Access 

Sitesell (Canada)

Joomla (USA)

    (Wordpress and Blogger are not a thing, I choose Joomla.

    Content Management Softwares

    Video Membership Site

    Login box and Firewall Joomla Developer Community

    Graphic Design, Photoshop CS3

    Organic Chemistry Youtube Channel links to Main Joomla Site, Percentage Error Page Ranking the first 3 Top Google Index page. Keyword: Percent Error Formula, its show up. The highest rating of the traffic. 100,000, per month, if that is average, or later to become average. I don't remember. 80,000, 60,000. There is a traffic statistic on diagrams. 


Chemistry, B.A (2002-2006)

Librarian Science of Informatics, MLS (2007-2009)

Working Experience

City of Hope, California, Summer Intern 2003 

University at Buffalo, Undergraduate

CADS General Chemistry Tutor, a group (2004-2006)

Veteran Nuclear Medicine, File sorting. No Computer (VA Hospital) 

Ola and Dean with Parents on the Award Ceremony, Receptionalist Job

Downtown Buffalo, Diagnostic Labs (Chromosome) (2006) 

University at Buffalo, Graduate (2007-2009)

        CADS General Chemistry, mostly Organic Chemistry

       YouTube Channel Organic Chemistry

       Lockwood Library Stock Room

       Student Athletes Tutors 

                Google Paycheck 500 dollars Organic Chemistry Frame

                Art Glow to Go Greeting Card

                Sitesell Medicinal & Self Publishing

                Joomla Video Membership Website Organic Chemistry

                Ebooks: College Gravy, Organic Chemistry, Medicinal

    Intern: Earthquake Library

    Intern: National Archive (N/A)


Library Congress, The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes (2013)

China Expo (2010 August ) 

Loving Hut Projects Constant (2010 Taiwan, 2009-2011)

Supreme Master Television, Audio Transcription Team (Taiwan 2010)

                            It’s actually one hour for 10 mins SMTV audio files. It’s when they sent you happened to be online 2010, all you ever want to do was just happen to be there. It’s not doing for any cause, you want to be there, you just happen nothing to do. It’s one file by file. It’s not just a talk, or a description. You have to do one file by one file, day in day out, check to see when they ask you when you complete. It’s just 10 minutes. Wrong. It’s every files display as real as that. It’s an audio transcription. 

Supreme Master Television, Climate Change Conference, with Island President, Australian Senator, and someone else, journalists meeting in public and in private session (Taiwan, 2010)

Love of Century, Joomla, becomes 40 shows back end Operational Team (California, USA 2011)

Supreme Master Television, Research on Science and Spirituality and English Transcription (2010-2012 Jan ) 

Other Working Experience

    Video (non organic made )

    Video Medicinal, Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney Colon, animation process made

    My Facebook is made in conclusion 

Blocher Home (2011) 

Heatherwood Assisted Living, and Memory Care (2012)

Westwood Assisted Living (2012)

Art Vendor, Dr. Will Turtle, Amherst, NY

                        It’s not embarrassing just sitting there. It’s really not. Buffalo is so small. It’s really are. No, I don’t know him. I cook things there. It’s a buffet from everyone. There is a word in English. You ask whom to email whom to ask to be there. I forget how. I do a Canada your art in remote area, by car he Nick drives. It’s an real Art everyone does. I didn’t participate. It’s distant far. It’s a real very true all Artist gathering in Canada. I bought a bowl.  It’s from locals I heard. Canada side. No, not AMerican side. Canada Artists all home open, to car drive to venture all arrives each small meeting, greeting, talking, inquiring, he talks none sense. I tour by.

Art Vendor Farmer’s Market, Canada, Glow to go Inspirational Quote (2012)

Facebook Page, Supreme Master Ching Hai

Facebook Page, Love of Century

TYG, The You Generation (2013) The Impressionalist

    Re-make Titanic, electronic piano (borrowed), One time art, display, photo shoot. 

AGT, American Got Talents (2014) 256 Lights on RNA Biogenetics

Facebook Kenshin Himura 13 pages Diet Introduction (2015)

Vegan Restaurant (2015, SMTV Buffets, Tim and Dennis)

Visiting Silicon Valley 3 months (2016), Canada 2.5 months

    2017 on Signature

13 Websites Construction (2018-2019 to UB 2020, Medical Board Called)

Taipei National Library (2020, N/A)

   yet to be 清大 Library 


First National University Professor on I Ching (2021),


清大 University (yesterday, today, July 15th, 2021) - The Story Explained 



                            To be honest UB 2020 is not 2021, but I started in 2020 on writing I Ching the remaining none finished manuscript for my book to the Library Congress America, Washington, D. C, because you can only ink in first. I don’t understand how other people like you all don’t understand there are other people doing things behind privately, not just this week (July 15, 2021) I say the Professor from The 1st National Taiwan University just response ! You watch DNA Artarian those clips are created by very elaborate process. He never asked the real sequenced I didn’t even show him the photo what’s on the paper. There are some others reply on that channel video immediately, I didn’t see it 2020, you know how many views are on those video I just publish it in UB 2020? I don’t watch it !!! I have to reply that channel. It’s DNA Artarian, I use that in AGT, American Got Talent. It will always exist ! Always ! A term I made !!! So that channel I need that to write clearly if 2021 I found out there was someone comment on it? I didn’t know one year ago in 2020. I just know now July 15th 2021. No one does things on purpose. I say it specifically how to approach people. I only need to find out one person she talk to me 2010, because she was decent !! You don’t understand ? Yeah


Liquidarian 2006 - 2014

Stevia started


Curezone Protocol

Canada Asian Doctor

Liver Cleanse

Later Dr. Christopher booklet, more mild

Juicing, raw food, mono diet (or Muculess Diet) 

Meditation and Fasting, its everyone does that! 



Cayce Edgar on site manual purchase

Cayce Edgar Potato pulp


X-Ray Buffalo Luxury Center

Chiropractor Several Session (loosen two pelvic legs area, it was real, can walk better)

Dr. Christopher Eye Herbs Purchase to make Tincture

    Eye Cups

    Boiling Water


    Plastic Wraps

    Bamboo things under, like Photo

    Filter Water from Cylinder, Filtration system of how to install that. Survival kits 


Someone I don't remember drink

Dr. Gabirel, wipe only on the throat


    Home made device purchase online

Steamming Room

    UB Detox


    Color Gone (Iodine, first try)

    Gain back Color, Photo shown perfect Color

 Exercise Built up

    Four blocks from 306 Sundown Trail to Library Bagel Plaza 

Hair, Enterprise car Rental Place

    Castor Oil


Oil, Tea, Vinegar Study

    Oliver Oil

    Castor Oil 

Food Study

    Eco Vegan to Wegams

    Farmer Market 


Seminar Experience


    Sent out Card:

New Age, California (2013)



    Dr. Gabriel

Worked or known Reference beside family

    Dr.Hudson Big Guru Idea

    Charlie, double E, Taiwan TV Broadcasting (2013)

    Sayer, California Stem Cell Lab. Woodbine (2013)

Outside USA, Canada

Oral history, Vaughan Library, Ontario, Canada

NicaVita Library Cataloging, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada 

NicaVita Facebook banner, photo, video, Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada

NicaVita Real Estate Blogger, 146 Willis, One Million dollar baby boy, Ontario. Canada

Car Rental, Enterprise


2010 Oct 10th after ~2014/5


Apple App, Developer Community

Indian engineer, 2 apps 

Organic Chemistry

Art, Glow-to-Go

Award and Activities:

            Merck Index Award, Academic Excellence in Chemistry Award.

            Honor society : Alpha Lambda Delta

            Honor society : Phi Lambda Upsilon

            Chess Club, Treasure

            US Chess Federation

            Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity 

            Community Action Corp: Habitat for Humanity 

            Diversity Advocate (UK)

Volunteer experience 

              Ronald McDonald House, Big Brother Big Sister

Shopping experience 

I build Craiglist intended 50 States, Sitesell Article writing introducing others as an instructional librarian

Potential job

Article 1

Article 2

Address USA

Link 1 




 星兒 Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...