2021年9月17日 星期五

Military is basketball (High School Musical )


Zawanna is a music singing, with the headband? Those kinds? I can imagine that....no, he didn't use elbow, I was just for example, guys like them have something wrong with their head, when they become Zawanna kind of. I cannot see if he just....don't know I am behind him....

So military is Bolton chooses that?

oh ~~ Bolton, nick's grandson. Right.

And Disney that guy, whomever that guy is = me.

I didn't remember I did anything like that.

Nick ....probably thinks the military idea is good. His grandpa. He is 1998

He just turns 23, with that Shawn guy. We are almost the end of the 2021. Do you know Ryoya Takashima yet? Me neither.


Life is how you do things for yourself, try and errors, and push one thing to another. And you hope in doing all that so, you do not transpassing laws ... like the shortcut ways of making money.

You know Wayne went to see my father in China, that is the second degree or Piers.

Or you say like Reno in Nevada degree.

These people of the older generation all did something before this One Eternity ready to start. Are they glad they did that, are they knowing what they did? You are all very young looking to them?

Did you even read the Bible? There is some saying at all that? Some people are psycho, oh, you should not put people in jail for that !!!!

Fatherhood is when you bear a pressure each morning to go to work very early on, and save money for them to have a bread on the table !!!

... ... when I was with your grandpa, I didn't think losing one year in life, at the work forces meant a resume "re-write", because now when I look back, and remember all these friends of myself all around, they all seems to know where they are doing, what they are doing, and none of them will lose a year, any year, to say, no works, no jobs, real human jobs to deliver a resume, or CV.

And one day, that tendency of working through on-line just become a greater and greater responsibility.

Did you have best friends, you can talk about your CV, work loads, working ideas, what best jobs your friends have been receiving, and they go for it? Their parents happy?




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...