你家的後門 !!!!!
你記得作夢的事情嗎 ? 是我的事情? 喔~~~~
你有沒有覺得 真的覺得 some kind of blonde hair guy, looks like Vartan kind? 金髮的某種像 Vartan 的那種白種人? 是金頭髮的???
你寫的文章,我的眼淚感動的都要流出來了 !!!!
I have a Smallville
Pang says its IL, where he used to be Michigan where is Chicago again? Michigan, not sTate.
So ...
Anna has a Smallville
Tina N/A
Pang has a Smallville
Anna has a Farmville
Tina N/A
Pang has a Farmville
Danny went to 台灣的達人秀 (好像是藝術的什麼大學) - EF
她長得像 Alyssa !
She has a brother.
Does your company, Tina, have human, that is, not prince nor princess, that they are actually boys or girls, in 10 years looks like Simon's kid?
Do they speak English, French, or Chinese/Madarin? 她們說呷咪? 台語嗎 ? 中文還是吃得東西叫做 中國餐廳
Chinese Restaurant = Madarin.
(Is that in Canada, or in America?)
I know its in Canada.
Does your company read yesterday I wrote First Subjective Human View of them doing, little kid/little monk/ little ghosty? 小鬼小和尚跟小孩? 他們認識幾個字中文?
Which Chinese words they see, will for sure has a meaning, now they look at it?
烈火如歌 has a eating festivity with 姑丈
The pilot, and I found him another pilot, your mother's friend's husband,
He has a son, that is a police.
你的師父情海無上師說有種東西叫做: 她的死後造就大地的蓮花座,是朵朵坐,要不要看看她在哪一個監獄呢?
(真的有夠痛的! 你是不是習慣所有打中文給你了? 你姊就是你最習慣的那一個? )
.... 我死了! 真的有夠痛的!!!!
骨頭壓下去呀 ! 不是只是捏 Pin + 筋痛