2021年7月22日 星期四

Dean didn't tell me he knows you, Tamang. None of us know whom your life with, I saw your facebook, but all the girls, one red hair, one wife dark hair? That short Asian girl? UB 5 for sure....that...with heart ache? Watch, like now to find her and give her a Apple watch you buy, or else, that Apple, tell me, they don't exist after so and so years?

 You never met, the rest of the UB guys, no, I never introduce you to them, Tamang. They are White guys. They were on my facebook. 

But its not I told you whom they are at all.

So, its...that Asian girl, where?

UB Asian girls, I can tell you its in the sorority, Ayo....ask Ayo. They walk around in the SA union.

I did talk about SA union, we do a lot of things there. Ayo talks to people but I walk around a lot. There are every week table at the entrance, sorority people will be there. The SA union entrance.

And where Trump went to eat, I don't know where is Obama. That is the window to look down, and look straight, its all of them posters hanging on the wall, these clubs, you just look at it. 

SA union are 3 floors. Technically, they might, I say UB 5 Dean so cared about O Town, I say, SA president in the office 3rd floor? There are people I seen in the SA union. I live in UB, Trump will tell you that is my home. I heard that!!!! Whatever he saying that...Too long walkway, from one side to another?

I dress fine shoes. There is a reason.

Seth is in LGBT, that is a different office location ...normally Asian sorority? Club offices? 

Ask Ayo, its the best. He was running that whatever SA has nominee stuffs he likes about. Kelvin, but I don't know where he is. Ayo might know. Kelvin used to be the manager at the counter. Tamang....

Some people think of that ...if this film, mean, you found out, try to find the rest? There is a Jonathon looking, its probably at SA union. Everyone all pass there.

Seth ...


Live in the SA union, fine! 

Asian girls in UB that kind of sorority, normally pair up in walking. Becuase these Greek society to be honest, normally I would not enter those kind of House Party life like Nick's niece. Those are... 

No APO is not like that, but yeah, its a Greek society, practically, just makes it looks like about the same. I ask that clearly in the beginning. College Fraternity, or Sorority, and those are Asian branding? Guys fratenity, there is. I think ...Asian?

Look at Seth ...

We are not sure.

There are too many clubs in that registry posters, you can just look at it.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...